blob: 17eaaba7f28e53a8ebeff6750ccffa5d18a6c7be [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.ofbiz.base.component;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javolution.util.FastList;
import javolution.util.FastMap;
import org.ofbiz.base.location.FlexibleLocation;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.Debug;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.KeyStoreUtil;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilURL;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilValidate;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilXml;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
* ComponentConfig - Component configuration class for ofbiz-container.xml
public class ComponentConfig {
public static final String module = ComponentConfig.class.getName();
public static final String OFBIZ_COMPONENT_XML_FILENAME = "ofbiz-component.xml";
// this is not a UtilCache because reloading may cause problems
protected static Map<String, ComponentConfig> componentConfigs = FastMap.newInstance();
protected static Map<String, List<WebappInfo>> serverWebApps = FastMap.newInstance();
public static ComponentConfig getComponentConfig(String globalName) throws ComponentException {
// TODO: we need to look up the rootLocation from the container config, or this will blow up
return getComponentConfig(globalName, null);
public static ComponentConfig getComponentConfig(String globalName, String rootLocation) throws ComponentException {
ComponentConfig componentConfig = null;
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(globalName)) {
componentConfig = componentConfigs.get(globalName);
if (componentConfig == null) {
if (rootLocation != null) {
synchronized (ComponentConfig.class) {
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(globalName)) {
componentConfig = componentConfigs.get(globalName);
if (componentConfig == null) {
componentConfig = new ComponentConfig(globalName, rootLocation);
if (componentConfigs.containsKey(componentConfig.getGlobalName())) {
Debug.logWarning("WARNING: Loading ofbiz-component using a global name that already exists, will over-write: " + componentConfig.getGlobalName(), module);
if (componentConfig.enabled()) {
componentConfigs.put(componentConfig.getGlobalName(), componentConfig);
} else {
throw new ComponentException("No component found named : " + globalName);
return componentConfig;
public static Boolean componentExists(String componentName) {
ComponentConfig componentConfig = componentConfigs.get(componentName);
if (componentConfig == null) {
return Boolean.FALSE;
} else {
return Boolean.TRUE;
public static Collection<ComponentConfig> getAllComponents() {
Collection<ComponentConfig> values = componentConfigs.values();
if (values != null) {
return values;
} else {
Debug.logWarning("No components were found, something is probably missing or incorrect in the component-load setup.", module);
return FastList.newInstance();
public static List<ClasspathInfo> getAllClasspathInfos() {
return getAllClasspathInfos(null);
public static List<ClasspathInfo> getAllClasspathInfos(String componentName) {
List<ClasspathInfo> classpaths = FastList.newInstance();
for (ComponentConfig cc: getAllComponents()) {
if (componentName == null || componentName.equals(cc.getComponentName())) {
return classpaths;
public static List<EntityResourceInfo> getAllEntityResourceInfos(String type) {
return getAllEntityResourceInfos(type, null);
public static List<EntityResourceInfo> getAllEntityResourceInfos(String type, String componentName) {
List<EntityResourceInfo> entityInfos = FastList.newInstance();
for (ComponentConfig cc: getAllComponents()) {
if (componentName == null || componentName.equals(cc.getComponentName())) {
List<EntityResourceInfo> ccEntityInfoList = cc.getEntityResourceInfos();
if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(type)) {
} else {
for (EntityResourceInfo entityResourceInfo: ccEntityInfoList) {
if (type.equals(entityResourceInfo.type)) {
return entityInfos;
public static List<ServiceResourceInfo> getAllServiceResourceInfos(String type) {
return getAllServiceResourceInfos(type, null);
