| /* |
| * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one |
| * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file |
| * distributed with this work for additional information |
| * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file |
| * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the |
| * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance |
| * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, |
| * software distributed under the License is distributed on an |
| * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the |
| * specific language governing permissions and limitations |
| * under the License. |
| */ |
| |
| import java.math.BigDecimal |
| import java.util.* |
| import java.sql.Timestamp |
| import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.* |
| import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.condition.* |
| import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.util.* |
| import org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.* |
| import org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.collections.* |
| import org.apache.ofbiz.order.order.* |
| import org.apache.ofbiz.party.contact.* |
| import org.apache.ofbiz.product.inventory.InventoryWorker |
| import org.apache.ofbiz.product.catalog.CatalogWorker |
| import org.apache.ofbiz.product.store.ProductStoreWorker |
| import org.apache.ofbiz.accounting.payment.* |
| |
| orderId = parameters.orderId |
| context.orderId = orderId |
| |
| workEffortId = parameters.workEffortId |
| assignPartyId = parameters.partyId |
| assignRoleTypeId = parameters.roleTypeId |
| fromDate = parameters.fromDate |
| delegate = parameters.delegate |
| if (delegate && fromDate) { |
| fromDate = parameters.toFromDate |
| } |
| context.workEffortId = workEffortId |
| context.assignPartyId = assignPartyId |
| context.assignRoleTypeId = assignRoleTypeId |
| context.fromDate = fromDate |
| context.delegate = delegate |
| context.todayDate = new java.sql.Date(System.currentTimeMillis()).toString() |
| def partyId = null |
| |
| orderHeader = null |
| orderItems = null |
| orderAdjustments = null |
| comments = null |
| |
| if (orderId) { |
| orderHeader = from('OrderHeader').where('orderId', orderId).cache(false).queryFirst() |
| comments = select("orderItemSeqId", "changeComments", "changeDatetime", "changeUserLogin").from("OrderItemChange").where(UtilMisc.toList(EntityCondition.makeCondition("orderId", EntityOperator.EQUALS, orderId))).orderBy("-changeDatetime").queryList() |
| } |
| |
| if (orderHeader) { |
| // note these are overridden in the OrderViewWebSecure.groovy script if run |
| context.hasPermission = true |
| context.canViewInternalDetails = true |
| |
| orderReadHelper = new OrderReadHelper(orderHeader) |
| orderItems = orderReadHelper.getOrderItems() |
| orderAdjustments = orderReadHelper.getAdjustments() |
| orderHeaderAdjustments = orderReadHelper.getOrderHeaderAdjustments() |
| orderSubTotal = orderReadHelper.getOrderItemsSubTotal() |
| orderTerms = orderHeader.getRelated("OrderTerm", null, null, false) |
| |
| context.orderHeader = orderHeader |
| context.comments = comments |
| context.orderReadHelper = orderReadHelper |
| context.orderItems = orderItems |
| context.orderAdjustments = orderAdjustments |
| context.orderHeaderAdjustments = orderHeaderAdjustments |
| context.orderSubTotal = orderSubTotal |
| context.currencyUomId = orderReadHelper.getCurrency() |
| context.orderTerms = orderTerms |
| |
| // get sales reps |
| context.salesReps = orderHeader.getRelated("OrderRole", [orderId : orderHeader.orderId, roleTypeId : "SALES_REP"], null, false) |
| |
| // get the order type |
| orderType = orderHeader.orderTypeId |
