blob: 77e1cfe3dd15061e9f1a2ac7a77e1ed549b536f2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.olingo.server.core;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.http.HttpMethod;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.ODataApplicationException;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.ODataLibraryException;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.ODataRequest;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.ODataResponse;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.ODataServerError;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.processor.Processor;
import org.apache.olingo.server.core.requests.ActionRequest;
import org.apache.olingo.server.core.requests.DataRequest;
import org.apache.olingo.server.core.requests.FunctionRequest;
import org.apache.olingo.server.core.requests.MediaRequest;
import org.apache.olingo.server.core.requests.MetadataRequest;
import org.apache.olingo.server.core.requests.ServiceDocumentRequest;
import org.apache.olingo.server.core.responses.EntityResponse;
import org.apache.olingo.server.core.responses.ErrorResponse;
import org.apache.olingo.server.core.responses.MetadataResponse;
import org.apache.olingo.server.core.responses.NoContentResponse;
import org.apache.olingo.server.core.responses.PropertyResponse;
import org.apache.olingo.server.core.responses.ServiceDocumentResponse;
import org.apache.olingo.server.core.responses.ServiceResponse;
import org.apache.olingo.server.core.responses.StreamResponse;
public interface ServiceHandler extends Processor {
* Read CSDL document of the Service
* @param request
* @param response
* @throws ODataLibraryException
* @throws ODataApplicationException
void readMetadata(MetadataRequest request, MetadataResponse response)
throws ODataLibraryException, ODataApplicationException;
* Read ServiceDocument of the service
* @param request
* @param response
* @throws ODataLibraryException
* @throws ODataApplicationException
void readServiceDocument(ServiceDocumentRequest request, ServiceDocumentResponse response)
throws ODataLibraryException, ODataApplicationException;
* Read operation for EntitySets, Entities, Properties, Media etc. Based on the type of request
* the response object is different. Even the navigation based queries are handled by this method.
* @param request
* @param response
* @throws ODataLibraryException
* @throws ODataApplicationException
<T extends ServiceResponse> void read(DataRequest request, T response)
throws ODataLibraryException, ODataApplicationException;
* Create new entity in the service based on the entity object provided
* @param request
* @param entity
* @param response
* @throws ODataLibraryException
* @throws ODataApplicationException
void createEntity(DataRequest request, Entity entity, EntityResponse response)
throws ODataLibraryException, ODataApplicationException;
* Update the entity object.
* @param request
* @param entity
* @param merge - true if merge operation, false it needs to be replaced
* @param entityETag - previous entity tag if provided by the user. "*" means allow.
* @param response
* @throws ODataLibraryException
* @throws ODataApplicationException
void updateEntity(DataRequest request, Entity entity, boolean merge, String entityETag,
EntityResponse response) throws ODataLibraryException, ODataApplicationException;
* Update or create the entity object. If based on passed in entity object's key value, if
* entity exists update the entity, else create a new entity
* @param request
* @param entity - Entity to create or update
* @param merge - in the case of update, true to do merge operation with current entity,
* false the entity needs to be replaced
* @param entityETag - previous entity tag if provided by the user. "*" means allow.
* @param response
* @throws ODataLibraryException
* @throws ODataApplicationException
void upsertEntity(DataRequest request, Entity entity, boolean merge, String entityETag,
EntityResponse response) throws ODataLibraryException, ODataApplicationException;
* Delete the Entity
* @param request
* @param entityETag - entity tag to match, if provided by the user. "*" means allow
* @param response
* @throws ODataLibraryException
* @throws ODataApplicationException
void deleteEntity(DataRequest request, String entityETag, EntityResponse response)
throws ODataLibraryException, ODataApplicationException;
* Update a non-media/stream property.if the value of property NULL, it should be treated as
* DeleteProperty
* @param request
* @param property - Updated property.
* @param rawValue - $value based call, where property value provided is in byte[] format.
* user must convert the value to correct datatype format before update.
* The semantics of conversion are not defined.
* @param merge - if the property is complex, true here means merge, false is replace
* @param entityETag - entity tag to match before update operation, "*" allows all.
* @param response
* @throws ODataLibraryException
* @throws ODataApplicationException
void updateProperty(DataRequest request, Property property, boolean rawValue,
boolean merge, String entityETag, PropertyResponse response)
throws ODataLibraryException, ODataApplicationException;
* Update Stream property, if StreamContent is null, it should treated as delete request
* @param request
* @param entityETag - entity tag to match before update operation, "*" allows all.
