blob: b1cb691401c063b4d75dba1becae7aa9b2780d1e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.ofbiz.entity.jdbc;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.Blob;
import java.sql.Clob;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.Debug;
import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericDataSourceException;
import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException;
import org.ofbiz.entity.config.model.Datasource;
import org.ofbiz.entity.config.EntityConfigUtil;
import org.ofbiz.entity.datasource.GenericHelperInfo;
import org.ofbiz.entity.transaction.GenericTransactionException;
import org.ofbiz.entity.transaction.TransactionUtil;
* SQLProcessor - provides utility functions to ease database access
public class SQLProcessor {
/** Module Name Used for debugging */
public static final String module = SQLProcessor.class.getName();
/** Used for testing connections when test is enabled */
public static List<String> CONNECTION_TEST_LIST = new ArrayList<String>();
public static int MAX_CONNECTIONS = 1000;
public static boolean ENABLE_TEST = false;
/** The datasource helper (see entityengine.xml <datasource name="..">) */
private GenericHelperInfo helperInfo;
// / The database resources to be used
private Connection _connection = null;
// / The database resources to be used
private PreparedStatement _ps = null;
// / The database resources to be used
private ResultSet _rs = null;
private ResultSetMetaData _rsmd = null;
// / The SQL String used. Use for debugging only
private String _sql;
// / Index to be used with preparedStatement.setValue(_ind, ...)
private int _ind;
// / true in case of manual transactions
private boolean _manualTX;
// / true in case the connection shall be closed.
private boolean _bDeleteConnection = false;
* Construct an object based on the helper/datasource
* @param helperInfo The datasource helper (see entityengine.xml &lt;datasource name=".."&gt;)
public SQLProcessor(GenericHelperInfo helperInfo) {
this.helperInfo = helperInfo;
this._manualTX = true;
* Construct an object with an connection given. The connection will not
* be closed by this SQLProcessor, but may be by some other.
* @param helperInfo The datasource helper (see entityengine.xml &lt;datasource name=".."&gt;)
* @param connection The connection to be used
public SQLProcessor(GenericHelperInfo helperInfo, Connection connection) {
this.helperInfo = helperInfo;
this._connection = connection;
// Do not commit while closing
if (_connection != null) {
_manualTX = false;
ResultSetMetaData getResultSetMetaData() {
if (_rsmd == null) {
// try the ResultSet, if not null, or try the PreparedStatement, also if not null
try {
if (_rs != null) {
_rsmd = _rs.getMetaData();
} else if (_ps != null) {
_rsmd = _ps.getMetaData();
} catch (SQLException sqle2) {
Debug.logWarning("[SQLProcessor.rollback]: SQL Exception while rolling back insert. Error was:" + sqle2, module);
Debug.logWarning(sqle2, module);
return _rsmd;
* Commit all modifications
* @throws GenericDataSourceException
public void commit() throws GenericDataSourceException {
if (_connection == null) {
if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("SQLProcessor:commit() _manualTX=" + _manualTX, module);
if (_manualTX) {
try {
if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("SQLProcessor:commit() : called commit on connection", module);
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
Debug.logError(sqle, "Error committing transaction: " + sqle.toString());
try {
} catch (GenericDataSourceException rbsqle) {
Debug.logError(rbsqle, "Got another error when trying to rollback after error committing transaction: " + sqle.toString());
throw new GenericDataSourceException("SQL Exception occurred on commit", sqle);
* Rollback all modifications
public void rollback() throws GenericDataSourceException {
if (_connection == null) {
if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("SQLProcessor:rollback() _manualTX=" + _manualTX, module);
try {
if (_manualTX) {
if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("SQLProcessor:rollback() : _manualTX=" + _manualTX, module);
} else {
try {
TransactionUtil.setRollbackOnly("rollback called in Entity Engine SQLProcessor", new Exception("Current Location Stack"));
if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("SQLProcessor:rollback() : _manualTX=" + _manualTX, module);
} catch (GenericTransactionException e) {
Debug.logError(e, "Error setting rollback only", module);
throw new GenericDataSourceException("Error setting rollback only", e);
} catch (SQLException sqle2) {