| context.orderType = orderType |
| |
| // get the display party |
| displayParty = null |
| if ("PURCHASE_ORDER".equals(orderType)) { |
| displayParty = orderReadHelper.getSupplierAgent() |
| } else { |
| displayParty = orderReadHelper.getPlacingParty() |
| } |
| if (displayParty) { |
| partyId = displayParty.partyId |
| context.displayParty = displayParty |
| context.partyId = partyId |
| |
| paymentMethodValueMaps = PaymentWorker.getPartyPaymentMethodValueMaps(delegator, displayParty.partyId, false) |
| context.paymentMethodValueMaps = paymentMethodValueMaps |
| } |
| |
| otherAdjAmount = OrderReadHelper.calcOrderAdjustments(orderHeaderAdjustments, orderSubTotal, true, false, false) |
| context.otherAdjAmount = otherAdjAmount |
| |
| shippingAmount = OrderReadHelper.getAllOrderItemsAdjustmentsTotal(orderItems, orderAdjustments, false, false, true) |
| shippingAmount = shippingAmount.add(OrderReadHelper.calcOrderAdjustments(orderHeaderAdjustments, orderSubTotal, false, false, true)) |
| context.shippingAmount = shippingAmount |
| |
| taxAmount = OrderReadHelper.getOrderTaxByTaxAuthGeoAndParty(orderAdjustments).taxGrandTotal |
| context.taxAmount = taxAmount |
| |
| grandTotal = orderReadHelper.getOrderGrandTotal() |
| context.grandTotal = grandTotal |
| |
| orderItemList = orderReadHelper.getOrderItems() |
| // Retrieve all non-promo items that aren't cancelled |
| context.orderItemList = orderReadHelper.getOrderItems().findAll { item -> |
| (item.isPromo == null || item.isPromo == 'N') || !item.statusId.equals('ITEM_CANCELLED') |
| } |
| |
| shippingAddress = orderReadHelper.getShippingAddress() |
| context.shippingAddress = shippingAddress |
| |
| billingAddress = orderReadHelper.getBillingAddress() |
| context.billingAddress = billingAddress |
| |
| distributorId = orderReadHelper.getDistributorId() |
| context.distributorId = distributorId |
| |
| affiliateId = orderReadHelper.getAffiliateId() |
| context.affiliateId = affiliateId |
| |
| billingAccount = orderHeader.getRelatedOne("BillingAccount", false) |
| context.billingAccount = billingAccount |
| context.billingAccountMaxAmount = orderReadHelper.getBillingAccountMaxAmount() |
| |
| // get a list of all shipments, and a list of ItemIssuances per order item |
| allShipmentsMap = [:] |
| primaryShipments = orderHeader.getRelated("PrimaryShipment", null, null, false) |
| primaryShipments.each { primaryShipment -> |
| allShipmentsMap[primaryShipment.shipmentId] = primaryShipment |
| } |
| itemIssuancesPerItem = [:] |
| itemIssuances = orderHeader.getRelated("ItemIssuance", null, ["shipmentId", "shipmentItemSeqId"], false) |
| itemIssuances.each { itemIssuance -> |
| if (!allShipmentsMap.containsKey(itemIssuance.shipmentId)) { |
| iiShipment = itemIssuance.getRelatedOne("Shipment", false) |
| if (iiShipment) { |
| allShipmentsMap[iiShipment.shipmentId] = iiShipment |
| } |
| } |
| |
| perItemList = itemIssuancesPerItem[itemIssuance.orderItemSeqId] |
| if (!perItemList) { |
| perItemList = [] |
| itemIssuancesPerItem[itemIssuance.orderItemSeqId] = perItemList |
| } |
| perItemList.add(itemIssuance) |
| } |
| context.allShipments = allShipmentsMap.values() |
| context.itemIssuancesPerItem = itemIssuancesPerItem |
| |
| // get a list of all invoices |
| orderBilling = from("OrderItemBilling").where("orderId", orderId).orderBy("invoiceId").queryList() |
| context.invoices = orderBilling*.invoiceId.unique() |
| |
| ecl = EntityCondition.makeCondition([ |
| EntityCondition.makeCondition("orderId", EntityOperator.EQUALS, orderId), |
| EntityCondition.makeCondition("statusId", EntityOperator.NOT_EQUAL, "PAYMENT_CANCELLED")], |
| EntityOperator.AND) |
| orderPaymentPreferences = from("OrderPaymentPreference").where(ecl).queryList() |
