<!-- | |
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more | |
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with | |
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. | |
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 | |
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with | |
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at | |
http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 | |
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software | |
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, | |
WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. | |
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and | |
limitations under the License. | |
--> | |
<div id="dataimport" class="clearfix"> | |
<div ng-show="!hasHandlers">Sorry, no dataimport-handler defined!</div> | |
<div id="frame" ng-show="hasHandlers"> | |
<div id="error" ng-show="error"></div> | |
<div id="current_state" class="{{status}}"> | |
<p class="last_update">Last Update: <abbr title="{{lastUpdateUTC}}">{{lastUpdate}}</abbr></p> | |
<div class="info"> | |
<strong>{{info.text}}<span ng-show="info.timeTaken"> (Duration: {{info.timeTaken | readableSeconds }})</span> | |
</strong> | |
<div class="details" ng-show="info.showDetails"> | |
<div class="docs"> | |
<span ng-repeat="doc in info.docs"> | |
<abbr style="display:inline" title="{{ doc.desc }}">{{ doc.name }}</abbr>: {{doc.value | number}}<!-- remove whitespace! | |
--> <span style="display:inline" ng-show="doc.speed">{{ doc.speed | number}}/s</span><!-- remove whitespace! | |
--><span style="display:inline" ng-show="!$last">, </span> | |
</span> | |
</div> | |
<div class="dates"> | |
<span ng-repeat="date in info.dates"> | |
<abbr title="{{ date.desc }}">{{ date.name }}</abbr>: | |
<abbr class="time">{{ date.value | timeago }}</abbr> | |
</span> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
<button class="abort-import" ng-class="{warn:!isAborting, success: isAborting}" ng-click="abort()" ng-show="isRunning"> | |
<span ng-show="isAborting">Aborting Import</span> | |
<span ng-show="!isAborting">Abort Import</span> | |
</button> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
<div class="block" id="raw_output" > | |
<h2> | |
<a class="toggle" ng-click="toggleRawStatus()"><span>Raw Status-Output</span></a> | |
</h2> | |
<div class="message-container" ng-show="showRawStatus"> | |
<div class="message"></div> | |
</div> | |
<div class="content" ng-show="showRawStatus"> | |
<div id="raw_output_container"><pre class="syntax language-json"><code ng-bind-html="rawStatus | highlight:'json' | unsafe"></code></pre></div> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
<div class="block" id="config" ng-class="{debug_mode:isDebugMode}"> | |
<h2 class="clearfix"> | |
<a class="toggle" ng-click="toggleConfiguration()"><span>Configuration</span></a> | |
<a class="r reload_config" ng-class="{success:reloaded}" ng-click="reload()" title="Reload Configuration">Reload</a> | |
<a class="r debug_mode" ng-click="toggleDebug()">Debug-Mode</a> | |
</h2> | |
<div class="message-container" ng-show="showConfiguration"> | |
<div class="message"></div> | |
</div> | |
<div class="content" ng-show="showConfiguration"> | |
<div id="dataimport_config"> | |
<div class="formatted" ng-show="!isDebugMode"> | |
<pre class="syntax language-xml"><code ng-bind-html="config | highlight:'xml'| unsafe"></code></pre> | |
</div> | |
<div class="editable" ng-show="isDebugMode"> | |
<textarea ng-model="config"></textarea> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
<div class="block" id="debug_response" ng-show="form.showDebug"> | |
<h2> | |
<a class="toggle" ng-click="toggleRawDebug()"><span>Raw Debug-Response</span></a> | |
</h2> | |
<div class="message-container" ng-show="showRawDebug"> | |
<div class="message"></div> | |
</div> | |
<div class="content" ng-show="showRawDebug"> | |
<span ng-hide="rawResponse"> | |
<em>No Request executed</em> | |
</span> | |
<span ng-show="rawResponse"> | |
<pre class="syntax language-json"><code ng-bind-html="rawResponse | highlight:'json' | unsafe"></code></pre> | |
</span> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
<div id="form" ng-show="hasHandlers"> | |
<div id="navigation"> | |
<ul> | |
<li ng-class="{current: currentHandler == handler}" ng-repeat="handler in handlers"> | |
<a href="#/{{form.core}}/dataimport/{{handler}}">{{handler}}</a> | |
</li> | |
</ul> | |
</div> | |
<form action="#" method="get"> | |
<label for="command"> | |
<a rel="help">Command</a> | |
</label> | |
<select name="command" id="command" ng-model="form.command"> | |
<option>full-import</option> | |
<option>delta-import</option> | |
</select> | |
<label for="verbose" class="checkbox"> | |
<input type="checkbox" name="verbose" id="verbose" ng-model="form.verbose"> | |
Verbose | |
</label> | |
<label for="clean" class="checkbox"> | |
<input type="checkbox" name="clean" id="clean" ng-model="form.clean"> | |
Clean | |
</label> | |
<label for="commit" class="checkbox"> | |
<input type="checkbox" name="commit" id="commit" ng-model="form.commit"> | |
Commit | |
</label> | |
<label for="optimize" class="checkbox"> | |
<input type="checkbox" name="optimize" id="optimize" ng-model="form.optimize"> | |
Optimize | |
</label> | |
<label for="debug" class="checkbox"> | |
<input type="checkbox" name="debug" id="debug" ng-model="form.showDebug"> | |
Debug | |
</label> | |
<label for="entity"> | |
<a rel="help">Entity</a> | |
</label> | |
<select ng-model="form.entity" id="entity"> | |
<option value=""></option> | |
<option ng-repeat="entity in entities">{{entity}}</option> | |
</select> | |
<label for="start"> | |
<a rel="help">Start</a>, | |
<a rel="help">Rows</a> | |
</label> | |
<div class="clearfix"> | |
<input type="text" id="start" placeholder="0" ng-model="form.start"> | |
<input type="text" id="rows" placeholder="10" ng-model="form.rows"> | |
</div> | |
<label for="custom_parameters"> | |
<a rel="help">Custom Parameters</a> | |
</label> | |
<input type="text" id="custom_parameters" ng-model="form.custom" placeholder="key1=val1&key2=val2"> | |
</form> | |
<button class="execute" type="submit" ng-click="submit()"> | |
<span ng-show="isDebugMode">Execute with this Configuration â?</span> | |
<span ng-show="!isDebugMode">Execute</span> | |
</button> | |
<button class="refresh-status" ng-click="refreshStatus()" ng-class="{loader: isStatusLoading, success: statusUpdated}"><span>Refresh Status</span></button> | |
<p id="auto-refresh-status"><a ng-click="updateAutoRefresh()" ng-class="{on:autorefresh}">Auto-Refresh Status</a></p> | |
</div> | |
</div> |