blob: 1773493fb3ec038d75c0baa7515127b507d9874a [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
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function popupDetailInline(inlineCounter) {
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window[fieldName] = defaultDetailImage;
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window[fieldName] = window[fieldName].replace(/\&\#47;/g, "/");
popUp("<@ofbizUrl>detailImage?detail=" + window[fieldName] + "</@ofbizUrl>", 'detailImage', '400', '550');
function setAddProductIdInline(inlineCounter, name) {
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var product_id_display = 'product_id_display' + inlineCounter;
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var elem = document.getElementById(product_id_display);
var txt = document.createTextNode('');
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elem.replaceChild(txt, elem.firstChild);
} else {
} else {
//document.configform.quantity.disabled = false;
var elem = document.getElementById(product_id_display);
var txt = document.createTextNode(name);
if(elem.hasChildNodes()) {
elem.replaceChild(txt, elem.firstChild);
} else {
function checkOption(inlineCounter) {
var option = document.getElementById(inlineCounter.substring(0, inlineCounter.length - 2));
if (option.checked) {
function setVariantPriceInline(inlineCounter, sku) {
var variant_price_display = 'variant_price_display' + inlineCounter;
if (sku == '' || sku == 'NULL' || isVirtualInline(inlineCounter, sku) == true) {
var elem = document.getElementById(variant_price_display);
var txt = document.createTextNode('');
if(elem.hasChildNodes()) {
elem.replaceChild(txt, elem.firstChild);
} else {
else {
var elem = document.getElementById(variant_price_display);
var functionName = 'getVariantPrice' + inlineCounter;
var price = window[functionName](sku);
var txt = document.createTextNode('+' + price);
if(elem.hasChildNodes()) {
elem.replaceChild(txt, elem.firstChild);
} else {
function isVirtualInline(inlineCounter, product) {
var isVirtual = false;
var fieldName = 'VIR' + inlineCounter;
<#if virtualJavaScript??>
for (i = 0; i < window[fieldName].length; i++) {
if (window[fieldName][i] == product) {
isVirtual = true;
return isVirtual;
function toggleAmtInline(inlineCounter, toggle) {
var fieldName = 'add_amount' + inlineCounter;
if (toggle == 'Y') {
changeObjectVisibility(fieldName, "visible");
if (toggle == 'N') {
changeObjectVisibility(fieldName, "hidden");
function findIndexInline(varname, name ) {
for (i = 0; i < window[varname].length; i++) {
if ( window[varname][i] == name) {
return i;
return -1;
function checkOptionToggle(inlineCounter, disable) {
var index = inlineCounter.indexOf('_');
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var option = document.getElementById(optionElementName);
if ("true" == disable) {
option.disabled = true;
if (option.checked == true) {
option.checked == false;
} else {
//check all virtual product for the option
function checkOptionVariants(optionName) {
var option = document.getElementById(optionName);
if (option.checked == false) {
return false;
var fieldName = "add_product_id" + optionName + "_";
var index = 15 + optionName.toString().length;
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var len = cform.elements.length;
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var element = cform.elements[i];
if (, index) == fieldName) {
if (element.value == '' || element.value == 'NULL') {
option.checked = false;
return false;
function getListInline(inlineCounter, name, index, src) {
currentFeatureIndex = findIndexInline('OPT'+inlineCounter, name);
if (currentFeatureIndex == 0) {
// set the images for the first selection
if ([index] != null) {
if (document.images['mainImage'+ inlineCounter] != null) {
document.images['mainImage'+ inlineCounter].src = window['IMG'+ inlineCounter][index];
window['detailImageUrl'+ inlineCounter] = window['DET'+ inlineCounter][index];
// set the drop down index for swatch selection
document.forms["configform"].elements[name].selectedIndex = (index*1)+1;
if (currentFeatureIndex < (window['OPT'+ inlineCounter].length-1)) {
// eval the next list if there are more
var selectedValue = document.forms["configform"].elements[name].options[(index*1)+1].value;
if (index == -1) {
var featureOrderFirst = window['OPT'+ inlineCounter][(currentFeatureIndex)].toString();
var length = featureOrderFirst.length;
featureOrderFirst = featureOrderFirst.substring(2, length);
var Variable1 = eval("list" + featureOrderFirst + "()");
} else {
var Variable1 = eval("list" + window['OPT'+ inlineCounter][(currentFeatureIndex+1)] + selectedValue + "()");
// set the product ID to NULL to trigger the alerts
setAddProductIdInline(inlineCounter, 'NULL');
// set the variant price to NULL
setVariantPriceInline(inlineCounter, 'NULL');
//checkOptionToggle(inlineCounter, 'false');
} else {
// this is the final selection -- locate the selected index of the last selection
var indexSelected = document.forms["configform"].elements[name].selectedIndex;
// using the selected index locate the sku
var sku = document.forms["configform"].elements[name].options[indexSelected].value;