| context.orderPaymentPreferences = orderPaymentPreferences |
| |
| // ship groups |
| shipGroups = from("OrderItemShipGroup").where("orderId", orderId).orderBy("shipGroupSeqId").queryList() |
| context.shipGroups = shipGroups |
| |
| |
| orderItemDatas = [] |
| orderItemList.each { orderItem -> |
| BigDecimal cancelQuantity = orderItem.get("cancelQuantity") |
| BigDecimal quantity = orderItem.get("quantity") |
| if ( cancelQuantity != null ) { |
| quantityOrdered = quantity.subtract(cancelQuantity) |
| } else { |
| quantityOrdered = quantity |
| } |
| OISGAssContents = [] |
| shipGroups.each { shipGroup -> |
| OISGAssContents.addAll(EntityUtil.filterByAnd(shipGroup.getRelated("OrderItemShipGroupAssoc", null, null, false), UtilMisc.toMap("orderItemSeqId", orderItem.getString("orderItemSeqId")))) |
| } |
| BigDecimal totalQuantityPlanned = 0 |
| OISGAssContents.each { OISGAssContent -> |
| BigDecimal cancelQty = OISGAssContent.get("cancelQuantity") |
| BigDecimal qty = OISGAssContent.get("quantity") |
| if (qty != null) { |
| totalQuantityPlanned = totalQuantityPlanned.add(qty) |
| } |
| if (cancelQty != null){ |
| OISGAssContent.set("quantity", qty.subtract(cancelQty)) |
| } else { |
| OISGAssContent.set("quantity", qty) |
| } |
| } |
| totalQuantityToPlan = totalQuantityPlanned - quantityOrdered |
| BigDecimal quantityNotAvailable = 0 |
| List<GenericValue> oisgirs = orderItem.getRelated("OrderItemShipGrpInvRes", null, null, false) |
| for (GenericValue oisgir : oisgirs) { |
| if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(oisgir.get("quantityNotAvailable"))) { |
| quantityNotAvailable = quantityNotAvailable.add(oisgir.getBigDecimal("quantityNotAvailable")) |
| } |
| } |
| orderItemData = [:] |
| orderItemData.put("orderItem", orderItem) |
| orderItemData.put("OISGAssContents", OISGAssContents) |
| orderItemData.put("product", orderItem.getRelatedOne("Product", false)) |
| orderItemData.put("quantityOrdered", quantityOrdered) |
| orderItemData.put("totalQuantityPlanned", totalQuantityPlanned) |
| orderItemData.put("totalQuantityToPlan", totalQuantityToPlan) |
| orderItemData.put("quantityNotAvailable", quantityNotAvailable) |
| orderItemDatas.add(orderItemData) |
| } |
| context.put("orderItemDatas", orderItemDatas) |
| |
| // create the actualDate for calendar |
| actualDateCal = Calendar.getInstance() |
| actualDateCal.setTime(new java.util.Date()) |
| actualDateCal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, actualDateCal.getActualMinimum(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)) |
| actualDateCal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, actualDateCal.getActualMinimum(Calendar.MINUTE)) |
| actualDateCal.set(Calendar.SECOND, actualDateCal.getActualMinimum(Calendar.SECOND)) |
| actualDateCal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, actualDateCal.getActualMinimum(Calendar.MILLISECOND)) |
| actualDateTs = new Timestamp(actualDateCal.getTimeInMillis()) |
| actualDateStr = actualDateTs.toString() |
| actualDateStr = actualDateStr.substring(0, actualDateStr.indexOf('.')) |
| context.put("actualDateStr", actualDateStr) |
| |
| // get Shipment tracking info |
| orderShipmentInfoSummaryList = select("shipGroupSeqId", "shipmentId", "shipmentRouteSegmentId", "carrierPartyId", "shipmentMethodTypeId", "shipmentPackageSeqId", "trackingCode", "boxNumber") |
| .from("OrderShipmentInfoSummary") |
| .where("orderId", orderId) |
| .orderBy("shipmentId", "shipmentRouteSegmentId", "shipmentPackageSeqId") |
| .distinct() |
| .queryList() |
| context.orderShipmentInfoSummaryList = orderShipmentInfoSummaryList |
| |
| customerPoNumber = null |
| orderItemList.each { orderItem -> |
| customerPoNumber = orderItem.correspondingPoId |
