blob: 4e4a569fe805d40bead961c04d52c6117a8a4ea0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.oozie.command.coord;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Calendar;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.oozie.CoordinatorActionBean;
import org.apache.oozie.ErrorCode;
import org.apache.oozie.client.CoordinatorAction;
import org.apache.oozie.client.OozieClient;
import org.apache.oozie.command.CommandException;
import org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELEvaluator;
import org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions;
import org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordUtils;
import org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordinatorJobException;
import org.apache.oozie.coord.SyncCoordAction;
import org.apache.oozie.coord.TimeUnit;
import org.apache.oozie.coord.input.logic.CoordInputLogicEvaluatorUtil;
import org.apache.oozie.coord.input.dependency.CoordInputDependency;
import org.apache.oozie.coord.input.logic.CoordInputLogicEvaluator;
import org.apache.oozie.coord.input.dependency.CoordInputDependencyFactory;
import org.apache.oozie.coord.input.dependency.CoordInputInstance;
import org.apache.oozie.dependency.ActionDependency;
import org.apache.oozie.dependency.DependencyChecker;
import org.apache.oozie.dependency.URIHandler;
import org.apache.oozie.dependency.URIHandler.DependencyType;
import org.apache.oozie.dependency.URIHandlerException;
import org.apache.oozie.service.Services;
import org.apache.oozie.service.URIHandlerService;
import org.apache.oozie.service.UUIDService;
import org.apache.oozie.util.DateUtils;
import org.apache.oozie.util.ELEvaluator;
import org.apache.oozie.util.Pair;
import org.apache.oozie.util.ParamChecker;
import org.apache.oozie.util.XConfiguration;
import org.apache.oozie.util.XmlUtils;
import org.jdom.Attribute;
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.jdom.JDOMException;
import org.quartz.CronExpression;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.oozie.CoordinatorJobBean;
public class CoordCommandUtils {
public static final int CURRENT = 0;
public static final int LATEST = 1;
public static final int FUTURE = 2;
public static final int OFFSET = 3;
public static final int ABSOLUTE = 4;
public static final int ENDOFMONTHS = 5;
public static final int ENDOFWEEKS = 6;
public static final int ENDOFDAYS = 7;
public static final int UNEXPECTED = -1;
public static final String RESOLVED_UNRESOLVED_SEPARATOR = "!!";
public static final String UNRESOLVED_INSTANCES_TAG = "unresolved-instances";
* parse a function like coord:latest(n)/future() and return the 'n'.
* <p>
* @param function
* @param restArg
* @return int instanceNumber
* @throws Exception
public static int getInstanceNumber(String function, StringBuilder restArg) throws Exception {
int funcType = getFuncType(function);
if (funcType == ABSOLUTE) {
return funcType;
if (funcType == CURRENT || funcType == LATEST || funcType == ENDOFMONTHS || funcType == ENDOFWEEKS
|| funcType == ENDOFDAYS) {
return parseOneArg(function);
else {
return parseMoreArgs(function, restArg);
* Evaluates function for coord-action-create-inst tag
* @param event
* @param appInst
* @param conf
* @param function
* @return evaluation result
* @throws Exception
private static String evaluateInstanceFunction(Element event, SyncCoordAction appInst, Configuration conf,
String function) throws Exception {
ELEvaluator eval = CoordELEvaluator.createInstancesELEvaluator("coord-action-create-inst", event, appInst, conf);
return CoordELFunctions.evalAndWrap(eval, function);
public static int parseOneArg(String funcName) throws Exception {
int firstPos = funcName.indexOf("(");
int lastPos = funcName.lastIndexOf(")");
if (firstPos >= 0 && lastPos > firstPos) {
String tmp = funcName.substring(firstPos + 1, lastPos).trim();
if (tmp.length() > 0) {
return (int) Double.parseDouble(tmp);
throw new RuntimeException("Unformatted function :" + funcName);
public static String parseOneStringArg(String funcName) throws Exception {
