blob: 895b2ab3be68079798fd109f9f8f1a6fcd7db875 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
//Define global variable to store last auto-completer request object (jqXHR).
//default ajax request timeout in milliseconds
// Check Box Select/Toggle Functions for Select/Toggle All
function toggle(e) {
e.checked = !e.checked;
function checkToggleDefault(e) {
checkToggle(e, "selectAllForm");
function checkToggle(e, formName) {
var cform = document[formName];
if (e.checked) {
var len = cform.elements.length;
var allchecked = true;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var element = cform.elements[i];
if (, 10) == "_rowSubmit" && !element.checked) {
allchecked = false;
cform.selectAll.checked = allchecked;
} else {
cform.selectAll.checked = false;
function toggleAllDefault(e) {
toggleAll(e, "selectAllForm");
function toggleAll(e, formName) {
var cform = document[formName];
var len = cform.elements.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var element = cform.elements[i];
if (, 10) == "_rowSubmit" && element.checked != e.checked) {
function selectAllDefault() {
function selectAll(formName) {
var cform = document[formName];
var len = cform.elements.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var element = cform.elements[i];
if (( == "selectAll" ||, 10) == "_rowSubmit") && !element.checked) {
function removeSelectedDefault() {
function removeSelected(formName) {
var cform = document[formName];
cform.removeSelected.value = true;
// highlight the selected row(s)
function highlightRow(e,rowId){
var currentClassName = document.getElementById(rowId).className;
if (e.checked) {
if (currentClassName == '' ) {
document.getElementById(rowId).className = 'selected';
} else if (currentClassName == 'alternate-row') {
document.getElementById(rowId).className = 'alternate-rowSelected';
} else {
if (currentClassName == 'selected') {
document.getElementById(rowId).className = '';
} else if (currentClassName == 'alternate-rowSelected') {
document.getElementById(rowId).className = 'alternate-row';
function highlightAllRows(e, halfRowId, formName){
var cform = document[formName];
var len = cform.elements.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var element = cform.elements[i];
if (, 10) == "_rowSubmit") {
// popup windows functions
function popUp(url, name, height, width) {
popupWindow =, name, 'location=no,scrollbars,width=' + width + ',height=' + height);
function popUpSmall(url, name) {
popUp(url, name, '300', '450');
function popUpPrint(printserver, screen1) {
popUpPrint(printserver, screen1, null, null);
function popUpPrint(printserver, screen1, screen2) {
popUpPrint(printserver, screen1, screen2, null);
function popUpPrint(printserver, screen1, screen2, screen3) {
if (printserver == null) {
printserver = "http://localhost:10080/"; // default print server port
if (screen1 != null) {
screen1 = screen1.replace(/\:/g, "%3A");
screen1 = screen1.replace(/\//g, "%2F");
screen1 = screen1.replace(/\#/g, "%23");
screen1 = screen1.replace(/\?/g, "%3F");
screen1 = screen1.replace(/\=/g, "%3D");
url = printserver + screen1;, "screen1", 'location=no,statusbar=1,menubar=0,scrollbars,width=60,height=10,top=0,left=0');
if (screen2 != null) {
screen2 = screen2.replace(/\:/g, "%3A");
screen2 = screen2.replace(/\//g, "%2F");
screen2 = screen2.replace(/\#/g, "%23");
screen2 = screen2.replace(/\?/g, "%3F");
screen2 = screen2.replace(/\=/g, "%3D");
url = printserver + screen2;, "screen2", 'location=no,statusbar=1,menubar=0,scrollbars,width=60,height=10,top=0,left=0');
if (screen3 != null) {
screen3 = screen3.replace(/\:/g, "%3A");
screen3 = screen3.replace(/\//g, "%2F");
screen3 = screen3.replace(/\#/g, "%23");
screen3 = screen3.replace(/\?/g, "%3F");
screen3 = screen3.replace(/\=/g, "%3D");
url = printserver + screen3;, "screen13", 'location=no,statusbar=1,menubar=0,scrollbars,width=60,height=10,top=0,left=0');
// Post a form from a pop up using the parent window
function doPostViaParent(formName) {
var theForm = document[formName];
var newForm = theForm.cloneNode(true);
var hiddenDiv = document.createElement('div'); = 'hidden';
// From a child window, navigate the parent window to the supplied url
function doGetViaParent(url) {
window.opener.location = url;
// hidden div functions