| } |
| context.customerPoNumber = customerPoNumber |
| |
| statusChange = from("StatusValidChange").where("statusId", orderHeader.statusId).queryList() |
| context.statusChange = statusChange |
| |
| currentStatus = orderHeader.getRelatedOne("StatusItem", false) |
| context.currentStatus = currentStatus |
| |
| orderHeaderStatuses = orderReadHelper.getOrderHeaderStatuses() |
| context.orderHeaderStatuses = orderHeaderStatuses |
| |
| adjustmentTypes = from("OrderAdjustmentType").orderBy("description").queryList() |
| context.orderAdjustmentTypes = adjustmentTypes |
| |
| notes = from("OrderHeaderNoteView").where("orderId", orderId).orderBy("-noteDateTime").queryList() |
| context.orderNotes = notes |
| |
| showNoteHeadingOnPDF = false |
| if (notes && EntityUtil.filterByCondition(notes, EntityCondition.makeCondition("internalNote", EntityOperator.EQUALS, "N")).size() > 0) { |
| showNoteHeadingOnPDF = true |
| } |
| context.showNoteHeadingOnPDF = showNoteHeadingOnPDF |
| |
| cmvm = ContactMechWorker.getOrderContactMechValueMaps(delegator, orderId) |
| context.orderContactMechValueMaps = cmvm |
| |
| orderItemChangeReasons = from("Enumeration").where("enumTypeId", "ODR_ITM_CH_REASON").orderBy("sequenceId").queryList() |
| context.orderItemChangeReasons = orderItemChangeReasons |
| |
| if ("PURCHASE_ORDER".equals(orderType)) { |
| // for purchase orders, we need also the supplier's postal address |
| supplier = orderReadHelper.getBillFromParty() |
| if (supplier) { |
| supplierContactMechValueMaps = ContactMechWorker.getPartyContactMechValueMaps(delegator, supplier.partyId, false, "POSTAL_ADDRESS") |
| context.supplierContactMechValueMaps = supplierContactMechValueMaps |
| supplierContactMechValueMaps.each { supplierContactMechValueMap -> |
| contactMechPurposes = supplierContactMechValueMap.partyContactMechPurposes |
| contactMechPurposes.each { contactMechPurpose -> |
| if (contactMechPurpose.contactMechPurposeTypeId.equals("GENERAL_LOCATION")) { |
| context.supplierGeneralContactMechValueMap = supplierContactMechValueMap |
| } else if (contactMechPurpose.contactMechPurposeTypeId.equals("SHIPPING_LOCATION")) { |
| context.supplierShippingContactMechValueMap = supplierContactMechValueMap |
| } else if (contactMechPurpose.contactMechPurposeTypeId.equals("BILLING_LOCATION")) { |
| context.supplierBillingContactMechValueMap = supplierContactMechValueMap |
| } else if (contactMechPurpose.contactMechPurposeTypeId.equals("PAYMENT_LOCATION")) { |
| context.supplierPaymentContactMechValueMap = supplierContactMechValueMap |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| // get purchase order item types |
| purchaseOrderItemTypeList = from("OrderItemType").where("parentTypeId", "PURCHASE_SPECIFIC").cache(true).queryList() |
| context.purchaseOrderItemTypeList = purchaseOrderItemTypeList |
| } |
| |
| // see if an approved order with all items completed exists |
| context.setOrderCompleteOption = false |
| if ("ORDER_APPROVED".equals(orderHeader.statusId)) { |
| expr = EntityCondition.makeCondition("statusId", EntityOperator.NOT_EQUAL, "ITEM_COMPLETED") |
| notCreatedItems = orderReadHelper.getOrderItemsByCondition(expr) |
| if (!notCreatedItems) { |
| context.setOrderCompleteOption = true |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // get inventory summary for each shopping cart product item |
| inventorySummary = runService('getProductInventorySummaryForItems', [orderItems : orderItems]) |
| context.availableToPromiseMap = inventorySummary.availableToPromiseMap |
| context.quantityOnHandMap = inventorySummary.quantityOnHandMap |
| context.mktgPkgATPMap = inventorySummary.mktgPkgATPMap |
| context.mktgPkgQOHMap = inventorySummary.mktgPkgQOHMap |