int firstPos = funcName.indexOf("(");
int lastPos = funcName.lastIndexOf(")");
if (firstPos >= 0 && lastPos > firstPos) {
return funcName.substring(firstPos + 1, lastPos).trim();
throw new RuntimeException("Unformatted function :" + funcName);
private static int parseMoreArgs(String funcName, StringBuilder restArg) throws Exception {
int firstPos = funcName.indexOf("(");
int secondPos = funcName.lastIndexOf(",");
int lastPos = funcName.lastIndexOf(")");
if (firstPos >= 0 && secondPos > firstPos) {
String tmp = funcName.substring(firstPos + 1, secondPos).trim();
if (tmp.length() > 0) {
restArg.append(funcName.substring(secondPos + 1, lastPos).trim());
return (int) Double.parseDouble(tmp);
throw new RuntimeException("Unformatted function :" + funcName);
* @param function EL function name
* @return type of EL function
public static int getFuncType(String function) {
if (function.indexOf("current") >= 0) {
return CURRENT;
else if (function.indexOf("latest") >= 0) {
return LATEST;
else if (function.indexOf("future") >= 0) {
return FUTURE;
else if (function.indexOf("offset") >= 0) {
return OFFSET;
else if (function.indexOf("absolute") >= 0) {
return ABSOLUTE;
else if (function.indexOf("endOfMonths") >= 0) {
else if (function.indexOf("endOfWeeks") >= 0) {
else if (function.indexOf("endOfDays") >= 0) {
// throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected instance name "+ function);
* @param startInst EL function name
* @param endInst EL function name
* @throws CommandException if both are not the same function
public static void checkIfBothSameType(String startInst, String endInst) throws CommandException {
if (getFuncType(startInst) != getFuncType(endInst)) {
if (getFuncType(startInst) == ABSOLUTE || getFuncType(startInst) == ENDOFMONTHS
|| getFuncType(startInst) == ENDOFWEEKS || getFuncType(startInst) == ENDOFDAYS) {
if (getFuncType(endInst) != CURRENT) {
throw new CommandException(ErrorCode.E1010,
"Only start-instance as absolute/endOfMonths/endOfWeeks/endOfDays and end-instance as current is"
+ " supported."
+ " start = " + startInst + " end = " + endInst);
else {
throw new CommandException(ErrorCode.E1010,
" start-instance and end-instance both should be either latest or current or future or offset\n"
+ " start " + startInst + " and end " + endInst);
* Resolve list of &lt;instance&gt; &lt;/instance&gt; tags.
* @param event
* @param instances
* @param actionInst
* @param conf
* @param eval ELEvalautor
* @throws Exception
public static void resolveInstances(Element event, StringBuilder instances, SyncCoordAction actionInst,
Configuration conf, ELEvaluator eval) throws Exception {
for (Element eInstance : (List<Element>) event.getChildren("instance", event.getNamespace())) {
if (instances.length() > 0) {
instances.append(materializeInstance(event, eInstance.getTextTrim(), actionInst, conf, eval));
event.removeChildren("instance", event.getNamespace());
* Resolve &lt;start-instance&gt; &lt;end-insatnce&gt; tag. Don't resolve any
* latest()/future()
* @param event
* @param instances
* @param appInst
* @param conf
* @param eval ELEvalautor
* @throws Exception
public static void resolveInstanceRange(Element event, StringBuilder instances, SyncCoordAction appInst,
Configuration conf, ELEvaluator eval) throws Exception {
Element eStartInst = event.getChild("start-instance", event.getNamespace());
Element eEndInst = event.getChild("end-instance", event.getNamespace());
if (eStartInst != null && eEndInst != null) {
String strStart = evaluateInstanceFunction(event, appInst, conf, eStartInst.getTextTrim());
String strEnd = evaluateInstanceFunction(event, appInst, conf, eEndInst.getTextTrim());
checkIfBothSameType(strStart, strEnd);
StringBuilder restArg = new StringBuilder(); // To store rest
// arguments for
// future
// function
int startIndex = getInstanceNumber(strStart, restArg);
String startRestArg = restArg.toString();
restArg.delete(0, restArg.length());
int endIndex = getInstanceNumber(strEnd, restArg);