function getStyleObject(objectId) {
if (document.getElementById && document.getElementById(objectId)) {
return document.getElementById(objectId).style;
} else if (document.all && document.all(objectId)) {
return document.all(objectId).style;
} else if (document.layers && document.layers[objectId]) {
return document.layers[objectId];
} else {
return false;
function changeObjectVisibility(objectId, newVisibility) {
var styleObject = getStyleObject(objectId);
if (styleObject) {
styleObject.visibility = newVisibility;
return true;
} else {
return false;
// To use this in a link use a URL like this: javascript:confirmActionLink('You want to delete this party?', 'deleteParty?partyId=${partyId}')
function confirmActionLink(msg, newLocation) {
if (msg == null) {
msg = "Are you sure you want to do this?";
var agree = confirm(msg);
if (agree) {
if (newLocation != null) location.replace(newLocation);
// To use this in a link use a URL like this: javascript:confirmActionFormLink('You want to update this party?', 'updateParty')
function confirmActionFormLink(msg, formName) {
if (msg == null) {
msg = "Are you sure you want to do this?";
var agree = confirm(msg);
if (agree) {
if (formName != null) document.forms[formName].submit();
// ===== Ajax Functions - based on jQuery.js ===== //
/** Update an area (HTML container element).
* @param areaId The id of the HTML container to update
* @param target The URL to call to update the HTML container
* @param targetParams The URL parameters
function ajaxUpdateArea(areaId, target, targetParams) {
if (areaId == "window") {
targetUrl = target + "?" + targetParams.replace('?','');
url: target,
type: "POST",
data: targetParams,
success: function(data) {
jQuery("#" + areaId).html(data);
error: function(data) {waitSpinnerHide()}
/** Update multiple areas (HTML container elements).
* @param areaCsvString The area CSV string. The CSV string is a flat array in the
* form of: areaId, target, target parameters [, areaId, target, target parameters...].
function ajaxUpdateAreas(areaCsvString) {
/*split all parameters separate by comma, the regExp manage areaId,target,param1=a&param2={b,c,d}&param3=e as three parameters*/
var regExpArea = /,(?=(?:[^{}]*{[^{}]*})*[^{}]*$)/g;
var areaArray = areaCsvString.split(regExpArea);
var numAreas = parseInt(areaArray.length / 3);
for (var i = 0; i < numAreas * 3; i = i + 3) {
var areaId = areaArray[i];
var target = areaArray[i + 1];
var targetParams = areaArray[i + 2];
// Remove the ? and the anchor flag from the parameters
// not nice but works
targetParams = targetParams.replace('#','');
targetParams = targetParams.replace('?','');
ajaxUpdateArea(areaId, target, targetParams);
/** Update an area (HTML container element) periodically.
* @param areaId The id of the HTML container to update
* @param target The URL to call to update the HTML container
* @param targetParams The URL parameters
* @param interval The update interval, in seconds.
function ajaxUpdateAreaPeriodic(areaId, target, targetParams, interval) {
var intervalMillis = interval * 1000;
interval: intervalMillis,
repeat: true,
tick: function(container, timerId){
url: target,
type: "POST",
data: targetParams,
success: function(data) {
jQuery("#" + areaId).html(data);
error: function(data) {waitSpinnerHide()}
/** Submit request, update multiple areas (HTML container elements).
* @param target The URL to call to update the HTML container
* @param targetParams The URL parameters
* @param areaCsvString The area CSV string. The CSV string is a flat array in the
* form of: areaId, target, target parameters [, areaId, target, target parameters...].
function ajaxSubmitRequestUpdateAreas(target, targetParams, areaCsvString) {
updateFunction = function(transport) {
url: target,
type: "POST",
data: targetParams,
success: updateFunction()
/** Submit form, update an area (HTML container element).
* @param form The form element
* @param areaId The id of the HTML container to update
* @param submitUrl The URL to call to update the HTML container
function submitFormInBackground(form, areaId, submitUrl) {
updateFunction = function() {
jQuery("#" + areaId).load(submitUrl);
url: jQuery(form).attr("action"),
data: jQuery(form).serialize(),
success: updateFunction()
/** Submit form, update multiple areas (HTML container elements).
