blob: 9f04163a7f9a483194e74512e3fa39bbc167a4b8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import javolution.util.FastList;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.Debug;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilMisc;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilValidate;
import org.ofbiz.entity.Delegator;
import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException;
import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue;
import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityCondition;
import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityConditionList;
import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityExpr;
import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityOperator;
import org.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityUtil;
* An implementation of the Security interface that uses the OFBiz database
* for permission storage.
public class OFBizSecurity implements Security {
public static final String module = OFBizSecurity.class.getName();
protected Delegator delegator = null;
protected static final Map<String, Map<String, String>> simpleRoleEntity = UtilMisc.toMap(
"ORDERMGR", UtilMisc.toMap("name", "OrderRole", "pkey", "orderId"),
"FACILITY", UtilMisc.toMap("name", "FacilityParty", "pkey", "facilityId"),
"MARKETING", UtilMisc.toMap("name", "MarketingCampaignRole", "pkey", "marketingCampaignId"));
protected OFBizSecurity() {}
protected OFBizSecurity(Delegator delegator) {
this.delegator = delegator;
public Delegator getDelegator() {
return this.delegator;
public void setDelegator(Delegator delegator) {
this.delegator = delegator;
* @see
public Iterator<GenericValue> findUserLoginSecurityGroupByUserLoginId(String userLoginId) {
List<GenericValue> collection;
try {
collection = delegator.findByAnd("UserLoginSecurityGroup", UtilMisc.toMap("userLoginId", userLoginId), null);
} catch (GenericEntityException e) {
// make an empty collection to speed up the case where a userLogin belongs to no security groups, only with no exception of course
collection = FastList.newInstance();
Debug.logWarning(e, module);
// filter each time after cache retreival, ie cache will contain entire list
collection = EntityUtil.filterByDate(collection, true);
return collection.iterator();
* @see, java.lang.String)
public boolean securityGroupPermissionExists(String groupId, String permission) {
GenericValue securityGroupPermissionValue = delegator.makeValue("SecurityGroupPermission",
UtilMisc.toMap("groupId", groupId, "permissionId", permission));
try {
return delegator.findOne(securityGroupPermissionValue.getEntityName(), securityGroupPermissionValue, false) != null;
} catch (GenericEntityException e) {
Debug.logWarning(e, module);
return false;
* @see, javax.servlet.http.HttpSession)
public boolean hasPermission(String permission, HttpSession session) {
GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) session.getAttribute("userLogin");
if (userLogin == null) return false;
return hasPermission(permission, userLogin);
* @see, org.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue)
public boolean hasPermission(String permission, GenericValue userLogin) {
if (userLogin == null) return false;
Iterator<GenericValue> iterator = findUserLoginSecurityGroupByUserLoginId(userLogin.getString("userLoginId"));
GenericValue userLoginSecurityGroup = null;
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
userLoginSecurityGroup =;
if (securityGroupPermissionExists(userLoginSecurityGroup.getString("groupId"), permission)) return true;
return false;
* @see, java.lang.String, javax.servlet.http.HttpSession)
public boolean hasEntityPermission(String entity, String action, HttpSession session) {
if (session == null) {
return false;
GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) session.getAttribute("userLogin");
if (userLogin == null) {
return false;
return hasEntityPermission(entity, action, userLogin);
* @see, java.lang.String, org.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue)
public boolean hasEntityPermission(String entity, String action, GenericValue userLogin) {
if (userLogin == null) return false;
// if (Debug.infoOn()) Debug.logInfo("hasEntityPermission: entity=" + entity + ", action=" + action, module);
Iterator<GenericValue> iterator = findUserLoginSecurityGroupByUserLoginId(userLogin.getString("userLoginId"));
GenericValue userLoginSecurityGroup = null;
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
userLoginSecurityGroup =;
// if (Debug.infoOn()) Debug.logInfo("hasEntityPermission: userLoginSecurityGroup=" + userLoginSecurityGroup.toString(), module);
// always try _ADMIN first so that it will cache first, keeping the cache smaller
if (securityGroupPermissionExists(userLoginSecurityGroup.getString("groupId"), entity + "_ADMIN"))
return true;
if (securityGroupPermissionExists(userLoginSecurityGroup.getString("groupId"), entity + action))