public static List<ServiceResourceInfo> getAllServiceResourceInfos(String type, String componentName) {
List<ServiceResourceInfo> serviceInfos = FastList.newInstance();
for (ComponentConfig cc: getAllComponents()) {
if (componentName == null || componentName.equals(cc.getComponentName())) {
List<ServiceResourceInfo> ccServiceInfoList = cc.getServiceResourceInfos();
if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(type)) {
} else {
for (ServiceResourceInfo serviceResourceInfo: ccServiceInfoList) {
if (type.equals(serviceResourceInfo.type)) {
return serviceInfos;
public static List<TestSuiteInfo> getAllTestSuiteInfos() {
return getAllTestSuiteInfos(null);
public static List<TestSuiteInfo> getAllTestSuiteInfos(String componentName) {
List<TestSuiteInfo> testSuiteInfos = FastList.newInstance();
for (ComponentConfig cc: getAllComponents()) {
if (componentName == null || componentName.equals(cc.getComponentName())) {
return testSuiteInfos;
public static List<KeystoreInfo> getAllKeystoreInfos() {
return getAllKeystoreInfos(null);
public static List<KeystoreInfo> getAllKeystoreInfos(String componentName) {
List<KeystoreInfo> keystoreInfos = FastList.newInstance();
for (ComponentConfig cc: getAllComponents()) {
if (componentName == null || componentName.equals(cc.getComponentName())) {
return keystoreInfos;
public static KeystoreInfo getKeystoreInfo(String componentName, String keystoreName) {
for (ComponentConfig cc: getAllComponents()) {
if (componentName != null && componentName.equals(cc.getComponentName())) {
for (KeystoreInfo ks: cc.getKeystoreInfos()) {
if (keystoreName != null && keystoreName.equals(ks.getName())) {
return ks;
return null;
public static List<WebappInfo> getAllWebappResourceInfos() {
return getAllWebappResourceInfos(null);
public static List<WebappInfo> getAllWebappResourceInfos(String componentName) {
List<WebappInfo> webappInfos = FastList.newInstance();
for (ComponentConfig cc: getAllComponents()) {
if (componentName == null || componentName.equals(cc.getComponentName())) {
return webappInfos;
public static boolean isFileResourceLoader(String componentName, String resourceLoaderName) throws ComponentException {
ComponentConfig cc = ComponentConfig.getComponentConfig(componentName);
if (cc == null) {
throw new ComponentException("Could not find component with name: " + componentName);
return cc.isFileResourceLoader(resourceLoaderName);
public static InputStream getStream(String componentName, String resourceLoaderName, String location) throws ComponentException {
ComponentConfig cc = ComponentConfig.getComponentConfig(componentName);
if (cc == null) {
throw new ComponentException("Could not find component with name: " + componentName);
return cc.getStream(resourceLoaderName, location);
public static URL getURL(String componentName, String resourceLoaderName, String location) throws ComponentException {
ComponentConfig cc = ComponentConfig.getComponentConfig(componentName);
if (cc == null) {
throw new ComponentException("Could not find component with name: " + componentName);
return cc.getURL(resourceLoaderName, location);
public static String getFullLocation(String componentName, String resourceLoaderName, String location) throws ComponentException {
ComponentConfig cc = ComponentConfig.getComponentConfig(componentName);
if (cc == null) {
throw new ComponentException("Could not find component with name: " + componentName);
return cc.getFullLocation(resourceLoaderName, location);
public static String getRootLocation(String componentName) throws ComponentException {
ComponentConfig cc = ComponentConfig.getComponentConfig(componentName);
if (cc == null) {
throw new ComponentException("Could not find component with name: " + componentName);
return cc.getRootLocation();
public static List<WebappInfo> getAppBarWebInfos(String serverName) {
return ComponentConfig.getAppBarWebInfos(serverName, null, null);
public static List<WebappInfo> getAppBarWebInfos(String serverName, String menuName) {
return ComponentConfig.getAppBarWebInfos(serverName, null, menuName);
public static List<WebappInfo> getAppBarWebInfos(String serverName, Comparator<? super String> comp, String menuName) {
