blob: 00980f300da7875e2f3d87267267dd484237d446 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.ofbiz.pos.jpos.service;
import jpos.JposException;
import jpos.MSRConst;
import jpos.JposConst;
import org.ofbiz.pos.adaptor.KeyboardAdaptor;
import org.ofbiz.pos.adaptor.KeyboardReceiver;
public class MsrKybService extends BaseService implements, KeyboardReceiver {
public static final String module = MsrKybService.class.getName();
public static final int JPOS_MSR_ACCT_ERR = 100;
public static final int JPOS_MSR_EXPD_ERR = 101;
protected String title = "";
protected String firstname = "";
protected String middle = "";
protected String surname = "";
protected String suffix = "";
protected String[] accountNumber = new String[2];
protected String[] expireDate = new String[2];
protected String serviceCode = "";
protected byte[] track1DiscretionaryData = new byte[0];
protected byte[] track2DiscretionaryData = new byte[0];
protected byte[] track1Data = new byte[0];
protected byte[] track2Data = new byte[0];
protected byte[] track3Data = new byte[0];
protected int[] sentinels = new int[0];
protected int[] lrc = new int[0];
protected boolean parseDecodeData = true;
protected boolean decodeData = true;
protected boolean autoDisable = false;
protected boolean sendSentinels = true;
protected int tracksToRead = MSRConst.MSR_TR_1_2_3;
protected int errorType = MSRConst.MSR_ERT_CARD;
public MsrKybService() {
KeyboardAdaptor.getInstance(this, KeyboardAdaptor.MSR_DATA);
// MSRService12
public boolean getCapISO() throws JposException {
// the type of cards this reader supports (ISO only)
return true;
public boolean getCapJISOne() throws JposException {
// the type of cards this reader supports (ISO only)
return false;
public boolean getCapJISTwo() throws JposException {
// the type of cards this reader supports (ISO only)
return false;
public String getAccountNumber() throws JposException {
return this.accountNumber[1];
public boolean getAutoDisable() throws JposException {
return this.autoDisable;
public void setAutoDisable(boolean b) throws JposException {
this.autoDisable = b;
public boolean getDecodeData() throws JposException {
return this.decodeData;
public void setDecodeData(boolean b) throws JposException {
this.decodeData = b;
if (!b) {
this.parseDecodeData = false;
public int getErrorReportingType() throws JposException {
return this.errorType;
public void setErrorReportingType(int i) throws JposException {
this.errorType = i;
public String getExpirationDate() throws JposException {
return this.expireDate[1];
public String getFirstName() throws JposException {
return this.firstname;
public String getMiddleInitial() throws JposException {
return this.middle;
public boolean getParseDecodeData() throws JposException {
return this.parseDecodeData;
public void setParseDecodeData(boolean b) throws JposException {
this.parseDecodeData = b;
public String getServiceCode() throws JposException {
return this.serviceCode;
public String getSuffix() throws JposException {
return this.suffix;
public String getSurname() throws JposException {
return this.surname;
public String getTitle() throws JposException {
return this.title;
public byte[] getTrack1Data() throws JposException {
return this.track1Data;
public byte[] getTrack1DiscretionaryData() throws JposException {
return this.track1DiscretionaryData;
public byte[] getTrack2Data() throws JposException {
return this.track2Data;
public byte[] getTrack2DiscretionaryData() throws JposException {
return this.track2DiscretionaryData;
public byte[] getTrack3Data() throws JposException {
return this.track3Data;
public int getTracksToRead() throws JposException {
return this.tracksToRead;
public void setTracksToRead(int i) throws JposException {
this.tracksToRead = i;
public void clearInput() throws JposException {
this.title = null;
this.firstname = "";
this.middle = "";
this.surname = "";
this.suffix = "";
this.serviceCode = "";
this.accountNumber = new String[2];
this.expireDate = new String[2];
this.track1Data = new byte[0];
