blob: ce47d06e00e97f7d07f0a0dd98424e728f30af66 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* This script is also referenced by the ecommerce's screens and
* should not contain order component's specific code.
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.*;
import org.ofbiz.entity.*;
import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.*;
import org.ofbiz.entity.util.*;
import org.ofbiz.service.*;
import org.ofbiz.webapp.taglib.ContentUrlTag;
import org.ofbiz.product.product.ProductContentWrapper;
import org.ofbiz.product.product.ProductSearch;
import org.ofbiz.product.product.ProductSearchSession;
import org.ofbiz.product.product.ProductWorker;
import org.ofbiz.product.catalog.*;
import org.ofbiz.webapp.stats.VisitHandler;
import org.ofbiz.order.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartEvents;
import org.ofbiz.order.shoppingcart.ShoppingCart;
String buildNext(Map map, List order, String current, String prefix, Map featureTypes) {
def ct = 0;
def buf = new StringBuffer();
buf.append("function listFT" + current + prefix + "() { ");
buf.append("document.forms[\"addform\"].elements[\"FT" + current + "\"].options.length = 1;");
buf.append("document.forms[\"addform\"].elements[\"FT" + current + "\"].options[0] = new Option(\"" + featureTypes[current] + "\",\"\",true,true);");
map.each { key, value ->
def optValue = null;
if (order.indexOf(current) == (order.size()-1)) {
optValue = value.iterator().next();
} else {
optValue = prefix + "_" + ct;
buf.append("document.forms[\"addform\"].elements[\"FT" + current + "\"].options[" + (ct + 1) + "] = new Option(\"" + key + "\",\"" + optValue + "\");");
buf.append(" }");
if (order.indexOf(current) < (order.size()-1)) {
ct = 0;
map.each { key, value ->
def nextOrder = order.get(order.indexOf(current)+1);
def newPrefix = prefix + "_" + ct;
buf.append(buildNext(value, order, nextOrder, newPrefix, featureTypes));
return buf.toString();
cart = ShoppingCartEvents.getCartObject(request);
// set currency format
currencyUomId = null;
if (cart) currencyUomId = cart.getCurrency();
if (!currencyUomId) currencyUomId = EntityUtilProperties.getPropertyValue("", "", "USD", delegator);
// get the shopping lists for the user (if logged in)
if (userLogin) {
exprList = [EntityCondition.makeCondition("partyId", EntityOperator.EQUALS, userLogin.partyId),
EntityCondition.makeCondition("listName", EntityOperator.NOT_EQUAL, "auto-save")];
allShoppingLists = from("ShoppingList").where(exprList).orderBy("listName").queryList();
context.shoppingLists = allShoppingLists;
// set the content path prefix
contentPathPrefix = CatalogWorker.getContentPathPrefix(request);
context.contentPathPrefix = contentPathPrefix;
// get the product detail information
if (product) {
productId = product.productId;
context.product_id = productId;
productTypeId = product.productTypeId;
boolean isMarketingPackage = EntityTypeUtil.hasParentType(delegator, "ProductType", "productTypeId", product.productTypeId, "parentTypeId", "MARKETING_PKG");
context.isMarketingPackage = (isMarketingPackage? "true": "false");
featureTypes = [:];
featureOrder = [];
// set this as a last viewed
LAST_VIEWED_TO_KEEP = 10; // modify this to change the number of last viewed to keep
lastViewedProducts = session.getAttribute("lastViewedProducts");
if (!lastViewedProducts) {
lastViewedProducts = [];
session.setAttribute("lastViewedProducts", lastViewedProducts);
lastViewedProducts.add(0, productId);
while (lastViewedProducts.size() > LAST_VIEWED_TO_KEEP) {
lastViewedProducts.remove(lastViewedProducts.size() - 1);
// make the productContentWrapper
productContentWrapper = new ProductContentWrapper(product, request);
context.productContentWrapper = productContentWrapper;
// get the main detail image (virtual or single product)
mainDetailImage = productContentWrapper.get("DETAIL_IMAGE_URL");
if (mainDetailImage) {
mainDetailImageUrl = ContentUrlTag.getContentPrefix(request) + mainDetailImage;
context.mainDetailImageUrl = mainDetailImageUrl.toString();
// get next/previous information for category
categoryId = parameters.category_id ?: product.primaryProductCategoryId;
if (categoryId) context.categoryId = categoryId;
catNextPreviousResult = null;
if (categoryId) {
prevNextMap = [categoryId : categoryId, productId : productId];
prevNextMap.orderByFields = context.orderByFields ?: ["sequenceNum", "productId"];
catNextPreviousResult = runService('getPreviousNextProducts', prevNextMap);
if (ServiceUtil.isError(catNextPreviousResult)) {
request.setAttribute("errorMessageList", [ServiceUtil.getErrorMessage(catNextPreviousResult)]);
if (catNextPreviousResult && catNextPreviousResult.category) {
context.category = catNextPreviousResult.category;
context.previousProductId = catNextPreviousResult.previousProductId;
context.nextProductId = catNextPreviousResult.nextProductId;
// get the product store for only Sales Order not for Purchase Order.
