blob: 2dba01592184b094f46daaaf12972aa08347a815 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.ofbiz.entity.model;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.Debug;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilValidate;
import org.ofbiz.entity.Delegator;
import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException;
* Generic Entity - Entity Definition Checker
public class ModelEntityChecker {
public static final String module = ModelEntityChecker.class.getName();
public static void checkEntities(Delegator delegator, List<String> warningList) throws GenericEntityException {
ModelReader reader = delegator.getModelReader();
TreeSet<String> reservedWords = new TreeSet<String>();
Map<String, TreeSet<String>> packages = new HashMap<String, TreeSet<String>>();
TreeSet<String> packageNames = new TreeSet<String>();
TreeSet<String> tableNames = new TreeSet<String>();
//put the entityNames TreeSets in a HashMap by packageName
Collection<String> ec = reader.getEntityNames();
TreeSet<String> entityNames = new TreeSet<String>(ec);
for (String eName: ec) {
ModelEntity ent = reader.getModelEntity(eName);
//make sure the table name is in the list of all table names, if
// not null
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(ent.getPlainTableName()))
TreeSet<String> entities = packages.get(ent.getPackageName());
if (entities == null) {
entities = new TreeSet<String>();
packages.put(ent.getPackageName(), entities);
//int numberOfEntities = ec.size();
int numberShowed = 0;
TreeSet<String> fkNames = new TreeSet<String>();
TreeSet<String> indexNames = new TreeSet<String>();
for (String pName: packageNames) {
TreeSet<String> entities = packages.get(pName);
for (String entityName: entities) {
String helperName = delegator.getEntityHelperName(entityName);
String groupName = delegator.getEntityGroupName(entityName);
ModelEntity entity = reader.getModelEntity(entityName);
if (helperName == null) {
//only show group name warning if helper name not found
if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(groupName)) {
warningList.add("[GroupNotFound] No Group Name found for entity " + entity.getEntityName() + ".");
} else {
warningList.add("[HelperNotFound] No Helper (DataSource) definition found for entity [" + entity.getEntityName() + "] because there is no helper (datasource) configured for the entity group it is in: [" + groupName + "]");
if (entity.getPlainTableName() != null && entity.getPlainTableName().length() > 30) {
warningList.add("[TableNameGT30] Table name [" + entity.getPlainTableName() + "] of entity " + entity.getEntityName() + " is longer than 30 characters.");
if (entity.getPlainTableName() != null && reservedWords.contains(entity.getPlainTableName().toUpperCase())) {
warningList.add("[TableNameRW] Table name [" + entity.getPlainTableName() + "] of entity " + entity.getEntityName() + " is a reserved word.");
// don't check columns/relations/keys when never-check is set to "true"
if (entity.getNeverCheck()) {
TreeSet<String> ufields = new TreeSet<String>();
Iterator<ModelField> fieldIter = entity.getFieldsIterator();
while (fieldIter.hasNext()) {
ModelField field =;
ModelFieldType type = delegator.getEntityFieldType(entity,field.getType());
if (ufields.contains(field.getName())) {
warningList.add("[FieldNotUnique] Field [" + field.getName() + " of entity " + entity.getEntityName() + " is not unique for that entity.");
} else {
if (field.getColName().length() > 30 && !(entity instanceof ModelViewEntity)) {
warningList.add("[FieldNameGT30] Column name [" + field.getColName() + "] of entity " + entity.getEntityName() + " is longer than 30 characters.");
if (field.getColName().length() == 0) {
warningList.add("[FieldNameEQ0] Column name for field name \"" + field.getName() + "\" of entity " + entity.getEntityName() + " is empty (zero length).");
if (reservedWords.contains(field.getColName().toUpperCase()))
warningList.add("[FieldNameRW] Column name " + field.getColName() + " of entity " + entity.getEntityName() + " is a reserved word.");
if (type == null) {
StringBuilder warningMsg = new StringBuilder();
warningMsg.append("[FieldTypeNotFound] Field type " + field.getType() + " of entity " + entity.getEntityName() + " not found in field type definitions");
if (helperName == null) {
warningMsg.append(" (no helper definition found)");
if (entity.getRelationsSize() > 0) {
Iterator<ModelIndex> indexIter = entity.getIndexesIterator();
while (indexIter.hasNext()) {
ModelIndex index =;
if (indexNames.contains(index.getName())) {
warningList.add("[IndexDuplicateName] Index on entity "
+ entity.getEntityName() + " has a duplicate index-name \""
+ index.getName() + "\".");
} else {
if (tableNames.contains(index.getName())) {
warningList.add("[IndexTableDupName] Index on entity "
+ entity.getEntityName() + " has an index-name \""
+ index.getName() + "\" that is also being used as a table name.");
if (fkNames.contains(index.getName())) {
warningList.add("[IndexFKDupName] Index on entity "
+ entity.getEntityName()
+ " has an index-name \""
+ index.getName()
+ "\" that is also being used as a Foreign Key name.");
// make sure all names are <= 18 characters
if (index.getName().length() > 18) {
warningList.add("[IndexNameGT18] The index name " + index.getName() + " (length:" + index.getName().length()
+ ") was greater than 18 characters in length for entity " + entity.getEntityName() + ".");
