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<li><i class="icon-pin"></i> For 16.11, the ofbiz-framework trunk and ofbiz-plugins trunk the minimum requirement you need installed is Java 1.8 SDK.</li>
<li><i class="icon-pin"></i> Apache OFBiz can be downloaded and run on both Unix based and Windows based systems</li>
<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> If you are running an older release or branch then please refer to <a href="" target="_blank" >our Wiki</a> for details</p>
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<p>There are two ways to download the OFBiz source code</p>
<h3>1. Using a Download Mirror</h3>
<p>Download your required version from one of our <a href="download.html">download mirrors</a> and extract the zip file </p>
<h3>2. Checkout the Source Code</h3>
<p>Checkout the source code from the repository</p>
<p>Anyone can checkout or <a href="#DevRepo">browse the source code </a>in the OFBiz public Subversion (SVN) repository.</p>
<p>To checkout the source code, simply use the following command (if you are using a GUI client, configure it appropriately).</p>
<ul class="iconsList">
<li><i class="icon-pin"></i> <strong>ofbiz-framework trunk</strong> : <code>$ svn co ofbiz-framework</code></li>
<li><i class="icon-pin"></i> <strong>ofbiz-plugins trunk</strong> : <code>$ svn co ofbiz-plugins</code></li>
<li><i class="icon-pin"></i> <strong>branch release16.11 (stable)</strong>: <code>$ svn co ofbiz.16.11</code></li>
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<h2>Build and Run</h2>
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<p>Once you have downloaded the source code it will need to be built. The command to built.</p>
<h3>Building Release 16.11</h3>
<p>Release 16.11 and our ofbiz-framework trunk uses Gradle as it's build system so the commands to build and run it are different to the previous releases. </p>
<p>To build 16.11 release,navigate to the OFBiz or framework-trunk directory and;</p>
<p>Run the following command for Unix-like OS</p>
<code>./gradlew cleanAll loadDefault</code><p></p>
<p>Run the following command for MS Windows</p>
<code>gradlew cleanAll loadDefault</code>
<h3>Building the Trunk</h3>
<p>After the 16.11 release a minor change has been made to the Gradle build command for building OFBiz.</p>
<p>To build the trunk, navigate to the framework-trunk directory and;</p>
<p>Run the following command for Unix-like OS</p>
<code>./gradlew cleanAll loadAll</code><p></p>
<p>Run the following command for MS Windows</p>
<code>gradlew cleanAll loadAll</code>
<h3>Starting and Running 16.11 or the ofbiz-framework trunk</h3>
<p>To start OFBiz running locally, navigate to the trunk directory and;</p>
<p>Run the following command for Unix-like OS</p>
<code>./gradlew ofbiz</code><p></p>
<p>Run the following command for MS Windows</p>
<code>gradlew ofbiz</code>
<p>To log into OFBiz, navigate with your browser to </p>
<p>and login with username <strong>"admin" </strong>and password <strong>"ofbiz"</strong></p>
<h3>Stopping OFBiz</h3>
<p>To stop OFBiz running locally, open a command line terminal window and navigate to the OFBiz directory and;</p>
<p>Run the following command for Unix-like OS</p>
<code>./gradlew 'ofbiz --shutdown'</code><p></p>
<p>Run the following command for MS Windows</p>
<code>gradlew ofbiz --shutdown</code>
<p><strong>NOTE</strong>: That quotes are needed for the Unix based command. For further details and a full list of all available OFBiz Gradle commands, please take a look at the file</p>
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<h2>Browse Repository</h2>
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<p>You can browse the repository using any of the following links.</p>
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<li><i class="icon-pin"></i> <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>SVN - WebDAV</strong></a></li>
<li><i class="icon-pin"></i> <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>SVN - ViewVC</strong></a></li>
<p>Our ofbiz-framework trunk and ofbiz-plugins trunk are also available on Git at the links below:</p>
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<li><i class="icon-pin"></i> <a href="" target="external"><strong>ofbiz-framework trunk on Github</strong></a></li>
<li><i class="icon-pin"></i> <a href="" target="external"><strong>ofbiz-plugins trunk on Github</strong></a></li>
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<h2>Development Tutorial</h2>
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<p>To help you getting started we have put together a beginners OFBiz development tutorial to get familiar with with OFBiz.</p>
<p>It covers the fundamentals of the OFBiz application development process. The goal of this tutorial is to acquaint a developer with best practices, coding conventions. the control flow and things that the developer needs to know in order to modify OFBiz</p>
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<li><i class="icon-pin"></i> <a href="" target=_blank"><strong>Developer Tutorial</strong></a></li>
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<h2>Documentation and Help</h2>
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<p>We have a range of technical documenentation and help for developers. Please see the links below.</p>
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<li><i class="icon-pin"></i> <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>OFBiz Technical Documentation</strong></a></li>
<li><i class="icon-pin"></i> <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>OFBiz API Reference</strong></a></li>
<li><i class="icon-pin"></i> <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Developer and Technical FAQs</strong></a></li>
<p>After consulting the documentation you still have questions,please feel free to post questions on our development mailing list.</p>
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<p>Try out our OFBiz demo - <a href="ofbiz-demos.html"><strong>OFBiz Demos</strong></a></p>
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