blob: 4ce4651e87e3c82cc545c1634265579ccf3dc6a0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.oozie.util;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.oozie.service.Services;
import org.apache.oozie.service.XLogService;
import org.apache.oozie.service.XLogStreamingService;
import org.apache.oozie.test.XTestCase;
import org.apache.oozie.util.XLogFilter;
import org.apache.oozie.util.IOUtils;
import org.apache.oozie.util.XLogUserFilterParam;
public class TestXLogUserFilterParam extends XTestCase {
final static SimpleDateFormat dt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS");
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
public void setLogFile() throws Exception {
File log4jFile = new File(getTestCaseConfDir(), "");
ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
InputStream is = cl.getResourceAsStream("");
InputStream errorLogStream = cl.getResourceAsStream("userLogFilterTestlog.log");
Properties log4jProps = new Properties();
// prevent conflicts with other tests by changing the log file location
log4jProps.setProperty("log4j.appender.oozie.File", getTestCaseDir() + "/oozie.log"); FileOutputStream(log4jFile), "");
setSystemProperty(XLogService.LOG4J_FILE, log4jFile.getName());
new Services().init();
File logFile = new File(Services.get().get(XLogService.class).getOozieLogPath(), Services.get()
IOUtils.copyStream(errorLogStream, new FileOutputStream(logFile));
public void testloglevel_Error() throws Exception {
String logLevel = XLogUserFilterParam.LOG_LEVEL + "=ERROR";
Map<String, String[]> paramMap = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
paramMap.put(RestConstants.LOG_FILTER_OPTION, new String[] { logLevel });
XLogFilter xf = new XLogFilter(new XLogUserFilterParam(paramMap));
String out = doStreamLog(xf);
int count = 0;
for (String line : out.split(System.getProperty("line.separator"))) {
assertEquals(count, 20);
// Test multiple log level
public void testloglevel_DEBUF_INFO() throws Exception {
String logLevel = XLogUserFilterParam.LOG_LEVEL + "=DEBUG|INFO";
Map<String, String[]> paramMap = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
paramMap.put(RestConstants.LOG_FILTER_OPTION, new String[] { logLevel });
XLogFilter xf = new XLogFilter(new XLogUserFilterParam(paramMap));
String out = doStreamLog(xf);
String lines[] = out.split(System.getProperty("line.separator"));
assertEquals(lines.length, 4);
.startsWith("2014-02-27 02:06:49,215 DEBUG CoordActionStartXCommand:545 [pool-2-thread-236] - USER[-] GROUP[-] "
+ "TOKEN[-] APP[-]"));
.startsWith("2014-02-27 02:06:49,215 DEBUG CoordActionStartXCommand:545 [pool-2-thread-236] - USER[-] GROUP[-] "
+ "TOKEN[-] APP[-] JOB[0601839-140127221758655-oozie-wrkf-C]"));
.startsWith("2014-02-27 02:06:49,215 INFO CoordActionStartXCommand:545 [pool-2-thread-236] - USER[-] GROUP[-] "
+ "TOKEN[-] APP[-] JOB[0601839-140127221758655-oozie-wrkf-C]"));
// test log level with length
public void testloglevel_ErrorWithLen() throws Exception {
String logLevel = XLogUserFilterParam.LOG_LEVEL + "=ERROR;" + XLogUserFilterParam.LIMIT + "=1";
Map<String, String[]> paramMap = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
paramMap.put(RestConstants.LOG_FILTER_OPTION, new String[] { logLevel });
XLogFilter xf = new XLogFilter(new XLogUserFilterParam(paramMap));
String out = doStreamLog(xf);
String lines[] = out.split(System.getProperty("line.separator"));
assertEquals(lines.length, 1);
// test length
public void testLength() throws Exception {
String logLevel = XLogUserFilterParam.LIMIT + "=1";
Map<String, String[]> paramMap = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
paramMap.put(RestConstants.LOG_FILTER_OPTION, new String[] { logLevel });
XLogFilter xf = new XLogFilter(new XLogUserFilterParam(paramMap));
String out = doStreamLog(xf);
String lines[] = out.split(System.getProperty("line.separator"));
assertEquals(lines.length, 1);
// Test text search
public void testTextSearch() throws Exception {
XLogFilter filter = new XLogFilter();
String param = XLogUserFilterParam.SEARCH_TEXT + "=substitution;" + XLogUserFilterParam.LIMIT + "=2";
Map<String, String[]> paramMap = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
paramMap.put(RestConstants.LOG_FILTER_OPTION, new String[] { param });
XLogUserFilterParam logUtil = new XLogUserFilterParam(paramMap);
String out = doStreamLog(filter);
String lines[] = out.split(System.getProperty("line.separator"));
assertEquals(lines.length, 2);
assertTrue(lines[0].contains("E0803: IO error, Variable substitution depth too large: 20 ${dniInputDir}"));
assertTrue(lines[1].contains("E0803: IO error, Variable substitution depth too large: 20 ${dniInputDir}"));
