[OLINGO-416] cleanup grunt file
diff --git a/odatajs/Gruntfile.js b/odatajs/Gruntfile.js
index 8c07d34..129eb51 100644
--- a/odatajs/Gruntfile.js
+++ b/odatajs/Gruntfile.js
@@ -1,33 +1,35 @@
 module.exports = function(grunt) {
   'use strict';
+  var pkg = grunt.file.readJSON('package.json');
+  // Build artifact base name
+  //<%= pkg.name %>-<%= pkg.version %>-<%= pkg.postfix %>-<%= pkg.releaseCandidate %>'
+  var artifactname = pkg.name + '-' + pkg.version +
+     (pkg.postfix.length > 0 ? "-" : "") + pkg.postfix +
+     (pkg.releaseCandidate.length > 0 ? "-" : "") + pkg.releaseCandidate;
   var init = {
-    pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
+    pkg: pkg,
     banner: grunt.file.read('src/banner.txt'),
-    filename : '<%= pkg.name %>-<%= pkg.version %>-<%= pkg.postfix %>',
+    artifactname : artifactname,
-    browserify: { // convert code from nodejs style to brower style
+    browserify: { // convert code from nodejs style to browser style
       src: {
-        files: {
-          'build/<%= filename %>.js': ['src/index.js'],
-        },
-        options: { 
-          transform: ['./grunt-config/browserify_transforms/stripheader/stripheader.js'], // remove apache license headers before contatenating
-          browserifyOptions: { } ,
-          bundleOptions: { },
+        files: { 'build/<%= artifactname %>.js': ['src/index.js'] },
+        options: { // remove apache license headers before contatenating
+          transform: ['./grunt-config/browserify_transforms/stripheader/stripheader.js'], 
     uglify: { // uglify and minify the lib
       options: {
         sourceMap : true,
-        sourceMapName : 'build/<%= filename %>.map',
+        sourceMapName : 'build/<%= artifactname %>.map',
         sourceMapIncludeSources : true,
       build: {
-        src: 'build/<%= filename %>.js',
-        dest: 'build/<%= filename %>.min.js'
+        src: 'build/<%= artifactname %>.js',
+        dest: 'build/<%= artifactname %>.min.js'
     concat : { // add the apache license headers
@@ -35,101 +37,31 @@
         banner : '<%= banner %>'
       licence: {
-        src: 'build/<%= filename %>.js',
-        dest: 'build/<%= filename %>.js',
+        src: 'build/<%= artifactname %>.js',
+        dest: 'build/<%= artifactname %>.js',
       licence_min: {
-        src: 'build/<%= filename %>.min.js',
-        dest: 'build/<%= filename %>.min.js',
+        src: 'build/<%= artifactname %>.min.js',
+        dest: 'build/<%= artifactname %>.min.js',
-    copy: { // copy odatajs library files to demo folder withch contains samples
+    'copy': { // copy odatajs library files to demo folder withch contains samples
       forDemo: {
-        files: [{ expand: true, cwd: 'build/', src: ['<%= filename %>*.*'], dest: 'demo/scripts/', filter: 'isFile'}]
+        files: [{ 
+          expand: true, cwd: 'build/', filter: 'isFile',
+          src: ['<%= artifactname %>*.*'], 
+          dest: 'demo/scripts/' 
+        }]
-    connect: { // not used, start a testing server
-      demo: {
-        options: {
-          port: 4001 ,
-          hostname: "localhost",
-          base: "demo",
-          keepalive : true,
-          middleware: function (connect, options) {
-            return [
-              require("grunt-connect-proxy/lib/utils").proxyRequest ,
-              connect.static(options.base),   // static content
-              connect.directory(options.base) // browse directories
-            ];
-          },
-        },
-      },
-      // start a node webserver with proxy to host the qunit-test html files
-      'test-browser': {             
-        options: {
-          port: 4003 ,
-          hostname: "localhost",
-          base: "",
-          keepalive : true,
-          //changeOrigin: true,
-          middleware: function (connect, options) {
-            return [
-              require("grunt-connect-proxy/lib/utils").proxyRequest ,
-              connect.static(options.base),   // static content
-              connect.directory(options.base) // browse directories
-            ];
-          },
-        },
-        // proxy all request going to /tests/endpoints/ to the .net data services
-        proxies: [{
-          context: "/tests/endpoints/",  // When the url contains this...
