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<div id="cloud" class="clearfix"> | |
<div id="frame"> | |
<div id="tree-content" class="content clearfix" ng-show="showTree"> | |
<jstree class="tree" on-select="showTreeLink(url)" id="tree" data="tree"></jstree> | |
<div id="file-content" class="clearfix"> | |
<a id="toggle" ng-click="showProps = !showProps" ng-show="showData" ng-class="showProps ? 'minus' : 'plus'">Metadata</a> | |
<div id="prop" ng-show="znode.prop && showData && showProps"> | |
<ul> | |
<li ng-class="{odd:$odd}" ng-repeat="(key, prop) in znode.prop"> | |
<dl class="clearfix"> | |
<dt>{{ key }}</dt> | |
<dd>{{ prop }}</dd> | |
</dl> | |
</li> | |
</ul> | |
</div> | |
<div id="data" ng-show="showData"> | |
<em ng-show="!znode.data">Node "{{znode.path }}" has no utf8 Content</em> | |
<pre ng-show="znode.data" class="syntax language-{{lang}}" | |
ng-bind-html="znode.data | highlight:lang | unsafe"> | |
</pre> | |
<a class="close" ng-click="hideData()"><span> </span></a> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
<div graph data="graphData" leaf-count="leafCount" helper-data="helperData" is-radial="isRadial" id="graph-content" class="content clearfix" ng-show="showGraph"> | |
<div id="canvas"></div> | |
<div id="legend"> | |
<ul> | |
<li class="leader"><svg width="15" height="15"><g transform="translate(5,2)"><g transform="translate(0,5)"><circle r="4.5"></circle></g></g></svg> Leader</li> | |
<li class="active"><svg width="15" height="15"><g transform="translate(5,2)"><g transform="translate(0,5)"><circle r="4.5"></circle></g></g></svg> Active</li> | |
<li class="recovering"><svg width="15" height="15"><g transform="translate(5,2)"><g transform="translate(0,5)"><circle r="4.5"></circle></g></g></svg> Recovering</li> | |
<li class="down"><svg width="15" height="15"><g transform="translate(5,2)"><g transform="translate(0,5)"><circle r="4.5"></circle></g></g></svg> Down</li> | |
<li class="recovery_failed"><svg width="15" height="15"><g transform="translate(5,2)"><g transform="translate(0,5)"><circle r="4.5"></circle></g></g></svg> Recovery Failed</li> | |
<li class="gone"><svg width="15" height="15"><g transform="translate(5,2)"><g transform="translate(0,5)"><circle r="4.5"></circle></g></g></svg> Gone</li> | |
</ul> | |
</div> | |
<div style="width: 100%; text-align: center;" ng-show="showPaging"> | |
<div id="cloudGraphPaging"> | |
<button ng-show="prevEnabled" ng-click="previous()" id="cloudGraphPagingPrev">< Previous</button> | |
<span ng-show="total==0">No collections found.</span> | |
<span ng-hide="total==0">Collections {{start}} - {{last}} of {{total}}.</span> | |
Filter by: <select ng-model="filterType" ng-change="initGraph()" id="cloudGraphPagingFilterType"> | |
<option value="status">Status</option> | |
<option value="name">Name</option> | |
</select> T:{{filterType}} | |
<span ng-show="filterType=='status'"> | |
<select ng-model="pagingStatusFilter" id="cloudGraphPagingStatusFilter" ng-change="resetGraph()"> | |
<option value=""> - Any - </option> | |
<option value="healthy">Healthy</option> | |
<option value="degraded">Degraded</option> | |
<option value="downed_shard">Downed Shard</option> | |
<option value="recovering">Replica in Recovery</option> | |
</select> | |
</span> | |
<span ng-show="filterType=='name'"> | |
<input ng-model="pagingFilter" type="text" size="10" name="filter" ng-change="resetGraph()"/> | |
</span> | |
Show <input ng-model="rows" ng-change="resetGraph()" type="text" size="2" name="rows" /> per page. | |
<button ng-show="nextEnabled" ng-click="next()">Next ></button> | |
</div> | |
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<li class="close"><a ng-click="closeDebug()">Close</a></li> | |
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<pre class="debug"></pre> | |
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