productStore = null;
productStoreId = null;
cart = ShoppingCartEvents.getCartObject(request);
if (cart.isSalesOrder()) {
productStore = ProductStoreWorker.getProductStore(request);
productStoreId = productStore.productStoreId;
context.productStoreId = productStoreId;
// get a defined survey
productSurvey = ProductStoreWorker.getProductSurveys(delegator, productStoreId, productId, "CART_ADD");
if (productSurvey) {
survey = EntityUtil.getFirst(productSurvey);
origParamMapId = UtilHttp.stashParameterMap(request);
surveyContext = ["_ORIG_PARAM_MAP_ID_" : origParamMapId];
surveyPartyId = userLogin?.partyId;
wrapper = new ProductStoreSurveyWrapper(survey, surveyPartyId, surveyContext);
context.surveyWrapper = wrapper;
// get the product price
catalogId = CatalogWorker.getCurrentCatalogId(request);
currentCatalogId = catalogId;
webSiteId = WebSiteWorker.getWebSiteId(request);
autoUserLogin = request.getSession().getAttribute("autoUserLogin");
if (cart.isSalesOrder()) {
// sales order: run the "calculateProductPrice" service
priceContext = [product : product, prodCatalogId : catalogId,
currencyUomId : cart.getCurrency(), autoUserLogin : autoUserLogin];
priceContext.webSiteId = webSiteId;
priceContext.productStoreId = productStoreId;
priceContext.checkIncludeVat = "Y";
priceContext.agreementId = cart.getAgreementId();
priceContext.partyId = cart.getPartyId(); // IMPORTANT: must put this in, or price will be calculated for the CSR instead of the customer
priceMap = runService('calculateProductPrice', priceContext);
context.priceMap = priceMap;
} else {
// purchase order: run the "calculatePurchasePrice" service
priceContext = [product : product, currencyUomId : cart.getCurrency(),
partyId : cart.getPartyId(), userLogin : userLogin];
priceMap = runService('calculatePurchasePrice', priceContext);
context.priceMap = priceMap;
// get the product review(s)
// get all product review in case of Purchase Order.
reviewByAnd = [:];
reviewByAnd.statusId = "PRR_APPROVED";
if (cart.isSalesOrder()) {
reviewByAnd.productStoreId = productStoreId;
reviews = product.getRelated("ProductReview", reviewByAnd, ["-postedDateTime"], true);
context.productReviews = reviews;
// get the average rating
if (reviews) {
ratingReviews = EntityUtil.filterByAnd(reviews, [EntityCondition.makeCondition("productRating", EntityOperator.NOT_EQUAL, null)]);
if (ratingReviews) {
context.averageRating = ProductWorker.getAverageProductRating(product, reviews, productStoreId);
context.numRatings = ratingReviews.size();
// get the days to ship
// if order is purchase then don't calculate available inventory for product.