List<WebappInfo> webInfos = serverWebApps.get(serverName + menuName);
if (webInfos == null) {
synchronized (ComponentConfig.class) {
if (webInfos == null) {
Map<String, WebappInfo> tm = null;
// use a TreeMap to sort the components alpha by title
if (comp != null) {
tm = new TreeMap<String, WebappInfo>(comp);
} else {
tm = new TreeMap<String, WebappInfo>();
for (ComponentConfig cc: getAllComponents()) {
for (WebappInfo wInfo: cc.getWebappInfos()) {
String key = UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(wInfo.position)? wInfo.position: wInfo.title;
if (serverName.equals(wInfo.server) && wInfo.appBarDisplay) {
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(menuName)) {
if (menuName.equals(wInfo.menuName)) {
tm.put(key, wInfo);
} else {
tm.put(key, wInfo);
List<WebappInfo> webInfoList = FastList.newInstance();
serverWebApps.put(serverName + menuName, webInfoList);
return webInfoList;
return webInfos;
public static WebappInfo getWebAppInfo(String serverName, String contextRoot) {
ComponentConfig.WebappInfo info = null;
if (serverName == null || contextRoot == null) {
return info;
for (ComponentConfig cc: getAllComponents()) {
for (WebappInfo wInfo: cc.getWebappInfos()) {
if (serverName.equals(wInfo.server) && contextRoot.equals(wInfo.getContextRoot())) {
info = wInfo;
return info;
// ========== component info fields ==========
protected String globalName = null;
protected String rootLocation = null;
protected String componentName = null;
protected boolean enabled = true;
protected Map<String, ResourceLoaderInfo> resourceLoaderInfos = FastMap.newInstance();
protected List<ClasspathInfo> classpathInfos = FastList.newInstance();
protected List<EntityResourceInfo> entityResourceInfos = FastList.newInstance();
protected List<ServiceResourceInfo> serviceResourceInfos = FastList.newInstance();
protected List<TestSuiteInfo> testSuiteInfos = FastList.newInstance();
protected List<KeystoreInfo> keystoreInfos = FastList.newInstance();
protected List<WebappInfo> webappInfos = FastList.newInstance();
protected ComponentConfig() {}
protected ComponentConfig(String globalName, String rootLocation) throws ComponentException {
this.globalName = globalName;
if (!rootLocation.endsWith("/")) {
rootLocation = rootLocation + "/";
this.rootLocation = rootLocation.replace('\\', '/');
File rootLocationDir = new File(rootLocation);
if (!rootLocationDir.exists()) {
throw new ComponentException("The given component root location is does not exist: " + rootLocation);
if (!rootLocationDir.isDirectory()) {
throw new ComponentException("The given component root location is not a directory: " + rootLocation);
String xmlFilename = rootLocation + "/" + OFBIZ_COMPONENT_XML_FILENAME;
URL xmlUrl = UtilURL.fromFilename(xmlFilename);
if (xmlUrl == null) {
throw new ComponentException("Could not find the " + OFBIZ_COMPONENT_XML_FILENAME + " configuration file in the component root location: " + rootLocation);
Document ofbizComponentDocument = null;
try {
ofbizComponentDocument = UtilXml.readXmlDocument(xmlUrl, true);
} catch (SAXException e) {
throw new ComponentException("Error reading the component config file: " + xmlUrl, e);
} catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
throw new ComponentException("Error reading the component config file: " + xmlUrl, e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ComponentException("Error reading the component config file: " + xmlUrl, e);
Element ofbizComponentElement = ofbizComponentDocument.getDocumentElement();
this.componentName = ofbizComponentElement.getAttribute("name");
this.enabled = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(ofbizComponentElement.getAttribute("enabled"));
if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(this.globalName)) {
this.globalName = this.componentName;
// resource-loader - resourceLoaderInfos
for (Element curElement: UtilXml.childElementList(ofbizComponentElement, "resource-loader")) {
ResourceLoaderInfo resourceLoaderInfo = new ResourceLoaderInfo(curElement);
this.resourceLoaderInfos.put(, resourceLoaderInfo);
