blob: a01bd8637cff5e3f9114dbe03935c9f9efe347b8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.ofbiz.webapp.stats;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedDeque;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.Debug;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilHttp;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilMisc;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilProperties;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilValidate;
import org.ofbiz.entity.Delegator;
import org.ofbiz.entity.DelegatorFactory;
import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException;
import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue;
import org.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelEntity;
import org.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityQuery;
import org.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityUtilProperties;
* <p>Counts server hits and tracks statistics for request, events and views
* <p>Handles total stats since the server started and binned
* stats according to settings in the file.
public class ServerHitBin {
// Debug module name
public static final String module = ServerHitBin.class.getName();
public static final int REQUEST = 1;
public static final int EVENT = 2;
public static final int VIEW = 3;
public static final int ENTITY = 4;
public static final int SERVICE = 5;
private static final String[] typeIds = {"", "REQUEST", "EVENT", "VIEW", "ENTITY", "SERVICE"};
// these Maps contain Lists of ServerHitBin objects by id, the most recent is first in the list
public static final ConcurrentMap<String, Deque<ServerHitBin>> requestHistory = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Deque<ServerHitBin>>();
public static final ConcurrentMap<String, Deque<ServerHitBin>> eventHistory = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Deque<ServerHitBin>>();
public static final ConcurrentMap<String, Deque<ServerHitBin>> viewHistory = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Deque<ServerHitBin>>();
public static final ConcurrentMap<String, Deque<ServerHitBin>> entityHistory = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Deque<ServerHitBin>>();
public static final ConcurrentMap<String, Deque<ServerHitBin>> serviceHistory = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Deque<ServerHitBin>>();
// these Maps contain ServerHitBin objects by id
public static final ConcurrentMap<String, ServerHitBin> requestSinceStarted = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ServerHitBin>();
public static final ConcurrentMap<String, ServerHitBin> eventSinceStarted = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ServerHitBin>();
public static final ConcurrentMap<String, ServerHitBin> viewSinceStarted = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ServerHitBin>();
public static final ConcurrentMap<String, ServerHitBin> entitySinceStarted = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ServerHitBin>();
public static final ConcurrentMap<String, ServerHitBin> serviceSinceStarted = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ServerHitBin>();
public static void countRequest(String id, HttpServletRequest request, long startTime, long runningTime, GenericValue userLogin) {
countHit(id, REQUEST, request, startTime, runningTime, userLogin);
public static void countEvent(String id, HttpServletRequest request, long startTime, long runningTime, GenericValue userLogin) {
countHit(id, EVENT, request, startTime, runningTime, userLogin);
public static void countView(String id, HttpServletRequest request, long startTime, long runningTime, GenericValue userLogin) {
countHit(id, VIEW, request, startTime, runningTime, userLogin);
public static void countEntity(String id, HttpServletRequest request, long startTime, long runningTime, GenericValue userLogin) {
countHit(id, ENTITY, request, startTime, runningTime, userLogin);
public static void countService(String id, HttpServletRequest request, long startTime, long runningTime, GenericValue userLogin) {
countHit(id, SERVICE, request, startTime, runningTime, userLogin);
private static void countHit(String id, int type, HttpServletRequest request, long startTime, long runningTime, GenericValue userLogin) {
// only count hits if enabled, if not specified defaults to false
if (!"true".equals(UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("serverstats", "stats.enable." + typeIds[type]))) return;
countHit(id, type, request, startTime, runningTime, userLogin, true);
private static String makeIdTenantAware(String id, Delegator delegator) {