String endRestArg = restArg.toString();
int funcType = getFuncType(strStart);
if (funcType == ABSOLUTE) {
resolveAbsoluteRange(event, instances, appInst, conf, eval, strStart, endIndex,
else if (funcType == ENDOFMONTHS) {
resolveInstanceRangeEndOfDuration(TimeUnit.MONTH, event, instances, appInst, conf, eval, strStart,
startIndex, endIndex);
else if (funcType == ENDOFWEEKS) {
resolveInstanceRangeEndOfDuration(TimeUnit.WEEK, event, instances, appInst, conf, eval, strStart,
startIndex, endIndex);
else if (funcType == ENDOFDAYS) {
resolveInstanceRangeEndOfDuration(TimeUnit.DAY, event, instances, appInst, conf, eval, strStart,
startIndex, endIndex);
else {
if (funcType == OFFSET) {
TimeUnit startU = TimeUnit.valueOf(startRestArg);
TimeUnit endU = TimeUnit.valueOf(endRestArg);
if (startU.getCalendarUnit() * startIndex > endU.getCalendarUnit() * endIndex) {
throw new CommandException(ErrorCode.E1010,
" start-instance should be equal or earlier than the end-instance \n"
+ XmlUtils.prettyPrint(event));
Calendar startCal = CoordELFunctions.resolveOffsetRawTime(startIndex, startU, eval);
Calendar endCal = CoordELFunctions.resolveOffsetRawTime(endIndex, endU, eval);
if (startCal != null && endCal != null) {
List<Integer> expandedFreqs = CoordELFunctions.expandOffsetTimes(startCal, endCal, eval);
for (int i = expandedFreqs.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
//we need to use DS timeout, bcz expandOffsetTimes will expand offset in Freqs in DS timeunit
String matInstance = materializeInstance(event, "${coord:offset(" + expandedFreqs.get(i)
+ ", \"" + CoordELFunctions.getDSTimeUnit(eval) + "\")}", appInst, conf, eval);
if (matInstance == null || matInstance.length() == 0) {
// Earlier than dataset's initial instance
if (instances.length() > 0) {
else {
if (startIndex > endIndex) {
throw new CommandException(ErrorCode.E1010,
" start-instance should be equal or earlier than the end-instance \n"
+ XmlUtils.prettyPrint(event));
if (funcType == CURRENT) {
// Everything could be resolved NOW. no latest() ELs
String matInstance = materializeInstance(event, "${coord:currentRange(" + startIndex + ","
+ endIndex + ")}", appInst, conf, eval);
if (matInstance != null && !matInstance.isEmpty()) {
if (instances.length() > 0) {
else { // latest(n)/future() EL is present
if (funcType == LATEST) {
else if (funcType == FUTURE) {
// Remove start-instance and end-instances
event.removeChild("start-instance", event.getNamespace());
event.removeChild("end-instance", event.getNamespace());
private static void resolveAbsoluteRange(Element event, StringBuilder instances, SyncCoordAction appInst,
Configuration conf, ELEvaluator eval, String strStart, int endIndex, String rangeStr) throws Exception {
StringBuffer bf = new StringBuffer();
String matInstance = materializeInstance(event, bf.toString(), appInst, conf, eval);
if (matInstance != null && !matInstance.isEmpty()) {
if (instances.length() > 0) {
private static void resolveInstanceRangeEndOfDuration(TimeUnit duration, Element event, StringBuilder instances,
SyncCoordAction appInst, Configuration conf, ELEvaluator eval, String strStart, int startIndex,
int endIndex) throws Exception {
Calendar startInstance = new StartInstanceFinder(startIndex, duration, CoordELFunctions.getDatasetTZ(eval),
resolveAbsoluteRange(event, instances, appInst, conf, eval, strStart, endIndex,
* Materialize one instance like current(-2)
* @param event : &lt;data-in&gt;
* @param expr : instance like current(-1)
* @param appInst : application specific info
* @param conf
* @param evalInst :ELEvaluator
* @return materialized date string
* @throws Exception
public static String materializeInstance(Element event, String expr, SyncCoordAction appInst, Configuration conf,
ELEvaluator evalInst) throws Exception {
if (event == null) {
return null;
// ELEvaluator eval = CoordELEvaluator.createInstancesELEvaluator(event,
// appInst, conf);
return CoordELFunctions.evalAndWrap(evalInst, expr);
* Create two new tags with &lt;uris&gt; and &lt;unresolved-instances&gt;.