if (cart.isSalesOrder()) {
facilityId = productStore.inventoryFacilityId;
productFacility = delegator.findOne("ProductFacility", [productId : productId, facilityId : facilityId, true);
context.daysToShip = productFacility?.daysToShip
resultOutput = runService('getInventoryAvailableByFacility', [productId : productId, facilityId : facilityId, useCache : false]);
totalAvailableToPromise = resultOutput.availableToPromiseTotal;
if (totalAvailableToPromise) {
productFacility = from("ProductFacility").where("productId", productId, "facilityId", facilityId).cache(true).queryOne();
context.daysToShip = productFacility?.daysToShip
} else {
supplierProduct = from("SupplierProduct").where("productId", productId).orderBy("-availableFromDate").cache(true).queryFirst();
if (supplierProduct?.standardLeadTimeDays) {
standardLeadTimeDays = supplierProduct.standardLeadTimeDays;
daysToShip = standardLeadTimeDays + 1;
context.daysToShip = daysToShip;
// get the product distinguishing features
disFeatureMap = runService('getProductFeatures', [productId : productId, type : "DISTINGUISHING_FEAT"]);
disFeatureList = disFeatureMap.productFeatures;
context.disFeatureList = disFeatureList;
// an example of getting features of a certain type to show
sizeProductFeatureAndAppls = from("ProductFeatureAndAppl").where("productId", productId, "productFeatureTypeId", "SIZE").orderBy("sequenceNum", "defaultSequenceNum").queryList();
context.sizeProductFeatureAndAppls = sizeProductFeatureAndAppls;
// get product variant for Box/Case/Each
productVariants = [];
boolean isAlternativePacking = ProductWorker.isAlternativePacking(delegator, product.productId, null);
mainProducts = [];
productVirtualVariants = from("ProductAssoc").where("productIdTo", product.productId , "productAssocTypeId", "ALTERNATIVE_PACKAGE").cache(true).queryList();
productVirtualVariants.each { virtualVariantKey ->
mainProductMap = [:];
mainProduct = virtualVariantKey.getRelatedOne("MainProduct", true);
quantityUom = mainProduct.getRelatedOne("QuantityUom", true);
mainProductMap.productId = mainProduct.productId;
mainProductMap.piecesIncluded = mainProduct.piecesIncluded;
mainProductMap.uomDesc = quantityUom.description;
context.mainProducts = mainProducts;
// Special Variant Code
if ("Y".equals(product.isVirtual)) {
if ("VV_FEATURETREE".equals(ProductWorker.getProductVirtualVariantMethod(delegator, productId))) {
context.featureLists = ProductWorker.getSelectableProductFeaturesByTypesAndSeq(product);
} else {
featureMap = runService('getProductFeatureSet', [productId : productId]);
featureSet = featureMap.featureSet;
if (featureSet) {
//if order is purchase then don't calculate available inventory for product.
if (cart.isPurchaseOrder()) {
variantTreeMap = runService('getProductVariantTree', [productId : productId, featureOrder : featureSet, checkInventory: false]);
} else {
variantTreeMap = runService('getProductVariantTree', [productId : productId, featureOrder : featureSet, productStoreId : productStoreId]);
variantTree = variantTreeMap.variantTree;
imageMap = variantTreeMap.variantSample;
virtualVariant = variantTreeMap.virtualVariant;
context.virtualVariant = virtualVariant;
if (variantTree) {
context.variantTree = variantTree;
context.variantTreeSize = variantTree.size();
unavailableVariants = variantTreeMap.unavailableVariants;
if (unavailableVariants) {
context.unavailableVariants = unavailableVariants;
if (imageMap) {
context.variantSample = imageMap;
context.variantSampleKeys = imageMap.keySet();
context.variantSampleSize = imageMap.size();
context.featureSet = featureSet;
if (variantTree) {
featureOrder = new LinkedList(featureSet);
featureOrder.each { featureKey ->
featureValue = from("ProductFeatureType").where("productFeatureTypeId", featureKey).cache(true).queryOne();
fValue = featureValue.get("description") ?: featureValue.productFeatureTypeId;
featureTypes[featureKey] = fValue;
context.featureTypes = featureTypes;
context.featureOrder = featureOrder;
if (featureOrder) {
context.featureOrderFirst = featureOrder[0];