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(delegator.getDelegatorTenantId())) {
return id + "#" + delegator.getDelegatorTenantId();
} else {
return id;
private static long getNewBinLength() {
long binLength = (long) UtilProperties.getPropertyNumber("serverstats", "stats.bin.length.millis");
// if no or 0 binLength specified, set to 30 minutes
if (binLength <= 0) binLength = 1800000;
// if binLength is more than an hour, set it to one hour
if (binLength > 3600000) binLength = 3600000;
return binLength;
private static long getEvenStartingTime(long binLength) {
// binLengths should be a divisable evenly into 1 hour
long curTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// find the first previous millis that are even on the hour
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.setTime(new Date(curTime));
cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
while (cal.getTime().getTime() < (curTime - binLength)) {
cal.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, (int) binLength);
return cal.getTime().getTime();
private static void countHit(String baseId, int type, HttpServletRequest request, long startTime, long runningTime, GenericValue userLogin, boolean isOriginal) {
Delegator delegator = (Delegator) request.getAttribute("delegator");
if (delegator == null) {
String delegatorName = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("delegatorName");
delegator = DelegatorFactory.getDelegator(delegatorName);
if (delegator == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("In countHit could not find a delegator or delegatorName to work from");
String id = makeIdTenantAware(baseId, delegator);
ServerHitBin bin = null;
Deque<ServerHitBin> binList = null;
switch (type) {
binList = requestHistory.get(id);
case EVENT:
binList = eventHistory.get(id);
case VIEW:
binList = viewHistory.get(id);
case ENTITY:
binList = entityHistory.get(id);
binList = serviceHistory.get(id);
if (binList == null) {
binList = new ConcurrentLinkedDeque<ServerHitBin>();
Deque<ServerHitBin> listFromMap = null;
switch (type) {
listFromMap = requestHistory.putIfAbsent(id, binList);
case EVENT:
listFromMap = eventHistory.putIfAbsent(id, binList);
case VIEW:
listFromMap = viewHistory.putIfAbsent(id, binList);
case ENTITY:
listFromMap = entityHistory.putIfAbsent(id, binList);
listFromMap = serviceHistory.putIfAbsent(id, binList);
binList = listFromMap != null ? listFromMap : binList;
do {
bin = binList.peek();
if (bin == null) {
binList.addFirst(new ServerHitBin(id, type, true, delegator));
} while (bin == null);
long toTime = startTime + runningTime;
// advance the bin
// first check to see if the bin has expired, if so save and recycle it
while (bin.limitLength && toTime > bin.endTime) {
// the first in the list will be this object, remove and copy it,
// put the copy at the first of the list, then put this object back on
if (bin.getNumberHits() > 0) {
// persist each bin when time ends if option turned on
if (EntityUtilProperties.propertyValueEqualsIgnoreCase("serverstats", "stats.persist." + ServerHitBin.typeIds[type] + ".bin", "true", delegator)) {
GenericValue serverHitBin = delegator.makeValue("ServerHitBin");
serverHitBin.set("hitTypeId", ServerHitBin.typeIds[bin.type]);
serverHitBin.set("binStartDateTime", new java.sql.Timestamp(bin.startTime));
serverHitBin.set("binEndDateTime", new java.sql.Timestamp(bin.endTime));
serverHitBin.set("numberHits", Long.valueOf(bin.getNumberHits()));
serverHitBin.set("totalTimeMillis", Long.valueOf(bin.getTotalRunningTime()));
serverHitBin.set("minTimeMillis", Long.valueOf(bin.getMinTime()));
serverHitBin.set("maxTimeMillis", Long.valueOf(bin.getMaxTime()));
// get localhost ip address and hostname to store
if (VisitHandler.address != null) {
serverHitBin.set("serverIpAddress", VisitHandler.address.getHostAddress());
serverHitBin.set("serverHostName", VisitHandler.address.getHostName());
try {
} catch (GenericEntityException e) {
Debug.logError(e, "Could not save ServerHitBin:", module);
} else {
bin = new ServerHitBin(bin, bin.endTime + 1);
if (isOriginal) {
try {
bin.saveHit(request, startTime, runningTime, userLogin);
} catch (GenericEntityException e) {
Debug.logWarning("Error saving ServerHit: " + e.toString(), module);
// count since start global and per id hits
if (!id.startsWith("GLOBAL")) {
countHitSinceStart(id, type, runningTime, delegator);
if (isOriginal) {
countHitSinceStart(makeIdTenantAware("GLOBAL", delegator), type, runningTime, delegator);
// also count hits up the hierarchy if the id contains a '.'
