blob: 25b2fe9ac23b5f2363e6008b20bae1fda45afaaf [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2013 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.olingo.odata2.annotation.processor.core.datasource;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.annotation.edm.EdmEntityType;
import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.EdmException;
import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.EdmMapping;
import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.EdmProperty;
import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.exception.ODataException;
import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.exception.ODataNotImplementedException;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.mockito.Mockito;
public class AnnotationValueAccessTest {
public void getPropertyType() throws ODataException {
AnnotationValueAccess ava = new AnnotationValueAccess();
SimpleEntity data = new SimpleEntity(); = "A Name";
EdmProperty property = mockProperty("Name");
Class<?> type = ava.getPropertyType(data, property);
Assert.assertEquals(String.class, type);
public void getPropertyTypeNullData() throws ODataException {
AnnotationValueAccess ava = new AnnotationValueAccess();
EdmProperty property = mockProperty("Name");
Class<?> type = ava.getPropertyType(null, property);
@Test(expected = ODataNotImplementedException.class)
public void getPropertyTypeNotAnnotated() throws ODataException {
AnnotationValueAccess ava = new AnnotationValueAccess();
NotAnnotatedBean data = new NotAnnotatedBean();
EdmProperty property = mockProperty("Name");
Class<?> type = ava.getPropertyType(data, property);
Assert.assertEquals(String.class, type);
public void getPropertyValue() throws ODataException {
AnnotationValueAccess ava = new AnnotationValueAccess();
SimpleEntity data = new SimpleEntity(); = "A Name";
EdmProperty property = mockProperty("Name");
Object value = ava.getPropertyValue(data, property);
Assert.assertEquals(String.class, value.getClass());
Assert.assertEquals("A Name", value);
public void getPropertyValueNull() throws ODataException {
AnnotationValueAccess ava = new AnnotationValueAccess();
SimpleEntity data = new SimpleEntity();
EdmProperty property = mockProperty("Name");
Object value = ava.getPropertyValue(data, property);
public void getPropertyValueNullData() throws ODataException {
AnnotationValueAccess ava = new AnnotationValueAccess();
SimpleEntity data = null;
EdmProperty property = mockProperty("Name");
Object value = ava.getPropertyValue(data, property);
@Test(expected = ODataNotImplementedException.class)
public void getPropertyValueNotAnnotated() throws ODataException {
AnnotationValueAccess ava = new AnnotationValueAccess();
NotAnnotatedBean data = new NotAnnotatedBean();
EdmProperty property = mockProperty("Name");
Object value = ava.getPropertyValue(data, property);
Assert.assertEquals("A Name", value);
public void setPropertyValue() throws ODataException {
AnnotationValueAccess ava = new AnnotationValueAccess();
SimpleEntity data = new SimpleEntity(); = "A Name";
EdmProperty property = mockProperty("Name");
Object value = "Another Name";
ava.setPropertyValue(data, property, value);
Assert.assertEquals("Another Name",;
@Test(expected = ODataNotImplementedException.class)
public void setPropertyValueNotAnnotated() throws ODataException {
AnnotationValueAccess ava = new AnnotationValueAccess();
NotAnnotatedBean data = new NotAnnotatedBean();
EdmProperty property = mockProperty("Name");
Object value = "Another Name";
ava.setPropertyValue(data, property, value);
public void setPropertyValueNull() throws ODataException {
AnnotationValueAccess ava = new AnnotationValueAccess();
SimpleEntity data = new SimpleEntity(); = "A Name";
EdmProperty property = mockProperty("Name");
ava.setPropertyValue(data, property, null);
public void setPropertyDataNull() throws ODataException {
AnnotationValueAccess ava = new AnnotationValueAccess();
SimpleEntity data = null;
EdmProperty property = mockProperty("Name");
ava.setPropertyValue(data, property, null);
// no exception is thrown, all fine
public void getMappingValue() throws Exception {
AnnotationValueAccess ava = new AnnotationValueAccess();
SimpleEntity data = new SimpleEntity();
data.myMappedProperty = "mapped property value";
EdmMapping mapping = mockMapping("MyMappedProperty");
Object value = ava.getMappingValue(data, mapping);
Assert.assertEquals(String.class, value.getClass());
Assert.assertEquals("mapped property value", value);
public void getMappingValueNullMapping() throws Exception {
AnnotationValueAccess ava = new AnnotationValueAccess();
SimpleEntity data = new SimpleEntity();
data.myMappedProperty = "property";
EdmMapping mapping = null;
Object value = ava.getMappingValue(data, mapping);
public void getMappingValueNullValue() throws Exception {
AnnotationValueAccess ava = new AnnotationValueAccess();
SimpleEntity data = new SimpleEntity();
data.myMappedProperty = null;
EdmMapping mapping = mockMapping("MyMappedProperty");
Object value = ava.getMappingValue(data, mapping);
public void setMappingValue() throws Exception {
AnnotationValueAccess ava = new AnnotationValueAccess();
SimpleEntity data = new SimpleEntity();
data.myMappedProperty = "mapped property value";
EdmMapping mapping = mockMapping("MyMappedProperty");
Object value = "Changed mapped property value";
ava.setMappingValue(data, mapping, value);
Assert.assertEquals("Changed mapped property value", data.myMappedProperty);
public void setMappingValueNullValue() throws Exception {
AnnotationValueAccess ava = new AnnotationValueAccess();
SimpleEntity data = new SimpleEntity();
data.myMappedProperty = "mapped property value";
EdmMapping mapping = mockMapping("MyMappedProperty");
Object value = null;
ava.setMappingValue(data, mapping, value);
public void setMappingValueNullMapping() throws Exception {
AnnotationValueAccess ava = new AnnotationValueAccess();
SimpleEntity data = new SimpleEntity();
data.myMappedProperty = "mapped property value";
EdmMapping mapping = null;
Object value = null;
ava.setMappingValue(data, mapping, value);
Assert.assertEquals("mapped property value", data.myMappedProperty);
private EdmProperty mockProperty(final String name) throws EdmException {
EdmProperty property = Mockito.mock(EdmProperty.class);
return property;
private EdmMapping mockMapping(final String mimeTypeKey) throws EdmException {
EdmMapping mapping = Mockito.mock(EdmMapping.class);
return mapping;
private class SimpleEntity {
String name;
String myMappedProperty;
private class NotAnnotatedBean {}