if (variantTree && imageMap) {
jsBuf = new StringBuffer();
jsBuf.append("<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\">");
jsBuf.append("var DET = new Array(" + variantTree.size() + ");");
jsBuf.append("var IMG = new Array(" + variantTree.size() + ");");
jsBuf.append("var OPT = new Array(" + featureOrder.size() + ");");
jsBuf.append("var VIR = new Array(" + virtualVariant.size() + ");");
jsBuf.append("var detailImageUrl = null;");
featureOrder.eachWithIndex { feature, i ->
jsBuf.append("OPT[" + i + "] = \"FT" + feature + "\";");
virtualVariant.eachWithIndex { variant, i ->
jsBuf.append("VIR[" + i + "] = \"" + variant + "\";");
// build the top level
topLevelName = featureOrder[0];
jsBuf.append("function list" + topLevelName + "() {");
jsBuf.append("document.forms[\"addform\"].elements[\"FT" + topLevelName + "\"].options.length = 1;");
jsBuf.append("document.forms[\"addform\"].elements[\"FT" + topLevelName + "\"].options[0] = new Option(\"" + featureTypes[topLevelName] + "\",\"\",true,true);");
if (variantTree) {
featureOrder.each { featureKey ->
jsBuf.append("document.forms[\"addform\"].elements[\"FT" + featureKey + "\"].options.length = 1;");
firstDetailImage = null;
firstLargeImage = null;
counter = 0;
variantTree.each { key, value ->
opt = null;
if (featureOrder.size() == 1) {
opt = value.iterator().next();
} else {
opt = counter as String;
// create the variant content wrapper
contentWrapper = new ProductContentWrapper(imageMap[key], request);
// initial image paths
detailImage = contentWrapper.get("DETAIL_IMAGE_URL") ?: productContentWrapper.get("DETAIL_IMAGE_URL");
largeImage = contentWrapper.get("LARGE_IMAGE_URL") ?: productContentWrapper.get("LARGE_IMAGE_URL");
// full image URLs
detailImageUrl = null;
largeImageUrl = null;
// append the content prefix
if (detailImage) {
detailImageUrl = (ContentUrlTag.getContentPrefix(request) + detailImage).toString();
if (largeImage) {
largeImageUrl = ContentUrlTag.getContentPrefix(request) + largeImage;
jsBuf.append("document.forms[\"addform\"].elements[\"FT" + topLevelName + "\"].options[" + (counter+1) + "] = new Option(\"" + key + "\",\"" + opt + "\");");
jsBuf.append("DET[" + counter + "] = \"" + detailImageUrl +"\";");
jsBuf.append("IMG[" + counter + "] = \"" + largeImageUrl +"\";");
if (!firstDetailImage) {
firstDetailImage = detailImageUrl;
if (!firstLargeImage) {
firstLargeImage = largeImage;
context.firstDetailImage = firstDetailImage;
context.firstLargeImage = firstLargeImage;
// build dynamic lists
if (variantTree) {
variantTree.values().eachWithIndex { varTree, topLevelKeysCt ->
cnt = "" + topLevelKeysCt;
if (varTree instanceof Map) {
jsBuf.append(buildNext(varTree, featureOrder, featureOrder[1], cnt, featureTypes));
// make a list of variant sku with requireAmount
variantsRes = runService('getAssociatedProducts', [productId : productId, type : "PRODUCT_VARIANT", checkViewAllow : true, prodCatalogId : currentCatalogId]);
variants = variantsRes.assocProducts;
variantPriceList = [];
if (variants) {
amt = new StringBuffer();
amt.append("function checkAmtReq(sku) { ");
// Create the javascript to return the price for each variant
variantPriceJS = new StringBuffer();
variantPriceJS.append("function getVariantPrice(sku) { ");
// Format to apply the currency code to the variant price in the javascript
if (productStore) {
localeString = productStore.defaultLocaleString;
if (localeString) {
locale = UtilMisc.parseLocale(localeString);
variants.each { variantAssoc ->
variant = variantAssoc.getRelatedOne("AssocProduct", false);
// Get the price for each variant. Reuse the priceContext already setup for virtual product above and replace the product
priceContext.product = variant;
if (cart.isSalesOrder()) {
// sales order: run the "calculateProductPrice" service
variantPriceMap = runService('calculateProductPrice', priceContext);
BigDecimal calculatedPrice = (BigDecimal)variantPriceMap.get("price");
// Get the minimum quantity for variants if MINIMUM_ORDER_PRICE is set for variants.