| |
| // get inventory summary with respect to facility |
| productStore = orderReadHelper.getProductStore() |
| context.productStore = productStore |
| if (productStore) { |
| facility = productStore.getRelatedOne("Facility", false) |
| if (facility) { |
| inventorySummaryByFacility = runService("getProductInventorySummaryForItems", [orderItems : orderItems, facilityId : facility.facilityId]) |
| context.availableToPromiseByFacilityMap = inventorySummaryByFacility.availableToPromiseMap |
| context.quantityOnHandByFacilityMap = inventorySummaryByFacility.quantityOnHandMap |
| context.facility = facility |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Get a list of facilities for purchase orders to receive against. |
| // These facilities must be owned by the bill-to party of the purchase order. |
| // For a given ship group, the allowed facilities are the ones associated |
| // to the same contact mech of the ship group. |
| if ("PURCHASE_ORDER".equals(orderType)) { |
| facilitiesForShipGroup = [:] |
| if (orderReadHelper.getBillToParty()) { |
| ownerPartyId = orderReadHelper.getBillToParty().partyId |
| Map ownedFacilities = [:] |
| shipGroups.each { shipGroup -> |
| lookupMap = [ownerPartyId : ownerPartyId] |
| if (shipGroup.contactMechId) { |
| lookupMap.contactMechId = shipGroup.contactMechId |
| } |
| facilities = from("FacilityAndContactMech").where(lookupMap).cache(true).queryList() |
| facilitiesForShipGroup[shipGroup.shipGroupSeqId] = facilities |
| facilities.each { facility -> |
| ownedFacilities[facility.facilityId] = facility |
| } |
| } |
| context.facilitiesForShipGroup = facilitiesForShipGroup |
| // Now get the list of all the facilities owned by the bill-to-party |
| context.ownedFacilities = ownedFacilities.values() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // set the type of return based on type of order |
| if ("SALES_ORDER".equals(orderType)) { |
| context.returnHeaderTypeId = "CUSTOMER_RETURN" |
| // also set the product store facility Id for sales orders |
| if (productStore) { |
| context.storeFacilityId = productStore.inventoryFacilityId |
| if (productStore.reqReturnInventoryReceive) { |
| context.needsInventoryReceive = productStore.reqReturnInventoryReceive |
| } else { |
| context.needsInventoryReceive = "Y" |
| } |
| } |
| } else { |
| context.returnHeaderTypeId = "VENDOR_RETURN" |
| } |
| |
| // QUANTITY: get the returned quantity by order item map |
| context.returnQuantityMap = orderReadHelper.getOrderItemReturnedQuantities() |
| |
| // INVENTORY: construct a Set of productIds in the order for use in querying for inventory, otherwise these queries can get expensive |
| productIds = orderReadHelper.getOrderProductIds() |
| |
| // INVENTORY: get the production quantity for each product and store the results in a map of productId -> quantity |
| productionMap = [:] |
| productIds.each { productId -> |
| if (productId) { // avoid order items without productIds, such as bulk order items |
| resultOutput = runService("getProductManufacturingSummaryByFacility", [productId : productId]) |
| manufacturingInQuantitySummaryByFacility = resultOutput.summaryInByFacility |
| Double productionQuantity = 0 |
| manufacturingInQuantitySummaryByFacility.values().each { manQuantity -> |
| productionQuantity += manQuantity.estimatedQuantityTotal |
| } |
| productionMap[productId] = productionQuantity |
| } |
| } |
| context.productionProductQuantityMap = productionMap |
| |
| if (productIds.size() > 0) { |
| // INVENTORY: find the number of products in outstanding sales orders for the same product store |
| requiredMap = InventoryWorker.getOutstandingProductQuantitiesForSalesOrders(productIds, delegator) |
| context.requiredProductQuantityMap = requiredMap |