// classpath - classpathInfos
for (Element curElement: UtilXml.childElementList(ofbizComponentElement, "classpath")) {
ClasspathInfo classpathInfo = new ClasspathInfo(this, curElement);
// entity-resource - entityResourceInfos
for (Element curElement: UtilXml.childElementList(ofbizComponentElement, "entity-resource")) {
EntityResourceInfo entityResourceInfo = new EntityResourceInfo(this, curElement);
// service-resource - serviceResourceInfos
for (Element curElement: UtilXml.childElementList(ofbizComponentElement, "service-resource")) {
ServiceResourceInfo serviceResourceInfo = new ServiceResourceInfo(this, curElement);
// test-suite - serviceResourceInfos
for (Element curElement: UtilXml.childElementList(ofbizComponentElement, "test-suite")) {
TestSuiteInfo testSuiteInfo = new TestSuiteInfo(this, curElement);
// keystore - (cert/trust store infos)
for (Element curElement: UtilXml.childElementList(ofbizComponentElement, "keystore")) {
KeystoreInfo keystoreInfo = new KeystoreInfo(this, curElement);
// webapp - webappInfos
for (Element curElement: UtilXml.childElementList(ofbizComponentElement, "webapp")) {
WebappInfo webappInfo = new WebappInfo(this, curElement);
if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("Read component config : [" + rootLocation + "]", module);
public boolean isFileResource(ResourceInfo resourceInfo) throws ComponentException {
return isFileResourceLoader(resourceInfo.loader);
public boolean isFileResourceLoader(String resourceLoaderName) throws ComponentException {
ResourceLoaderInfo resourceLoaderInfo = resourceLoaderInfos.get(resourceLoaderName);
if (resourceLoaderInfo == null) {
throw new ComponentException("Could not find resource-loader named: " + resourceLoaderName);
return "file".equals(resourceLoaderInfo.type) || "component".equals(resourceLoaderInfo.type);
public InputStream getStream(String resourceLoaderName, String location) throws ComponentException {
URL url = getURL(resourceLoaderName, location);
try {
return url.openStream();
} catch ( e) {
throw new ComponentException("Error opening resource at location [" + url.toExternalForm() + "]", e);
public URL getURL(String resourceLoaderName, String location) throws ComponentException {
ResourceLoaderInfo resourceLoaderInfo = resourceLoaderInfos.get(resourceLoaderName);
if (resourceLoaderInfo == null) {
throw new ComponentException("Could not find resource-loader named: " + resourceLoaderName);
if ("component".equals(resourceLoaderInfo.type) || "file".equals(resourceLoaderInfo.type)) {
String fullLocation = getFullLocation(resourceLoaderName, location);
URL fileUrl = UtilURL.fromFilename(fullLocation);
if (fileUrl == null) {
throw new ComponentException("File Resource not found: " + fullLocation);
return fileUrl;
} else if ("classpath".equals(resourceLoaderInfo.type)) {
String fullLocation = getFullLocation(resourceLoaderName, location);
URL url = UtilURL.fromResource(fullLocation);
if (url == null) {
throw new ComponentException("Classpath Resource not found: " + fullLocation);
return url;
} else if ("url".equals(resourceLoaderInfo.type)) {
String fullLocation = getFullLocation(resourceLoaderName, location);
URL url = null;
try {
url = FlexibleLocation.resolveLocation(location);
} catch ( e) {
throw new ComponentException("Error with malformed URL while trying to load URL resource at location [" + fullLocation + "]", e);
if (url == null) {
throw new ComponentException("URL Resource not found: " + fullLocation);
return url;
} else {
throw new ComponentException("The resource-loader type is not recognized: " + resourceLoaderInfo.type);
public String getFullLocation(String resourceLoaderName, String location) throws ComponentException {
ResourceLoaderInfo resourceLoaderInfo = resourceLoaderInfos.get(resourceLoaderName);
if (resourceLoaderInfo == null) {
throw new ComponentException("Could not find resource-loader named: " + resourceLoaderName);
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
// pre-pend component root location if this is a type component resource-loader
if ("component".equals(resourceLoaderInfo.type)) {
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(resourceLoaderInfo.prependEnv)) {