// set the product ID
setAddProductIdInline(inlineCounter, sku);
// set the variant price
setVariantPriceInline(inlineCounter, sku);
// check for amount box
var functionName = 'checkAmtReq' + inlineCounter;
toggleAmtInline(inlineCounter, window[functionName](sku));
//checkOptionToggle(inlineCounter, 'true');
<#if product.virtualVariantMethodEnum! == "VV_FEATURETREE" && featureLists?has_content>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function checkRadioButtoninline${inlineCounter}(inlineCounter, productId) {
var add_product_id = 'add_product_id' + inlineCounter;
<#list featureLists as featureList>
<#list featureList as feature>
<#if feature_index == 0>
var myList = document.getElementById("FT" +inlineCounter + "${feature.productFeatureTypeId}");
if (myList.options[0].selected == true) {
document.configform[add_product_id].value = 'NULL';
document.configform[add_product_id].value = productId;
<#assign price = priceMap!/>
<div id="inlineproductdetail${inlineCounter}">
<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td align="left" valign="top" width="0">
<#assign productLargeImageUrl = productContentWrapper.get("LARGE_IMAGE_URL", "url")!>
<#if firstLargeImage?has_content>
<#assign productLargeImageUrl = firstLargeImage>
<#if productLargeImageUrl?string?has_content>
<input type="hidden" name="detailImage${inlineCounter}" value="${firstDetailImage?default(mainDetailImageUrl?default("_NONE_"))}"/>
<a href="javascript:popupDetailInline('${inlineCounter}');"><img src='<@ofbizContentUrl>${contentPathPrefix!}${productLargeImageUrl!}</@ofbizContentUrl>' name='mainImage${inlineCounter}' vspace='5' hspace='5' class='cssImgLarge' align='left' alt="" /></a>
<td align="right" valign="top" width="100%">
<#assign inStock = true>
<#if product.isVirtual!?upper_case == "Y">
<#if product.virtualVariantMethodEnum! == "VV_FEATURETREE" && featureLists?has_content>
<#list featureLists as featureList>
<#list featureList as feature>
<#if feature_index == 0>
<div>${feature.description}: <select id="FT${inlineCounter}${feature.productFeatureTypeId}" name="FT${inlineCounter}${feature.productFeatureTypeId}" onchange="javascript:checkRadioButtoninline${inlineCounter}('${inlineCounter}', '${product.productId}');">
<option value="select" selected="selected"> select option </option>
<option value="${feature.productFeatureId}">${feature.description} <#if feature.price??>(+ <@ofbizCurrency amount=feature.price?string isoCode=feature.currencyUomId/>)</#if></option>
<input type="hidden" name="product_id${inlineCounter}" value="${product.productId}"/>
<input type="hidden" name="add_product_id${inlineCounter}" value="NULL"/>
<#if !product.virtualVariantMethodEnum?? || product.virtualVariantMethodEnum == "VV_VARIANTTREE">
<#if variantTree?? && (variantTree.size() > 0)>
<#list featureSet as currentType>
<select name="FT${inlineCounter}${currentType}" onchange="javascript:getListInline('${inlineCounter}',, (this.selectedIndex-1), 1);">
<input type="hidden" name="product_id${inlineCounter}" value="${product.productId}"/>
<input type="hidden" name="add_product_id${inlineCounter}" value="NULL"/>
<b><span id="product_id_display${inlineCounter}"> </span></b>
<b><div id="variant_price_display${inlineCounter}"> </div></b>
<input type="hidden" name="product_id${inlineCounter}" value="${product.productId}"/>
<input type="hidden" name="add_product_id${inlineCounter}" value="NULL"/>
<#assign inStock = false>
<input type="hidden" name="product_id${inlineCounter}" value="${product.productId}"/>
<input type="hidden" name="add_product_id${inlineCounter}" value="${product.productId}"/>
<#assign isStoreInventoryNotAvailable = !(Static[""].isStoreInventoryAvailable(request, product, 1.0?double))>
<#assign isStoreInventoryRequired = Static[""].isStoreInventoryRequired(request, product)>
<#if isStoreInventoryNotAvailable>
<#if isStoreInventoryRequired>
<#assign inStock = false>
<tr><td COLSPAN="2" align="right">
<#-- check to see if introductionDate hasnt passed yet -->
<#if product.introductionDate?? && nowTimestamp.before(product.introductionDate)>
<div style="color: red;">${uiLabelMap.ProductProductNotYetMadeAvailable}.</div>
<#-- check to see if salesDiscontinuationDate has passed -->
<#elseif product.salesDiscontinuationDate?? && nowTimestamp.after(product.salesDiscontinuationDate)>
<div style="color: red;">${uiLabelMap.ProductProductNoLongerAvailable}.</div>
<#-- check to see if the product requires inventory check and has inventory -->
<#elseif product.virtualVariantMethodEnum! != "VV_FEATURETREE">
<#if inStock>
<#if product.requireAmount?default("N") == "Y">
<#assign hiddenStyle = "visible">
<#assign hiddenStyle = "hidden">
<div id="add_amount${inlineCounter}" class="${hiddenStyle}">
<span style="white-space: nowrap;"><b>${uiLabelMap.CommonAmount}:</b></span>&nbsp;
<input type="text" size="5" name="add_amount${inlineCounter}" value=""/>
<tr><td COLSPAN="2" align="right">
<#if variantTree?? && 0 < variantTree.size()>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">eval("list"+ "${inlineCounter}" + "${featureOrderFirst}" + "()");</script>