blob: e11cffc2efc7d370e0c38073ff188086d06bb369 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.olingo.server.core;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.FullQualifiedName;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.provider.CsdlAction;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.provider.CsdlActionImport;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.provider.CsdlAliasInfo;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.provider.CsdlAnnotations;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.provider.CsdlComplexType;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.provider.CsdlEdmProvider;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.provider.CsdlEntityContainer;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.provider.CsdlEntityContainerInfo;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.provider.CsdlEntitySet;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.provider.CsdlEntityType;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.provider.CsdlEnumType;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.provider.CsdlFunction;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.provider.CsdlFunctionImport;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.provider.CsdlSchema;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.provider.CsdlSingleton;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.provider.CsdlTerm;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.provider.CsdlTypeDefinition;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edmx.EdmxReference;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edmx.EdmxReferenceInclude;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.ex.ODataException;
public class SchemaBasedEdmProvider implements CsdlEdmProvider {
private final List<CsdlSchema> edmSchemas = new ArrayList<CsdlSchema>();
private final Map<String, EdmxReference> references = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, EdmxReference>();
private final Map<String, SchemaBasedEdmProvider> referenceSchemas =
new ConcurrentHashMap<String, SchemaBasedEdmProvider>();
private final Map<String, SchemaBasedEdmProvider> coreVocabularySchemas =
new ConcurrentHashMap<String, SchemaBasedEdmProvider>();
protected void addSchema(CsdlSchema schema) {
public List<EdmxReference> getReferences(){
return new ArrayList<EdmxReference>(references.values());
protected void addReferenceSchema(String ns, SchemaBasedEdmProvider provider) {
this.referenceSchemas.put(ns, provider);
protected void addVocabularySchema(String ns, SchemaBasedEdmProvider provider) {
this.coreVocabularySchemas.put(ns, provider);
protected void addReference(EdmxReference reference) {
for (EdmxReferenceInclude include : reference.getIncludes()) {
this.references.put(include.getNamespace(), reference);
CsdlSchema getVocabularySchema(String ns) {
SchemaBasedEdmProvider provider = this.coreVocabularySchemas.get(ns);
if (provider != null) {
return provider.getSchema(ns, false);
return null;
CsdlSchema getSchema(String ns) {
return getSchema(ns, true);
CsdlSchema getSchema(String ns, boolean checkReferences) {
if (checkReferences) {
return getSchemaRecursively(ns, new HashSet<String>());
} else {
return getSchemaDirectly(ns);
CsdlSchema getSchemaDirectly(String ns) {
for (CsdlSchema s : this.edmSchemas) {
if (s.getNamespace().equals(ns)) {
return s;
return null;
CsdlSchema getSchemaRecursively(String ns, Set<String> parsedPath) {
// find the schema by namespace in current provider
CsdlSchema schema = getSchemaDirectly(ns);
if (schema != null) {
return schema;
// find the schema by namespace in the reference schema provider
for (Map.Entry<String, SchemaBasedEdmProvider> entry : this.referenceSchemas.entrySet()) {
String namespace = entry.getKey();
if (parsedPath.contains(namespace)) {
SchemaBasedEdmProvider provider = entry.getValue();
schema = provider.getSchemaRecursively(ns, parsedPath);
if (schema != null) {
return schema;
return getVocabularySchema(ns);
public CsdlEnumType getEnumType(FullQualifiedName fqn) throws ODataException {
CsdlSchema schema = getSchema(fqn.getNamespace());
if (schema != null) {
List<CsdlEnumType> types = schema.getEnumTypes();
if (types != null) {
for (CsdlEnumType type : types) {
if (type.getName().equals(fqn.getName())) {
return type;
return null;
public CsdlTypeDefinition getTypeDefinition(FullQualifiedName fqn) throws ODataException {
CsdlSchema schema = getSchema(fqn.getNamespace());
if (schema != null) {
List<CsdlTypeDefinition> types = schema.getTypeDefinitions();
if (types != null) {
for (CsdlTypeDefinition type : types) {
if (type.getName().equals(fqn.getName())) {
return type;
return null;
public List<CsdlFunction> getFunctions(FullQualifiedName fqn) throws ODataException {
ArrayList<CsdlFunction> foundFuncs = new ArrayList<CsdlFunction>();
CsdlSchema schema = getSchema(fqn.getNamespace());
if (schema != null) {
List<CsdlFunction> functions = schema.getFunctions();
if (functions != null) {
for (CsdlFunction func : functions) {