// Test text search with log level
public void testsearchText_logLevel() throws Exception {
String param = XLogUserFilterParam.SEARCH_TEXT + "=substitution;" + XLogUserFilterParam.LOG_LEVEL + "=DEBUG";
Map<String, String[]> paramMap = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
paramMap.put(RestConstants.LOG_FILTER_OPTION, new String[] { param });
XLogFilter filter = new XLogFilter(new XLogUserFilterParam(paramMap));
String out = doStreamLog(filter);
String lines[] = out.split(System.getProperty("line.separator"));
assertEquals(lines.length, 1);
.contains("2014-02-27 02:06:47,499 DEBUG CoordActionStartXCommand:536 [pool-2-thread-236] - USER[-]"));
assertTrue(lines[0].contains("E0803: IO error, Variable substitution depth too large: 20 ${dniInputDir}"));
// Test log duration - in range
public void testNoException_Withrecent() throws Exception {
File log4jFile = new File(getTestCaseConfDir(), "");
ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
InputStream is = cl.getResourceAsStream("");
Properties log4jProps = new Properties();
// prevent conflicts with other tests by changing the log file location
log4jProps.setProperty("log4j.appender.oozie.File", getTestCaseDir() + "/oozie.log"); FileOutputStream(log4jFile), "");
setSystemProperty(XLogService.LOG4J_FILE, log4jFile.getName());
new Services().init();
Services.get().getConf().setInt(XLogFilter.MAX_SCAN_DURATION, 10);
Map<String, String[]> paramMap = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
String param = XLogUserFilterParam.RECENT_LOG_OFFSET + "=9";
paramMap.put(RestConstants.LOG_FILTER_OPTION, new String[] { param });
XLogFilter filter = new XLogFilter(new XLogUserFilterParam(paramMap));
Date startDate = new Date();
Date endDate = new Date(startDate.getTime() + 60 * 60 * 1000 * 15);
try {
doStreamLog(filter, startDate, endDate);
catch (Exception e) {
fail("should not throw exception");
// Test multiple combination
public void testCombination() throws Exception {
File log4jFile = new File(getTestCaseConfDir(), "");
ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
InputStream is = cl.getResourceAsStream("");
Properties log4jProps = new Properties();
log4jProps.setProperty("log4j.appender.oozie.File", getTestCaseDir() + "/oozie.log"); FileOutputStream(log4jFile), "");
setSystemProperty(XLogService.LOG4J_FILE, log4jFile.getName());
new Services().init();
Map<String, String[]> paramMap = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
String param = "start=14-02-20 02:06:25,499;end=14-02-27 02:06:47,550;debug;loglevel=ERROR|WARN;recent=3m";
paramMap.put(RestConstants.LOG_FILTER_OPTION, new String[] { param });
XLogFilter filter = new XLogFilter(new XLogUserFilterParam(paramMap));
// Param date will be overwritten by user param
String out = doStreamLog(filter, new Date(), new Date());
assertEquals(out.split(System.getProperty("line.separator")).length, 1);
assertTrue(out.split(System.getProperty("line.separator"))[0].contains("Log start time = Tue Feb 27 02:03:47"));
assertTrue(out.split(System.getProperty("line.separator"))[0].contains("Log end time = Tue Feb 27 02:06:47"));
// Test start and end date, start as absolute
public void testStartEnd_EndOffset() throws Exception {
File log4jFile = new File(getTestCaseConfDir(), "");
ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
InputStream is = cl.getResourceAsStream("");
Properties log4jProps = new Properties();
// prevent conflicts with other tests by changing the log file location
log4jProps.setProperty("log4j.appender.oozie.File", getTestCaseDir() + "/oozie.log"); FileOutputStream(log4jFile), "");
setSystemProperty(XLogService.LOG4J_FILE, log4jFile.getName());
new Services().init();
Map<String, String[]> paramMap = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
String param = "start=14-02-20 02:06:25,499;end=3m;debug";
paramMap.put(RestConstants.LOG_FILTER_OPTION, new String[] { param });
XLogFilter filter = new XLogFilter(new XLogUserFilterParam(paramMap));
// Param date will be overwritten by user param
String out = doStreamLog(filter, dt.parse("14-02-20 02:06:25,499"), new Date());
assertEquals(out.split(System.getProperty("line.separator")).length, 1);
assertTrue(out.split(System.getProperty("line.separator"))[0].contains("Log start time = Tue Feb 20 02:06:25"));
assertTrue(out.split(System.getProperty("line.separator"))[0].contains("Log end time = Tue Feb 20 02:11:25"));
// Test start and end date, both offset
public void testStartEnd_bothOffset() throws Exception {
File log4jFile = new File(getTestCaseConfDir(), "");
ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
InputStream is = cl.getResourceAsStream("");
