blob: a448d50c73bb8842bbecae864450d26993b010cc [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.ofbiz.pos.device.impl;
import jpos.JposException;
import jpos.ScannerConst;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.Debug;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilProperties;
import org.ofbiz.pos.adaptor.DataEventAdaptor;
import org.ofbiz.pos.device.GenericDevice;
import org.ofbiz.pos.screen.PosScreen;
import org.ofbiz.pos.event.MenuEvents;
public class Scanner extends GenericDevice {
public static final String module = Scanner.class.getName();
protected String deviceName = null;
protected int timeout = -1;
private static final boolean MULTI_BARCODES_ALLOWED = UtilProperties.propertyValueEqualsIgnoreCase("", "MultiBarCodesAllowed", "Y");
public Scanner(String deviceName, int timeout) {
super(deviceName, timeout);
this.control = new jpos.Scanner();
protected void initialize() throws JposException {
Debug.logInfo("Scanner [" + control.getPhysicalDeviceName() + "] Claimed : " + control.getClaimed(), module);
final jpos.Scanner scanner = (jpos.Scanner) control;
// tell the driver to decode the scanned data
// create the new listner
scanner.addDataListener(new DataEventAdaptor() {
public void dataOccurred( event) {
byte[] scanData = null;
int dataType = ScannerConst.SCAN_SDT_UNKNOWN;
try {
dataType = scanner.getScanDataType();
scanData = scanner.getScanDataLabel();
if (scanData == null || scanData.length == 0) {
Debug.logWarning("Scanner driver does not support decoding data; the raw result is used instead", module);
scanData = scanner.getScanData();
} catch (jpos.JposException e) {
Debug.logError(e, module);
processScanData(scanData, dataType);
protected void processScanData(byte[] data, int dataType) {
if (data != null) {
// make sure we are on the main POS screen
if (!"main/pospanel".equals(PosScreen.currentScreen.getName())) {
// we can add some type checking here if needed (i.e. type of barcode; type of SKU, etc)
if (dataType == ScannerConst.SCAN_SDT_UNKNOWN) {
Debug.logWarning("Scanner type checking problems - check scanner driver", module);
// This deals with multi Bar Codes in one event alone.
// For the moment it works only with barcode id of 1 char (see ScannerKybService).
// I thought that javapos AutoDisable option should be the way but does not seem to work.
// At least with my Zebex handheld and seem also not implemented though present
// in Msr, Kbd ans Scanner services (see autoDisable, getAutoDisable, setAutoDisable).
// I also tried to use setDataEventEnabled around getScanDataLabel/Type without success
// Perhaps I'm missing something here, but have no more time to search...
// I saw in JavaPOS Doc somehting about supplemental barcode. I think it's ok
// because it seems that in this case the scanner is able to deliver only one label.
String toInput = new String(data) + "\n ";
while (toInput.indexOf("\n") > -1) {
int posCR = toInput.indexOf("\n");
// stuff the data to the Input component
PosScreen.currentScreen.getInput().appendString(toInput.substring(0, posCR));
// At least one product recognized
MenuEvents.addItem(PosScreen.currentScreen, null);
// More products to add
toInput = toInput.substring(posCR+3);