if (func.getName().equals(fqn.getName())) {
return foundFuncs;
public CsdlTerm getTerm(FullQualifiedName fqn) throws ODataException {
CsdlSchema schema = getSchema(fqn.getNamespace());
if (schema != null) {
List<CsdlTerm> terms = schema.getTerms();
if (terms != null) {
for (CsdlTerm term : terms) {
if (term.getName().equals(fqn.getName())) {
return term;
return null;
public CsdlEntitySet getEntitySet(FullQualifiedName fqn, String entitySetName) throws ODataException {
CsdlSchema schema = getSchema(fqn.getNamespace());
if (schema != null) {
CsdlEntityContainer ec = schema.getEntityContainer();
if (ec != null && ec.getEntitySets() != null) {
for (CsdlEntitySet es : ec.getEntitySets()) {
if (es.getName().equals(entitySetName)) {
return es;
return null;
public CsdlSingleton getSingleton(FullQualifiedName fqn, String singletonName) throws ODataException {
CsdlSchema schema = getSchema(fqn.getNamespace());
if (schema != null) {
CsdlEntityContainer ec = schema.getEntityContainer();
if (ec != null && ec.getSingletons() != null) {
for (CsdlSingleton es : ec.getSingletons()) {
if (es.getName().equals(singletonName)) {
return es;
return null;
public CsdlActionImport getActionImport(FullQualifiedName fqn, String actionImportName)
throws ODataException {
CsdlSchema schema = getSchema(fqn.getNamespace());
if (schema != null) {
CsdlEntityContainer ec = schema.getEntityContainer();
if (ec != null && ec.getActionImports() != null) {
for (CsdlActionImport es : ec.getActionImports()) {
if (es.getName().equals(actionImportName)) {
return es;
return null;
public CsdlFunctionImport getFunctionImport(FullQualifiedName fqn, String functionImportName)
throws ODataException {
CsdlSchema schema = getSchema(fqn.getNamespace());
if (schema != null) {
CsdlEntityContainer ec = schema.getEntityContainer();
if (ec != null && ec.getFunctionImports() != null) {
for (CsdlFunctionImport es : ec.getFunctionImports()) {
if (es.getName().equals(functionImportName)) {
return es;
return null;
public CsdlEntityContainerInfo getEntityContainerInfo(FullQualifiedName fqn) throws ODataException {
CsdlSchema schema = null;
if (fqn == null) {
for (CsdlSchema s : this.edmSchemas) {
if (s.getEntityContainer() != null) {
schema = s;
} else {
schema = getSchema(fqn.getNamespace());
if (schema != null) {
CsdlEntityContainer ec = schema.getEntityContainer();
if (ec != null) {
CsdlEntityContainerInfo info = new CsdlEntityContainerInfo();
info.setContainerName(new FullQualifiedName(schema.getNamespace(), ec.getName()));
if (schema.getEntityContainer().getExtendsContainer() != null) {
info.setExtendsContainer(new FullQualifiedName(schema.getEntityContainer().getExtendsContainer()));
return info;
return null;
public List<CsdlAliasInfo> getAliasInfos() throws ODataException {
ArrayList<CsdlAliasInfo> list = new ArrayList<CsdlAliasInfo>();
for (CsdlSchema s : this.edmSchemas) {
if (s.getAlias() != null) {
CsdlAliasInfo ai = new CsdlAliasInfo();
for(EdmxReference reference:this.references.values()) {
for(EdmxReferenceInclude include:reference.getIncludes()) {
if (include.getAlias() != null) {
CsdlAliasInfo ai = new CsdlAliasInfo();
for (SchemaBasedEdmProvider p:this.coreVocabularySchemas.values()) {
for (CsdlSchema s:p.getSchemas()) {
if (s.getAlias() != null) {
CsdlAliasInfo ai = new CsdlAliasInfo();
return list;
public CsdlEntityContainer getEntityContainer() throws ODataException {
// note that there can be many schemas, but only one needs to contain the
// entity container in a given metadata document.
for (CsdlSchema s : this.edmSchemas) {
if (s.getEntityContainer() != null) {
return s.getEntityContainer();
return null;
public List<CsdlSchema> getSchemas() throws ODataException {
return new ArrayList<CsdlSchema>(this.edmSchemas);
public CsdlEntityType getEntityType(final FullQualifiedName fqn) throws ODataException {
CsdlSchema schema = getSchema(fqn.getNamespace());
if (schema != null && schema.getEntityTypes() != null) {
for (CsdlEntityType type : schema.getEntityTypes()) {
if (type.getName().equals(fqn.getName())) {
return type;
return null;
public CsdlComplexType getComplexType(final FullQualifiedName fqn) throws ODataException {
CsdlSchema schema = getSchema(fqn.getNamespace());
if (schema != null && schema.getComplexTypes() != null) {
for (CsdlComplexType type : schema.getComplexTypes()) {
if (type.getName().equals(fqn.getName())) {
return type;
return null;
public List<CsdlAction> getActions(final FullQualifiedName fqn) throws ODataException {
ArrayList<CsdlAction> actions = new ArrayList<CsdlAction>();
CsdlSchema schema = getSchema(fqn.getNamespace());
if (schema != null) {
List<CsdlAction> types = schema.getActions();
if (types != null) {
for (CsdlAction type : types) {
if (type.getName().equals(fqn.getName())) {
return actions;
public CsdlAnnotations getAnnotationsGroup(FullQualifiedName targetName, String qualifier) throws ODataException {
CsdlSchema schema = getSchema(targetName.getNamespace());
if (schema != null) {
return schema.getAnnotationGroup(targetName.getFullQualifiedNameAsString(), qualifier);
return null;