blob: 1f121c5e82a5f6798e8f1a4ccf682886be1e0efb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.oozie.workflow.lite;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.oozie.ErrorCode;
import org.apache.oozie.action.ActionExecutor;
import org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop.FsActionExecutor;
import org.apache.oozie.action.oozie.SubWorkflowActionExecutor;
import org.apache.oozie.service.ActionService;
import org.apache.oozie.service.ConfigurationService;
import org.apache.oozie.service.SchemaService;
import org.apache.oozie.service.Services;
import org.apache.oozie.util.ELUtils;
import org.apache.oozie.util.IOUtils;
import org.apache.oozie.util.ParameterVerifier;
import org.apache.oozie.util.ParameterVerifierException;
import org.apache.oozie.util.WritableUtils;
import org.apache.oozie.util.XConfiguration;
import org.apache.oozie.util.XmlUtils;
import org.apache.oozie.workflow.WorkflowException;
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.jdom.JDOMException;
import org.jdom.Namespace;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import javax.xml.validation.Schema;
import javax.xml.validation.Validator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Class to parse and validate workflow xml
public class LiteWorkflowAppParser {
private static final String LAUNCHER_E = "launcher";
private static final String DECISION_E = "decision";
private static final String ACTION_E = "action";
private static final String END_E = "end";
private static final String START_E = "start";
private static final String JOIN_E = "join";
private static final String FORK_E = "fork";
private static final Object KILL_E = "kill";
private static final String SLA_INFO = "info";
private static final String CREDENTIALS = "credentials";
private static final String GLOBAL = "global";
private static final String PARAMETERS = "parameters";
private static final String NAME_A = "name";
private static final String CRED_A = "cred";
private static final String USER_RETRY_MAX_A = "retry-max";
private static final String USER_RETRY_INTERVAL_A = "retry-interval";
private static final String TO_A = "to";
private static final String USER_RETRY_POLICY_A = "retry-policy";
private static final String FORK_PATH_E = "path";
private static final String FORK_START_A = "start";
private static final String ACTION_OK_E = "ok";
private static final String ACTION_ERROR_E = "error";
private static final String DECISION_SWITCH_E = "switch";
private static final String DECISION_CASE_E = "case";
private static final String DECISION_DEFAULT_E = "default";
private static final String SUBWORKFLOW_E = "sub-workflow";
private static final String KILL_MESSAGE_E = "message";
public static final String VALIDATE_FORK_JOIN = "oozie.validate.ForkJoin";
public static final String WF_VALIDATE_FORK_JOIN = "";
public static final String DEFAULT_NAME_NODE = "";
public static final String DEFAULT_JOB_TRACKER = "oozie.actions.default.job-tracker";
public static final String DEFAULT_RESOURCE_MANAGER = "oozie.actions.default.resource-manager";
public static final String OOZIE_GLOBAL = "";
private static final String JOB_TRACKER = "job-tracker";
private static final String RESOURCE_MANAGER = "resource-manager";
private static final String NAME_NODE = "name-node";
private static final String JOB_XML = "job-xml";
private static final String CONFIGURATION = "configuration";
private Schema schema;
private Class<? extends ControlNodeHandler> controlNodeHandler;
private Class<? extends DecisionNodeHandler> decisionHandlerClass;
private Class<? extends ActionNodeHandler> actionHandlerClass;
private String defaultNameNode;
private String defaultResourceManager;
private String defaultJobTracker;
private boolean isResourceManagerTagUsed;
public LiteWorkflowAppParser(Schema schema,
Class<? extends ControlNodeHandler> controlNodeHandler,