variantPriceMap.put("minimumQuantity", ShoppingCart.getMinimumOrderQuantity(delegator, calculatedPrice, variant.get("productId")));
Iterator treeMapIter = variantTree.entrySet().iterator();
while (treeMapIter.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry entry =;
if (entry.getValue() instanceof Map) {
Iterator entryIter = entry.getValue().entrySet().iterator();
while (entryIter.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry innerentry =;
if (variant.get("productId").equals(innerentry.getValue().get(0))) {
variantPriceMap.put("variantName", innerentry.getKey());
variantPriceMap.put("secondVariantName", entry.getKey());
} else if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(entry.getValue())) {
if (variant.get("productId").equals(entry.getValue().get(0))) {
variantPriceMap.put("variantName", entry.getKey());
} else {
variantPriceMap = runService('calculatePurchasePrice', priceContext);
amt.append(" if (sku == \"" + variant.productId + "\") return \"" + (variant.requireAmount ?: "N") + "\"; ");
if (variantPriceMap && variantPriceMap.basePrice) {
variantPriceJS.append(" if (sku == \"" + variant.productId + "\") return \"" + UtilFormatOut.formatCurrency(variantPriceMap.basePrice, currencyUomId, locale, 10) + "\"; ");
// make a list of virtual variants sku with requireAmount
virtualVariantsRes = runService('getAssociatedProducts', [productIdTo : variant.productId, type : "ALTERNATIVE_PACKAGE", checkViewAllow : true, prodCatalogId : currentCatalogId]);
virtualVariants = virtualVariantsRes.assocProducts;
virtualVariants.each { virtualAssoc ->
virtual = virtualAssoc.getRelatedOne("MainProduct", false);
// Get price from a virtual product
priceContext.product = virtual;
if (cart.isSalesOrder()) {
// sales order: run the "calculateProductPrice" service
virtualPriceMap = runService('calculateProductPrice', priceContext);
BigDecimal calculatedPrice = (BigDecimal)virtualPriceMap.get("price");
// Get the minimum quantity for variants if MINIMUM_ORDER_PRICE is set for variants.
virtualPriceMap.put("minimumQuantity", ShoppingCart.getMinimumOrderQuantity(delegator, calculatedPrice, virtual.get("productId")));
Iterator treeMapIter = variantTree.entrySet().iterator();
while (treeMapIter.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry entry =;
if (entry.getValue() instanceof Map) {
Iterator entryIter = entry.getValue().entrySet().iterator();
while (entryIter.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry innerentry =;
if (virtual.get("productId").equals(innerentry.getValue().get(0))) {
virtualPriceMap.put("variantName", innerentry.getKey());
virtualPriceMap.put("secondVariantName", entry.getKey());
} else if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(entry.getValue())) {
if (virtual.get("productId").equals(entry.getValue().get(0))) {
virtualPriceMap.put("variantName", entry.getKey());
variantPriceJS.append(" if (sku == \"" + virtual.productId + "\") return \"" + UtilFormatOut.formatCurrency(variantPriceMap.basePrice, currencyUomId, locale, 10) + "\"; ");
} else {
virtualPriceMap = runService('calculatePurchasePrice', priceContext);
variantPriceJS.append(" if (sku == \"" + virtual.productId + "\") return \"" + UtilFormatOut.formatCurrency(variantPriceMap.price, currencyUomId, locale, 10) + "\"; ");
amt.append(" } ");
variantPriceJS.append(" } ");
context.variantPriceList = variantPriceList;
context.virtualJavaScript = jsBuf;
} else {
context.minimumQuantity= ShoppingCart.getMinimumOrderQuantity(delegator, priceMap.price, productId);
// get alternative product price when product doesn't have any feature
jsBuf = new StringBuffer();
jsBuf.append("<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\">");
// make a list of variant sku with requireAmount
virtualVariantsRes = runService('getAssociatedProducts', [productIdTo : productId, type : "ALTERNATIVE_PACKAGE", checkViewAllow : true, prodCatalogId : categoryId]);
virtualVariants = virtualVariantsRes.assocProducts;
// Format to apply the currency code to the variant price in the javascript
if (productStore) {
localeString = productStore.defaultLocaleString;
if (localeString) {
locale = UtilMisc.parseLocale(localeString);
virtualVariantPriceList = [];
amt = new StringBuffer();
// Create the javascript to return the price for each variant
variantPriceJS = new StringBuffer();
variantPriceJS.append("function getVariantPrice(sku) { ");
virtualVariants.each { virtualAssoc ->
virtual = virtualAssoc.getRelatedOne("MainProduct", false);
// Get price from a virtual product
priceContext.product = virtual;
if (cart.isSalesOrder()) {
// sales order: run the "calculateProductPrice" service
virtualPriceMap = runService('calculateProductPrice', priceContext);
BigDecimal calculatedPrice = (BigDecimal)virtualPriceMap.get("price");
// Get the minimum quantity for variants if MINIMUM_ORDER_PRICE is set for variants.