String propValue = System.getProperty(resourceLoaderInfo.prependEnv);
if (propValue == null) {
String errMsg = "The Java environment (-Dxxx=yyy) variable with name " + resourceLoaderInfo.prependEnv + " is not set, cannot load resource.";
Debug.logError(errMsg, module);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(errMsg);
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(resourceLoaderInfo.prefix)) {
return buf.toString();
public List<ClasspathInfo> getClasspathInfos() {
return this.classpathInfos;
public String getComponentName() {
return this.componentName;
public List<EntityResourceInfo> getEntityResourceInfos() {
return this.entityResourceInfos;
public String getGlobalName() {
return this.globalName;
public Map<String, ResourceLoaderInfo> getResourceLoaderInfos() {
return this.resourceLoaderInfos;
public String getRootLocation() {
return this.rootLocation;
public List<ServiceResourceInfo> getServiceResourceInfos() {
return this.serviceResourceInfos;
public List<TestSuiteInfo> getTestSuiteInfos() {
return this.testSuiteInfos;
public List<KeystoreInfo> getKeystoreInfos() {
return this.keystoreInfos;
public List<WebappInfo> getWebappInfos() {
return this.webappInfos;
public boolean enabled() {
return this.enabled;
public static class ResourceLoaderInfo {
public String name;
public String type;
public String prependEnv;
public String prefix;
public ResourceLoaderInfo(Element element) { = element.getAttribute("name");
this.type = element.getAttribute("type");
this.prependEnv = element.getAttribute("prepend-env");
this.prefix = element.getAttribute("prefix");
public static class ResourceInfo {
public ComponentConfig componentConfig;
public String loader;
public String location;
public ResourceInfo(ComponentConfig componentConfig, Element element) {
this.componentConfig = componentConfig;
this.loader = element.getAttribute("loader");
this.location = element.getAttribute("location");
public ComponentResourceHandler createResourceHandler() {
return new ComponentResourceHandler(componentConfig.getGlobalName(), loader, location);
public String getLocation() {
return location;
public static class ClasspathInfo {
public ComponentConfig componentConfig;
public String type;
public String location;
public ClasspathInfo(ComponentConfig componentConfig, Element element) {
this.componentConfig = componentConfig;
this.type = element.getAttribute("type");
this.location = element.getAttribute("location");
public static class EntityResourceInfo extends ResourceInfo {
public String type;
public String readerName;
public EntityResourceInfo(ComponentConfig componentConfig, Element element) {
super(componentConfig, element);
this.type = element.getAttribute("type");
this.readerName = element.getAttribute("reader-name");
public static class ServiceResourceInfo extends ResourceInfo {
public String type;
public ServiceResourceInfo(ComponentConfig componentConfig, Element element) {
super(componentConfig, element);
this.type = element.getAttribute("type");
public static class TestSuiteInfo extends ResourceInfo {
public TestSuiteInfo(ComponentConfig componentConfig, Element element) {
super(componentConfig, element);
public static class KeystoreInfo extends ResourceInfo {
public String name;
public String type;
public String password;
public boolean isCertStore;
public boolean isTrustStore;
public KeystoreInfo(ComponentConfig componentConfig, Element element) {
super(componentConfig, element); = element.getAttribute("name");
this.type = element.getAttribute("type");
this.password = element.getAttribute("password");
this.isCertStore = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(element.getAttribute("is-certstore"));
this.isTrustStore = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(element.getAttribute("is-truststore"));
public KeyStore getKeyStore() {
ComponentResourceHandler rh = this.createResourceHandler();
if (rh != null) {
try {
return KeyStoreUtil.getStore(rh.getURL(), this.getPassword(), this.getType());
} catch (Exception e) {
Debug.logWarning(e, module);
return null;
public String getName() {
return name;
