Improved: Remove the cleanGradle and cleanAnt Gradles Task

We decided to remove the cleanGradle because since we upgraded to Gradle  3 
it causes an issue on Windows.

We also decided to remove the cleanAnt Gradles Task  because it's now in 
the R16.11.01 and R11.1 branch which should be enough for users moving from Ant
to Gradle

BTW in case of need there is this wiki reference page

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/build.gradle b/build.gradle
index de49173..7d7410cb 100644
--- a/build.gradle
+++ b/build.gradle
@@ -765,28 +765,12 @@
             includes: ['**/.nbattrs', '**/*~','**/.#*', '**/.DS_Store', '**/*.rej', '**/*.orig'])
-task cleanGradle(group: cleanupGroup, description: 'clean generated files from Gradle') {
-    doLast { delete file("${rootDir}/.gradle") }
 task cleanFooterFiles(group: cleanupGroup, description: 'clean generated footer files') {
     doLast {
         delete gitFooterFile
         delete svnFooterFile
-task cleanAnt(group: cleanupGroup, type: Delete, description: "clean old artifacts generated by Ant") {
-    /* TODO this task is temporary and should be deleted after some
-     * time when users have updated their trees. */
-    doLast {
-        ['framework', 'plugins', 'applications'].each { componentGroup ->
-            file(componentGroup).eachDir { component ->
-                delete file(component.toString() + '/build')
-            }
-        }
-        delete 'ofbiz.jar'
-    }
  * Keep this task below all other clean tasks  The location of
  * declaration is important because it means that it will automatically