variantPriceJS.append(" if (sku == \"" + virtual.productId + "\") return \"" + UtilFormatOut.formatCurrency(virtualPriceMap.basePrice, currencyUomId, locale, 10) + "\"; ");
} else {
virtualPriceMap = runService('calculatePurchasePrice', priceContext);
variantPriceJS.append(" if (sku == \"" + virtual.productId + "\") return \"" + UtilFormatOut.formatCurrency(virtualPriceMap.price, currencyUomId, locale, 10) + "\"; ");
variantPriceJS.append(" } ");
context.virtualVariantPriceList = virtualVariantPriceList;
context.virtualVariantJavaScript = jsBuf;
availableInventory = 0.0;
// if the product is a MARKETING_PKG_AUTO/PICK, then also get the quantity which can be produced from components
if (isMarketingPackage) {
resultOutput = runService('getMktgPackagesAvailable', [productId : productId]);
availableInventory = resultOutput.availableToPromiseTotal;
} else {
//get last inventory count from product facility for the product
facilities = from("ProductFacility").where("productId", product.productId).queryList();
if(facilities) {
facilities.each { facility ->
lastInventoryCount = facility.lastInventoryCount;
if (lastInventoryCount != null) {
availableInventory += lastInventoryCount;
context.availableInventory = availableInventory;
// get product associations
alsoBoughtProducts = runService('getAssociatedProducts', [productId : productId, type : "ALSO_BOUGHT", checkViewAllow : true, prodCatalogId : currentCatalogId, bidirectional : false, sortDescending : true]);
context.alsoBoughtProducts = alsoBoughtProducts.assocProducts;
obsoleteProducts = runService('getAssociatedProducts', [productId : productId, type : "PRODUCT_OBSOLESCENCE", checkViewAllow : true, prodCatalogId : currentCatalogId]);
context.obsoleteProducts = obsoleteProducts.assocProducts;
crossSellProducts = runService('getAssociatedProducts', [productId : productId, type : "PRODUCT_COMPLEMENT", checkViewAllow : true, prodCatalogId : currentCatalogId]);
context.crossSellProducts = crossSellProducts.assocProducts;
upSellProducts = runService('getAssociatedProducts', [productId : productId, type : "PRODUCT_UPGRADE", checkViewAllow : true, prodCatalogId : currentCatalogId]);
context.upSellProducts = upSellProducts.assocProducts;
obsolenscenseProducts = runService('getAssociatedProducts', [productIdTo : productId, type : "PRODUCT_OBSOLESCENCE", checkViewAllow : true, prodCatalogId : currentCatalogId]);
context.obsolenscenseProducts = obsolenscenseProducts.assocProducts;
accessoryProducts = runService('getAssociatedProducts', [productId : productId, type : "PRODUCT_ACCESSORY", checkViewAllow : true, prodCatalogId : currentCatalogId]);
context.accessoryProducts = accessoryProducts.assocProducts;
The following code is commented out because it is just an example of the business logic to retrieve products with a similar feature.
