blob: cc2a234e338265b1843ab6ebd78f415ca6aa42a3 [file] [log] [blame]
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// This script gets shipment items grouped by package for use in the packing slip PDF or any screens that require by-package layout
import org.ofbiz.base.util.*;
import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.*;
import org.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityTypeUtil
// Since this script is run after ViewShipment, we will re-use the shipment in the context
shipment = context.shipment;
if (!shipment) {
// get the packages related to this shipment in order of packages
shipmentPackages = shipment.getRelated("ShipmentPackage", null, ['shipmentPackageSeqId'], false);
// first we scan the shipment items and count the quantity of each product that is being shipped
quantityShippedByProduct = [:];
quantityInShipmentByProduct = [:];
shipmentItems = shipment.getRelated("ShipmentItem", null, null, false);
shipmentItems.each { shipmentItem ->
productId = shipmentItem.productId;
shipped = quantityShippedByProduct.get(productId);
if (!shipped) {
shipped = 0 as Double;
shipped += shipmentItem.getDouble("quantity").doubleValue();
quantityShippedByProduct.put(productId, shipped);
quantityInShipmentByProduct.put(productId, shipped);
// Add in the total of all previously shipped items
previousShipmentIter = delegator.find("Shipment",
EntityCondition.makeCondition("primaryOrderId", EntityOperator.EQUALS, shipment.getString("primaryOrderId")),
EntityCondition.makeCondition("shipmentTypeId", EntityOperator.EQUALS, "SALES_SHIPMENT"),
EntityCondition.makeCondition("createdDate", EntityOperator.LESS_THAN_EQUAL_TO,
ObjectType.simpleTypeConvert(shipment.getString("createdDate"), "Timestamp", null, null))
EntityOperator.AND), null, null, null, null);
while (previousShipmentItem = {
if (!previousShipmentItem.shipmentId.equals(shipment.shipmentId)) {
previousShipmentItems = previousShipmentItem.getRelated("ShipmentItem", null, null, false);
previousShipmentItems.each { shipmentItem ->
productId = shipmentItem.productId;
shipped = quantityShippedByProduct.get(productId);
if (!shipped) {
shipped = new Double(0);
shipped += shipmentItem.getDouble("quantity").doubleValue();
quantityShippedByProduct.put(productId, shipped);
// next scan the order items (via issuances) to count the quantity of each product requested
quantityRequestedByProduct = [:];
countedOrderItems = [:]; // this map is only used to keep track of the order items already counted
order = shipment.getRelatedOne("PrimaryOrderHeader", false);
issuances = order.getRelated("ItemIssuance", null, null, false);
issuances.each { issuance ->
orderItem = issuance.getRelatedOne("OrderItem", false);
productId = orderItem.productId;
if (!countedOrderItems.containsKey(orderItem.orderId + orderItem.orderItemSeqId)) {
countedOrderItems.put(orderItem.orderId + orderItem.orderItemSeqId, null);
requested = quantityRequestedByProduct.get(productId);
if (!requested) {
requested = new Double(0);
cancelQuantity = orderItem.getDouble("cancelQuantity");
quantity = orderItem.getDouble("quantity");
requested += quantity.doubleValue() - (cancelQuantity ? cancelQuantity.doubleValue() : 0);
quantityRequestedByProduct.put(productId, requested);
// for each package, we want to list the quantities and details of each product
packages = []; // note we assume that the package number is simply the index + 1 of this list
shipmentPackages.each { shipmentPackage ->
contents = shipmentPackage.getRelated("ShipmentPackageContent", null, ['shipmentItemSeqId'], false);
// each line is one logical Product and the quantities associated with it
lines = [];
contents.each { content ->
shipmentItem = content.getRelatedOne("ShipmentItem", false);
product = shipmentItem.getRelatedOne("Product", false);
productTypeId = product.get("productTypeId");
line = [:];
line.product = product;
line.quantityRequested = quantityRequestedByProduct.get(product.productId);
line.quantityInPackage = content.quantity;
if (EntityTypeUtil.hasParentType(delegator, "ProductType", "productTypeId", productTypeId, "parentTypeId", "MARKETING_PKG_PICK") && line.quantityInPackage > line.quantityRequested) {
line.quantityInPackage = line.quantityRequested;
line.quantityInShipment = quantityInShipmentByProduct.get(product.productId);
if (EntityTypeUtil.hasParentType(delegator, "ProductType", "productTypeId", productTypeId, "parentTypeId", "MARKETING_PKG_PICK") && line.quantityInShipment > line.quantityRequested) {
line.quantityInShipment = line.quantityRequested;
line.quantityShipped = quantityShippedByProduct.get(product.productId);
if (EntityTypeUtil.hasParentType(delegator, "ProductType", "productTypeId", productTypeId, "parentTypeId", "MARKETING_PKG_PICK") && line.quantityShipped > line.quantityRequested) {
line.quantityShipped = line.quantityRequested;
context.packages = packages;