blob: d04eda794599da36e0af757467285bbd5a4c1fe4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.ofbiz.base.util;
* Based on code that started with this header/license:
This file is associated with the BeanShell Java Scripting language
distribution (
This file is hereby placed into the public domain... You may copy,
modify, and redistribute it without restriction.
import java.util.Vector;
import bsh.EvalError;
import bsh.Interpreter;
import bsh.InterpreterError;
import bsh.TargetError;
import org.apache.bsf.BSFDeclaredBean;
import org.apache.bsf.BSFException;
import org.apache.bsf.BSFManager;
import org.apache.bsf.util.BSFEngineImpl;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.cache.OFBizCache;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.cache.UtilCache;
* This is the BeanShell adapter for IBM's Bean Scripting Famework.
* It is an implementation of the BSFEngine class, allowing BSF aware
* applications to use BeanShell as a scripting language.
* <p>
* I believe this implementation is complete (with some hesitation about the
* the usefullness of the compileXXX() style methods - provided by the base
* utility class).
public class OfbizBshBsfEngine extends BSFEngineImpl {
public static final String module = OfbizBshBsfEngine.class.getName();
protected Interpreter interpreter;
protected boolean installedApplyMethod;
private static final OFBizCache<String, Interpreter.ParsedScript> parsedScripts = UtilCache.createUtilCache("script.BshBsfParsedCache", 0, 0, false);
public void initialize(BSFManager mgr, String lang, Vector declaredBeans) throws BSFException {
super.initialize(mgr, lang, declaredBeans);
interpreter = BshUtil.getMasterInterpreter(null);
// declare the bsf manager for callbacks, etc.
try {
interpreter.set("bsf", mgr);
} catch (EvalError e) {
throw new BSFException("bsh internal error: "+e.toString());
for (int i=0; i<declaredBeans.size(); i++) {
BSFDeclaredBean bean = (BSFDeclaredBean)declaredBeans.get(i);
public void setDebug(boolean debug) {
* Invoke method name on the specified bsh scripted object.
* The object may be null to indicate the global namespace of the
* interpreter.
* @param object may be null for the global namespace.
public Object call(Object object, String name, Object[] args) throws BSFException {
if (object == null) {
try {
object = interpreter.get("global");
} catch (EvalError e) {
throw new BSFException("bsh internal error: "+e.toString());
if (object instanceof bsh.This) {
try {
return ((bsh.This)object).invokeMethod(name, args);
} catch (InterpreterError e) {
throw new BSFException("BeanShell interpreter internal error: "+e);
} catch (TargetError e2) {
throw new BSFException("The application script threw an exception: " + e2.getTarget());
} catch (EvalError e3) {
throw new BSFException("BeanShell script error: "+e3);
} else {
throw new BSFException("Cannot invoke method: " + name +
". Object: "+object +" is not a BeanShell scripted object.");
* A helper BeanShell method that implements the anonymous method apply
* proposed by BSF. Note that the script below could use the standard
* bsh eval() method to set the variables and apply the text, however
* then I'd have to escape quotes, etc.
final static String bsfApplyMethod =
"_bsfApply(_bsfNames, _bsfArgs, _bsfText) {"
+"for (i=0;i<_bsfNames.length;i++)"
+"this.namespace.setVariable(_bsfNames[i], _bsfArgs[i]);"
+"return this.interpreter.eval(_bsfText, this.namespace);"
* This is an implementation of the BSF apply() method.
* It executes the funcBody text in an "anonymous" method call with
* arguments.
public Object apply(String source, int lineNo, int columnNo, Object funcBody, Vector namesVec, Vector argsVec) throws BSFException {
if (namesVec.size() != argsVec.size()) throw new BSFException("number of params/names mismatch");
if (!(funcBody instanceof String)) throw new BSFException("apply: function body must be a string");
String [] names = new String [ namesVec.size() ];
Object [] args = new String [ argsVec.size() ];
try {
if (!installedApplyMethod) {
installedApplyMethod = true;
bsh.This global = (bsh.This)interpreter.get("global");
return global.invokeMethod("_bsfApply", new Object [] { names, args, (String)funcBody });
} catch (InterpreterError e) {
throw new BSFException("BeanShell interpreter internal error: " + e + sourceInfo(source,lineNo,columnNo));
} catch (TargetError e2) {
throw new BSFException("The application script threw an exception: " + e2.getTarget() + sourceInfo(source,lineNo,columnNo));
} catch (EvalError e3) {
throw new BSFException("BeanShell script error: " + e3 + sourceInfo(source,lineNo,columnNo));
public Object eval(String source, int lineNo, int columnNo, Object expr) throws BSFException {
if (!(expr instanceof String)) throw new BSFException("BeanShell expression must be a string");
try {
//return interpreter.eval(((String) expr));
Interpreter.ParsedScript script = null;
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(source)) {
script = parsedScripts.get(source);
if (script == null) {
script = interpreter.parseScript(source, new StringReader((String) expr));
Debug.logVerbose("Caching BSH script at: " + source, module);
script = parsedScripts.putIfAbsentAndGet(source, script);
} else {
script = interpreter.parseScript(source, new StringReader((String) expr));
return interpreter.evalParsedScript(script);
} catch (InterpreterError e) {
throw new BSFException("BeanShell interpreter internal error: "+ e + sourceInfo(source,lineNo,columnNo));
} catch (TargetError e2) {
Debug.logError(e2, "Error thrown in BeanShell script called through BSF at: " + sourceInfo(source,lineNo,columnNo), module);
//Debug.logError(e2.getTarget(), module);
throw new BSFException("The application script threw an exception: " + e2 + " " + sourceInfo(source,lineNo,columnNo));
} catch (EvalError e3) {
throw new BSFException("BeanShell script error: " + e3 + sourceInfo(source,lineNo,columnNo));
public void exec(String source, int lineNo, int columnNo, Object script) throws BSFException {
eval(source, lineNo, columnNo, script);
public void compileApply (String source, int lineNo, int columnNo,
Object funcBody, Vector paramNames, Vector arguments, CodeBuffer cb)
throws BSFException;
public void compileExpr (String source, int lineNo, int columnNo,
Object expr, CodeBuffer cb) throws BSFException;
public void compileScript (String source, int lineNo, int columnNo,
Object script, CodeBuffer cb) throws BSFException;
public void declareBean(BSFDeclaredBean bean) throws BSFException {
try {
interpreter.set(, bean.bean);
} catch (EvalError e) {
throw new BSFException("error declaring bean: " + + " : " + e.toString());
public void undeclareBean(BSFDeclaredBean bean) throws BSFException {
try {
} catch (EvalError e) {
throw new BSFException("bsh internal error: " + e.toString());
public void terminate() { }
private String sourceInfo(String source, int lineNo, int columnNo) {
return "BSF info: " + source + " at line: " + lineNo +" column: " + columnNo;