| |
| // INVENTORY: find the quantity of each product in outstanding purchase orders |
| onOrderMap = InventoryWorker.getOutstandingProductQuantitiesForPurchaseOrders(productIds, delegator) |
| context.onOrderProductQuantityMap = onOrderMap |
| } else { |
| context.requiredProductQuantityMap = [:] |
| context.onOrderProductQuantityMap = [:] |
| } |
| |
| // list to find all the POSTAL_ADDRESS for the shipment party. |
| orderParty = from("Party").where("partyId", partyId).queryOne() |
| shippingContactMechList = ContactHelper.getContactMech(orderParty, "SHIPPING_LOCATION", "POSTAL_ADDRESS", false) |
| context.shippingContactMechList = shippingContactMechList |
| |
| // list to find all the shipmentMethods from the view named "ProductStoreShipmentMethView". |
| shipGroupShippingMethods = [:] |
| shipGroups.each { shipGroup -> |
| shipGroupSeqId = shipGroup.shipGroupSeqId |
| shippableItemFeatures = orderReadHelper.getFeatureIdQtyMap(shipGroupSeqId) |
| shippableTotal = orderReadHelper.getShippableTotal(shipGroupSeqId) |
| shippableWeight = orderReadHelper.getShippableWeight(shipGroupSeqId) |
| shippableItemSizes = orderReadHelper.getShippableSizes(shipGroupSeqId) |
| shippingAddress = orderReadHelper.getShippingAddress(shipGroupSeqId) |
| |
| List<GenericValue> productStoreShipmentMethList = ProductStoreWorker.getAvailableStoreShippingMethods(delegator, orderReadHelper.getProductStoreId(), |
| shippingAddress, shippableItemSizes, shippableItemFeatures, shippableWeight, shippableTotal) |
| shipGroupShippingMethods.put(shipGroupSeqId, productStoreShipmentMethList) |
| context.shipGroupShippingMethods = shipGroupShippingMethods |
| } |
| |
| // Get a map of returnable items |
| returnableItems = [:] |
| returnableItemServiceMap = run service: 'getReturnableItems', with: [orderId : orderId] |
| if (returnableItemServiceMap.returnableItems) { |
| returnableItems = returnableItemServiceMap.returnableItems |
| } |
| context.returnableItems = returnableItems |
| |
| // get the catalogIds for appending items |
| if (context.request != null) { |
| if ("SALES_ORDER".equals(orderType) && productStore) { |
| catalogCol = CatalogWorker.getCatalogIdsAvailable(delegator, productStore.productStoreId, partyId) |
| } else { |
| catalogCol = CatalogWorker.getAllCatalogIds(request) |
| } |
| if (catalogCol) { |
| currentCatalogId = catalogCol[0] |
| currentCatalogName = CatalogWorker.getCatalogName(request, currentCatalogId) |
| context.catalogCol = catalogCol |
| context.currentCatalogId = currentCatalogId |
| context.currentCatalogName = currentCatalogName |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // list to find all the POSTAL_ADDRESS for the party. |
| orderParty = from("Party").where("partyId", partyId).queryOne() |
| postalContactMechList = ContactHelper.getContactMechByType(orderParty,"POSTAL_ADDRESS", false) |
| context.postalContactMechList = postalContactMechList |
| |
| // list to find all the TELECOM_NUMBER for the party. |
| telecomContactMechList = ContactHelper.getContactMechByType(orderParty,"TELECOM_NUMBER", false) |
| context.telecomContactMechList = telecomContactMechList |
| |
| // list to find all the EMAIL_ADDRESS for the party. |
| emailContactMechList = ContactHelper.getContactMechByType(orderParty,"EMAIL_ADDRESS", false) |
| context.emailContactMechList = emailContactMechList |
| } |
| |
| paramString = "" |
| if (orderId) paramString += "orderId=" + orderId |
| if (workEffortId) paramString += "&workEffortId=" + workEffortId |
| if (assignPartyId) paramString += "&partyId=" + assignPartyId |
| if (assignRoleTypeId) paramString += "&roleTypeId=" + assignRoleTypeId |
| if (fromDate) paramString += "&fromDate=" + fromDate |
