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Workflow Generator Tool
What is Workflow Generator Tool
Workflow generator tool is a web application where a user can construct Oozie workflow through GUI.
Since it is based on html and javascript, a user needs only browser to access the tool. (major browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, IE supported)
It is developed using Google Web Toolkit ( ), which provides functionality to compile java code into javascript.
Therefore, although final product is in javascript, development process is performed in java.
How to build and launch Workflow Generator Tool as part of entire oozie package build
1. run on top-level directory
bin/ -P wfgen
currently workflow generator is not included in build as default, thus need to specify maven profile (-P wfgen)
2. move to output directory
cd distro/target/oozie-<version>-distro/oozie-<version>
3-(a). copy the war file to oozie-server/webapps/
cp oozie-wfgen.war ./oozie-server/webapps
3-(b). create /libext and copy the war file to it
mkdir libext
cp oozie-wfgen.war ./libext
bin/ is implemented such that wfgen.war is automatically picked up and deployed to oozie server
4. start oozie server (using bin/ and bin/ and check through browser
using default port number, which is 11000. tomcat server may fail to start if other application already using the same port. please make sure the port is not used.
How to build and launch Workflow Generator Tool only (not whole package build)
There are two possible options
Option-A) launch app using web server that you are already running (without using bundled tomcat)
Option-B) launch app in dev mode using bundled internal web server provided by GWT.
Option-A would be suitable when you want to host this application on the existing tomcat instance. You need to copy war file into webapp directory of existing tomcat.
Option-B would be suitable for development of the tool since you can see error messages for debugging, and don't need to create and copy war file every time
Option-B internally using java class (servlet), not javascript.
On browser UI, therefore, DOM operation (e.g., creating/deleting nodewidget) might be slower than using pure javascript (Option-A)
1. build workflowgenerator and create war file
cd workflowgenerator // assuming you are on top directory
mvn clean package
test case not implemented yet
2. copy war file to webapps directory of web server
cp target/oozie-wfgen.war <webserver-installed-directory>/webapps/
3. start web server
name of start script might be different in your web-server, please change accordingly
4. check through browser
port number might not be 8080 in your web-server setting (usually it's default in tomcat), please change accordingly
5. stop web server
[NOTE] name of shutdown script might be different in your web-server, please change accordingly
1. compile and start GWT launcher
cd workflowgenerator // assuming you are on top directory
mvn clean gwt:run
you will see GWT launcher program automatically starts
2. launch app on browser from GWT launcher
press button either "Launch Default Browser" or "Copy to Clipboard"
"Launcher Default Browser"
--> automatically open application on default browser
--> First time, you will be asked to install plug-in on browser, (also take few mins to launch app, pls be patient)
"Copy to Clipboard"
--> you can copy this link to browser that you like and open it
--> First time, you will be asked to install plug-in on browser (also take few mins to launch app, pls be patient)
if you want to kill process, Ctrl-C in console
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