if (id.indexOf('.') > 0) {
countHit(id.substring(0, id.lastIndexOf('.')), type, request, startTime, runningTime, userLogin, false);
if (isOriginal) {
countHit("GLOBAL", type, request, startTime, runningTime, userLogin, false);
private static void countHitSinceStart(String id, int type, long runningTime, Delegator delegator) {
ServerHitBin bin = null;
switch (type) {
bin = requestSinceStarted.get(id);
case EVENT:
bin = eventSinceStarted.get(id);
case VIEW:
bin = viewSinceStarted.get(id);
case ENTITY:
bin = entitySinceStarted.get(id);
bin = serviceSinceStarted.get(id);
if (bin == null) {
bin = new ServerHitBin(id, type, false, delegator);
ServerHitBin binFromMap = null;
switch (type) {
binFromMap = requestSinceStarted.putIfAbsent(id, bin);
case EVENT:
binFromMap = eventSinceStarted.putIfAbsent(id, bin);
case VIEW:
binFromMap = viewSinceStarted.putIfAbsent(id, bin);
case ENTITY:
binFromMap = entitySinceStarted.putIfAbsent(id, bin);
binFromMap = serviceSinceStarted.putIfAbsent(id, bin);
bin = binFromMap != null ? binFromMap : bin;
private final Delegator delegator;
private final String id;
private final int type;
private final boolean limitLength;
private final long binLength;
private final long startTime;
private final long endTime;
private long numberHits;
private long totalRunningTime;
private long minTime;
private long maxTime;
private ServerHitBin(String id, int type, boolean limitLength, Delegator delegator) { = id;
this.type = type;
this.limitLength = limitLength;
this.delegator = delegator;
this.binLength = getNewBinLength();
this.startTime = getEvenStartingTime(this.binLength);
if (this.limitLength) {
// subtract 1 millisecond to keep bin starting times even
this.endTime = this.startTime + this.binLength - 1;
} else {
this.endTime = 0;
this.numberHits = 0;
this.totalRunningTime = 0;
this.minTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
this.maxTime = 0;
private ServerHitBin(ServerHitBin oldBin, long startTime) { =;
this.type = oldBin.type;
this.limitLength = oldBin.limitLength;
this.delegator = oldBin.delegator;
this.binLength = oldBin.binLength;
this.startTime = startTime;
if (limitLength) {
// subtract 1 millisecond to keep bin starting times even
this.endTime = this.startTime + this.binLength - 1;
} else {
this.endTime = 0;
this.numberHits = 0;
this.totalRunningTime = 0;
this.minTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
this.maxTime = 0;
public Delegator getDelegator() {
return this.delegator;
public String getId() {
public int getType() {
return this.type;
/** returns the startTime of the bin */
public long getStartTime() {
return this.startTime;
/** Returns the end time if the length of the bin is limited, otherwise returns the current system time */
public long getEndTime() {
return limitLength ? this.endTime : System.currentTimeMillis();
/** returns the startTime of the bin */
public String getStartTimeString() {
// using Timestamp toString because I like the way it formats it
return new java.sql.Timestamp(this.getStartTime()).toString();
/** Returns the end time if the length of the bin is limited, otherwise returns the current system time */
public String getEndTimeString() {
return new java.sql.Timestamp(this.getEndTime()).toString();
/** returns endTime - startTime */
public long getBinLength() {
return this.getEndTime() - this.getStartTime();
/** returns (endTime - startTime)/60000 */
public double getBinLengthMinutes() {
return (this.getBinLength()) / 60000.0;
public synchronized long getNumberHits() {
return this.numberHits;
public synchronized long getMinTime() {
return this.minTime;
public synchronized long getMaxTime() {
return this.maxTime;
public synchronized long getTotalRunningTime() {
return this.totalRunningTime;
public double getMinTimeSeconds() {
return (this.getMinTime()) / 1000.0;
public double getMaxTimeSeconds() {
return (this.getMaxTime()) / 1000.0;
public synchronized double getAvgTime() {
return ((double) this.getTotalRunningTime()) / ((double) this.getNumberHits());
public double getAvgTimeSeconds() {
return this.getAvgTime() / 1000.0;
/** return the hits per minute using the entire length of the bin as returned by getBinLengthMinutes() */
public double getHitsPerMinute() {
return this.getNumberHits() / this.getBinLengthMinutes();
private synchronized void addHit(long runningTime) {
this.totalRunningTime += runningTime;
if (runningTime < this.minTime)
this.minTime = runningTime;
if (runningTime > this.maxTime)
this.maxTime = runningTime;
private void saveHit(HttpServletRequest request, long startTime, long runningTime, GenericValue userLogin) throws GenericEntityException {
// persist record of hit in ServerHit entity if option turned on
Delegator delegator = (Delegator) request.getAttribute("delegator");
if (EntityUtilProperties.propertyValueEqualsIgnoreCase("serverstats", "stats.persist." + ServerHitBin.typeIds[type] + ".hit", "true", delegator)) {
// if the hit type is ENTITY and the name contains "ServerHit" don't
// persist; avoids the infinite loop and a bunch of annoying data
if (this.type == ENTITY &&"ServerHit") > 0) {
// check for type data before running.
