blob: 555484d0e3bbb75b13c494be22874438d0c29880 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
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// additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this
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package org.apache.oodt.pcs.input;
//JDK imports
import java.util.Iterator;
//Junit imports
import junit.framework.TestCase;
* <p>
* A TestCase to test the PGEConfigFileReader
* </p>
* @author mattmann
* @version $Revision$
public class PGEConfigFileReaderTest extends TestCase {
private PGEConfigurationFile configFile = null;
protected void setUp() {
PGEConfigFileReader reader = new PGEConfigFileReader();
try {
configFile =
} catch (PGEConfigFileException e) {
LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage());
public void testPGEName() {
assertEquals("The PGE Name: " + configFile.getPgeName().getValue()
+ " is not equal to TestPGE", "Test PGE", configFile.getPgeName()
public void testInputProductFiles() {
PGEGroup inputProductFiles = configFile.getInputProductFiles();
assertEquals("There is not 4 input product files!", 4, inputProductFiles
"The VCID17Stream does not have the correct value!",
"The VCID34Stream does not have the correct value!",
public void testSFIFInputFiles() {
PGEGroup sfifFiles = configFile.getStaticFileIdentificationFiles();
assertEquals("There is not 2 sfif files!", 2, sfifFiles.getNumScalars());
"The SFIF34Stream does not have the correct value!",
public void testDynamicAuxFiles() {
PGEGroup dynAuxFiles = configFile.getDynamicAuxiliaryInputFiles();
assertEquals("There is not 1 dynamic aux file!", 1, dynAuxFiles
"The AuxStream1 does not have the correct value!",
public void testRecordedAuxFiles() {
PGEGroup recAuxFiles = configFile.getRecordedAuxiliaryInputFiles();
assertEquals("There is not 1 recorded aux file!", 1, recAuxFiles
"The RecAuxStream1 does not have the correct value!",
public void testProductPath() {
assertEquals("The product path: " + configFile.getProductPath().getValue()
+ " is not equal to /data", "/data", configFile.getProductPath()
public void testMonitorPath() {
assertEquals("The monitor path: " + configFile.getMonitorPath().getValue()
+ " is not equal to /data/monitor", "/data/monitor", configFile
public void testMonitorFilenameFormat() {
assertEquals("The monitor filename format: "
+ configFile.getMonitorFilenameFormat().getValue()
+ " is not equal to .monitor", ".monitor", configFile
public void testMonitorLevels() {
assertEquals("The MonIO level was not set to High!", "High", configFile
assertEquals("The MonAlg level was not set to Off!", "Off", configFile
assertEquals("The MonControl level was not set to Med!", "Med", configFile
public void testPGESpecificInfo() {
PGEGroup pgeSpecific = (PGEGroup) configFile.getPgeSpecificGroups().get(
// test that the scalar is read
assertEquals("The test scalar 1 does not have a value of Scalar1",
"Scalar1", pgeSpecific.getScalar("TestScalar1").getValue());
// test that the vector is read
PGEVector testVec = pgeSpecific.getVector("TestVector1");
String testVal = "/data/1/2/3/file.file";
boolean hasValue = false;
for (Iterator i = testVec.getElements().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
String elem = (String);
if (elem.equals(testVal)) {
hasValue = true;
assertTrue("The vector TestVector1 does not have the value " + testVal
+ "!", hasValue);
// test that the matrix was read right
PGEMatrix testMatrix = pgeSpecific.getMatrix("TestMatrix1");
// row 1, col 0 should be 44
assertEquals("The matrix value isn't 44!", 44, Integer
.parseInt((String) testMatrix.getValue(1, 0)));