* @param event
* @param instances
* @throws Exception
private static String separateResolvedAndUnresolved(Element event, StringBuilder instances)
throws Exception {
StringBuilder unresolvedInstances = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder urisWithDoneFlag = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder depList = new StringBuilder();
String uris = createEarlyURIs(event, instances.toString(), unresolvedInstances, urisWithDoneFlag);
if (uris.length() > 0) {
Element uriInstance = new Element("uris", event.getNamespace());
event.getContent().add(1, uriInstance);
if (depList.length() > 0) {
if (unresolvedInstances.length() > 0) {
Element elemInstance = new Element(UNRESOLVED_INSTANCES_TAG, event.getNamespace());
event.getContent().add(1, elemInstance);
return depList.toString();
* The function create a list of URIs separated by "," using the instances
* time stamp and URI-template
* @param event : &lt;data-in&gt; event
* @param instances : List of time stamp separated by ","
* @param unresolvedInstances : list of instance with latest function
* @param urisWithDoneFlag : list of URIs with the done flag appended
* @return : list of URIs separated by ";" as a string.
* @throws Exception
public static String createEarlyURIs(Element event, String instances, StringBuilder unresolvedInstances,
StringBuilder urisWithDoneFlag) throws Exception {
if (instances == null || instances.length() == 0) {
return "";
String[] instanceList = instances.split(CoordELFunctions.INSTANCE_SEPARATOR);
StringBuilder uris = new StringBuilder();
Element doneFlagElement = event.getChild("dataset", event.getNamespace()).getChild("done-flag",
URIHandlerService uriService = Services.get().get(URIHandlerService.class);
for (int i = 0; i < instanceList.length; i++) {
if (instanceList[i].trim().length() == 0) {
int funcType = getFuncType(instanceList[i]);
if (funcType == LATEST || funcType == FUTURE) {
if (unresolvedInstances.length() > 0) {
ELEvaluator eval = CoordELEvaluator.createURIELEvaluator(instanceList[i]);
if (uris.length() > 0) {
String uriPath = CoordELFunctions.evalAndWrap(eval, event.getChild("dataset", event.getNamespace())
.getChild("uri-template", event.getNamespace()).getTextTrim());
URIHandler uriHandler = uriService.getURIHandler(uriPath);
urisWithDoneFlag.append(uriHandler.getURIWithDoneFlag(uriPath, CoordUtils.getDoneFlag(doneFlagElement)));
return uris.toString();
* @param eAction
* @param coordAction
* @param conf
* @return boolean to determine whether the SLA element is present or not
* @throws CoordinatorJobException
public static boolean materializeSLA(Element eAction, CoordinatorActionBean coordAction, Configuration conf)
throws CoordinatorJobException {
Element eSla = eAction.getChild("action", eAction.getNamespace()).getChild("info", eAction.getNamespace("sla"));
if (eSla == null) {
// eAppXml.getNamespace("sla"));
return false;
try {
ELEvaluator evalSla = CoordELEvaluator.createSLAEvaluator(eAction, coordAction, conf);
List<Element> elemList = eSla.getChildren();
for (Element elem : elemList) {
String updated;
try {
updated = CoordELFunctions.evalAndWrap(evalSla, elem.getText().trim());
catch (Exception e) {
throw new CoordinatorJobException(ErrorCode.E1004, e.getMessage(), e);
catch (Exception e) {
throw new CoordinatorJobException(ErrorCode.E1004, e.getMessage(), e);
return true;
* Materialize one instance for specific nominal time. It includes: 1.
