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<h2 id="batch-request-construction">Batch Request construction<a class="headerlink" href="#batch-request-construction" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2>
<p><strong>Query Request construction</strong></p>
<p>A BatchQueryPart is a representation of a single retrieve request. You can use the following methods in order to fill out a request:</p>
BatchQueryPart request = BatchQueryPart.method("GET").uri("$metadata").build();
<p><strong>Note:</strong> The valid method value is GET.</p>
<p><strong>ChangeSet construction</strong>
A BatchChangeSetPart is a representation of a single change request. You can use the following methods in order to fill out a change request:</p>
<pre><code>Map<string, string=""> changeSetHeaders = new HashMap<string, string="">();
changeSetHeaders.put("content-type", "application/json;odata=verbose");
BatchChangeSetPart changeRequest = BatchChangeSetPart.method("PUT")
.body("{\"EmployeeName\":\"Frederic Fall MODIFIED\"}")
<p><strong>Note:</strong> The valid method values are POST, PUT, DELETE or MERGE.</p>
<p>The change request has to become a part of a changeSet. For that you need to create a changeSet object and to attach the change request to this object.</p>
BatchChangeSet changeSet = BatchChangeSet.newBuilder().build();
<p><strong>Batch request payload construction</strong>
After you collected all created parts, you can call the method writeBatchRequestBody(..) provided by EntityProvider</p>
List&lt;BatchPart&gt; batchParts = new ArrayList&lt;BatchPart&gt;();
InputStream payload = EntityProvider.writeBatchRequest(batchParts, BOUNDARY);
<p>The second parameter BOUNDARY is necessary information for the construction of the batch request payload. It is the value of the boundary parameter, that is set in Content-Type header of the batch request.</p>
<p><strong>Batch Response interpretation</strong>
Interpretation of the batch response payload
You receive a list of single response by calling EntityProvider.parseBatchResponse(..)</p>
<pre><code>List&lt;BatchSingleResponse&gt; responses = EntityProvider.parseBatchResponse(responseBody, contentType);
for (BatchSingleResponse response : responses) {
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