* @param form The form element
* @param areaCsvString The area CSV string. The CSV string is a flat array in the
* form of: areaId, target, target parameters [, areaId, target, target parameters...].
function ajaxSubmitFormUpdateAreas(form, areaCsvString) {
hideErrorContainer = function() {
updateFunction = function(data) {
if (data._ERROR_MESSAGE_LIST_ != undefined || data._ERROR_MESSAGE_ != undefined) {
if (!jQuery('#content-messages').length) {
//add this div just after app-navigation
jQuery('#content-main-section' ).before('<div id="content-messages" onclick="hideErrorContainer()"></div>');
if (data._ERROR_MESSAGE_LIST_ != undefined && data._ERROR_MESSAGE_ != undefined) {
jQuery('#content-messages' ).html(data._ERROR_MESSAGE_LIST_ + " " + data._ERROR_MESSAGE_);
} else if (data._ERROR_MESSAGE_LIST_ != undefined) {
jQuery('#content-messages' ).html(data._ERROR_MESSAGE_LIST_);
} else {
jQuery('#content-messages' ).html(data._ERROR_MESSAGE_);
} else {
if (jQuery('#content-messages').length) {
type: "POST",
url: jQuery("#" + form).attr("action"),
data: jQuery("#" + form).serialize(),
success: function(data) {
/** Enable auto-completion for text elements, with a possible span of tooltip class showing description.
* @param areaCsvString The area CSV string. The CSV string is a flat array in the
* form of: areaId, target, target parameters [, areaId, target, target parameters...].
function ajaxAutoCompleter(areaCsvString, showDescription, defaultMinLength, defaultDelay, formName) {
ajaxAutoCompleter(areaCsvString, showDescription, defaultMinLength, defaultDelay, formName, null);
function ajaxAutoCompleter(areaCsvString, showDescription, defaultMinLength, defaultDelay, formName, args) {
var areaArray = areaCsvString.replace(/&amp;/g, '&').split(",");
var numAreas = parseInt(areaArray.length / 3);
for (var i = 0; i < numAreas * 3; i = i + 3) {
var initUrl = areaArray[i + 1];
if (initUrl.indexOf("?") > -1)
var url = initUrl + "&" + areaArray[i + 2];
var url = initUrl + "?" + areaArray[i + 2];
var div = areaArray[i];
// create a separated div where the result JSON Opbject will be placed
if ((jQuery("#" + div + "_auto")).length < 1) {
jQuery("<div id='" + div + "_auto'></div>").insertBefore("#" + areaArray[i]);
jQuery("#" + div).autocomplete({
minLength: defaultMinLength,
delay: defaultDelay,
source: function(request, response){
var queryArgs = {"term": request.term};
if (typeof args == "object" && jQuery.isArray(args)) {
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
queryArgs["parm" + i] = jQuery(args[i]).val();
url: url,
type: "post",
data: queryArgs,
beforeSend: function (jqXHR, settings) {
//If LAST_AUTOCOMP_REF is not null means an existing ajax auto-completer request is in progress, so need to abort them to prevent inconsistent behavior of autocompleter
if (LAST_AUTOCOMP_REF != null && LAST_AUTOCOMP_REF.readyState != 4) {
//Here we are aborting the LAST_AUTOCOMP_REF so need to call the response method so that auto-completer pending request count handle in proper way
response( [] );
success: function(data) {
// reset the autocomp field
autocomp = undefined;
jQuery("#" + div + "_auto").html(data);
if (typeof autocomp != 'undefined') {
jQuery.each(autocomp, function(index, item){
item.label = jQuery("<div>").html(item.label).text();
// autocomp is the JSON Object which will be used for the autocomplete box
error: function(xhr, reason, exception) {
if(exception != 'abort') {
alert("An error occurred while communicating with the server:\n\n\nreason=" + reason + "\n\nexception=" + exception);
select: function(event, ui){
//jQuery("#" + areaArray[0]).html(ui.item);
jQuery("#" + areaArray[0]).val(ui.item.value); // setting a text field
if (showDescription && (ui.item.value != undefined && ui.item.value != '')) {
setLookDescription(areaArray[0], ui.item.label, areaArray[2], formName, showDescription)
if (showDescription) {
var lookupDescriptionLoader = new lookupDescriptionLoaded(areaArray[i], areaArray[i + 1], areaArray[i + 2], formName);
