blob: 9f8ff4c28ffed005dfa653817a03e524c948bf9c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.olingo.commons.core.edm.primitivetype;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.time.ZoneOffset;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeParseException;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeException;
* Implementation of the EDM primitive type DateTimeOffset.
public final class EdmDateTimeOffset extends SingletonPrimitiveType {
private static final ZoneId ZULU = ZoneId.of("Z");
private static final Pattern PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(-?\\p{Digit}{4,})-(\\p{Digit}{2})-(\\p{Digit}{2})"
+ "T(\\p{Digit}{2}):(\\p{Digit}{2})(?::(\\p{Digit}{2})(\\.(\\p{Digit}{0,12}?)0*)?)?"
+ "(Z|([-+]\\p{Digit}{2}:\\p{Digit}{2}))?");
private static final EdmDateTimeOffset INSTANCE = new EdmDateTimeOffset();
public static EdmDateTimeOffset getInstance() {
return INSTANCE;
public Class<?> getDefaultType() {
return Timestamp.class;
protected <T> T internalValueOfString(final String value, final Boolean isNullable, final Integer maxLength,
final Integer precision, final Integer scale, final Boolean isUnicode, final Class<T> returnType)
throws EdmPrimitiveTypeException {
try {
ZonedDateTime zdt = parseZonedDateTime(value);
return convertZonedDateTime(zdt, returnType);
} catch (DateTimeParseException ex) {
throw new EdmPrimitiveTypeException("The literal '" + value + "' has illegal content.", ex);
} catch (final ClassCastException e) {
throw new EdmPrimitiveTypeException("The value type " + returnType + " is not supported.", e);
private static ZonedDateTime parseZonedDateTime(final String value) {
ZonedDateTime zdt;
try {
// ISO-8601 conform pattern
zdt = ZonedDateTime.parse(value);
} catch (DateTimeParseException ex) {
// for backward compatibility - allow patterns that don't specify a time zone
final Matcher matcher = PATTERN.matcher(value);
if (matcher.matches() && == null) {
zdt = ZonedDateTime.parse(value + "Z");
} else {
throw ex;
return zdt;
private static <T> T convertZonedDateTime(ZonedDateTime zdt, Class<T> returnType) {
if (returnType == ZonedDateTime.class) {
return (T) zdt;
} else if (returnType == Instant.class) {
return (T) zdt.toInstant();
} else if (returnType.isAssignableFrom(Timestamp.class)) {
return (T) Timestamp.from(zdt.toInstant());
} else if (returnType.isAssignableFrom(java.util.Date.class)) {
return (T) java.util.Date.from(zdt.toInstant());
} else if (returnType.isAssignableFrom(java.sql.Time.class)) {
return (T) new java.sql.Time(zdt.toInstant().truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.SECONDS).toEpochMilli());
} else if (returnType.isAssignableFrom(java.sql.Date.class)) {
return (T) new java.sql.Date(zdt.toInstant().truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.SECONDS).toEpochMilli());
} else if (returnType.isAssignableFrom(Long.class)) {
return (T) Long.valueOf(zdt.toInstant().toEpochMilli());
} else if (returnType.isAssignableFrom(Calendar.class)) {
return (T) GregorianCalendar.from(zdt);
} else {
throw new ClassCastException("unsupported return type " + returnType.getSimpleName());
protected <T> String internalValueToString(final T value, final Boolean isNullable, final Integer maxLength,
final Integer precision, final Integer scale, final Boolean isUnicode) throws EdmPrimitiveTypeException {
ZonedDateTime zdt = createZonedDateTime(value);
return format(zdt.toLocalDateTime(), zdt.getOffset(), zdt.getNano());
private static <T> ZonedDateTime createZonedDateTime(final T value) throws EdmPrimitiveTypeException {
if (value instanceof ZonedDateTime) {
return (ZonedDateTime) value;
if (value instanceof Instant) {
return ((Instant) value).atZone(ZULU);
if (value instanceof GregorianCalendar) {
GregorianCalendar calendar = (GregorianCalendar) value;
ZonedDateTime zdt = calendar.toZonedDateTime();
ZoneId normalizedZoneId = calendar.getTimeZone().toZoneId().normalized();
return zdt.withZoneSameInstant(normalizedZoneId);
return convertToInstant(value).atZone(ZULU);
private static String format(LocalDateTime dateTime, ZoneOffset offset, int nanos) {
String str = dateTime.toString();
if (nanos > 0) {
str = removeTrailingZeros(str);
str = str + offset.toString();
return str;
private static String removeTrailingZeros(String str) {
char[] chars = str.toCharArray();
int trailingZeros = 0;
for (int i = chars.length - 1; i >= 0 && chars[i] == '0'; i--) {
return str.substring(0, chars.length - trailingZeros);
* Creates an {@link Instant} from the given value.
* @param value the value as {@link Instant}, {@link java.util.Date},
* {@link java.sql.Timestamp}, {@link Long} or
* {@link GregorianCalendar}
* @return the value as {@link Instant}
* @throws EdmPrimitiveTypeException if the type of the value is not supported
private static <T> Instant convertToInstant(final T value) throws EdmPrimitiveTypeException {
if (value instanceof java.sql.Time || value instanceof java.sql.Date) {
throw new EdmPrimitiveTypeException("The value type " + value.getClass() + " is not supported.");
} else if (value instanceof java.util.Date) {
return ((java.util.Date) value).toInstant();
} else if (value instanceof Timestamp) {
return ((Timestamp) value).toInstant();
} else if (value instanceof Long) {
return Instant.ofEpochMilli((Long) value);
} else {
throw new EdmPrimitiveTypeException("The value type " + value.getClass() + " is not supported.");