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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.oodt.cas.filemgr.catalog.solr;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.apache.oodt.cas.filemgr.catalog.Catalog;
import org.apache.oodt.cas.filemgr.structs.Product;
import org.apache.oodt.cas.filemgr.structs.ProductPage;
import org.apache.oodt.cas.filemgr.structs.ProductType;
import org.apache.oodt.cas.filemgr.structs.Query;
import org.apache.oodt.cas.filemgr.structs.QueryCriteria;
import org.apache.oodt.cas.filemgr.structs.Reference;
import org.apache.oodt.cas.filemgr.structs.exceptions.CatalogException;
import org.apache.oodt.cas.filemgr.validation.ValidationLayer;
import org.apache.oodt.cas.metadata.Metadata;
import org.apache.oodt.commons.pagination.PaginationUtils;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
* Implementation of the CAS {@link Catalog} interface
* that uses a Solr back-end metadata store.
* @author Luca Cinquini
public class SolrCatalog implements Catalog {
// Class responsible for serializing/deserializing CAS products into Solr documents
ProductSerializer productSerializer;
// Class responsible for generating unique identifiers for incoming Products
ProductIdGenerator productIdGenerator;
// Class responsible for interacting with the Solr server
SolrClient solrClient;
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(SolrCatalog.class.getName());
public SolrCatalog(String solrUrl, ProductIdGenerator productIdGenerator, ProductSerializer productSerializer) {
this.productIdGenerator = productIdGenerator;
this.productSerializer = productSerializer;
this.solrClient = new SolrClient(solrUrl);
public void addMetadata(Metadata metadata, Product product) throws CatalogException {"Adding metadata for product:"+product.getProductName());
// serialize metadadta to Solr document(s)
// replace=false i.e. add metadata to existing values
List<String> docs = productSerializer.serialize(product.getProductId(), metadata, false);
// send documents to Solr server
solrClient.index(docs, true, productSerializer.getMimeType());
* This method implementation will remove the specified keys and values from the product metadata,
* leaving all other metadata keys and values unchanged.
* Note: ALL occurrences of each specified (key, value) pair will be removed, not just the first.
public void removeMetadata(Metadata metadata, Product product) throws CatalogException {
// retrieve full existing metadata
Metadata currentMetadata = getMetadata(product);
// metadata to be updated
Metadata updateMetadata = new Metadata();
// loop over keys of metadata be updated
for (String key : metadata.getKeys()) {
// list of values remaining after removal
List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>();
if (currentMetadata.containsKey(key)) {
for (String value : currentMetadata.getAllMetadata(key)) {
if (!metadata.getAllMetadata(key).contains(value)) {
// add remaining values to updated metadata
if (values.isEmpty()) {
// special value because Metadata will NOT store an empty list
updateMetadata.addMetadata(key, values);
// generate Solr update documents
// replace=true to override existing values
List<String> docs = productSerializer.serialize(product.getProductId(), updateMetadata, true);
// send documents to Solr server
solrClient.index(docs, true, productSerializer.getMimeType());
* Method that adds a Product to the Catalog,
* persisting its fundamental CAS attributes (id, name, type, ingestion time, etc.).
* This method assigns the product a unique identifier, if not existing already.
public void addProduct(Product product) throws CatalogException {"Adding product:"+product.getProductName());
// generate product identifier if not existing already
if (!StringUtils.hasText(product.getProductId())) {
String productId = this.productIdGenerator.generateId(product);
// serialize product for ingestion into Solr
List<String> docs = productSerializer.serialize(product, true); // create=true
// send records to Solr
solrClient.index(docs, true, productSerializer.getMimeType());
public void modifyProduct(Product product) throws CatalogException {"Modifying product:"+product.getProductName());
// serialize the update product information to Solr document(s)
List<String> docs = productSerializer.serialize(product, false); // create=false
// send records to Solr
solrClient.index(docs, true, productSerializer.getMimeType());
public void removeProduct(Product product) throws CatalogException {
// send message to Solr server
solrClient.delete(product.getProductId(), true);
public void setProductTransferStatus(Product product) throws CatalogException {
public void addProductReferences(Product product) throws CatalogException {
// generate update documents (with replace=true)
List<String> docs = productSerializer.serialize(product.getProductId(), product.getRootRef(), product.getProductReferences(), true);
// send documents to Solr server
solrClient.index(docs, true, productSerializer.getMimeType());
public Product getProductById(String productId) throws CatalogException {
CompleteProduct cp = getCompleteProductById(productId);
return cp.getProduct();
public Product getProductByName(String productName) throws CatalogException {
CompleteProduct cp = getCompleteProductByName(productName);
if (cp!=null) {"Found product name="+productName+" id="+cp.getProduct().getProductId());
return cp.getProduct();
} else {"Product with name="+productName+" not found");
return null;
public List<Reference> getProductReferences(Product product) throws CatalogException {
CompleteProduct cp = getCompleteProductById(product.getProductId());
return cp.getProduct().getProductReferences();
public List<Product> getProducts() throws CatalogException {
// build query parameters
Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
params.put("q", new String[] { "*:*" } );
//params.put("rows", new String[] { "20" } ); // control pagination ?
