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<?xml version="1.0"?>
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<section xmlns="" xmlns:xl="" xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" ../../../../applications/content/dtd/docbook.xsd">
<title><anchor xml:id="OFBizSeleniumXml"/>OFBiz SeleniumXml</title>
<para> This is a short document to help you get started using SeleniumXml to test your OFBiz application. Here is a <link
xl:href="">copy of the presentation</link> that was given
at the ApacheCon2008 OFBiz Conference that describes more about the project. </para>
<title>Installing SeleniumXml</title>
<para>From the ofbiz directory run the following ant command to download the needed selenium- server.jar file.</para>
<para>ant download-selenium</para>
<para>ant run-install-extseed (For run install help data and example test)</para>
<para>Build the source by running "ant" in the testtools directory or your OFBIZ_HOME</para>
<para>You should now have everything you need to run a seleniumXml test.</para>
<title>Running the Example Test</title>
<para>SeleniumXml requires the selenium server to be running. The selenium server uses a default proxy port of 4444. The default port can be
changed when you start the server. Selenium tries to automatically change the proxy settings in the testing browser. If you are getting
communication errors with the server you may have to manually change your proxy settings in your browser.</para>
<title>1. Start ofbiz as normal.</title>
<para>Note: Before run ofbiz with selenium should changes ofbiz to use HTTP as the default at file
(framework/webapp/config/ . Instead everything just works through port 8080. Selenium supports https but it is more
complicated so for this introduction I have turned https off.</para>
<title>2. Start the selenium server:</title>
<para>runSeleniumServer.bat / </para>
<title>3. Change the configuration for your preferred browser</title>
<para>In the testtools/config/ file: the default is firefox (e.g. browser=*firefox) but you can change it to any of
the selenium supported browsers.</para>
<link xl:href="">Selenium supported browsers you can find here</link>
<title>4. Run the Example test</title>
<title>4.1 run the Example test .bat/.sh file</title>
<para>runSeleniumXml.bat / testdef/seleniumxml/example/example_testsuite.xml</para>
<para>The above test combines three different tests into a single test suite. Data is passed from one test to another to allow you to
share generated data.</para>
<para>You will get an assertion (or other exception) if the test fails.</para>
<para>The test uses a .5 second delay for demo purposes. (see example_testsuite.xml and the setSpeed value="500" command). You can
remove this at the start of the test if you don't want the delay</para>
<para>- Here are some screen shots of what you should be seeing.</para>
<imagedata fileref="/images/help/ofbizSeleniumSetup1.png" width="638" depth="478"/>
<textobject><phrase>Selenium server in action</phrase></textobject>
<caption>This is a screen capture when Selenium server is launched</caption>
<title>4.2 run the Example test webtools/Run Selenium</title>
<para> First you need to open the file example_testsuite.xml and comment out first part.. and enable the bottom one Here is another
way to run the selenium test suite and you can create new test suite for your web application. Scroll up on this page then you
will see the link "Run Selenium" next to "Selenium Intro" click on that link. On that page you will see the list of available test
suites. So you can click on "Run" to run the test suite you want but please remember that the Selenium server should be started
before you "run" any test. You can also create new test suite by fill in the information to the form and put the directory
location of your test suite in the field "Test Suite Path" then submit. If you want to know how the test is created you can take a
look at the file example_testsuite.xml for more info. </para>
<title>Creating New Tests :</title>
<para>The easiest way to create a new test is to use the Selenium IDE plugin for Firefox. This allows you to records your own Selenium tests.
You can then save the test and convert it to a seleniumXml test easily.</para>
<para>Install <link xl:href="">the latest plugin</link></para>
<para>Record your steps as you run through your ofbiz application.</para>
<para>Then convert the saved XML file using the convertSeleniumIDE.bat script.</para>
<title>For example:</title>
<para>convertSeleniumIDE.bat testdef/seleniumxml/example/recorded/AjaxExample.html
<para>Manually modify the commands to suit your needs.</para>