GenericValue serverHitType = null;
serverHitType = EntityQuery.use(delegator).from("ServerHitType").where("hitTypeId", ServerHitBin.typeIds[this.type]).cache().queryOne();
if (serverHitType == null) {
// datamodel data not loaded; not storing hit.
Debug.logWarning("The datamodel data has not been loaded; cannot find hitTypeId '" + ServerHitBin.typeIds[this.type] + " not storing ServerHit.", module);
GenericValue visit = VisitHandler.getVisit(request.getSession());
if (visit == null) {
// no visit info stored, so don't store the ServerHit
Debug.logWarning("Could not find a visitId, so not storing ServerHit. This is probably a configuration error. If you turn off persistance of visits you should also turn off persistence of hits.", module);
String visitId = visit.getString("visitId");
visit = EntityQuery.use(delegator).from("Visit").where("visitId", visitId).queryOne();
if (visit == null) {
// GenericValue stored in client session does not exist in database.
Debug.logInfo("The Visit GenericValue stored in the client session does not exist in the database, not storing server hit.", module);
Debug.logInfo("Visit delegatorName=" + visit.getDelegator().getDelegatorName() + ", ServerHitBin delegatorName=" + this.delegator.getDelegatorName(), module);
GenericValue serverHit = delegator.makeValue("ServerHit");
serverHit.set("visitId", visitId);
serverHit.set("hitStartDateTime", new java.sql.Timestamp(startTime));
serverHit.set("hitTypeId", ServerHitBin.typeIds[this.type]);
if (userLogin != null) {
serverHit.set("userLoginId", userLogin.get("userLoginId"));
ModelEntity modelUserLogin = userLogin.getModelEntity();
if (modelUserLogin.isField("partyId")) {
serverHit.set("partyId", userLogin.get("partyId"));
serverHit.set("runningTimeMillis", Long.valueOf(runningTime));
String fullRequestUrl = UtilHttp.getFullRequestUrl(request);
serverHit.set("requestUrl", fullRequestUrl.length() > 250 ? fullRequestUrl.substring(0, 250) : fullRequestUrl);
String referrerUrl = request.getHeader("Referer") != null ? request.getHeader("Referer") : "";
serverHit.set("referrerUrl", referrerUrl.length() > 250 ? referrerUrl.substring(0, 250) : referrerUrl);
// get localhost ip address and hostname to store
if (VisitHandler.address != null) {
serverHit.set("serverIpAddress", VisitHandler.address.getHostAddress());
serverHit.set("serverHostName", VisitHandler.address.getHostName());
// The problem with
// serverHit.create();
// is that if there are two requests with the same startTime (this should only happen with MySQL see
// then this will go wrong and abort the actual
// transaction we are interested in.
// Another way instead of using create is to store or update,
// that is overwrite in case there already was an entry, thus
// avoiding the transaction being aborted which is not
// less desirable than having multiple requests with the
// same startTime overwriting each other.
// This may not satisfy those who want to record each and
// every server hit even with equal startTimes but that could be
// solved adding a counter to the ServerHit's PK (a counter
// counting multiple hits at the same startTime).