Properties log4jProps = new Properties();
// prevent conflicts with other tests by changing the log file location
log4jProps.setProperty("log4j.appender.oozie.File", getTestCaseDir() + "/oozie.log"); FileOutputStream(log4jFile), "");
setSystemProperty(XLogService.LOG4J_FILE, log4jFile.getName());
new Services().init();
Map<String, String[]> paramMap = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
String param = "start=3m;end=13m;debug";
paramMap.put(RestConstants.LOG_FILTER_OPTION, new String[] { param });
XLogFilter filter = new XLogFilter(new XLogUserFilterParam(paramMap));
// Param date will be overwritten by user param
String out = doStreamLog(filter, dt.parse("14-02-20 02:06:25,499"), new Date());
assertEquals(out.split(System.getProperty("line.separator")).length, 1);
assertTrue(out.split(System.getProperty("line.separator"))[0].contains("Log start time = Tue Feb 20 02:07:25"));
assertTrue(out.split(System.getProperty("line.separator"))[0].contains("Log end time = Tue Feb 20 02:21:25"));
// Test start and end date, both absolute
public void testStartEnd_bothabsoulte() throws Exception {
File log4jFile = new File(getTestCaseConfDir(), "");
ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
InputStream is = cl.getResourceAsStream("");
Properties log4jProps = new Properties();
// prevent conflicts with other tests by changing the log file location
log4jProps.setProperty("log4j.appender.oozie.File", getTestCaseDir() + "/oozie.log"); FileOutputStream(log4jFile), "");
setSystemProperty(XLogService.LOG4J_FILE, log4jFile.getName());
new Services().init();
Map<String, String[]> paramMap = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
String param = "start=14-03-20 02:06:25,499;end=14-03-20 02:10:25,499;debug";
paramMap.put(RestConstants.LOG_FILTER_OPTION, new String[] { param });
XLogFilter filter = new XLogFilter(new XLogUserFilterParam(paramMap));
// Param date will be overwritten by user param
String out = doStreamLog(filter, dt.parse("14-01-20 02:06:25,499"), dt.parse("14-02-20 02:06:25,499"));
assertEquals(out.split(System.getProperty("line.separator")).length, 1);
assertTrue(out.split(System.getProperty("line.separator"))[0].contains("Log start time = Tue Mar 20 02:06:25"));
assertTrue(out.split(System.getProperty("line.separator"))[0].contains("Log end time = Tue Mar 20 02:10:25"));
paramMap = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
param = "start=14-03-20 02:06:25;end=14-03-20 02:10:25;debug";
paramMap.put(RestConstants.LOG_FILTER_OPTION, new String[] { param });
filter = new XLogFilter(new XLogUserFilterParam(paramMap));
// Param date will be overwritten by user param
out = doStreamLog(filter, dt.parse("14-01-20 02:06:25,499"), dt.parse("14-02-20 02:06:25,499"));
assertEquals(out.split(System.getProperty("line.separator")).length, 1);
assertTrue(out.split(System.getProperty("line.separator"))[0].contains("Log start time = Tue Mar 20 02:06:25"));
assertTrue(out.split(System.getProperty("line.separator"))[0].contains("Log end time = Tue Mar 20 02:10:25"));
// Test start and end date, both absolute
public void testStartEnd_startAbsolute() throws Exception {
File log4jFile = new File(getTestCaseConfDir(), "");
ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
InputStream is = cl.getResourceAsStream("");
Properties log4jProps = new Properties();
// prevent conflicts with other tests by changing the log file location
log4jProps.setProperty("log4j.appender.oozie.File", getTestCaseDir() + "/oozie.log"); FileOutputStream(log4jFile), "");
setSystemProperty(XLogService.LOG4J_FILE, log4jFile.getName());
new Services().init();
Map<String, String[]> paramMap = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
String param = "start=14-03-20 02:06:25,499;end=4m;debug";
paramMap.put(RestConstants.LOG_FILTER_OPTION, new String[] { param });
XLogFilter filter = new XLogFilter(new XLogUserFilterParam(paramMap));
// Param date will be overwritten by user param
String out = doStreamLog(filter, dt.parse("14-01-20 02:06:25,499"), dt.parse("14-02-20 02:06:25,499"));
assertEquals(out.split(System.getProperty("line.separator")).length, 1);
assertTrue(out.split(System.getProperty("line.separator"))[0].contains("Log start time = Tue Mar 20 02:06:25"));
assertTrue(out.split(System.getProperty("line.separator"))[0].contains("Log end time = Tue Mar 20 02:12:25"));
private String doStreamLog(XLogFilter xf) throws Exception {
return doStreamLog(xf, null, null);
private String doStreamLog(XLogFilter xf, Date startDate, Date endDate) throws Exception {
StringWriter w = new StringWriter();
.streamLog(new XLogStreamer(xf, null), startDate, endDate, w);
return w.toString();