// query Solr for all matching products
return getProducts(params, 0, -1).getProducts(); // get ALL products
* Common utility to retrieve a range of products matching the specified {@link Query} and {@link ProductType}.
* This method transforms the given constraints in a map of HTTP (name, value) pairs and delegates to the following method.
* @param query
* @param type
* @param offset
* @param limit
* @return
* @throws CatalogException
private QueryResponse getProducts(Query query, ProductType type, int offset, int limit) throws CatalogException {
// build HTTP request
HashMap<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
// product type constraint
params.put("q", new String[]{Parameters.PRODUCT_TYPE_NAME+":"+type.getName()} );
// convert filemgr query into a Solr query
List<String> qc = new ArrayList<String>();
for (QueryCriteria queryCriteria : query.getCriteria()) {"Query criteria="+queryCriteria.toString());
params.put("fq", qc.toArray( new String[ qc.size() ] ));
// sort
params.put("sort", new String[]{ Parameters.PRODUCT_RECEIVED_TIME+" desc"} );
return this.getProducts(params, offset, limit);
* Common utility to retrieve a range of products matching the specified query parameters
* @param params : HTTP query parameters used for query to Solr
* @param offset : the index of the first result, starting at 0
* @param limit : the maximum number of returned results (use -1 to return ALL results)
* @return
private QueryResponse getProducts(Map<String, String[]> params, int offset, int limit) throws CatalogException {
// combined results from pagination
QueryResponse queryResponse = new QueryResponse();
int start = offset;
while (queryResponse.getCompleteProducts().size()<limit || limit<0) {
params.put("start", new String[] { ""+start } );
String response = solrClient.query(params, productSerializer.getMimeType());
QueryResponse qr = productSerializer.deserialize(response);
for (CompleteProduct cp : qr.getCompleteProducts()) {
if (queryResponse.getCompleteProducts().size()<limit) {
queryResponse.getCompleteProducts().add( cp );
queryResponse.setNumFound( qr.getNumFound() );
start = offset+queryResponse.getCompleteProducts().size();
if (limit<0) limit = queryResponse.getNumFound(); // retrieve ALL results
if (start>=queryResponse.getNumFound()) break; // don't query any longer
}"Total number of products found="+queryResponse.getNumFound());"Total number of products returned="+queryResponse.getCompleteProducts().size());
return queryResponse;
public List<Product> getProductsByProductType(ProductType type) throws CatalogException {
// build query parameters
Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
params.put("q", new String[] { "*:*" } );
// use the product type name as query parameter
params.put("fq", new String[] { Parameters.PRODUCT_TYPE_NAME+":"+type.getName() } );
// query Solr for all matching products
return getProducts(params, 0, -1).getProducts(); // get ALL products
public Metadata getMetadata(Product product) throws CatalogException {
CompleteProduct cp = getCompleteProductById(product.getProductId());
return cp.getMetadata();
public Metadata getReducedMetadata(Product product, List<String> elements) throws CatalogException {
// build HTTP request
HashMap<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
params.put("q", new String[]{Parameters.PRODUCT_ID+":"+product.getProductId()} );
// request metadata elements explicitly
params.put("fl", elements.toArray(new String[elements.size()]) );
// execute request
String doc = solrClient.query(params, productSerializer.getMimeType());
// parse response
CompleteProduct cp = extractCompleteProduct(doc);
return cp.getMetadata();
* {@inheritDoc}
* Note that this method implementation will return ALL products in the catalog matching the query criteria.