return true;
return false;
* @see, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, javax.servlet.http.HttpSession)
public boolean hasRolePermission(String application, String action, String primaryKey, String role, HttpSession session) {
GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) session.getAttribute("userLogin");
return hasRolePermission(application, action, primaryKey, role, userLogin);
* @see, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, org.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue)
public boolean hasRolePermission(String application, String action, String primaryKey, String role, GenericValue userLogin) {
List<String> roles = null;
if (role != null && !role.equals(""))
roles = UtilMisc.toList(role);
return hasRolePermission(application, action, primaryKey, roles, userLogin);
* @see, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.util.List, javax.servlet.http.HttpSession)
public boolean hasRolePermission(String application, String action, String primaryKey, List<String> roles, HttpSession session) {
GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) session.getAttribute("userLogin");
return hasRolePermission(application, action, primaryKey, roles, userLogin);
* @see, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.util.List, org.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue)
public boolean hasRolePermission(String application, String action, String primaryKey, List<String> roles, GenericValue userLogin) {
String entityName = null;
EntityCondition condition = null;
if (userLogin == null)
return false;
// quick test for special cases where were just want to check the permission (find screens)
if (primaryKey.equals("") && roles == null) {
if (hasEntityPermission(application, action, userLogin)) return true;
if (hasEntityPermission(application + "_ROLE", action, userLogin)) return true;
Map<String, String> simpleRoleMap = OFBizSecurity.simpleRoleEntity.get(application);
if (simpleRoleMap != null && roles != null) {
entityName = simpleRoleMap.get("name");
String pkey = simpleRoleMap.get("pkey");
if (pkey != null) {
List<EntityExpr> expressions = new ArrayList<EntityExpr>();
for (String role: roles) {
expressions.add(EntityCondition.makeCondition("roleTypeId", EntityOperator.EQUALS, role));
EntityConditionList<EntityExpr> exprList = EntityCondition.makeCondition(expressions, EntityOperator.OR);
EntityExpr keyExpr = EntityCondition.makeCondition(pkey, primaryKey);
EntityExpr partyExpr = EntityCondition.makeCondition("partyId", userLogin.getString("partyId"));
condition = EntityCondition.makeCondition(exprList, keyExpr, partyExpr);
return hasRolePermission(application, action, entityName, condition, userLogin);
* Like hasEntityPermission above, this checks the specified action, as well as for "_ADMIN" to allow for simplified
* general administration permission, but also checks action_ROLE and validates the user is a member for the
* application.
* @param application The name of the application corresponding to the desired permission.
* @param action The action on the application corresponding to the desired permission.
* @param entityName The name of the role entity to use for validation.
* @param condition EntityCondition used to query the entityName.
* @param userLogin The userLogin object for user to check against.
* @return Returns true if the currently logged in userLogin has the specified permission, otherwise returns false.
public boolean hasRolePermission(String application, String action, String entityName, EntityCondition condition, GenericValue userLogin) {
if (userLogin == null) return false;
// first check the standard permission
if (hasEntityPermission(application, action, userLogin)) return true;
// make sure we have what's needed for role security
if (entityName == null || condition == null) return false;
// now check the user for the role permission
if (hasEntityPermission(application + "_ROLE", action, userLogin)) {
// we have the permission now, we check to make sure we are allowed access
List<GenericValue> roleTest = null;
try {
//Debug.logInfo("Doing Role Security Check on [" + entityName + "]" + "using [" + condition + "]", module);
roleTest = delegator.findList(entityName, condition, null, null, null, false);
} catch (GenericEntityException e) {
Debug.logError(e, "Problems doing role security lookup on entity [" + entityName + "] using [" + condition + "]", module);
return false;
// if we pass all tests
//Debug.logInfo("Found (" + (roleTest == null ? 0 : roleTest.size()) + ") matches :: " + roleTest, module);
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(roleTest)) return true;
return false;
public void clearUserData(GenericValue userLogin) {
if (userLogin != null) {
delegator.getCache().remove("UserLoginSecurityGroup", EntityCondition.makeCondition("userLoginId", EntityOperator.EQUALS, userLogin.getString("userLoginId")));