blob: 849f18a41bffd1a77047db017c005606415ff344 [file] [log] [blame]
# Site settings
github.url: ""
title: Apache OODT - Distributed Data Management
description: |
Apache Object Oriented Data Technology (OODT) is the smart way to integrate and archive your processes, your data, and its metadata. It facilitates the generation, processing, management, distribution, analysis of data management, data archiving, and data analytics systems allowing for the integration of data, computation, visualization and other components.
baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog/
url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site
# User setting
owner: Apache OODT
twitter_username: apache_oodt
github_username: apache/oodt
# - line:
# - line:
copyright: The Apache Foundation
# API settings
google_api_key: AIzaSyBF9vQhDZ0si6cAFWwjETefQE1eREl6NvQ
# Build settings
markdown: kramdown
gems: ['jekyll-less']
- version: "1.2.3"
date: AUG-2018
pgp_signature: 2048R/5E91D429 Tom Barber
- version: "1.2"
date: AUG-2017
pgp_signature: 2048R/5E91D429 Tom Barber
- version: "1.1"
date: JUL-2017
pgp_signature: 2048R/0C1E654B Chris Mattmann (CODE SIGNING KEY - Apr 2016) <>
- version: "1.0"
date: JUN-2016
pgp_signature: 783CE7BB Tom Barber
- version: "0.12"
date: FEB-2016
pgp_signature: 783CE7BB Tom Barber
- version: "0.11"
date: JAN-2016
- version: "0.10"
date: AUG-2015
- version: "0.9"
date: JUN-2015