* Materialize data events (i.e. &lt;data-in&gt; and &lt;data-out&gt;) 2. Materialize
* data properties (i.e dataIn(&lt;DS&gt;) and dataOut(&lt;DS&gt;) 3. remove 'start' and
* 'end' tag 4. Add 'instance_number' and 'nominal-time' tag
* @param jobId coordinator job id
* @param dryrun true if it is dryrun
* @param eAction frequency unexploded-job
* @param nominalTime materialization time
* @param actualTime action actual time
* @param instanceCount instance numbers
* @param conf job configuration
* @param actionBean CoordinatorActionBean to materialize
* @return one materialized action for specific nominal time
* @throws Exception
public static String materializeOneInstance(String jobId, boolean dryrun, Element eAction, Date nominalTime,
Date actualTime, int instanceCount, Configuration conf, CoordinatorActionBean actionBean) throws Exception {
String actionId = Services.get().get(UUIDService.class).generateChildId(jobId, instanceCount + "");
SyncCoordAction appInst = new SyncCoordAction();
String frequency = eAction.getAttributeValue("frequency");
boolean isInputLogicSpecified = CoordUtils.isInputLogicSpecified(eAction);
Element inputList = eAction.getChild("input-events", eAction.getNamespace());
List<Element> dataInList = null;
if (inputList != null) {
dataInList = inputList.getChildren("data-in", eAction.getNamespace());
materializeInputDataEvents(dataInList, appInst, conf, actionBean, isInputLogicSpecified);
evaluateInputCheck(eAction.getChild(CoordInputLogicEvaluator.INPUT_LOGIC, eAction.getNamespace()),
CoordELEvaluator.createDataEvaluator(eAction, conf, actionId));
Element outputList = eAction.getChild("output-events", eAction.getNamespace());
List<Element> dataOutList = null;
if (outputList != null) {
dataOutList = outputList.getChildren("data-out", eAction.getNamespace());
materializeOutputDataEvents(dataOutList, appInst, conf);
eAction.setAttribute("instance-number", Integer.toString(instanceCount));
eAction.setAttribute("action-nominal-time", DateUtils.formatDateOozieTZ(nominalTime));
eAction.setAttribute("action-actual-time", DateUtils.formatDateOozieTZ(actualTime));
// Setting up action bean
actionBean.setLastModifiedTime(new Date());
boolean isSla = CoordCommandUtils.materializeSLA(eAction, actionBean, conf);
if (isSla == true) {
eAction.getChild("action", eAction.getNamespace()).getChild("info", eAction.getNamespace("sla")))
// actionBean.setTrackerUri(trackerUri);//TOOD:
// actionBean.setConsoleUrl(consoleUrl); //TODO:
// actionBean.setType(type);//TODO:
// actionBean.setErrorInfo(errorCode, errorMessage); //TODO:
// actionBean.setExternalStatus(externalStatus);//TODO
if (!dryrun) {
return XmlUtils.prettyPrint(eAction).toString();
else {
return dryRunCoord(eAction, actionBean);
* @param eAction the actionXml related element
* @param actionBean the coordinator action bean
* @return actionXml returns actionXml as String
* @throws Exception
static String dryRunCoord(Element eAction, CoordinatorActionBean actionBean) throws Exception {
String action = XmlUtils.prettyPrint(eAction).toString();
StringBuilder actionXml = new StringBuilder(action);
Configuration actionConf = new XConfiguration(new StringReader(actionBean.getRunConf()));
if (CoordUtils.isInputLogicSpecified(eAction)) {
new CoordInputLogicEvaluatorUtil(actionBean).validateInputLogic();
boolean isPushDepAvailable = true;
String pushMissingDependencies = actionBean.getPushInputDependencies().getMissingDependencies();
if (pushMissingDependencies != null) {
ActionDependency actionDependencies = DependencyChecker.checkForAvailability(pushMissingDependencies,
actionConf, true);
if (actionDependencies.getMissingDependencies().size() != 0) {
isPushDepAvailable = false;
boolean isPullDepAvailable = true;
CoordActionInputCheckXCommand coordActionInput = new CoordActionInputCheckXCommand(actionBean.getId(),
if (actionBean.getMissingDependencies() != null) {
StringBuilder existList = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder nonExistList = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder nonResolvedList = new StringBuilder();
getResolvedList(actionBean.getPullInputDependencies().getMissingDependencies(), nonExistList, nonResolvedList);
isPullDepAvailable = actionBean.getPullInputDependencies().checkPullMissingDependencies(actionBean,
existList, nonExistList);
if (isPullDepAvailable && isPushDepAvailable) {
// Check for latest/future
boolean isLatestFutureDepAvailable = coordActionInput.checkUnResolvedInput(actionBean, actionXml,
if (isLatestFutureDepAvailable) {
String newActionXml = CoordActionInputCheckXCommand.resolveCoordConfiguration(actionXml, actionConf,
actionXml.replace(0, actionXml.length(), newActionXml);
return actionXml.toString();
* Materialize all &lt;input-events&gt;/&lt;data-in&gt; or &lt;output-events&gt;/&lt;data-out&gt;
* tags Create uris for resolved instances. Create unresolved instance for
* latest()/future().