TreeSet<String> relations = new TreeSet<String>();
for (int r = 0; r < entity.getRelationsSize(); r++) {
ModelRelation relation = entity.getRelation(r);
if (!entityNames.contains(relation.getRelEntityName())) {
warningList.add("[RelatedEntityNotFound] Related entity " + relation.getRelEntityName()
+ " of entity " + entity.getEntityName() + " not found.");
if (relations.contains(relation.getTitle() + relation.getRelEntityName())) {
warningList.add("[RelationNameNotUnique] Relation " + relation.getTitle() + relation.getRelEntityName()
+ " of entity "+ entity.getEntityName() + " is not unique for that entity.");
} else {
relations.add(relation.getTitle() + relation.getRelEntityName());
if (relation.getFkName().length() > 0) {
if (fkNames.contains(relation.getFkName())) {
warningList.add("[RelationFkDuplicate] Relation to "+ relation.getRelEntityName()
+ " from entity " + entity.getEntityName() + " has a duplicate fk-name \""
+ relation.getFkName() + "\".");
} else {
if (tableNames.contains(relation.getFkName())) {
warningList.add("[RelationFkTableDup] Relation to " + relation.getRelEntityName() + " from entity "
+ entity.getEntityName() + " has an fk-name \""
+ relation.getFkName() + "\" that is also being used as a table name.");
if (indexNames.contains(relation.getFkName())) {
warningList.add("[RelationFkTableDup] Relation to " + relation.getRelEntityName() + " from entity "
+ entity.getEntityName() + " has an fk-name \""
+ relation.getFkName() + "\" that is also being used as an index name.");
// make sure all FK names are <= 18 characters
if (relation.getFkName().length() > 18) {
warningList.add("[RelFKNameGT18] The foreign key named " + relation.getFkName()
+ " (length:" + relation.getFkName().length()
+ ") was greater than 18 characters in length for relation " + relation.getTitle() + relation.getRelEntityName()
+ " of entity " + entity.getEntityName() + ".");
ModelEntity relatedEntity = null;
try {
relatedEntity = reader.getModelEntity(relation.getRelEntityName());
} catch (GenericEntityException e) {
Debug.logInfo("Entity referred to in relation is not defined: " + relation.getRelEntityName(), module);
if (relatedEntity != null) {
//if relation is of type one, make sure keyMaps
// match the PK of the relatedEntity
if ("one".equals(relation.getType()) || "one-nofk".equals(relation.getType())) {
if (relatedEntity.getPksSize() != relation.getKeyMaps().size())
warningList.add("[RelatedOneKeyMapsWrongSize] The number of primary keys (" + relatedEntity.getPksSize()
+ ") of related entity " + relation.getRelEntityName()
+ " does not match the number of keymaps (" + relation.getKeyMaps().size()
+ ") for relation of type one \"" + relation.getTitle() + relation.getRelEntityName()
+ "\" of entity " + entity.getEntityName() + ".");
Iterator<ModelField> pksIter = relatedEntity.getPksIterator();
while (pksIter.hasNext()) {
ModelField pk =;
if (relation.findKeyMapByRelated(pk.getName()) == null) {
warningList.add("[RelationOneRelatedPrimaryKeyMissing] The primary key \"" + pk.getName()
+ "\" of related entity " + relation.getRelEntityName()
+ " is missing in the keymaps for relation of type one " + relation.getTitle() + relation.getRelEntityName()
+ " of entity " + entity.getEntityName() + ".");
//make sure all keyMap 'fieldName's match fields of
// this entity
//make sure all keyMap 'relFieldName's match fields of
// the relatedEntity
for (ModelKeyMap keyMap : relation.getKeyMaps()) {
ModelField field = entity.getField(keyMap.getFieldName());
ModelField rfield = null;
if (relatedEntity != null) {
rfield = relatedEntity.getField(keyMap.getRelFieldName());
if (rfield == null) {
warningList.add("[RelationRelatedFieldNotFound] The field \"" + keyMap.getRelFieldName()
+ "\" of related entity " + relation.getRelEntityName()
+ " was specified in the keymaps but is not found for relation " + relation.getTitle() + relation.getRelEntityName()
+ " of entity " + entity.getEntityName() + ".");
if (field == null) {
warningList.add("[RelationFieldNotFound] The field " + keyMap.getFieldName()
+ " was specified in the keymaps but is not found for relation " + relation.getTitle() + relation.getRelEntityName()
+ " of entity " + entity.getEntityName() + ".");
if (field != null && rfield != null) {
//this was the old check, now more constrained
// to keep things cleaner:
// if (!field.getType().equals(rfield.getType())
// &&
// !field.getType().startsWith(rfield.getType())
// &&
// !rfield.getType().startsWith(field.getType()))
// {
if (!field.getType().equals(rfield.getType()) && !field.getType().equals(rfield.getType() + "-ne") && !rfield.getType().equals(field.getType() + "-ne")) {
warningList.add("[RelationFieldTypesDifferent] The field type ("+ field.getType()
+ ") of " + field.getName() + " of entity " + entity.getEntityName()
+ " is not the same as field type (" + rfield.getType() + ") of "
+ rfield.getName() + " of entity " + relation.getRelEntityName() + " for relation "
+ relation.getTitle() + relation.getRelEntityName() + ".");
public static final String[] rwArray = { "ABORT", "ABS", "ABSOLUTE",
"KEY", "KEYS", "KILL",
"LOWER", "LPAD", "LT",
public static void initReservedWords(TreeSet<String> reservedWords) {
//create extensive list of reserved words
int asize = rwArray.length;
Debug.logInfo("[initReservedWords] array length=" + asize, module);
for (int i = 0; i < asize; i++) {