Class<? extends DecisionNodeHandler> decisionHandlerClass,
Class<? extends ActionNodeHandler> actionHandlerClass) throws WorkflowException {
this.schema = schema;
this.controlNodeHandler = controlNodeHandler;
this.decisionHandlerClass = decisionHandlerClass;
this.actionHandlerClass = actionHandlerClass;
defaultNameNode = getPropertyFromConfig(DEFAULT_NAME_NODE);
defaultResourceManager = getPropertyFromConfig(DEFAULT_RESOURCE_MANAGER);
defaultJobTracker = getPropertyFromConfig(DEFAULT_JOB_TRACKER);
private String getPropertyFromConfig(final String configPropertyKey) {
String property = ConfigurationService.get(configPropertyKey);
if (property != null) {
property = property.trim();
if (property.isEmpty()) {
property = null;
return property;
public LiteWorkflowApp validateAndParse(Reader reader, Configuration jobConf) throws WorkflowException {
return validateAndParse(reader, jobConf, null);
* Parse and validate xml to {@link LiteWorkflowApp}
* @param reader configuration reader
* @param jobConf job configuration
* @param configDefault default configuration
* @return LiteWorkflowApp
* @throws WorkflowException if workflow related issue occurs
public LiteWorkflowApp validateAndParse(Reader reader, Configuration jobConf, Configuration configDefault)
throws WorkflowException {
try {
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
IOUtils.copyCharStream(reader, writer);
String strDef = writer.toString();
if (schema != null) {
Validator validator = SchemaService.getValidator(schema);
validator.validate(new StreamSource(new StringReader(strDef)));
Element wfDefElement = XmlUtils.parseXml(strDef);
ParameterVerifier.verifyParameters(jobConf, wfDefElement);
LiteWorkflowApp app = parse(strDef, wfDefElement, configDefault, jobConf);
boolean validateForkJoin = false;
if (jobConf.getBoolean(WF_VALIDATE_FORK_JOIN, true)
&& ConfigurationService.getBoolean(VALIDATE_FORK_JOIN)) {
validateForkJoin = true;
LiteWorkflowValidator validator = new LiteWorkflowValidator();
validator.validateWorkflow(app, validateForkJoin);
return app;
catch (ParameterVerifierException ex) {
throw new WorkflowException(ex);
catch (JDOMException ex) {
throw new WorkflowException(ErrorCode.E0700, ex.getMessage(), ex);
catch (SAXException ex) {
throw new WorkflowException(ErrorCode.E0701, ex.getMessage(), ex);
catch (IOException ex) {
throw new WorkflowException(ErrorCode.E0702, ex.getMessage(), ex);
* Parse xml to {@link LiteWorkflowApp}
* @param strDef definition
* @param root root xml element
* @param configDefault default configuration
* @param jobConf job configuration
* @return LiteWorkflowApp
* @throws WorkflowException if workflow related issue occurs
private LiteWorkflowApp parse(String strDef, Element root, Configuration configDefault, Configuration jobConf)
throws WorkflowException {
Namespace ns = root.getNamespace();
LiteWorkflowApp def = null;
GlobalSectionData gData = jobConf.get(OOZIE_GLOBAL) == null ?
null : getGlobalFromString(jobConf.get(OOZIE_GLOBAL));
boolean serializedGlobalConf = false;
for (Element eNode : (List<Element>) root.getChildren()) {
if (eNode.getName().equals(START_E)) {
def = new LiteWorkflowApp(root.getAttributeValue(NAME_A), strDef,
new StartNodeDef(controlNodeHandler, eNode.getAttributeValue(TO_A)));
} else if (eNode.getName().equals(END_E)) {
def.addNode(new EndNodeDef(eNode.getAttributeValue(NAME_A), controlNodeHandler));
} else if (eNode.getName().equals(KILL_E)) {
def.addNode(new KillNodeDef(eNode.getAttributeValue(NAME_A),
eNode.getChildText(KILL_MESSAGE_E, ns), controlNodeHandler));
} else if (eNode.getName().equals(FORK_E)) {
List<String> paths = new ArrayList<String>();
for (Element tran : (List<Element>) eNode.getChildren(FORK_PATH_E, ns)) {
def.addNode(new ForkNodeDef(eNode.getAttributeValue(NAME_A), controlNodeHandler, paths));