public List<String> query(Query query, ProductType type) throws CatalogException {
// execute request for ALL results
QueryResponse queryResponse = this.getProducts(query, type, 0, -1); // get ALL products
// extract ids from products
List<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>();
for (CompleteProduct cp : queryResponse.getCompleteProducts()) {
return ids;
public List<Product> getTopNProducts(int n) throws CatalogException {
// retrieve most recent n products from Solr
String doc = solrClient.queryProductsByDate(n, productSerializer.getMimeType());
// parse Solr response into Product objects
return this.getProductsFromDocument(doc);
public ProductPage pagedQuery(Query query, ProductType type, int pageNum) throws CatalogException {
// execute request for one page of results
int offset = (pageNum-1)*Parameters.PAGE_SIZE;
int limit = Parameters.PAGE_SIZE;
QueryResponse queryResponse = this.getProducts(query, type, offset, limit);
// build product page from query response
return newProductPage(pageNum, queryResponse);
public ProductPage getFirstPage(ProductType type) {
try {
return this.pagedQuery(new Query(), type, 1);
} catch(CatalogException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
public ProductPage getLastProductPage(ProductType type) {
try {
// query for total number of products of this type
int numTotalResults = this.getNumProducts(type);
// compute last page number
int numOfPages = PaginationUtils.getTotalPage(numTotalResults, Parameters.PAGE_SIZE);
// request last page
return pagedQuery(new Query(), type, numOfPages);
} catch(CatalogException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
public ProductPage getNextPage(ProductType type, ProductPage currentPage) {
int nextPageNumber = currentPage.getPageNum()+1;
if (nextPageNumber>currentPage.getTotalPages()) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid next page number: "+nextPageNumber);
try {
return this.pagedQuery(new Query(), type, currentPage.getPageNum()+1);
} catch(CatalogException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
public ProductPage getPrevPage(ProductType type, ProductPage currentPage) {
int prevPageNumber = currentPage.getPageNum()-1;
if (prevPageNumber<=0) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid previous page number: "+prevPageNumber);
try {
return this.pagedQuery(new Query(), type, prevPageNumber);
} catch(CatalogException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
* Common functionality for extracting products from a Solr response document.
* @param doc
* @return
private List<Product> getProductsFromDocument(String doc) throws CatalogException {
// extract full product information from Solr response
QueryResponse queryResponse = productSerializer.deserialize(doc);
// return products only
return queryResponse.getProducts();
public List<Product> getTopNProducts(int n, ProductType type) throws CatalogException {
// retrieve most recent n products from Solr
String doc = solrClient.queryProductsByDateAndType(n, type, productSerializer.getMimeType());
// parse Solr response into Product objects
return this.getProductsFromDocument(doc);
public ValidationLayer getValidationLayer() throws CatalogException {
// FIXME: must parse Solr schema.xmnl from:
// http://localhost:8080/solr/admin/file/?contentType=text/xml;charset=utf-8&file=schema.xml
throw new RuntimeException("Method 'getValidationLayer' not yet implemented");
public int getNumProducts(ProductType type) throws CatalogException {
// build query parameters
Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
params.put("q", new String[] { "*:*" } );
params.put("rows", new String[] { "0" } ); // don't return any results
// execute query
String response = solrClient.query(params, productSerializer.getMimeType());
// parse response
QueryResponse queryResponse = productSerializer.deserialize(response);
return queryResponse.getNumFound();
private CompleteProduct getCompleteProductById(String productId) throws CatalogException {
// request document with given id
String doc = solrClient.queryProductById(productId, productSerializer.getMimeType());
// parse document into complete product
return extractCompleteProduct(doc);
private CompleteProduct getCompleteProductByName(String productName) throws CatalogException {
// request document with given id
String doc = solrClient.queryProductByName(productName, productSerializer.getMimeType());
// parse document into complete product
return extractCompleteProduct(doc);
private CompleteProduct extractCompleteProduct(String doc) throws CatalogException {
// deserialize document into Product"Parsing Solr document: "+doc);
QueryResponse queryResponse = productSerializer.deserialize(doc);
int numFound = queryResponse.getNumFound();
if (numFound>1) {
throw new CatalogException("Product query returned "+numFound+" results instead of 1!");
} else if (numFound==0) {
return null; // no product found
} else {
return queryResponse.getCompleteProducts().get(0);
* Factory method to create a {@link ProductPage} from a {@link QueryResponse}.
* @param pageNumber
* @param queryResponse
* @return
private ProductPage newProductPage(int pageNum, QueryResponse queryResponse) {
ProductPage page = new ProductPage();
page.setTotalPages(PaginationUtils.getTotalPage(queryResponse.getNumFound(), Parameters.PAGE_SIZE));
return page;