public String getType() {
return type;
public String getPassword() {
return password;
public boolean isCertStore() {
return isCertStore;
public boolean isTrustStore() {
return isTrustStore;
public static class WebappInfo {
public ComponentConfig componentConfig;
public List<String> virtualHosts;
public Map<String, String> initParameters;
public String name;
public String title;
public String description;
public String menuName;
public String server;
public String mountPoint;
public String location;
public String[] basePermission;
public String position;
public boolean appBarDisplay;
public boolean sessionCookieAccepted;
public boolean privileged;
public WebappInfo(ComponentConfig componentConfig, Element element) {
this.virtualHosts = FastList.newInstance();
this.initParameters = FastMap.newInstance();
this.componentConfig = componentConfig; = element.getAttribute("name");
this.title = element.getAttribute("title");
this.description = element.getAttribute("description");
this.server = element.getAttribute("server");
this.mountPoint = element.getAttribute("mount-point");
this.location = element.getAttribute("location");
this.appBarDisplay = !"false".equals(element.getAttribute("app-bar-display"));
this.sessionCookieAccepted = !"false".equals(element.getAttribute("session-cookie-accepted"));
this.privileged = !"false".equals(element.getAttribute("privileged"));
String basePermStr = element.getAttribute("base-permission");
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(basePermStr)) {
this.basePermission = basePermStr.split(",");
} else {
// default base permission is NONE
this.basePermission = new String[] { "NONE" };
// trim the permissions (remove spaces)
for (int i = 0; i < this.basePermission.length; i++) {
this.basePermission[i] = this.basePermission[i].trim();
if (this.basePermission[i].indexOf('_') != -1) {
this.basePermission[i] = this.basePermission[i].substring(0, this.basePermission[i].indexOf('_'));
// default title is name w/ upper-cased first letter
if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(this.title)) {
this.title = Character.toUpperCase(name.charAt(0)) + name.substring(1).toLowerCase();
if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(this.description)) {
this.description = this.title;
String menuNameStr = element.getAttribute("menu-name");
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(menuNameStr)) {
this.menuName = menuNameStr;
} else {
this.menuName = "main";
this.position = element.getAttribute("position");
// default mount point is name if none specified
if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(this.mountPoint)) {
this.mountPoint =;
// check the mount point and make sure it is properly formatted
if (!"/".equals(this.mountPoint)) {
if (!this.mountPoint.startsWith("/")) {
this.mountPoint = "/" + this.mountPoint;
if (!this.mountPoint.endsWith("/*")) {
if (!this.mountPoint.endsWith("/")) {
this.mountPoint = this.mountPoint + "/";
this.mountPoint = this.mountPoint + "*";
// load the virtual hosts
List<? extends Element> virtHostList = UtilXml.childElementList(element, "virtual-host");
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(virtHostList)) {
for (Element e: virtHostList) {
// load the init parameters
List<? extends Element> initParamList = UtilXml.childElementList(element, "init-param");
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(initParamList)) {
for (Element e: initParamList) {
this.initParameters.put(e.getAttribute("name"), e.getAttribute("value"));
public String getContextRoot() {
if (mountPoint.endsWith("/*")) {
return mountPoint.substring(0, mountPoint.length() - 2);
return mountPoint;
public String[] getBasePermission() {
return this.basePermission;
public String getName() {
return name;
public String getLocation() {
return componentConfig.getRootLocation() + location;
public String getTitle() {
return title;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public List<String> getVirtualHosts() {
return virtualHosts;
public Map<String, String> getInitParameters() {
return initParameters;
public boolean isSessionCookieAccepted() {
return sessionCookieAccepted;