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<content id="180000" name="rocketoperation" type="text/xml">
<content_desc>How to operate the Rocket Launcher Widget</content_desc>
<source id="001" name="Automation Groups"></source>
<revision_date>2003-12-03 16:11:20.0</revision_date>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ask:document name="rocketoperation" type="procedure" xmlns:ask=""><ask:title>Rocket Launcher Operation Instructions</ask:title>
<ask:section name="setup"><ask:sectionTitle>Setup</ask:sectionTitle>
Put the rocket launcher on a flat surface. Clear everyone away from the launcher for a radius of one thousand feet except for operators, kids and spectators.
<ask:section name="charging"><ask:sectionTitle>Charging</ask:sectionTitle>
Before charging, make sure the launch lever is pulled back and secured by the PVC T-joint.
Connect a bicycle pump to the launcher via the valve that looks like the stem of a automobile tire.
It is not, really; it is a high tech air control device.
Do not use one of those prissy little air pumps that cyclists use; connect a real bicycle pump.
Do not even think about connecting an air compressor to the rocket launcher.
The rockets could go into orbit and you would never retrieve them again.
Plus there is the chance that you really could hurt someone.
<ask:section name="launch"><ask:sectionTitle>Launching</ask:sectionTitle>
Count down from 10 to 1 (thats going backwards; write it down if you can't figure it out).
Stop at 3 to tell kids not to look directly down on the rocket.
After reaching 1, yell "Blast Off" and pull the lever back.
<ask:section name="retrieval"><ask:sectionTitle>Retrieval</ask:sectionTitle>
After each launch send out two search parties.
Party ONE should look for construction paper fins that fell off of the launch vehicle during blast off.
Party TWO should look for the rocket itself.
<category id="122" name="">Whatever</category>
<content id="180001" name="rocketfuture" type="text/xml">
<content_desc>Future Directions in Rocket Launcher Widgets</content_desc>
<source id="001" name="Automation Groups"></source>
<revision_date>2003-12-03 16:11:20.0</revision_date>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ask:document name="rocketfuture" type="procedure" xmlns:ask=""><ask:title>Future Directions in Rocket Launcher Widgets</ask:title>
<ask:section name="xprize"><ask:sectionTitle>X Prize</ask:sectionTitle>
The immediate goal is to catch and overtake <a href="">Scaled Composites</a> in their bid to win the Ansari X Prize.
In order to win, the rocket launcher and the vehicle will have to be scaled up a bit,
but that is not expected to take long.
<ask:section name="mrs_brown"><ask:sectionTitle>Mrs. Brown's Yard</ask:sectionTitle>
A long-term goal is to retrieve all the rockets that have landed in Mrs. Brown's yard.
Before retrieval can start, Mrs. Brown's dog, Beau-Beau, will have to be neutralized.
Planning on this operation is on-going.
<category id="122" name="">Whatever</category>
<content id="180002" name="rocketfuture2" type="text/xml">
<content_desc>Future Directions in Rocket Launcher Widgets - Marketing</content_desc>
<source id="001" name="Automation Groups"></source>
<revision_date>2003-12-03 16:11:20.0</revision_date>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ask:document name="rocketfuture2" type="procedure" xmlns:ask=""><ask:title>Future Directions in Rocket Launcher Widgets - Marketing</ask:title>
<ask:section name="ensignia"><ask:sectionTitle>Ensignia</ask:sectionTitle>
In order to raise money in our bid to win the X Prize
we will be offering advertising space on our launch vehicles.
Since space is limited on the tubes, we will have to charge $1,000,000 per square
inch in order to raise the money needed.
<category id="122" name="">Whatever</category>