jQuery("#" + areaArray[i]).bind('change lookup:changed', function(){
function setLookDescription(textFieldId, description, params, formName, showDescription){
if (description) {
var start = description.lastIndexOf(' [');
if (start != -1) {
description = description.substring(0, start);
// This sets a (possibly hidden) dependent field if a description-field-name is provided
var dependentField = params.substring(params.indexOf("searchValueFieldName"));
dependentField = jQuery("#" + formName + "_" + dependentField.substring(dependentField.indexOf("=") + 1));
var dependentFieldValue = description.substring(0, description.lastIndexOf(' '))
if (dependentField.length) {
dependentField.trigger("change"); // let the 'hidden' field know its been changed
var lookupWrapperEl = jQuery("#" + textFieldId).closest('.field-lookup');
if (lookupWrapperEl.length) {
if (start == -1 && showDescription) {
var start = description.indexOf(' ');
if (start != -1 && description.indexOf('<script type="text/javascript">') == -1) {
description = description.substring(start);
tooltipElement = jQuery("#" + textFieldId + '_lookupDescription')
if (!tooltipElement.length) {
tooltipElement = jQuery("<span id='" + textFieldId + "_lookupDescription' class='tooltip'></span>");
/** Enable auto-completion for drop-down elements.*/
function ajaxAutoCompleteDropDown() {
jQuery.widget( "ui.combobox", {
_create: function() {
var self = this;
var select = this.element.hide(),
selected = select.children( ":selected" ),
value = selected.val() ? selected.text() : "";
var input = jQuery( "<input>" )
.insertAfter( select )
.val( value )
delay: 0,
minLength: 0,
source: function( request, response ) {
var matcher = new RegExp( jQuery.ui.autocomplete.escapeRegex(request.term), "i" );
response( select.children( "option" ).map(function() {
var text = jQuery( this ).text();
if ( this.value && ( !request.term || matcher.test(text) ) )
return {
label: text.replace(
new RegExp(
"(?![^&;]+;)(?!<[^<>]*)(" +
jQuery.ui.autocomplete.escapeRegex(request.term) +
")(?![^<>]*>)(?![^&;]+;)", "gi"
), "<b>$1</b>" ),
value: text,
option: this
}) );
select: function( event, ui ) {
ui.item.option.selected = true;
//select.val( ui.item.option.value );
self._trigger( "selected", event, {
item: ui.item.option
change: function( event, ui ) {
if ( !ui.item ) {
var matcher = new RegExp( "^" + jQuery.ui.autocomplete.escapeRegex( jQuery(this).val() ) + "$", "i" ),
valid = false;
select.children( "option" ).each(function() {
if ( this.value.match( matcher ) ) {
this.selected = valid = true;
return false;
if ( !valid ) {
// remove invalid value, as it didn't match anything
jQuery( this ).val( "" );
select.val( "" );
return false;
//.addClass( "ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-left" ); "ui-autocomplete" )._renderItem = function( ul, item ) {
return jQuery( "<li></li>" )
.data( "item.autocomplete", item )
.append( "<a>" + item.label + "</a>" )
.appendTo( ul );
jQuery( "<a>&nbsp;</a>" )
.attr( "tabIndex", -1 )
.attr( "title", "Show All Items" )
.insertAfter( input )
icons: {
primary: "ui-icon-triangle-1-s"
text: false
.removeClass( "ui-corner-all" )
.addClass( "ui-corner-right ui-button-icon" )
.click(function() {
// close if already visible
if ( input.autocomplete( "widget" ).is( ":visible" ) ) {
input.autocomplete( "close" );
// pass empty string as value to search for, displaying all results
input.autocomplete( "search", "" );
/** Toggle area visibility on/off.
* @param link The <a> element calling this function
* @param areaId The id of the HTML container to toggle
* @param expandTxt Localized 'Expand' text
* @param collapseTxt Localized 'Collapse' text
function toggleCollapsiblePanel(link, areaId, expandTxt, collapseTxt){
var container = jQuery("#" + areaId);
var liElement = jQuery(link).parents('li:first');
if (liElement) {
if (':visible')) {
link.title = expandTxt;
} else {
link.title = collapseTxt;
container.animate({opacity: 'toggle', height: 'toggle'}, "slow");
/** Toggle screenlet visibility on/off.
