blob: 2708d09621b99a5713fd1045719283c46c155f24 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.ofbiz.base.util;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.avalon.util.exception.ExceptionHelper;
import org.apache.log4j.Level;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout;
import org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender;
import org.apache.log4j.Appender;
import org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggerRepository;
* Configurable Debug logging wrapper class
public final class Debug {
public static final boolean useLog4J = true;
public static final String noModuleModule = "NoModule"; // set to null for previous behavior
public static final Object[] emptyParams = new Object[0];
static DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.MEDIUM);
public static final String SYS_DEBUG = System.getProperty("DEBUG");
public static final int ALWAYS = 0;
public static final int VERBOSE = 1;
public static final int TIMING = 2;
public static final int INFO = 3;
public static final int IMPORTANT = 4;
public static final int WARNING = 5;
public static final int ERROR = 6;
public static final int FATAL = 7;
public static final int NOTIFY = 8;
public static final String[] levels = {"Always", "Verbose", "Timing", "Info", "Important", "Warning", "Error", "Fatal", "Notify"};
public static final String[] levelProps = {"", "print.verbose", "print.timing", "", "print.important", "print.warning", "print.error", "print.fatal", "print.notify"};
public static final Level[] levelObjs = {Level.INFO, Level.DEBUG, Level.INFO, Level.INFO, Level.INFO, Level.WARN, Level.ERROR, Level.FATAL, NotifyLevel.NOTIFY};
protected static Map<String, Integer> levelStringMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
protected static PrintStream printStream = System.out;
protected static PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(printStream);
protected static boolean levelOnCache[] = new boolean[9];
protected static boolean packException = true;
protected static final boolean useLevelOnCache = true;
protected static Logger root = Logger.getRootLogger();
static {
levelStringMap.put("verbose", Debug.VERBOSE);
levelStringMap.put("timing", Debug.TIMING);
levelStringMap.put("info", Debug.INFO);
levelStringMap.put("important", Debug.IMPORTANT);
levelStringMap.put("warning", Debug.WARNING);
levelStringMap.put("error", Debug.ERROR);
levelStringMap.put("fatal", Debug.FATAL);
levelStringMap.put("always", Debug.ALWAYS);
levelStringMap.put("notify", Debug.NOTIFY);
// initialize Log4J
if (!UtilProperties.propertyValueEqualsIgnoreCase("", "disable.log4j.config", "true")) {
// initialize levelOnCache
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
levelOnCache[i] = (i == Debug.ALWAYS || UtilProperties.propertyValueEqualsIgnoreCase("", levelProps[i], "true"));
if (SYS_DEBUG != null) {
for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
levelOnCache[x] = true;
LoggerRepository repo = root.getLoggerRepository();
Enumeration<Logger> en = UtilGenerics.cast(repo.getCurrentLoggers());
while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
Logger thisLogger = en.nextElement();
// configure exception packing
packException = UtilProperties.propertyValueEqualsIgnoreCase("", "pack.exception", "true");
public static PrintStream getPrintStream() {
return printStream;
public static void setPrintStream(PrintStream printStream) {
Debug.printStream = printStream;
Debug.printWriter = new PrintWriter(printStream);
public static PrintWriter getPrintWriter() {
return printWriter;
public static Logger getLogger(String module) {
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(module)) {
return Logger.getLogger(module);
} else {
return root;
/** Gets an Integer representing the level number from a String representing the level name; will return null if not found */
public static Integer getLevelFromString(String levelName) {
if (levelName == null) return null;
return levelStringMap.get(levelName.toLowerCase());
/** Gets an int representing the level number from a String representing the level name; if level not found defaults to Debug.INFO */
public static int getLevelFromStringWithDefault(String levelName) {
Integer levelInt = getLevelFromString(levelName);
if (levelInt == null) {
return Debug.INFO;
} else {
return levelInt;
public static void log(int level, Throwable t, String msg, String module) {
log(level, t, msg, module, "org.ofbiz.base.util.Debug", emptyParams);
public static void log(int level, Throwable t, String msg, String module, Object... params) {