* @param events
* @param appInst
* @param conf
* @throws Exception
private static void materializeOutputDataEvents(List<Element> events, SyncCoordAction appInst, Configuration conf)
throws Exception {
if (events == null) {
for (Element event : events) {
StringBuilder instances = new StringBuilder();
ELEvaluator eval = CoordELEvaluator.createInstancesELEvaluator(event, appInst, conf);
// Handle list of instance tag
resolveInstances(event, instances, appInst, conf, eval);
// Handle start-instance and end-instance
resolveInstanceRange(event, instances, appInst, conf, eval);
// Separate out the unresolved instances
separateResolvedAndUnresolved(event, instances);
private static void evaluateInputCheck(Element root, ELEvaluator evalInputLogic) throws Exception {
for (Object event : root.getChildren()) {
Element inputElement = (Element) event;
resolveAttribute("dataset", inputElement, evalInputLogic);
resolveAttribute("name", inputElement, evalInputLogic);
resolveAttribute("min", inputElement, evalInputLogic);
resolveAttribute("wait", inputElement, evalInputLogic);
if (!inputElement.getChildren().isEmpty()) {
evaluateInputCheck(inputElement, evalInputLogic);
private static String resolveAttribute(String attrName, Element elem, ELEvaluator eval) throws CoordinatorJobException {
Attribute attr = elem.getAttribute(attrName);
String val = null;
if (attr != null) {
try {
val = CoordELFunctions.evalAndWrap(eval, attr.getValue().trim());
catch (Exception e) {
throw new CoordinatorJobException(ErrorCode.E1004, e.getMessage(), e);
return val;
public static void materializeInputDataEvents(List<Element> events, SyncCoordAction appInst, Configuration conf,
CoordinatorActionBean actionBean, boolean isInputLogicSpecified) throws Exception {
if (events == null) {
CoordInputDependency coordPullInputDependency = CoordInputDependencyFactory
CoordInputDependency coordPushInputDependency = CoordInputDependencyFactory
List<Pair<String, String>> unresolvedList = new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>();
URIHandlerService uriService = Services.get().get(URIHandlerService.class);
for (Element event : events) {
StringBuilder instances = new StringBuilder();
ELEvaluator eval = CoordELEvaluator.createInstancesELEvaluator(event, appInst, conf);
// Handle list of instance tag
resolveInstances(event, instances, appInst, conf, eval);
// Handle start-instance and end-instance
resolveInstanceRange(event, instances, appInst, conf, eval);
// Separate out the unresolved instances
String resolvedList = separateResolvedAndUnresolved(event, instances);
String name = event.getAttribute("name").getValue();
if (!resolvedList.isEmpty()) {
Element uri = event.getChild("dataset", event.getNamespace()).getChild("uri-template",
String uriTemplate = uri.getText();
URI baseURI = uriService.getAuthorityWithScheme(uriTemplate);
URIHandler handler = uriService.getURIHandler(baseURI);
List<CoordInputInstance> inputInstanceList = new ArrayList<CoordInputInstance>();
for (String inputInstance : resolvedList.split("#")) {
inputInstanceList.add(new CoordInputInstance(inputInstance, false));
if (handler.getDependencyType(baseURI).equals(DependencyType.PULL)) {
coordPullInputDependency.addInputInstanceList(name, inputInstanceList);
else {
coordPushInputDependency.addInputInstanceList(name, inputInstanceList);