* @param link The <a> element calling this function
* @param areaId The id of the HTML container to toggle
* @param expandTxt Localized 'Expand' text
* @param collapseTxt Localized 'Collapse' text
function toggleScreenlet(link, areaId, saveCollapsed, expandTxt, collapseTxt){
toggleCollapsiblePanel(link, areaId, expandTxt, collapseTxt);
var screenlet = jQuery(link).parents('div:eq(1)').attr('id');
var title = jQuery(link).attr('title');
if(title == expandTxt){
var currentParam = screenlet + "_collapsed=false";
var newParam = screenlet + "_collapsed=true";
} else {
var currentParam = screenlet + "_collapsed=true";
var newParam = screenlet + "_collapsed=false";
var paginationMenus = jQuery('div.nav-pager');
jQuery.each(paginationMenus, function(index, menu) {
if (menu) {
var childElements = jQuery(menu).find('a');
for (var i = 0; i < childElements.length; i++) {
if (childElements[i].href.indexOf("http") == 0) {
childElements[i].href = replaceQueryParam(childElements[i].href, currentParam, newParam);
childElements = jQuery(menu).find('select');
for (i = 0; i < childElements.length; i++) {
//FIXME: Not able to understand the purpose of below line, as href is not valid attribute of select element.
//if (childElements[i].href.indexOf("location.href") >= 0) {
if (childElements[i].value.indexOf("location.href") >= 0) {
childElements[i].writeAttribute("onchange", replaceQueryParam(childElements[i].readAttribute("onchange"), currentParam, newParam));
/** In Place Editor for display elements
* @param element The id of the display field
* @param url The request to be called to update the display field
* @param options Options to be passed to Ajax.InPlaceEditor
function ajaxInPlaceEditDisplayField(element, url, options) {
var jElement = jQuery("#" + element);
jElement.mouseover(function() {
jQuery(this).css('background-color', 'rgb(255, 255, 153)');
jElement.mouseout(function() {
jQuery(this).css('background-color', 'transparent');
jElement.editable(function(value, settings){
// removes all line breaks from the value param, because the parseJSON Function can't work with line breaks
value = value.replace(/\n/g, " ");
value = value.replace(/\"/g,"&quot;");
var resultField = jQuery.parseJSON('{"' + + '":"' + value + '"}');
// merge both parameter objects together
jQuery.extend(settings.submitdata, resultField);
type : settings.method,
url : url,
data : settings.submitdata,
success : function(data) {
// adding the new value to the field and make the modified field 'blink' a little bit to show the user that somethink have changed
jElement.html(value).fadeOut(500).fadeIn(500).fadeOut(500).fadeIn(500).css('background-color', 'transparent');
}, options);
// ===== End of Ajax Functions ===== //
function replaceQueryParam(queryString, currentParam, newParam) {
var result = queryString.replace(currentParam, newParam);
if (result.indexOf(newParam) < 0) {
if (result.indexOf("?") < 0) {
result = result + "?" + newParam;
} else if (result.endsWith("#")) {
result = result.replace("#", "&" + newParam + "#");
} else if (result.endsWith(";")) {
result = result.replace(";", " + '&" + newParam + "';");
} else {
result = result + "&" + newParam;
return result;
function submitFormDisableSubmits(form) {
for (var i=0;i<form.length;i++) {
var formel = form.elements[i];
if (formel.type == "submit") {
var formName =;
var formelName =;
var timeoutString = "submitFormEnableButtonByName('" + formName + "', '" + formelName + "')";
var t = setTimeout(timeoutString, 1500);
function showjGrowl(showAllLabel, collapseLabel, hideAllLabel, jGrowlPosition, jGrowlWidth, jGrowlHeight, jGrowlSpeed) {
var contentMessages = jQuery("#content-messages");
if (contentMessages.length) {
var errMessage = jQuery("#content-messages").html();
var classEvent = "";
var classList = jQuery("#content-messages").attr('class').split(/\s+/);
var stickyValue = false;
jQuery(classList).each(function(index) {
var localClass = classList[index];