Debug.logWarning("[SQLProcessor.rollback]: SQL Exception while rolling back insert. Error was:" + sqle2, module);
Debug.logWarning(sqle2, module);
* Commit if required and remove all allocated resources
* @throws GenericDataSourceException
public void close() throws GenericDataSourceException {
if (_manualTX) {
if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("SQLProcessor:close() calling commit : _manualTX=" + _manualTX, module);
_sql = null;
if (_rs != null) {
try {
if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("SQLProcessor:close() result close : _manualTX=" + _manualTX, module);
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
Debug.logWarning(sqle.getMessage(), module);
_rs = null;
if (_ps != null) {
try {
if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("SQLProcessor:close() preparedStatement close : _manualTX=" + _manualTX, module);
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
Debug.logWarning(sqle.getMessage(), module);
_ps = null;
if ((_connection != null) && _bDeleteConnection) {
try {
if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("SQLProcessor:close() connection close : _manualTX=" + _manualTX, module);
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
Debug.logWarning(sqle.getMessage(), module);
_connection = null;
* Get a connection from the ConnectionFactory
* @return The connection created
* @throws GenericDataSourceException
* @throws GenericEntityException
public Connection getConnection() throws GenericDataSourceException, GenericEntityException {
if (_connection != null)
return _connection;
_manualTX = true;
try {
_connection = ConnectionFactory.getConnection(helperInfo);
if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("SQLProcessor:connection() : manualTx=" + _manualTX, module);
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
throw new GenericDataSourceException("Unable to esablish a connection with the database.", sqle);
// make sure we actually did get a connection
if (_connection == null) {
throw new GenericDataSourceException("Unable to esablish a connection with the database. Connection was null!");
// test the connection
/* causes problems w/ postgres ??
if (Debug.verboseOn()) {
int isoLevel = -999;
try {
isoLevel = _connection.getTransactionIsolation();
} catch (SQLException e) {
Debug.logError(e, "Problems getting the connection's isolation level", module);
if (isoLevel == Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE) {
Debug.logVerbose("Transaction isolation level set to 'None'.", module);
} else if (isoLevel == Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED) {
Debug.logVerbose("Transaction isolation level set to 'ReadCommited'.", module);
} else if (isoLevel == Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED) {
Debug.logVerbose("Transaction isolation level set to 'ReadUncommitted'.", module);
} else if (isoLevel == Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ) {
Debug.logVerbose("Transaction isolation level set to 'RepeatableRead'.", module);
} else if (isoLevel == Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE) {
Debug.logVerbose("Transaction isolation level set to 'Serializable'.", module);
// always try to set auto commit to false, but if we can't then later on we won't commit
try {
if (_connection.getAutoCommit()) {
try {
if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("SQLProcessor:setAutoCommit(false) : manualTx=" + _manualTX, module);
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
_manualTX = false;
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new GenericDataSourceException("Cannot get autoCommit status from connection", e);
try {
if (TransactionUtil.getStatus() == TransactionUtil.STATUS_ACTIVE) {
if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("[SQLProcessor.getConnection] : active transaction", module);
_manualTX = false;
} catch (GenericTransactionException e) {
// nevermind, don't worry about it, but print the exc anyway
Debug.logWarning("[SQLProcessor.getConnection]: Exception was thrown trying to check " +
"transaction status: " + e.toString(), module);
if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("[SQLProcessor.getConnection] : con=" + _connection, module);
_bDeleteConnection = true;
return _connection;
* Prepare a statement. In case no connection has been given, allocate a
* new one.
* @param sql The SQL statement to be executed
* @throws GenericDataSourceException
* @throws GenericEntityException
public void prepareStatement(String sql) throws GenericDataSourceException, GenericEntityException {
this.prepareStatement(sql, false, 0, 0, -1, -1);
* Prepare a statement. In case no connection has been given, allocate a
* new one.
