blob: 931bf74d4c6f709c016d65a2a519039d87bd95f2 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.onami.persist;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import javax.inject.Inject;
import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor;
import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInvocation;
* Interceptor for methods and classes annotated with {@link Transactional @Transactional} annotation.
class TxnInterceptor
implements MethodInterceptor
* Unit of work.
private UnitOfWork unitOfWork;
* Factory for {@link TransactionFacade}.
private TransactionFacadeFactory tfProvider;
* Helper for working with the concrete transactional annotations on methods and classes.
private TransactionalAnnotationHelper txnAnnotationHelper;
void init( UnitOfWork unitOfWork, TransactionFacadeFactory tfProvider,
TransactionalAnnotationHelper txnAnnotationHelper )
this.unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
this.tfProvider = tfProvider;
this.txnAnnotationHelper = txnAnnotationHelper;
* {@inheritDoc}
// @Override
public final Object invoke( MethodInvocation methodInvocation )
throws Throwable
if ( persistenceUnitParticipatesInTransactionFor( methodInvocation ) )
return invokeInTransactionAndUnitOfWork( methodInvocation );
return methodInvocation.proceed();
* Decides if the current persistence unit participates in a transaction for the given method invocation.
* For a detailed description of when a persistence unit participates see the documentation at the
* {@link Transactional @Transactional} annotation.
* @param methodInvocation the method invocation which may be wrapped in a transaction.
* @return {@code true} if the current persistence unit participates in a transaction for the given method.
private boolean persistenceUnitParticipatesInTransactionFor( MethodInvocation methodInvocation )
return txnAnnotationHelper.persistenceUnitParticipatesInTransactionFor( methodInvocation );
* Invokes the original method within a unit of work and a transaction.
* @param methodInvocation the method to be executed within the transaction
* @return the result of the invocation of the original method.
* @throws Throwable if an exception occurs during the call to the original method.
private Object invokeInTransactionAndUnitOfWork( MethodInvocation methodInvocation )
throws Throwable
final boolean weStartedTheUnitOfWork = !unitOfWork.isActive();
if ( weStartedTheUnitOfWork )
Throwable originalException = null;
return invokeInTransaction( methodInvocation );
catch ( Throwable exc )
originalException = exc;
throw exc;
if ( weStartedTheUnitOfWork )
endUnitOfWork( originalException );
* Ends the unit of work. If an exception occurs while ending the unit of work it is neglected in preference of an
* original exception.
* @param originalException the original exception. will be thrown in preference to an exception occurring during
* execution of this method.
* @throws Throwable if an exception happened while ending the unit of work.
private void endUnitOfWork( Throwable originalException )
throws Throwable
catch ( Throwable exc )
if ( originalException != null )
throw originalException;
throw exc;
* Invoke the original method within a transaction.
* @param methodInvocation the original method invocation.
* @return the result of the invocation of the original method.
* @throws Throwable if an exception occurs during the call to the original method.
private Object invokeInTransaction( MethodInvocation methodInvocation )
throws Throwable
final TransactionFacade transactionFacade = tfProvider.createTransactionFacade();
final Object result = invokeAndHandleException( methodInvocation, transactionFacade );
return result;
* Invoke the original method assuming a transaction has already been started.
* This method is responsible of calling rollback if necessary.
* @param methodInvocation the original method invocation.
* @param transactionFacade the facade to the underlying resource local or jta transaction.
* @return the result of the invocation of the original method.
* @throws Throwable if an exception occurs during the call to the original method.
private Object invokeAndHandleException( MethodInvocation methodInvocation, TransactionFacade transactionFacade )
throws Throwable
return methodInvocation.proceed();
catch ( Throwable exc )
handleException( methodInvocation, transactionFacade, exc );
throw exc;
* Handles the case that an exception was thrown by the original method.
* @param methodInvocation the original method invocation.
* @param transactionFacade the facade to the underlying resource local or jta transaction.
* @param exc the exception thrown by the original method.
private void handleException( MethodInvocation methodInvocation, TransactionFacade transactionFacade,
Throwable exc )
throws Throwable
if ( isRollbackNecessaryFor( methodInvocation, exc ) )
catch ( Exception swallowedException )
// swallow exception from transaction facade in favor of th exception thrown by the original method.
throw exc;
* Decides if a rollback is necessary for the given method invocation and a thrown exception.
* @param methodInvocation the method invocation during which an exception was thrown.
* @param exc the exception which was thrown
* @return {@code true} if the transaction needs to be rolled back.
private boolean isRollbackNecessaryFor( MethodInvocation methodInvocation, Throwable exc )
return txnAnnotationHelper.isRollbackNecessaryFor( methodInvocation, exc );