this.track2Data = new byte[0];
this.track3Data = new byte[0];
this.track1DiscretionaryData = new byte[0];
this.track2DiscretionaryData = new byte[0];
// MSRService13
public int getCapPowerReporting() throws JposException {
return 0; // not used
public int getPowerNotify() throws JposException {
return 0; // not used
public void setPowerNotify(int i) throws JposException {
// not used
public int getPowerState() throws JposException {
return 0; // not used
// MSRService15
public boolean getCapTransmitSentinels() throws JposException {
return true;
public byte[] getTrack4Data() throws JposException {
return new byte[0]; // not implemented
public boolean getTransmitSentinels() throws JposException {
return this.sendSentinels;
public void setTransmitSentinels(boolean b) throws JposException {
this.sendSentinels = b;
// KeyboardReceiver
public synchronized void receiveData(int[] codes, char[] chars) {
String data = new String(chars);
DataEvent event = new DataEvent(this, 0);
private void parseMsrString(String str) {
if (str.indexOf(";") == -1 || str.indexOf("^") == -1) {
ErrorEvent error = new ErrorEvent(this, JposConst.JPOS_E_FAILURE, -1,
try {
// parse the tracks from the character string
String track1 = str.substring(0, str.indexOf(";"));
String track2 = str.substring(str.indexOf(";"), str.length() - 1);
// track 1 data
int firstCarrot = track1.indexOf("^", 2);
int nextCarrot = track1.indexOf("^", firstCarrot + 1);
String tr1BegChar = track1.substring(0, 1);
String formatCode = track1.substring(1, 2);
String tr1AcctNum = track1.substring(2, firstCarrot);
String cardHolder = track1.substring(firstCarrot + 1, nextCarrot);
String tr1ExpDate = track1.substring(nextCarrot + 1, nextCarrot + 5);
String tr1OptData = track1.substring(nextCarrot + 4, track1.length() - 2);
String tr1EndChar = track1.substring(track1.length() - 2, track1.length() - 1);
String tr1LrcCode = track1.substring(track1.length() - 1, track1.length());
// track 2 data
String tr2BegChar = track2.substring(0, 1);
String tr2AcctNum = track2.substring(1, track2.indexOf("="));
String tr2ExpDate = track2.substring((track2.indexOf("=") + 1), track2.indexOf("=") + 5);
String tr2OptData = track2.substring(track2.indexOf("=") + 5, track2.length() - 2);
String tr2EndChar = track2.substring(track2.length() - 2, track2.length() - 1);
String tr2LrcCode = track2.substring(track2.length() - 1, track2.length());
// see if we need to remove the sentinels
if (this.sendSentinels) {
track1 = track1.substring(0, track1.length() - 1);
track2 = track2.substring(0, track2.length() - 1);
} else {
track1 = track1.substring(1, track1.length() - 2);
track2 = track2.substring(0, track2.length() - 2);
// set the raw track data
this.track1Data = track1.getBytes();
this.track2Data = track2.getBytes();
// parse the decoded data
if (this.parseDecodeData) {
// set the sentinels
this.sentinels = new int[4];
this.sentinels[0] = tr1BegChar.charAt(0);
this.sentinels[1] = tr1EndChar.charAt(0);
this.sentinels[2] = tr2BegChar.charAt(0);
this.sentinels[3] = tr2EndChar.charAt(0);
// set the lrcs
this.lrc = new int[2];
this.lrc[0] = tr1LrcCode.charAt(0);
this.lrc[1] = tr2LrcCode.charAt(0);
// set the account number
this.accountNumber = new String[2];
this.accountNumber[0] = tr1AcctNum.trim();
this.accountNumber[1] = tr2AcctNum.trim();
// set the expiration date
this.expireDate = new String[2];
this.expireDate[0] = tr1ExpDate.trim();
this.expireDate[1] = tr2ExpDate.trim();
// track discretionar info
this.track1DiscretionaryData = tr1OptData.getBytes();
this.track2DiscretionaryData = tr2OptData.getBytes();
this.track1Data = track1.getBytes();
this.track2Data = track2.getBytes();
// other field data (i.e. name)
this.serviceCode = formatCode.trim();
this.surname = (cardHolder.substring(0, cardHolder.indexOf("/"))).trim();
this.firstname = (cardHolder.substring((cardHolder.indexOf("/") + 1))).trim();
// not sure how to support title, middle initial, and suffix
} catch (Exception e) {
ErrorEvent error = new ErrorEvent(this, JposConst.JPOS_E_FAILURE, -1,