} else if (eNode.getName().equals(JOIN_E)) {
def.addNode(new JoinNodeDef(eNode.getAttributeValue(NAME_A), controlNodeHandler, eNode.getAttributeValue(TO_A)));
} else if (eNode.getName().equals(DECISION_E)) {
Element eSwitch = eNode.getChild(DECISION_SWITCH_E, ns);
List<String> transitions = new ArrayList<String>();
for (Element e : (List<Element>) eSwitch.getChildren(DECISION_CASE_E, ns)) {
transitions.add(eSwitch.getChild(DECISION_DEFAULT_E, ns).getAttributeValue(TO_A));
String switchStatement = XmlUtils.prettyPrint(eSwitch).toString();
def.addNode(new DecisionNodeDef(eNode.getAttributeValue(NAME_A), switchStatement, decisionHandlerClass,
} else if (ACTION_E.equals(eNode.getName())) {
String[] transitions = new String[2];
Element eActionConf = null;
for (Element elem : (List<Element>) eNode.getChildren()) {
if (ACTION_OK_E.equals(elem.getName())) {
transitions[0] = elem.getAttributeValue(TO_A);
} else if (ACTION_ERROR_E.equals(elem.getName())) {
transitions[1] = elem.getAttributeValue(TO_A);
} else if (SLA_INFO.equals(elem.getName()) || CREDENTIALS.equals(elem.getName())) {
} else {
if (!serializedGlobalConf && elem.getName().equals(SubWorkflowActionExecutor.ACTION_TYPE) &&
elem.getChild(("propagate-configuration"), ns) != null && gData != null) {
serializedGlobalConf = true;
jobConf.set(OOZIE_GLOBAL, getGlobalString(gData));
eActionConf = elem;
if (SUBWORKFLOW_E.equals(elem.getName())) {
handleDefaultsAndGlobal(gData, null, elem, ns);
else {
handleDefaultsAndGlobal(gData, configDefault, elem, ns);
String credStr = eNode.getAttributeValue(CRED_A);
String userRetryMaxStr = eNode.getAttributeValue(USER_RETRY_MAX_A);
String userRetryIntervalStr = eNode.getAttributeValue(USER_RETRY_INTERVAL_A);
String userRetryPolicyStr = eNode.getAttributeValue(USER_RETRY_POLICY_A);
try {
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(userRetryMaxStr)) {
userRetryMaxStr = ELUtils.resolveAppName(userRetryMaxStr, jobConf);
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(userRetryIntervalStr)) {
userRetryIntervalStr = ELUtils.resolveAppName(userRetryIntervalStr, jobConf);
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(userRetryPolicyStr)) {
userRetryPolicyStr = ELUtils.resolveAppName(userRetryPolicyStr, jobConf);
catch (Exception e) {
throw new WorkflowException(ErrorCode.E0703, e.getMessage());
String actionConf = XmlUtils.prettyPrint(eActionConf).toString();
def.addNode(new ActionNodeDef(eNode.getAttributeValue(NAME_A), actionConf, actionHandlerClass,
transitions[0], transitions[1], credStr, userRetryMaxStr, userRetryIntervalStr,
} else if (SLA_INFO.equals(eNode.getName()) || CREDENTIALS.equals(eNode.getName())) {
// No operation is required
} else if (eNode.getName().equals(GLOBAL)) {
if(jobConf.get(OOZIE_GLOBAL) != null) {
gData = getGlobalFromString(jobConf.get(OOZIE_GLOBAL));
handleDefaultsAndGlobal(gData, null, eNode, ns);
gData = parseGlobalSection(ns, eNode);
} else if (eNode.getName().equals(PARAMETERS)) {
// No operation is required
} else {
throw new WorkflowException(ErrorCode.E0703, eNode.getName());
return def;
* Read the GlobalSectionData from Base64 string.
* @param globalStr string value of global section
* @return GlobalSectionData
* @throws WorkflowException if workflow related issue occurs
private GlobalSectionData getGlobalFromString(String globalStr) throws WorkflowException {
GlobalSectionData globalSectionData = new GlobalSectionData();
try {
byte[] data = Base64.decodeBase64(globalStr);
Inflater inflater = new Inflater();
DataInputStream ois = new DataInputStream(new InflaterInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(data), inflater));
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new WorkflowException(ErrorCode.E0700, "Error while processing global section conf");
return globalSectionData;
* Write the GlobalSectionData to a Base64 string.