* @param sql The SQL statement to be executed
* @throws GenericDataSourceException
* @throws GenericEntityException
public void prepareStatement(String sql, boolean specifyTypeAndConcur, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency) throws GenericDataSourceException, GenericEntityException {
this.prepareStatement(sql, specifyTypeAndConcur, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency, -1, -1);
* Prepare a statement. In case no connection has been given, allocate a
* new one.
* @param sql The SQL statement to be executed
* @throws GenericDataSourceException
* @throws GenericEntityException
public void prepareStatement(String sql, boolean specifyTypeAndConcur, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency, int fetchSize, int maxRows) throws GenericDataSourceException, GenericEntityException {
if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("[SQLProcessor.prepareStatement] sql=" + sql, module);
if (_connection == null) {
try {
_sql = sql;
_ind = 1;
if (specifyTypeAndConcur) {
_ps = _connection.prepareStatement(sql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency);
if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("[SQLProcessor.prepareStatement] _ps=" + _ps, module);
} else {
_ps = _connection.prepareStatement(sql);
if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("[SQLProcessor.prepareStatement] (def) _ps=" + _ps, module);
if (maxRows > 0) {
if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("[SQLProcessor.prepareStatement] max rows set : " + maxRows, module);
this.setFetchSize(_ps, fetchSize);
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
throw new GenericDataSourceException("SQL Exception while executing the following:" + sql, sqle);
* Execute a query based on the prepared statement
* @return The result set of the query
* @throws GenericDataSourceException
public ResultSet executeQuery() throws GenericDataSourceException {
try {
// if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("[SQLProcessor.executeQuery] ps=" + _ps.toString(), module);
_rs = _ps.executeQuery();
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
throw new GenericDataSourceException("SQL Exception while executing the following:" + _sql, sqle);
return _rs;
* Execute a query based on the SQL string given
* @param sql The SQL string to be executed
* @return The result set of the query
* @throws GenericEntityException
* @throws GenericDataSourceException
public ResultSet executeQuery(String sql) throws GenericDataSourceException, GenericEntityException {
return executeQuery();
* Execute updates
* @return The number of rows updated
* @throws GenericDataSourceException
public int executeUpdate() throws GenericDataSourceException {
try {
// if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("[SQLProcessor.executeUpdate] ps=" + _ps.toString(), module);
return _ps.executeUpdate();
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
// don't display this here, may not be critical, allow handling further up... Debug.logError(sqle, "SQLProcessor.executeUpdate() : ERROR : ", module);
throw new GenericDataSourceException("SQL Exception while executing the following:" + _sql, sqle);
* Execute update based on the SQL statement given
* @param sql SQL statement to be executed
* @throws GenericDataSourceException
public int executeUpdate(String sql) throws GenericDataSourceException {
Statement stmt = null;
try {
stmt = _connection.createStatement();
return stmt.executeUpdate(sql);
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
// passing on this exception as nested, no need to log it here: Debug.logError(sqle, "SQLProcessor.executeUpdate(sql) : ERROR : ", module);
throw new GenericDataSourceException("SQL Exception while executing the following:" + _sql, sqle);
} finally {
if (stmt != null) {
try {
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
Debug.logWarning("Unable to close 'statement': " + sqle.getMessage(), module);
* Test if there more records available
* @return true, if there more records available
* @throws GenericDataSourceException
public boolean next() throws GenericDataSourceException {
try {
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
throw new GenericDataSourceException("SQL Exception while executing the following:" + _sql, sqle);
* Getter: get the currently active ResultSet
* @return ResultSet
public ResultSet getResultSet() {
return _rs;
* Getter: get the prepared statement
* @return PreparedStatement
public PreparedStatement getPreparedStatement() {
return _ps;
* Execute a query based on the SQL string given. For each record
* of the ResultSet return, execute a callback function
* @param sql The SQL string to be executed
* @param aListener The callback function object
* @throws GenericEntityException
public void execQuery(String sql, ExecQueryCallbackFunctionIF aListener) throws GenericEntityException {
if (_connection == null) {
try {
if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("[SQLProcessor.execQuery]: " + sql, module);
// process the results by calling the listener for
// each row...
boolean keepGoing = true;
while (keepGoing && {
keepGoing = aListener.processNextRow(_rs);
if (_manualTX) {
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
Debug.logWarning("[SQLProcessor.execQuery]: SQL Exception while executing the following:\n" +
sql + "\nError was:", module);
Debug.logWarning(sqle.getMessage(), module);
throw new GenericEntityException("SQL Exception while executing the following:" + _sql, sqle);
} finally {
* Set the next binding variable of the currently active prepared statement.