log(level, t, msg, module, "org.ofbiz.base.util.Debug", params);
public static void log(int level, Throwable t, String msg, String module, String callingClass) {
log(level, t, msg, module, callingClass, new Object[0]);
public static void log(int level, Throwable t, String msg, String module, String callingClass, Object... params) {
if (isOn(level)) {
if (msg != null && params.length > 0) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Formatter formatter = new Formatter(sb);
formatter.format(msg, params);
msg = sb.toString();
// pack the exception
if (packException && t != null) {
msg = System.getProperty("line.separator") + ExceptionHelper.packException(msg, t, true);
t = null;
// log
if (useLog4J) {
Logger logger = getLogger(module);
if (SYS_DEBUG != null) {
logger.log(callingClass, levelObjs[level], msg, t);
} else {
StringBuilder prefixBuf = new StringBuilder();
prefixBuf.append(dateFormat.format(new java.util.Date()));
prefixBuf.append(" [OFBiz");
if (module != null) {
prefixBuf.append("] ");
if (msg != null) {
if (t != null) {
getPrintWriter().println("Received throwable:");
public static boolean isOn(int level) {
if (useLevelOnCache) {
return levelOnCache[level];
} else {
return (level == Debug.ALWAYS || UtilProperties.propertyValueEqualsIgnoreCase("debug", levelProps[level], "true"));
// leaving these here
public static void log(String msg) {
log(Debug.ALWAYS, null, msg, noModuleModule, emptyParams);
public static void log(String msg, Object... params) {
log(Debug.ALWAYS, null, msg, noModuleModule, params);
public static void log(Throwable t) {
log(Debug.ALWAYS, t, null, noModuleModule, emptyParams);
public static void log(String msg, String module) {
log(Debug.ALWAYS, null, msg, module, emptyParams);
public static void log(String msg, String module, Object... params) {
log(Debug.ALWAYS, null, msg, module, params);
public static void log(Throwable t, String module) {
log(Debug.ALWAYS, t, null, module, emptyParams);
public static void log(Throwable t, String msg, String module) {
log(Debug.ALWAYS, t, msg, module, emptyParams);
public static void log(Throwable t, String msg, String module, Object... params) {
log(Debug.ALWAYS, t, msg, module, params);
public static boolean verboseOn() {
return isOn(Debug.VERBOSE);
public static void logVerbose(String msg, String module) {
log(Debug.VERBOSE, null, msg, module, emptyParams);
public static void logVerbose(String msg, String module, Object... params) {
log(Debug.VERBOSE, null, msg, module, params);
public static void logVerbose(Throwable t, String module) {
log(Debug.VERBOSE, t, null, module, emptyParams);
public static void logVerbose(Throwable t, String msg, String module) {
log(Debug.VERBOSE, t, msg, module, emptyParams);
public static void logVerbose(Throwable t, String msg, String module, Object... params) {
log(Debug.VERBOSE, t, msg, module, params);
public static boolean timingOn() {
return isOn(Debug.TIMING);
public static void logTiming(String msg, String module) {
log(Debug.TIMING, null, msg, module, emptyParams);
public static void logTiming(String msg, String module, Object... params) {
log(Debug.TIMING, null, msg, module, params);
public static void logTiming(Throwable t, String module) {
log(Debug.TIMING, t, null, module, emptyParams);
public static void logTiming(Throwable t, String msg, String module) {
log(Debug.TIMING, t, msg, module, emptyParams);
public static void logTiming(Throwable t, String msg, String module, Object... params) {
log(Debug.TIMING, t, msg, module, params);
public static boolean infoOn() {
return isOn(Debug.INFO);
public static void logInfo(String msg, String module) {
log(Debug.INFO, null, msg, module, emptyParams);
public static void logInfo(String msg, String module, Object... params) {
log(Debug.INFO, null, msg, module, params);
public static void logInfo(Throwable t, String module) {
log(Debug.INFO, t, null, module, emptyParams);
public static void logInfo(Throwable t, String msg, String module) {
log(Debug.INFO, t, msg, module, emptyParams);
public static void logInfo(Throwable t, String msg, String module, Object... params) {
log(Debug.INFO, t, msg, module, params);
public static boolean importantOn() {
return isOn(Debug.IMPORTANT);
public static void logImportant(String msg, String module) {
log(Debug.IMPORTANT, null, msg, module, emptyParams);
public static void logImportant(String msg, String module, Object... params) {
log(Debug.IMPORTANT, null, msg, module, params);
public static void logImportant(Throwable t, String module) {
