blob: f4420dce6bed0ae79a99781d5d480db10b7c9ca3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.olingo.odata2.jpa.processor.api.access;
import org.apache.olingo.odata2.jpa.processor.api.model.mapping.JPAEdmMappingModel;
* Interface provides methods to access JPA EDM mapping model.
* @see JPAEdmMappingModel
public interface JPAEdmMappingModelAccess {
* The method searches and loads the mapping model stored in &ltfile&gt.xml
* file into the java object {@link org.apache.olingo.odata2.jpa.processor.api.model.mapping.JPAEdmMappingModel} . The
* name of the file is set into ODataJPAContext method.
* @see org.apache.olingo.odata2.jpa.processor.api.ODataJPAContext#setJPAEdmMappingModel(String)
public void loadMappingModel();
* The method returns if there exists a mapping model.
* @return true - if there exists a mapping model for the OData service else
* false
public boolean isMappingModelExists();
* The method returns a JPA EDM mapping model Java object. The mapping model
* in XML files is un-marshaled into the Java object.
* @return an instance of type {@link org.apache.olingo.odata2.jpa.processor.api.model.mapping.JPAEdmMappingModel}
public JPAEdmMappingModel getJPAEdmMappingModel();
* The method returns EDM Schema namespace for the persistence unit name
* @param persistenceUnitName
* is the Java persistence unit name
* @return EDM schema name space mapped to Java persistence unit name or
* null if no mapping is available
public String mapJPAPersistenceUnit(String persistenceUnitName);
* The method returns EDM entity type name for the Java persistence entity
* type name
* @param jpaEntityTypeName
* is the Java persistence entity type name
* @return EDM entity type name mapped to Java persistence entity type name
* or null if no mapping is available
public String mapJPAEntityType(String jpaEntityTypeName);
* The method returns EDM entity set name for the Java persistence entity
* type name
* @param jpaEntityTypeName
* is the Java persistence entity type name
* @return EDM entity set name mapped to Java persistence entity type name
* or null if no mapping is available
public String mapJPAEntitySet(String jpaEntityTypeName);
* The method returns EDM property name for the Java persistence entity
* attribute name.
* @param jpaEntityTypeName
* is the Java persistence entity type name
* @param jpaAttributeName
* is the Java persistence attribute name
* @return EDM property name mapped to Java persistence attribute name or
* null if no mapping is available
public String mapJPAAttribute(String jpaEntityTypeName, String jpaAttributeName);
* The method returns EDM navigation property name for the Java persistence
* entity relationship name.
* @param jpaEntityTypeName
* is the Java persistence entity type name
* @param jpaRelationshipName
* is the Java persistence relationship name
* @return EDM navigation property name mapped to Java persistence entity
* relationship name or null if no mapping is available
public String mapJPARelationship(String jpaEntityTypeName, String jpaRelationshipName);
* The method returns EDM complex type name for the Java embeddable type
* name.
* @param jpaEmbeddableTypeName
* is the Java persistence embeddable type name
* @return EDM complex type name mapped to Java persistence entity
* relationship name or null if no mapping is available
public String mapJPAEmbeddableType(String jpaEmbeddableTypeName);
* The method returns EDM property name for the Java persistence embeddable
* type's attribute name.
* @param jpaEmbeddableTypeName
* is the Java persistence
* @param jpaAttributeName
* is the Java persistence attribute name
* @return EDM property name mapped to Java persistence attribute name or
* null if no mapping is available
public String mapJPAEmbeddableTypeAttribute(String jpaEmbeddableTypeName, String jpaAttributeName);
* The method returns whether the JPA Entity should be excluded from EDM
* model
* @param jpaEntityTypeName
* is the name of JPA Entity Type
* @return <b>true</b> - if JPA Entity should be excluded<br>
* <b>false</b> - if JPA Entity should be not be excluded
public boolean checkExclusionOfJPAEntityType(String jpaEntityTypeName);
* The method returns whether the JPA Attribute should be excluded from EDM
* Entity Type
* @param jpaEntityTypeName
* is the name of JPA Entity Type
* @param jpaAttributeName
* is the name of JPA attribute
* @return <b>true</b> - if JPA attribute should be excluded<br>
* <b>false</b> - if JPA attribute should be not be excluded
public boolean checkExclusionOfJPAAttributeType(String jpaEntityTypeName, String jpaAttributeName);
* The method returns whether the JPA Embeddable Type should be excluded
* from EDM model
* @param jpaEmbeddableTypeName
* is the name of JPA Embeddable Type
* @return <b>true</b> - if JPA Embeddable Type should be excluded<br>
* <b>false</b> - if JPA Embeddable Type should be not be excluded
public boolean checkExclusionOfJPAEmbeddableType(String jpaEmbeddableTypeName);
* The method returns whether the JPA Embeddable Attribute Type should be
* excluded from EDM model
* @param jpaEmbeddableTypeName
* is the name of JPA Embeddable Attribute Type
* @param jpaAttributeName
* is the name of JPA Attribute name
* @return <b>true</b> - if JPA Embeddable Attribute Type should be excluded<br>
* <b>false</b> - if JPA Embeddable Attribute Type should be not be
* excluded
public boolean checkExclusionOfJPAEmbeddableAttributeType(String jpaEmbeddableTypeName, String jpaAttributeName);