String tmpUnresolved = event.getChildTextTrim(UNRESOLVED_INSTANCES_TAG, event.getNamespace());
if (tmpUnresolved != null) {
unresolvedList.add(new Pair<String,String>(name, tmpUnresolved));
for (Pair<String, String> unresolvedDataset : unresolvedList) {
coordPullInputDependency.addUnResolvedList(unresolvedDataset.getFirst(), unresolvedDataset.getSecond());
* Get resolved string from missDepList
* @param missDepList
* @param resolved
* @param unresolved
* @return resolved string
public static String getResolvedList(String missDepList, StringBuilder resolved, StringBuilder unresolved) {
if (missDepList != null) {
int index = missDepList.indexOf(RESOLVED_UNRESOLVED_SEPARATOR);
if (index < 0) {
else {
resolved.append(missDepList.substring(0, index));
unresolved.append(missDepList.substring(index + RESOLVED_UNRESOLVED_SEPARATOR.length()));
return resolved.toString();
* Get the next action time after a given time
* @param targetDate
* @param coordJob
* @return the next valid action time
public static Date getNextValidActionTimeForCronFrequency(Date targetDate, CoordinatorJobBean coordJob) throws ParseException {
String freq = coordJob.getFrequency();
TimeZone tz = DateUtils.getOozieProcessingTimeZone();
String[] cronArray = freq.split(" ");
Date nextTime = null;
// Current CronExpression doesn't support operations
// where both date of months and day of weeks are specified.
// As a result, we need to split this scenario into two cases
// and return the earlier time
if (!cronArray[2].trim().equals("?") && !cronArray[4].trim().equals("?")) {
// When any one of day of month or day of week fields is a wildcard
// we need to replace the wildcard with "?"
if (cronArray[2].trim().equals("*") || cronArray[4].trim().equals("*")) {
if (cronArray[2].trim().equals("*")) {
cronArray[2] = "?";
else {
cronArray[4] = "?";
freq= StringUtils.join(cronArray, " ");
// The cronExpression class takes second
// as the first field where oozie is operating on
// minute basis
CronExpression expr = new CronExpression("0 " + freq);
nextTime = expr.getNextValidTimeAfter(targetDate);
// If both fields are specified by non-wildcards,
// we need to split it into two expressions
else {
String[] cronArray1 = freq.split(" ");
String[] cronArray2 = freq.split(" ");
cronArray1[2] = "?";
cronArray2[4] = "?";
String freq1 = StringUtils.join(cronArray1, " ");
String freq2 = StringUtils.join(cronArray2, " ");
// The cronExpression class takes second
// as the first field where oozie is operating on
// minute basis
CronExpression expr1 = new CronExpression("0 " + freq1);
CronExpression expr2 = new CronExpression("0 " + freq2);
nextTime = expr1.getNextValidTimeAfter(targetDate);
Date nextTime2 = expr2.getNextValidTimeAfter(targetDate);
nextTime = nextTime.compareTo(nextTime2) < 0 ? nextTime: nextTime2;
else {
// The cronExpression class takes second
// as the first field where oozie is operating on
// minute basis
CronExpression expr = new CronExpression("0 " + freq);
nextTime = expr.getNextValidTimeAfter(targetDate);
return nextTime;
* Computes the nominal time of the next action.
* Based on CoordMaterializeTransitionXCommand#materializeActions
* The Coordinator Job needs to have the frequency, time unit, time zone, start time, end time, and job xml.
* The Coordinator Action needs to have the nominal time and action number.