* @param globalSectionData string value of global section
* @return String
* @throws WorkflowException if workflow related issue occurs
private String getGlobalString(GlobalSectionData globalSectionData) throws WorkflowException {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream oos = null;
try {
Deflater def = new Deflater();
oos = new DataOutputStream(new DeflaterOutputStream(baos, def));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new WorkflowException(ErrorCode.E0700, "Error while processing global section conf");
return Base64.encodeBase64String(baos.toByteArray());
private void addChildElement(Element parent, Namespace ns, String childName, String childValue) {
Element child = new Element(childName, ns);
private class GlobalSectionData implements Writable {
String jobTracker;
String nameNode;
List<String> jobXmls;
Configuration conf;
public GlobalSectionData() {
public GlobalSectionData(String jobTracker, String nameNode, List<String> jobXmls, Configuration conf) {
this.jobTracker = jobTracker;
this.nameNode = nameNode;
this.jobXmls = jobXmls;
this.conf = conf;
public void write(DataOutput dataOutput) throws IOException {
WritableUtils.writeStr(dataOutput, jobTracker);
WritableUtils.writeStr(dataOutput, nameNode);
if(jobXmls != null && !jobXmls.isEmpty()) {
for (String content : jobXmls) {
WritableUtils.writeStr(dataOutput, content);
} else {
if(conf != null) {
WritableUtils.writeStr(dataOutput, XmlUtils.prettyPrint(conf).toString());
} else {
WritableUtils.writeStr(dataOutput, null);
public void readFields(DataInput dataInput) throws IOException {
jobTracker = WritableUtils.readStr(dataInput);
nameNode = WritableUtils.readStr(dataInput);
int length = dataInput.readInt();
if (length > 0) {
jobXmls = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
String confString = WritableUtils.readStr(dataInput);
if(confString != null) {
conf = new XConfiguration(new StringReader(confString));
private GlobalSectionData parseGlobalSection(Namespace ns, Element global) throws WorkflowException {
GlobalSectionData gData = null;
if (global != null) {
String globalJobTracker = null;
Element globalJobTrackerElement = getResourceManager(ns, global);
isResourceManagerTagUsed = globalJobTrackerElement != null
&& globalJobTrackerElement.getName().equals(RESOURCE_MANAGER);
if (globalJobTrackerElement != null) {
globalJobTracker = globalJobTrackerElement.getValue();
String globalNameNode = null;
Element globalNameNodeElement = global.getChild(NAME_NODE, ns);
if (globalNameNodeElement != null) {
globalNameNode = globalNameNodeElement.getValue();
List<String> globalJobXmls = null;
List<Element> globalJobXmlElements = global.getChildren(JOB_XML, ns);
if (!globalJobXmlElements.isEmpty()) {
globalJobXmls = new ArrayList<String>(globalJobXmlElements.size());
for(Element jobXmlElement: globalJobXmlElements) {
Configuration globalConf = new XConfiguration();
Element globalConfigurationElement = global.getChild(CONFIGURATION, ns);
if (globalConfigurationElement != null) {
try {
globalConf = new XConfiguration(new StringReader(XmlUtils.prettyPrint(globalConfigurationElement).toString()));
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new WorkflowException(ErrorCode.E0700, "Error while processing global section conf");
Element globalLauncherElement = global.getChild(LAUNCHER_E, ns);
if (globalLauncherElement != null) {
LauncherConfigHandler launcherConfigHandler = new LauncherConfigHandler(globalConf, globalLauncherElement, ns);
gData = new GlobalSectionData(globalJobTracker, globalNameNode, globalJobXmls, globalConf);
return gData;
private Element getResourceManager(final Namespace ns, final Element element) {
final Element resourceManager = element.getChild(RESOURCE_MANAGER, ns);
if (resourceManager != null) {
return resourceManager;
return element.getChild(JOB_TRACKER, ns);
private void handleDefaultsAndGlobal(GlobalSectionData gData, Configuration configDefault, Element actionElement, Namespace ns)
throws WorkflowException {
ActionExecutor ae = Services.get().get(ActionService.class).getExecutor(actionElement.getName());
if (ae == null && !GLOBAL.equals(actionElement.getName())) {
throw new WorkflowException(ErrorCode.E0723, actionElement.getName(), ActionService.class.getName());
Namespace actionNs = actionElement.getNamespace();
// If this is the global section or ActionExecutor.requiresNameNodeJobTracker() returns true, we parse the action's
// <name-node> and <job-tracker> fields. If those aren't defined, we take them from the <global> section. If those
// aren't defined, we take them from the oozie-site defaults. If those aren't defined, we throw a WorkflowException.
// However, for the SubWorkflow and FS Actions, as well as the <global> section, we don't throw the WorkflowException.