-          host: "localhost",
-          changeOrigin: true,
-          https: false,
-          port: 46541,
-          rejectUnauthorized: false, 
-        }],
-      },
-    },
-    'node-qunit': {   
-      //used to run some background qunit test on node         
-      'default-tests': {
-        setup: {
-          log: {
-            summary: true,
-            assertions: true,
-            errors: true,
-            globalSummary: true,
-            coverage: false,
-            globalCoverage: false,
-            testing: true
-          },
-          coverage: false,
-          deps: null,
-          namespace: null
-        },
-        deps: '',
-        code: './tests-tmp/common/node-test-setup.js',
-        tests: ['./tests-tmp/odata-json-tests.js'],
-        done: function(err, res){
-            !err && publishResults("node", res, this.async());
-        }
-      },
-    },
     'jsdoc' : { // generate documentation
-        'src' : {
+        src : {
             src: ['src/**/*.js'], 
-            options: {
-                destination: 'build/doc-src',
-                verbose : false 
-            }
+            options: { destination: 'build/doc-src', verbose : false }
         test : {
             src: ['tests/**/*.js'], 
-            options: {
-                destination: 'build/doc-test',
-                verbose : false 
-            }
+            options: { destination: 'build/doc-test', verbose : false }
     'npm-clean': {
@@ -139,13 +71,13 @@
       doc: {
         src: ["build/doc"],
           options: {
-                force: true
-            }
+            force: true
+          }
       "doc-test": {
         src: ["build/doc-test"],
           options: {
-                force: true
+              force: true
@@ -173,8 +105,6 @@
   /*** Load tasks from npm modules ***/
-  grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-connect-proxy");
-  grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-contrib-connect");
@@ -190,15 +120,15 @@
   //    rename some tasks to avoid name clashes with the user tasks
-  //grunt.renameTask('clean','npm-clean');
+  grunt.renameTask('clean','npm-clean');
-  grunt.registerTask('clearEnv', 'iterate files', function() {
+  grunt.registerTask('clearEnv', 'clear JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS', function() {
     process.env['JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS'] = ''; 
   /*** E N D U S E R   T A S K S ***/
-  //grunt.registerTask('clean', ['npm-clean:doc','npm-clean:tmp']);
+  grunt.registerTask('clean', ['npm-clean:doc','npm-clean:tmp']);
   //    Runs the license header check to verify the any source file contains a license header
   grunt.registerTask('license-check', ['custom-license-check']);
diff --git a/odatajs/grunt-config/release.js b/odatajs/grunt-config/release.js
index e20a805..57386cd 100644
--- a/odatajs/grunt-config/release.js
+++ b/odatajs/grunt-config/release.js
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
     'clean': {
       'release-dist': {
         options: { force: true },
-        src: [ "./../dist/<%= filename %>*"]
+        src: [ "./../dist/<%= artifactname %>*"]
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
       "release-doc-src" : {
         src: ['src/**/*.js'], 
         options: {
-          destination: './../dist/<%= filename %>/doc',
+          destination: './../dist/<%= artifactname %>/doc',
           verbose : false 
@@ -60,23 +60,23 @@
     'copy' : {
       'release-lib' : {
         files: [
-          { expand: true, cwd: 'build', src: ['<%= filename %>*.*'], dest: './../dist/<%= filename %>/lib/lib', filter: 'isFile'},
-          { expand: true, src :'LICENSE',dest: './../dist/<%= filename %>/lib', filter: 'isFile' },
-          { expand: true, src :'NOTICE',dest: './../dist/<%= filename %>/lib', filter: 'isFile' },
-          { expand: true, src :'DEPENDENCIES',dest: './../dist/<%= filename %>/lib', filter: 'isFile' }
+          { expand: true, cwd: 'build', src: ['<%= artifactname %>*.*'], dest: './../dist/<%= artifactname %>/lib/lib', filter: 'isFile'},
+          { expand: true, src :'LICENSE',dest: './../dist/<%= artifactname %>/lib', filter: 'isFile' },
+          { expand: true, src :'NOTICE',dest: './../dist/<%= artifactname %>/lib', filter: 'isFile' },