* @param coordJob The Coordinator Job
* @param coordAction The Coordinator Action
* @return the nominal time of the next action
* @throws ParseException
* @throws JDOMException
public static Date computeNextNominalTime(CoordinatorJobBean coordJob, CoordinatorActionBean coordAction)
throws ParseException, JDOMException {
Date nextNominalTime;
boolean isCronFrequency = false;
int freq = -1;
try {
freq = Integer.parseInt(coordJob.getFrequency());
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
isCronFrequency = true;
if (isCronFrequency) {
nextNominalTime = CoordCommandUtils.getNextValidActionTimeForCronFrequency(coordAction.getNominalTime(), coordJob);
} else {
TimeZone appTz = DateUtils.getTimeZone(coordJob.getTimeZone());
Calendar nextNominalTimeCal = Calendar.getInstance(appTz);
TimeUnit freqTU = TimeUnit.valueOf(coordJob.getTimeUnitStr());
// Action Number is indexed by 1, so no need to +1 here
nextNominalTimeCal.add(freqTU.getCalendarUnit(), coordAction.getActionNumber() * freq);
String jobXml = coordJob.getJobXml();
Element eJob = XmlUtils.parseXml(jobXml);
TimeUnit endOfFlag = TimeUnit.valueOf(eJob.getAttributeValue("end_of_duration"));
// Move to the End of duration, if needed.
DateUtils.moveToEnd(nextNominalTimeCal, endOfFlag);
nextNominalTime = nextNominalTimeCal.getTime();
// If the next nominal time is after the job's end time, then this is the last action, so return null
if (nextNominalTime.after(coordJob.getEndTime())) {
nextNominalTime = null;
return nextNominalTime;
public static boolean pathExists(String sPath, Configuration actionConf, String user) throws IOException,
URISyntaxException, URIHandlerException {
URI uri = new URI(sPath);
URIHandlerService service = Services.get().get(URIHandlerService.class);
URIHandler handler = service.getURIHandler(uri);
return handler.exists(uri, actionConf, user);
public static boolean pathExists(String sPath, Configuration actionConf) throws IOException, URISyntaxException,
URIHandlerException {
String user = ParamChecker.notEmpty(actionConf.get(OozieClient.USER_NAME), OozieClient.USER_NAME);
return pathExists(sPath, actionConf, user);
public static String getFirstMissingDependency(CoordinatorActionBean coordAction) {
CoordInputDependency coordPullInputDependency = coordAction.getPullInputDependencies();
CoordInputDependency coordPushInputDependency = coordAction.getPushInputDependencies();
String firstMissingDependencies = coordPullInputDependency.getFirstMissingDependency();
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(firstMissingDependencies) || firstMissingDependencies.trim().startsWith("${coord:")) {
firstMissingDependencies = coordPushInputDependency.getFirstMissingDependency();
return firstMissingDependencies;
* Class to find get start instance
private static class StartInstanceFinder {
private int startIndex;
private TimeUnit timeUnit;
private TimeZone datasetTimeZone;
private Date nominalTime;
* @param startIndex dataset index
* @param timeUnit
* @param datasetTimeZone
* @param nominalTime nominal time of action
public StartInstanceFinder(int startIndex, TimeUnit timeUnit, TimeZone datasetTimeZone, Date nominalTime) {
this.startIndex = startIndex;
this.timeUnit = timeUnit;
this.datasetTimeZone = datasetTimeZone;
this.nominalTime = nominalTime;
* Calculates the start instance. It put the start instance to the start
* of a day i.e. 00:00:00.
public Calendar getStartInstance() throws Exception {
Calendar startInstance = Calendar.getInstance(datasetTimeZone);
startInstance.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);
startInstance.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
startInstance.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
switch (timeUnit) {
case WEEK:
startInstance.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, startInstance.getFirstDayOfWeek());
startInstance.add(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR, startIndex + 1);
case MONTH:
startInstance.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, FIRST_DAY_OF_MONTH);
startInstance.add(Calendar.MONTH, startIndex + 1);
case DAY:
startInstance.add(Calendar.DATE, startIndex + 1);
return startInstance;