// Also, we only parse the NN (not the JT) for the FS Action.
if (SubWorkflowActionExecutor.ACTION_TYPE.equals(actionElement.getName()) ||
FsActionExecutor.ACTION_TYPE.equals(actionElement.getName()) ||
GLOBAL.equals(actionElement.getName()) || ae.requiresNameNodeJobTracker()) {
if (actionElement.getChild(NAME_NODE, actionNs) == null) {
if (gData != null && gData.nameNode != null) {
addChildElement(actionElement, actionNs, NAME_NODE, gData.nameNode);
} else if (defaultNameNode != null) {
addChildElement(actionElement, actionNs, NAME_NODE, defaultNameNode);
} else if (!(SubWorkflowActionExecutor.ACTION_TYPE.equals(actionElement.getName()) ||
FsActionExecutor.ACTION_TYPE.equals(actionElement.getName()) ||
GLOBAL.equals(actionElement.getName()))) {
throw new WorkflowException(ErrorCode.E0701, "No " + NAME_NODE + " defined");
if (getResourceManager(actionNs, actionElement) == null &&
!FsActionExecutor.ACTION_TYPE.equals(actionElement.getName())) {
if (gData != null && gData.jobTracker != null) {
addResourceManagerOrJobTracker(actionElement, actionNs, gData.jobTracker, isResourceManagerTagUsed);
} else if (defaultResourceManager != null) {
addResourceManagerOrJobTracker(actionElement, actionNs, defaultResourceManager, true);
} else if (defaultJobTracker != null) {
addResourceManagerOrJobTracker(actionElement, actionNs, defaultJobTracker, false);
} else if (!(SubWorkflowActionExecutor.ACTION_TYPE.equals(actionElement.getName()) ||
GLOBAL.equals(actionElement.getName()))) {
throw new WorkflowException(ErrorCode.E0701, "No " + JOB_TRACKER + " or " + RESOURCE_MANAGER + " defined");
// If this is the global section or ActionExecutor.supportsConfigurationJobXML() returns true, we parse the action's
// <configuration> and <job-xml> fields. We also merge this with those from the <global> section, if given. If none are
// defined, empty values are placed. Exceptions are thrown if there's an error parsing, but not if they're not given.
if (GLOBAL.equals(actionElement.getName()) || ae.supportsConfigurationJobXML()) {
List<Element> actionJobXmls = actionElement.getChildren(JOB_XML, actionNs);
if (gData != null && gData.jobXmls != null) {
int i = 0;
for(String gJobXml : gData.jobXmls) {
boolean alreadyExists = false;
for (Element actionXml : actionJobXmls) {
if (gJobXml.equals(actionXml.getText())) {
alreadyExists = true;
if (!alreadyExists) {
Element ejobXml = new Element(JOB_XML, actionNs);
actionElement.addContent(i, ejobXml);
try {
XConfiguration actionConf = new XConfiguration();
if (configDefault != null)
XConfiguration.copy(configDefault, actionConf);
if (gData != null && gData.conf != null) {
XConfiguration.copy(gData.conf, actionConf);
Element launcherConfiguration = actionElement.getChild(LAUNCHER_E, actionNs);
if (launcherConfiguration != null) {
LauncherConfigHandler launcherConfigHandler = new LauncherConfigHandler(
actionConf, launcherConfiguration, actionNs);
Element actionConfiguration = actionElement.getChild(CONFIGURATION, actionNs);
if (actionConfiguration != null) {
//copy and override
XConfiguration.copy(new XConfiguration(new StringReader(XmlUtils.prettyPrint(actionConfiguration).toString())),
int position = actionElement.indexOf(actionConfiguration);
actionElement.removeContent(actionConfiguration); //replace with enhanced one
Element eConfXml = XmlUtils.parseXml(actionConf.toXmlString(false));
if (position > 0) {
actionElement.addContent(position, eConfXml);
else {
catch (IOException e) {
throw new WorkflowException(ErrorCode.E0700, "Error while processing action conf");
catch (JDOMException e) {
throw new WorkflowException(ErrorCode.E0700, "Error while processing action conf");
private void addResourceManagerOrJobTracker(final Element actionElement, final Namespace actionNs, final String jobTracker,
boolean isResourceManagerUsed) {
if (isResourceManagerUsed) {
addChildElement(actionElement, actionNs, RESOURCE_MANAGER, jobTracker);
} else {
addChildElement(actionElement, actionNs, JOB_TRACKER, jobTracker);
private void addResourceManager(final Element actionElement, final Namespace actionNs, final String jobTracker) {
addChildElement(actionElement, actionNs, RESOURCE_MANAGER, jobTracker);