if(localClass == "eventMessage" || localClass == "errorMessage" ){
classEvent = localClass + "JGrowl";
if (classEvent == "errorMessageJGrowl") {
stickyValue = true;
if (errMessage == null || errMessage == "" || errMessage == undefined ) {
// No Error Message Information is set, Error Msg Box can't be created
$.jGrowl.defaults.closerTemplate = '<div class="closeAllJGrowl">'+hideAllLabel+'</div>';
if (jGrowlPosition !== null && jGrowlPosition !== undefined) $.jGrowl.defaults.position = jGrowlPosition;
$.jGrowl(errMessage, { theme: classEvent, sticky: stickyValue,
beforeOpen: function(e,m,o){
if (jGrowlWidth !== null && jGrowlWidth !== undefined) $(e).width( jGrowlWidth+'px' );
if (jGrowlHeight !== null && jGrowlHeight !== undefined) $(e).height( jGrowlHeight+'px' );
afterOpen: function(e,m) {
moreLink: '<a href="#" style="display: block; width: auto; padding: 0px;text-align: right; margin-top: 10px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 0.8em">'+showAllLabel+'</a>',
lessLink: '<a href="#" style="display: block; width: auto; padding: 0px;text-align: right; margin-top: 10px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 0.8em">'+collapseLabel+'</a>',
maxHeight: 75
// prevents doubleposts for <submit> inputs of type "button" or "image"
function submitFormDisableButton(button) {
if (button.form.action != null && button.form.action.length) {
button.disabled = true;
button.className = button.className + " disabled";
button.value = button.value + "*";
function submitFormEnableButtonByName(formName, buttonName) {
var form = document[formName];
var button = form.elements[buttonName];
function submitFormEnableButton(button) {
button.disabled = false;
button.className = button.className.substring(0, button.className.length - " disabled".length);
button.value = button.value.substring(0, button.value.length - 1);
* Expands or collapses all groups of one portlet
* @param bool <code>true</code> to expand, <code>false</code> otherwise
* @param portalPortletId The id of the portlet
function expandAllP(bool, portalPortletId) {
jQuery('#scrlt_'+portalPortletId+' .fieldgroup').each(function() {
var titleBar = jQuery(this).children('.fieldgroup-title-bar'), body = jQuery(this).children('.fieldgroup-body');
if (titleBar.children().length > 0 &&':visible') != bool) {
toggleCollapsiblePanel(titleBar.find('a'), body.attr('id'), 'expand', 'collapse');
* Expands or collapses all groups of the page
* @param bool <code>true</code> to expand, <code>false</code> otherwise
function expandAll(bool) {
jQuery('.fieldgroup').each(function() {
var titleBar = jQuery(this).children('.fieldgroup-title-bar'), body = jQuery(this).children('.fieldgroup-body');
if (titleBar.children().length > 0 &&':visible') != bool) {
toggleCollapsiblePanel(titleBar.find('a'), body.attr('id'), 'expand', 'collapse');
//calls ajax request for storing user layout preferences
function setUserLayoutPreferences(userPrefGroupTypeId, userPrefTypeId, userPrefValue){
type: "POST",
data: ({userPrefGroupTypeId: userPrefGroupTypeId, userPrefTypeId: userPrefTypeId, userPrefValue: userPrefValue}),
success: function(data) {}
function waitSpinnerShow() {
jSpinner = jQuery("#wait-spinner");
if (!jSpinner.length) return
bdy = document.body;
lookupLeft = (bdy.offsetWidth / 2) - (jSpinner.width() / 2);
scrollOffY = jQuery(window).scrollTop();
winHeight = jQuery(window).height();
lookupTop = (scrollOffY + winHeight / 2) - (jSpinner.height() / 2);
jSpinner.css("display", "block");
jSpinner.css("left", lookupLeft + "px");
jSpinner.css("top", lookupTop + "px");;
function waitSpinnerHide() {
* Reads the requiered uiLabels from the uiLabelXml Files
* @param requiredLabels JSON Object {resource : [label1, label2 ...], resource2 : [label1, label2, ...]}
* @return JSON Object
function getJSONuiLabels(requiredLabels, callback) {
var requiredLabelsStr = JSON.stringify(requiredLabels)
if (requiredLabels != null && requiredLabels != "") {
url: "getJSONuiLabelArray",