* @param streamContent - updated stream content
* @param response
* @throws ODataLibraryException
* @throws ODataApplicationException
void upsertStreamProperty(DataRequest request, String entityETag, InputStream streamContent,
NoContentResponse response) throws ODataLibraryException, ODataApplicationException;
* Invocation of a Function. The response object will be based on metadata defined for service
* @param request
* @param method
* @param response
* @throws ODataLibraryException
* @throws ODataApplicationException
<T extends ServiceResponse> void invoke(FunctionRequest request, HttpMethod method, T response)
throws ODataLibraryException, ODataApplicationException;
* Invocation of a Function. The response object will be based on metadata defined for service
* @param request
* @param eTag
* @param response
* @throws ODataLibraryException
* @throws ODataApplicationException
<T extends ServiceResponse> void invoke(ActionRequest request, String eTag, T response)
throws ODataLibraryException, ODataApplicationException;
* Read media stream content of a Entity
* @param request
* @param response
* @throws ODataLibraryException
* @throws ODataApplicationException
void readMediaStream(MediaRequest request, StreamResponse response)
throws ODataLibraryException, ODataApplicationException;
* Update of Media Stream Content of a Entity. If the mediaContent is null it should be treated
* as delete request.
* @param request
* @param entityETag - entity etag to match before update operation, "*" allows all.
* @param mediaContent - if null, must be treated as delete request
* @param response
* @throws ODataLibraryException
* @throws ODataApplicationException
void upsertMediaStream(MediaRequest request, String entityETag, InputStream mediaContent,
NoContentResponse response) throws ODataLibraryException, ODataApplicationException;
* Any Unsupported one will be directed here.
* @param request
* @param response
* @throws ODataLibraryException
* @throws ODataApplicationException
void anyUnsupported(ODataRequest request, ODataResponse response)
throws ODataLibraryException, ODataApplicationException;
* Add references (relationships) to Entity. This is always on collection valued navigation property
* @param request
* @param entityETag - entity etag to match before add operation, "*" allows all.
* @param referenceId - references to add
* @param response - return always should be 204
* @throws ODataLibraryException
* @throws ODataApplicationException
void addReference(DataRequest request, String entityETag, URI referenceId, NoContentResponse response)
throws ODataLibraryException, ODataApplicationException;
* Update references (relationships) in an Entity; This is always against single valued navigation property
* @param request
* @param entityETag
* @param referenceId
* @param response - always should be 204
* @throws ODataLibraryException
* @throws ODataApplicationException
void updateReference(DataRequest request, String entityETag, URI referenceId, NoContentResponse response)
throws ODataLibraryException, ODataApplicationException;
* Delete references (relationships) in an Entity
* @param request
* @param deleteId for collection valued navigation this will be non-null value;
* for single valued navigation property, this will be null
* @param entityETag
* @param response - always should be 204
* @throws ODataLibraryException
* @throws ODataApplicationException
void deleteReference(DataRequest request, URI deleteId, String entityETag, NoContentResponse response)
throws ODataLibraryException, ODataApplicationException;
* During a batch operation, this method starts the transaction (if any) before any operation is handled
* by the service. No nested transactions.
* @return must return a unique transaction id that references a atomic operation.
* @throws ODataLibraryException
* @throws ODataApplicationException
String startTransaction() throws ODataLibraryException, ODataApplicationException;;
* When a batch operation is complete and all the intermediate service requests are successful, then
* commit is called with transaction id returned in the startTransaction method.
* @param txnId
* @throws ODataLibraryException
* @throws ODataApplicationException
void commit(String txnId) throws ODataLibraryException, ODataApplicationException;;
* When a batch operation is in-complete due to an error in the middle of changeset, then rollback is
* called with transaction id, that returned from startTransaction method.
* @param txnId
* @throws ODataLibraryException
* @throws ODataApplicationException
void rollback(String txnId) throws ODataLibraryException, ODataApplicationException;;
* This is not complete, more URL parsing changes required. Cross join between two entities.
* @param dataRequest
* @param entitySetNames
* @param response
* @throws ODataLibraryException
* @throws ODataApplicationException
void crossJoin(DataRequest dataRequest, List<String> entitySetNames, ODataResponse response)
throws ODataLibraryException, ODataApplicationException;
* Snapshot isolation guarantees that all data returned for a request, including multiple requests within
* a batch or results retrieved across multiple pages, will be consistent as of a single point in time.
* Only data modifications made within the request (for example, by a data modification request
* within the same batch) are visible. The effect is as if the request generates a "snapshot" of
* the committed data as it existed at the start of the request. for more info see OData V4, Part1 8.2.6
* The contract for this interface is if it returns true, whenever the service deals with $skiptoken based
* results, they MUST be from same snapshot of the original request. false, the framework will automatically
* returns a 412.
* @return
boolean supportsDataIsolation();
* Handle errors generated by the framework as well as the service specific errors. This can be used
* one place handle error logging, error modification etc.
* @param error
* @param response
void processError(ODataServerError error, ErrorResponse response);