blob: a7f6691c60c5b95ae072ac66958311b78ef30f8e [file] [log] [blame]
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<services xmlns:xsi=""
<description>Handheld Facility Demo Services</description>
<service name="tc_ProductExists" engine="simple"
location="component://hhfacility/minilang/FacilityServices.xml" invoke="tc_ProductExists">
<description>Check Product exists</description>
<attribute name="productId" type="String" mode="IN" optional="false"/>
<service name="tc_ReceiveProductQty" engine="simple"
location="component://hhfacility/minilang/FacilityServices.xml" invoke="tc_ReceiveProductQty">
<description>Receive Product Qty to Facility</description>
<attribute name="facilityId" type="String" mode="IN" optional="false"/>
<attribute name="productId" type="String" mode="IN" optional="false"/>
<attribute name="productQty" type="BigDecimal" mode="IN" optional="false"/>
<attribute name="productLocation" type="String" mode="IN" optional="true"/>
<service name="findProductsById" engine="java"
location="org.apache.ofbiz.hhfacility.FacilityServices" invoke="findProductsById" auth="false">
Returns a map of products based on either productId or SKU.
<attribute name="facilityId" type="String" mode="IN" optional="false"/>
<attribute name="idValue" type="String" mode="IN" optional="false"/>
<attribute name="productList" type="List" mode="OUT" optional="true"/>
<service name="updateProductStocktake" engine="java"
location="org.apache.ofbiz.hhfacility.FacilityServices" invoke="updateProductStocktake" auth="true">
Pass this a productId, facilityId, locationSeqId and a desired QOH and it will adjust stock levels to match.
QOH is expected to be what you can see on the shelf.
Pass in locationSeqIdNew and all inventoryItems found with the above criteria will be moved to the new location.
<attribute name="facilityId" type="String" mode="IN" optional="false"/>
<attribute name="locationSeqId" type="String" mode="IN" optional="false"/>
<attribute name="productId" type="String" mode="IN" optional="false"/>
<attribute name="quantity" type="BigDecimal" mode="IN" optional="false"/>
<attribute name="locationSeqIdNew" type="String" mode="IN" optional="true"/>
<service name="fixProductNegativeQOH" engine="java"
location="org.apache.ofbiz.hhfacility.FacilityServices" invoke="fixProductNegativeQOH" auth="true">
Pass this a productId, facilityId and it will check for negative QOH values and correct them to zero.
ATP will be adjusted the same amount but they may still leave it below zero which can realistically happen.
<attribute name="facilityId" type="String" mode="IN" optional="false"/>
<attribute name="productId" type="String" mode="IN" optional="false"/>