type: "POST",
data: {"requiredLabels" : requiredLabelsStr},
complete: function(data) {
* Read the requiered uiLabel from the uiLabelXml Resource
* @param uiResource String
* @param errUiLabel String
* @returns String with Label
function getJSONuiLabel(uiResource, errUiLabel) {
requiredLabel = {};
requiredLabel[uiResource] = errUiLabel;
var returnVal = "";
var requiredLabelStr = JSON.stringify(requiredLabel)
if (requiredLabel != null && requiredLabel != "") {
url: "getJSONuiLabel",
type: "POST",
data: {"requiredLabel" : requiredLabelStr},
success: function(data) {
returnVal = data[0];
return returnVal;
* Opens an alert alert box with an i18n error message
* @param errBoxTitleResource String - Can be empty
* @param errBoxTitleLabel String - Can be empty
* @param uiResource String - Required
* @param errUiLabel String - Required
function showErrorAlertLoadUiLabel(errBoxTitleResource, errBoxTitleLabel, uiResource, errUiLabel) {
if (uiResource == null || uiResource == "" || uiResource == undefined || errUiLabel == null || errUiLabel == "" || errUiLabel == undefined) {
// No Label Information are set, Error Msg Box can't be created
var labels = {};
var useTitle = false;
// title can only be set when the resource and the label are set
if (errBoxTitleResource != null && errBoxTitleResource != "" && errBoxTitleLabel != null && errBoxTitleLabel != "") {
// create the JSON Object
if (errBoxTitleResource == uiResource) {
labels[errBoxTitleResource] = [errBoxTitleLabel, errUiLabel];
} else {
labels[errBoxTitleResource] = [errBoxTitleLabel];
labels[uiResource] = [errUiLabel];
useTitle = true;
} else {
labels[uiResource] = [errUiLabel];
// request the labels
getJSONuiLabels(labels, function(result){
labels = result.responseJSON;
var errMsgBox = jQuery("#contentarea").after(jQuery("<div id='errorAlertBox'></div>"));
if (errMsgBox.length) {
modal: true,
title: function() {
if (useTitle) {
return labels[errBoxTitleResource][0]
} else {
return ""
open : function() {
var positionInArray = 0;
if (errBoxTitleResource == uiResource) {
positionInArray = 1;
buttons: {
Ok: function() {
jQuery( this ).dialog( "close" );
} else {
* Opens an alert alert box. This function is for a direct call from the ftl files where you can direcetly resolve youre labels
* @param errBoxTitle String - Can be empty
* @param errMessage String - Required - i18n Error Message
function showErrorAlert(errBoxTitle, errMessage) {
if (errMessage == null || errMessage == "" || errMessage == undefined ) {
// No Error Message Information is set, Error Msg Box can't be created
var errMsgBox = jQuery("#contentarea").after(jQuery("<div id='errorAlertBox'>" + errMessage + "</div>"));
if (errMsgBox.length) {
modal: true,
title: errBoxTitle,
buttons: {
Ok: function() {
jQuery( this ).dialog( "close" );
* Submit the pagination request
* @param obj The DOM object of pagination anchor or select element
* @param url The pagination URL
function submitPagination(obj, url) {
if (obj.getAttribute("data-lookupajax") == "true" && typeof window.lookupPaginationAjaxRequest == "function") {
lookupPaginationAjaxRequest(url, (obj.tagName == "SELECT" ? "select" : "link"));
return false;
if (url.length > 2000) {
var request = url.substring(0, url.indexOf("?"));
var params = url.substring(url.indexOf("?")+1, url.length);
var paramsArray = params.split("&");
var form = document.createElement("form");
form.setAttribute("method", "post");
form.setAttribute("action", request);
for (var i = 0; i < paramsArray.length; i ++) {
var param = paramsArray[i];
if (param!= "" && param.indexOf("=") > 0) {
var keyValue = param.split("=");
var hiddenField = document.createElement("input");
hiddenField.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
hiddenField.setAttribute("name", keyValue[0]);
hiddenField.setAttribute("value", keyValue[1]);
return false;
} else {
if (obj.tagName == "SELECT") {
location.href = url;
return false;
} else {
obj.href = url;
return true;