* @param handler
* @param field
* @throws SQLException
public <T> void setValue(JdbcValueHandler<T> handler, T field) throws SQLException {
handler.setValue(_ps, _ind, field);
* Set the next binding variable of the currently active prepared statement.
* @param field
* @throws SQLException
public void setValue(String field) throws SQLException {
//ResultSetMetaData rsmd = this.getResultSetMetaData();
//this doesn't seem to work, query not yet parsed: int colType = rsmd.getColumnType(_ind);
if (field != null) {
//if (field.length() > 4000) {
//Clob clb = new Cl
// doesn't work with Oracle drivers, need the funky work-around: _ps.setCharacterStream(_ind, new StringReader(field), field.length());
//_needClobWorkAroundWrite.put(Integer.valueOf(_ind), field);
//_ps.setString(_ind, " ");
//} else {
_ps.setString(_ind, field);
} else {
// silly workaround for Derby (Cloudscape 10 beta Bug #5928)
// this should be removed after the know bug is fixed
try {
_ps.setNull(_ind, Types.VARCHAR);
} catch (SQLException e) {
try {
_ps.setString(_ind, null);
} catch (SQLException e2) {
Debug.logError(e2, module);
throw e;
* Set the next binding variable of the currently active prepared statement.
* @param field
* @throws SQLException
public void setValue(java.sql.Timestamp field) throws SQLException {
if (field != null) {
_ps.setTimestamp(_ind, field);
} else {
_ps.setNull(_ind, Types.TIMESTAMP);
* Set the next binding variable of the currently active prepared statement.
* @param field
* @throws SQLException
public void setValue(java.sql.Time field) throws SQLException {
if (field != null) {
_ps.setTime(_ind, field);
} else {
_ps.setNull(_ind, Types.TIME);
* Set the next binding variable of the currently active prepared statement.
* @param field
* @throws SQLException
public void setValue(java.sql.Date field) throws SQLException {
if (field != null) {
_ps.setDate(_ind, field);
} else {
_ps.setNull(_ind, Types.DATE);
* Set the next binding variable of the currently active prepared statement.
* @param field
* @throws SQLException
public void setValue(Integer field) throws SQLException {
if (field != null) {
_ps.setInt(_ind, field.intValue());
} else {
_ps.setNull(_ind, Types.NUMERIC);
* Set the next binding variable of the currently active prepared statement.
* @param field
* @throws SQLException
public void setValue(Long field) throws SQLException {
if (field != null) {
_ps.setLong(_ind, field.longValue());
} else {
_ps.setNull(_ind, Types.NUMERIC);
* Set the next binding variable of the currently active prepared statement.
* @param field
* @throws SQLException
public void setValue(Float field) throws SQLException {
if (field != null) {
_ps.setFloat(_ind, field.floatValue());
} else {
_ps.setNull(_ind, Types.NUMERIC);
* Set the next binding variable of the currently active prepared statement.
* @param field
* @throws SQLException
public void setValue(Double field) throws SQLException {
if (field != null) {
_ps.setDouble(_ind, field.doubleValue());
} else {
_ps.setNull(_ind, Types.NUMERIC);
* Set the next binding variable of the currently active prepared statement.
* @param field
* @throws SQLException
public void setValue(BigDecimal field) throws SQLException {
if (field != null) {
_ps.setBigDecimal(_ind, field);
} else {
_ps.setNull(_ind, Types.NUMERIC);
* Set the next binding variable of the currently active prepared statement.
* @param field
* @throws SQLException
public void setValue(Boolean field) throws SQLException {
if (field != null) {
_ps.setBoolean(_ind, field.booleanValue());
} else {
_ps.setNull(_ind, Types.BOOLEAN);
* Set the next binding variable of the currently active prepared statement.