log(Debug.IMPORTANT, t, null, module, emptyParams);
public static void logImportant(Throwable t, String msg, String module) {
log(Debug.IMPORTANT, t, msg, module, emptyParams);
public static void logImportant(Throwable t, String msg, String module, Object... params) {
log(Debug.IMPORTANT, t, msg, module, params);
public static boolean warningOn() {
return isOn(Debug.WARNING);
public static void logWarning(String msg, String module) {
log(Debug.WARNING, null, msg, module, emptyParams);
public static void logWarning(String msg, String module, Object... params) {
log(Debug.WARNING, null, msg, module, params);
public static void logWarning(Throwable t, String module) {
log(Debug.WARNING, t, null, module, emptyParams);
public static void logWarning(Throwable t, String msg, String module) {
log(Debug.WARNING, t, msg, module, emptyParams);
public static void logWarning(Throwable t, String msg, String module, Object... params) {
log(Debug.WARNING, t, msg, module, params);
public static boolean errorOn() {
return isOn(Debug.ERROR);
public static void logError(String msg, String module) {
log(Debug.ERROR, null, msg, module, emptyParams);
public static void logError(String msg, String module, Object... params) {
log(Debug.ERROR, null, msg, module, params);
public static void logError(Throwable t, String module) {
log(Debug.ERROR, t, null, module, emptyParams);
public static void logError(Throwable t, String msg, String module) {
log(Debug.ERROR, t, msg, module, emptyParams);
public static void logError(Throwable t, String msg, String module, Object... params) {
log(Debug.ERROR, t, msg, module, params);
public static boolean fatalOn() {
return isOn(Debug.FATAL);
public static void logFatal(String msg, String module) {
log(Debug.FATAL, null, msg, module, emptyParams);
public static void logFatal(String msg, String module, Object... params) {
log(Debug.FATAL, null, msg, module, params);
public static void logFatal(Throwable t, String module) {
log(Debug.FATAL, t, null, module, emptyParams);
public static void logFatal(Throwable t, String msg, String module) {
log(Debug.FATAL, t, msg, module, emptyParams);
public static void logFatal(Throwable t, String msg, String module, Object... params) {
log(Debug.FATAL, t, msg, module, params);
public static void logNotify(String msg, String module) {
log(Debug.NOTIFY, null, msg, module, emptyParams);
public static void logNotify(String msg, String module, Object... params) {
log(Debug.NOTIFY, null, msg, module, params);
public static void logNotify(Throwable t, String module) {
log(Debug.NOTIFY, t, null, module, emptyParams);
public static void logNotify(Throwable t, String msg, String module) {
log(Debug.NOTIFY, t, msg, module, emptyParams);
public static void logNotify(Throwable t, String msg, String module, Object... params) {
log(Debug.NOTIFY, t, msg, module, params);
public static void set(int level, boolean on) {
if (!useLevelOnCache)
levelOnCache[level] = on;
public static synchronized Appender getNewFileAppender(String name, String logFile, long maxSize, int backupIdx, String pattern) {
if (pattern == null) {
pattern = "%-5r[%24F:%-3L:%-5p]%x %m%n";
PatternLayout layout = new PatternLayout(pattern);
RollingFileAppender newAppender = null;
try {
newAppender = new RollingFileAppender(layout, logFile, true);
} catch (IOException e) {
logFatal(e, Debug.class.getName());
if (newAppender != null) {
if (backupIdx > 0) {
if (maxSize > 0) {
return newAppender;
public static boolean registerFileAppender(String module, String name, String logFile, long maxSize, int backupIdx, String pattern) {
Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(module);
boolean found = false;
Appender foundAppender = logger.getAppender(name);
if (foundAppender == null) {
Enumeration<Logger> currentLoggerEnum = UtilGenerics.cast(Logger.getRootLogger().getLoggerRepository().getCurrentLoggers());
while (currentLoggerEnum.hasMoreElements() && foundAppender == null) {
Logger log = currentLoggerEnum.nextElement();
foundAppender = log.getAppender(name);
} else {
return true;
if (foundAppender == null) {
if (logFile != null) {
foundAppender = getNewFileAppender(name, logFile, maxSize, backupIdx, pattern);
if (foundAppender != null) {
found = true;
} else {
found = true;
return found;
public static boolean registerFileAppender(String module, String name, String logFile) {
return registerFileAppender(module, name, logFile, 0, 10, null);
public static boolean registerFileAppender(String module, String name) {
return registerFileAppender(module, name, null, -1, -1, null);