| context.paramString = paramString |
| |
| workEffortStatus = null |
| if (workEffortId && assignPartyId && assignRoleTypeId && fromDate) { |
| wepa = from("WorkEffortPartyAssignment").where("workEffortId", workEffortId, "partyId", assignPartyId, "roleTypeId", assignRoleTypeId, "fromDate", fromDate).queryOne() |
| |
| if ("CAL_ACCEPTED".equals(wepa?.statusId)) { |
| workEffort = from("WorkEffort").where("workEffortId", workEffortId).queryOne() |
| workEffortStatus = workEffort.currentStatusId |
| if (workEffortStatus) { |
| context.workEffortStatus = workEffortStatus |
| if (workEffortStatus.equals("WF_RUNNING") || workEffortStatus.equals("WF_SUSPENDED")) |
| context.inProcess = true |
| } |
| |
| if (workEffort) { |
| if ("true".equals(delegate) || "WF_RUNNING".equals(workEffortStatus)) { |
| activity = from("WorkflowActivity").where("packageId", workEffort.workflowPackageId, "packageVersion", workEffort.workflowPackageVersion, "processId", workEffort.workflowProcessId, "processVersion", workEffort.workflowProcessVersion, "activityId", workEffort.workflowActivityId).queryOne() |
| if (activity) { |
| transitions = activity.getRelated("FromWorkflowTransition", null, ["-transitionId"], false) |
| context.wfTransitions = transitions |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (orderItems) { |
| orderItem = EntityUtil.getFirst(orderItems) |
| context.orderItem = orderItem |
| } |
| |
| // getting online ship estimates corresponding to this Order from UPS when "Hold" button will be clicked, when user packs from weight package screen. |
| // This case comes when order's shipping amount is more then or less than default percentage (defined in shipment.properties) of online UPS shipping amount. |
| |
| shipments = from("Shipment").where("primaryOrderId", orderId, "statusId", "SHIPMENT_PICKED").queryList() |
| if (shipments) { |
| pickedShipmentId = EntityUtil.getFirst(shipments).shipmentId |
| shipmentRouteSegment = from("ShipmentRouteSegment").where("shipmentId", pickedShipmentId).queryFirst() |
| context.shipmentRouteSegmentId = shipmentRouteSegment.shipmentRouteSegmentId |
| context.pickedShipmentId = pickedShipmentId |
| if (pickedShipmentId && shipmentRouteSegment.trackingIdNumber) { |
| if ("UPS" == shipmentRouteSegment.carrierPartyId && productStore) { |
| resultMap = runService('upsShipmentAlternateRatesEstimate', [productStoreId: productStore.productStoreId, shipmentId: pickedShipmentId]) |
| shippingRates = resultMap.shippingRates |
| shippingRateList = [] |
| shippingRates.each { shippingRate -> |
| shippingMethodAndRate = [:] |
| serviceCodes = shippingRate.keySet() |
| serviceCodes.each { serviceCode -> |
| carrierShipmentMethod = from("CarrierShipmentMethod").where("partyId", "UPS", "carrierServiceCode", serviceCode).queryFirst() |
| shipmentMethodTypeId = carrierShipmentMethod.shipmentMethodTypeId |
| rate = shippingRate.get(serviceCode) |
| shipmentMethodDescription = EntityUtil.getFirst(carrierShipmentMethod.getRelated("ShipmentMethodType", null, null, false)).description |
| shippingMethodAndRate.shipmentMethodTypeId = carrierShipmentMethod.shipmentMethodTypeId |
| shippingMethodAndRate.rate = rate |
| shippingMethodAndRate.shipmentMethodDescription = shipmentMethodDescription |
| shippingRateList.add(shippingMethodAndRate) |
| } |
| } |
| context.shippingRateList = shippingRateList |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // get orderAdjustmentId for SHIPPING_CHARGES |
| orderAdjustmentId = null |
| orderAdjustments.each { orderAdjustment -> |
| if(orderAdjustment.orderAdjustmentTypeId.equals("SHIPPING_CHARGES")) { |
| orderAdjustmentId = orderAdjustment.orderAdjustmentId |
| } |
| } |
| context.orderAdjustmentId = orderAdjustmentId |