* @param field
* @throws SQLException
public void setValue(Object field) throws SQLException {
if (field != null) {
_ps.setObject(_ind, field, Types.JAVA_OBJECT);
} else {
_ps.setNull(_ind, Types.JAVA_OBJECT);
* Set the next binding variable of the currently active prepared statement
* @param field
* @throws SQLException
public void setValue(Blob field) throws SQLException {
if (field != null) {
_ps.setBlob(_ind, field);
} else {
Datasource datasourceInfo = EntityConfigUtil.getDatasource(this.helperInfo.getHelperBaseName());
if (datasourceInfo.getUseBinaryTypeForBlob()) {
_ps.setNull(_ind, Types.BINARY);
} else {
_ps.setNull(_ind, Types.BLOB);
* Set the next binding variable of the currently active prepared statement
* @param field
* @throws SQLException
public void setValue(Clob field) throws SQLException {
if (field != null) {
_ps.setClob(_ind, field);
} else {
_ps.setNull(_ind, Types.CLOB);
* Set the next binding variable of the currently active prepared statement
* to write the serialized data of 'field' to a BLOB.
* @param field
* @throws SQLException
public void setBinaryStream(Object field) throws SQLException {
if (field != null) {
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(os);
byte[] buf = os.toByteArray();
ByteArrayInputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(buf);
_ps.setBinaryStream(_ind, is, buf.length);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new SQLException(ex.getMessage());
} else {
Datasource datasourceInfo = EntityConfigUtil.getDatasource(this.helperInfo.getHelperBaseName());
if (datasourceInfo.getUseBinaryTypeForBlob()) {
_ps.setNull(_ind, Types.BINARY);
} else {
_ps.setNull(_ind, Types.BLOB);
* Set the next binding variable of the currently active prepared statement
* to write the serialized data of 'field' to a Blob with the given bytes.
* @param bytes
* @throws SQLException
public void setBytes(byte[] bytes) throws SQLException {
if (bytes != null) {
_ps.setBytes(_ind, bytes);
} else {
Datasource datasourceInfo = EntityConfigUtil.getDatasource(this.helperInfo.getHelperBaseName());
if (datasourceInfo.getUseBinaryTypeForBlob()) {
_ps.setNull(_ind, Types.BINARY);
} else {
_ps.setNull(_ind, Types.BLOB);
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
Debug.logError(e, "Error closing the result, connection, etc in finalize SQLProcessor", module);
protected void testConnection(Connection con) throws GenericEntityException {
if (SQLProcessor.ENABLE_TEST) {
if (SQLProcessor.CONNECTION_TEST_LIST.contains(con.toString())) {
throw new GenericEntityException("Connection the exact same as index " + SQLProcessor.CONNECTION_TEST_LIST.indexOf(con.toString()));
protected void setFetchSize(Statement stmt, int fetchSize) throws SQLException {
// do not set fetch size when using the cursor connection
if (_connection instanceof CursorConnection) return;
// check if the statement was called with a specific fetch size, if not grab the default from the datasource
if (fetchSize < 0) {
Datasource ds = EntityConfigUtil.getDatasource(this.helperInfo.getHelperBaseName());
if (ds != null) {
fetchSize = ds.getResultFetchSize();
} else {
Debug.logWarning("Datasource is null, not setting fetch size!", module);
// otherwise only set if the size is > -1 (0 is sometimes used to note ALL rows)
if (fetchSize > -1) {
private void checkLockWaitInfo(Exception sqle) {
String eMsg = sqle.getMessage();
// see if there is a lock wait timeout error, if so try to get and print more info about it
// the string for Derby is "A lock could not be obtained within the time requested"
// the string for MySQL is "Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction"
if (eMsg.indexOf("A lock could not be obtained within the time requested") >= 0 ||
eMsg.indexOf("Lock wait timeout exceeded") >= 0) {
Debug.logWarning(sqle, "Lock wait timeout error found in thread [" + Thread.currentThread().getId() + "]: (" + eMsg + ") when executing the SQL [" + _sql + "]", module);