// get other cross-sell information: product with a common feature
commonProductFeatureId = "SYMPTOM";
// does this product have that feature?
commonProductFeatureAndAppls = delegator.findByAnd("ProductFeatureAndAppl", [productId : productId, productFeatureTypeId : commonProductFeatureId], ["sequenceNum", "defaultSequenceNum"], false);
if (commonProductFeatureAndAppls) {
commonProductFeatureIds = EntityUtil.getFieldListFromEntityList(commonProductFeatureAndAppls, "productFeatureId", true);
// now search for other products that have this feature
visitId = VisitHandler.getVisitId(session);
productSearchConstraintList = [];
productSearchConstraintList.add(new ProductSearch.FeatureSetConstraint(commonProductFeatureIds));
// make sure the view allow category is included
productSearchConstraintList = ProductSearchSession.ensureViewAllowConstraint(productSearchConstraintList, currentCatalogId, delegator);
// don't care about the sort on this one
resultSortOrder = null;
commonFeatureResultIdsOrig = ProductSearch.searchProducts(productSearchConstraintList, resultSortOrder, delegator, visitId);
commonFeatureResultIds = [];
commonFeatureResultIdIter = commonFeatureResultIdsOrig.iterator();
while (commonFeatureResultIdIter.hasNext()) {
commonFeatureResultId =;
// filter out the current product
if (commonFeatureResultId.equals(productId)) {
// filter out all variants
commonProduct = delegator.findOne("Product", [productId : commonFeatureResultId], true);
if ("Y".equals(commonProduct?.isVariant)) {
if (commonFeatureResultIds) {
context.commonFeatureResultIds = commonFeatureResultIds;
// get the DIGITAL_DOWNLOAD related Content records to show the contentName/description
downloadProductContentAndInfoList = from("ProductContentAndInfo").where("productId", productId, "productContentTypeId", "DIGITAL_DOWNLOAD").cache(true).queryList();
context.downloadProductContentAndInfoList = downloadProductContentAndInfoList;
// not the best to save info in an action, but this is probably the best place to count a view; it is done async
dispatcher.runAsync("countProductView", [productId : productId, weight : new Long(1)], false);
//get product image from image management
productImageList = [];
productContentAndInfoImageManamentList = from("ProductContentAndInfo").where("productId", productId, "productContentTypeId", "IMAGE", "statusId", "IM_APPROVED", "drIsPublic", "Y").orderBy("sequenceNum").queryList();
if(productContentAndInfoImageManamentList) {
productContentAndInfoImageManamentList.each { productContentAndInfoImageManament ->
contentAssocThumb = from("ContentAssoc").where("contentId", productContentAndInfoImageManament.contentId, "contentAssocTypeId", "IMAGE_THUMBNAIL").queryFirst();
if(contentAssocThumb) {
imageContentThumb = from("Content").where("contentId", contentAssocThumb.contentIdTo).queryOne();
if(imageContentThumb) {
productImageThumb = from("ContentDataResourceView").where("contentId", imageContentThumb.contentId, "drDataResourceId", imageContentThumb.dataResourceId).queryOne();
productImageMap = [:];
productImageMap.productImageThumb = productImageThumb.drObjectInfo;
productImageMap.productImage = productContentAndInfoImageManament.drObjectInfo;
context.productImageList = productImageList;
// get reservation start date for rental product
if("ASSET_USAGE".equals(productTypeId) || "ASSET_USAGE_OUT_IN".equals(productTypeId)){
context.startDate = UtilDateTime.addDaysToTimestamp(UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp(), 1).toString().substring(0,10); // should be tomorrow.
// get product tags
productKeywords = from("ProductKeyword").where("productId": productId, "keywordTypeId" : "KWT_TAG", "statusId" : "KW_APPROVED").queryList();
keywordMap = [:];
if (productKeywords) {
for (productKeyword in productKeywords) {
productKeyWordCount = from("ProductKeyword").where("keyword", productKeyword.keyword, "keywordTypeId", "KWT_TAG", "statusId", "KW_APPROVED").queryCount();
context.productTags = keywordMap;