+          { expand: true, src :'DEPENDENCIES',dest: './../dist/<%= artifactname %>/lib', filter: 'isFile' }
       'release-doc' : {
         files: [
-            { expand: true, cwd: 'build/doc-src', src: ['**'], dest: './../dist/<%= filename %>/doc/doc', filter: 'isFile'},
-            { expand: true, src :'LICENSE',dest: './../dist/<%= filename %>/doc', filter: 'isFile' },
-            { expand: true, src :'NOTICE',dest: './../dist/<%= filename %>/doc', filter: 'isFile' },
-            { expand: true, src :'DEPENDENCIES',dest: './../dist/<%= filename %>/doc', filter: 'isFile' }
+            { expand: true, cwd: 'build/doc-src', src: ['**'], dest: './../dist/<%= artifactname %>/doc/doc', filter: 'isFile'},
+            { expand: true, src :'LICENSE',dest: './../dist/<%= artifactname %>/doc', filter: 'isFile' },
+            { expand: true, src :'NOTICE',dest: './../dist/<%= artifactname %>/doc', filter: 'isFile' },
+            { expand: true, src :'DEPENDENCIES',dest: './../dist/<%= artifactname %>/doc', filter: 'isFile' }
       'release-sources' : {
         files: [
-            { dot: true, expand: true, cwd: '', src: ['**'], dest: './../dist/<%= filename %>/sources',
+            { dot: true, expand: true, cwd: '', src: ['**'], dest: './../dist/<%= artifactname %>/sources',
             filter: function(srcPath)  {
               // no node_modules
               if (srcPath === 'node_modules' || contains(srcPath, 'node_modules\\')) {
@@ -135,17 +135,17 @@
   grunt.config.merge( { 
     compress: { // build the zip files for the release 
       'release-lib': { // just the lib
-        options: {archive: './../dist/<%= filename %>-lib.zip'},
-        files: [{expand: true, cwd: './../dist/<%= filename %>/lib', src: ['**'],  dest: '/'}]
+        options: {archive: './../dist/<%= artifactname %>/<%= artifactname %>-lib.zip'},
+        files: [{expand: true, cwd: './../dist/<%= artifactname %>/lib', src: ['**'],  dest: '/'}]
       'release-doc': { // just the documentation
-        options: {archive: './../dist/<%= filename %>-doc.zip'},
-        files: [{expand: true, cwd: './../dist/<%= filename %>/doc', src: ['**'], dest: '/'}]
+        options: {archive: './../dist/<%= artifactname %>/<%= artifactname %>-doc.zip'},
+        files: [{expand: true, cwd: './../dist/<%= artifactname %>/doc', src: ['**'], dest: '/'}]
       'release-sources' :  { // the full repository with out the git stuff
-        options: { archive: './../dist/<%= filename %>-sources.zip'},
+        options: { archive: './../dist/<%= artifactname %>/<%= artifactname %>-sources.zip'},
         files: [
-          {expand: true, cwd: './../dist/<%= filename %>/sources', src: ['**'], dest: '/'},
+          {expand: true, cwd: './../dist/<%= artifactname %>/sources', src: ['**'], dest: '/'},
diff --git a/odatajs/package.json b/odatajs/package.json
index a3727cc..36dd3d7 100644
--- a/odatajs/package.json
+++ b/odatajs/package.json
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
   "name": "odatajs",
-  "postfix": "beta-01",
-  "title": "Olingo OData Client for Java Script",
   "version": "4.0.0",
-  "description": "odatajs is a new cross-browser JavaScript library that enables data-centric web applications by leveraging modern protocols such as JSON and OData and HTML5-enabled browser features. It's designed to be small, fast and easy to use.",
+  "postfix": "beta-01",
+  "releaseCandidate" : "RC01",
+  "title": "Olingo OData Client for Java Script",
+  "description": "the Olingo OData Client for Java Script library is a new cross-browser JavaScript library that enables data-centric web applications by leveraging modern protocols such as JSON and OData and HTML5-enabled browser features. It's designed to be small, fast and easy to use.",
   "homepage": "http://olingo.apache.org",
   "main": "index.js",
   "repository": {
@@ -36,12 +38,10 @@
     "grunt-contrib-clean": "^0.6.0",
     "grunt-contrib-compress": "^0.10.0",
     "grunt-contrib-concat": "^0.5.0",
-    "grunt-contrib-connect": "^0.7.1",
     "grunt-contrib-copy": "^0.5.0",
     "grunt-contrib-uglify": "^0.4.0",
     "grunt-curl": "^2.0.2",
     "grunt-jsdoc": "^0.5.6",
-    "grunt-node-qunit": "^2.0.2",
     "through": "^2.3.4"