blob: cbab97c53f124cb4a15280a40ad25288399d8801 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.ofbiz.base.util.*;
import org.ofbiz.order.order.*;
import org.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityUtil;
import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityCondition;
facilityId = parameters.facilityId;
if (facilityId) {
facility = delegator.findOne("Facility", [facilityId : facilityId], false);
context.facilityId = facilityId;
context.facility = facility;
// order based packing
orderId = parameters.orderId;
shipGroupSeqId = parameters.shipGroupSeqId;
shipmentId = parameters.shipmentId;
if (!shipmentId) {
shipmentId = request.getAttribute("shipmentId");
context.shipmentId = shipmentId;
// If a shipment exists, provide the IDs of any related invoices
invoiceIds = null;
if (shipmentId) {
// Get the primaryOrderId from the shipment
shipment = delegator.findOne("Shipment", [shipmentId : shipmentId], false);
if (shipment && shipment.primaryOrderId) {
orderItemBillingList = delegator.findList("OrderItemBilling", EntityCondition.makeCondition([orderId : shipment.primaryOrderId]), null, ['invoiceId'], null, false);
invoiceIds = EntityUtil.getFieldListFromEntityList(orderItemBillingList, "invoiceId", true);
if (invoiceIds) {
context.invoiceIds = invoiceIds;
// validate order information
if (orderId && !shipGroupSeqId && orderId.indexOf("/") > -1) {
// split the orderID/shipGroupSeqID
idSplit = orderId.split("\\/");
orderId = idSplit[0];
shipGroupSeqId = idSplit[1];
} else if (orderId && !shipGroupSeqId) {
shipGroupSeqId = "00001";
// setup the packing session
packSession = session.getAttribute("packingSession");
clear = parameters.clear;
if (!packSession) {
packSession = new org.ofbiz.shipment.packing.PackingSession(dispatcher, userLogin);
session.setAttribute("packingSession", packSession);
Debug.log("Created NEW packing session!!");
} else {
if (packSession.getStatus() == 0) {
OrderReadHelper orh = new OrderReadHelper(delegator, orderId);
shipGrp = orh.getOrderItemShipGroup(shipGroupSeqId);
context.shippedShipGroupSeqId = shipGroupSeqId;
context.shippedOrderId = orderId;
context.shippedCarrier = shipGrp.carrierPartyId;
shipGroupSeqId = null;
orderId = null;
} else if (clear) {
// picklist based packing information
picklistBinId = parameters.picklistBinId;
// see if the bin ID is already set
if (!picklistBinId) {
picklistBinId = packSession.getPicklistBinId();
if (picklistBinId) {
bin = delegator.findOne("PicklistBin", [picklistBinId : picklistBinId], false);
if (bin) {
orderId = bin.primaryOrderId;
shipGroupSeqId = bin.primaryShipGroupSeqId;
packSession.addItemInfo(bin.getRelated("PicklistItem", [itemStatusId : 'PICKITEM_PENDING'], null, false));
//context.put("picklistItemInfos", bin.getRelated("PicklistItem", UtilMisc.toMap("itemStatusId", "PICKITEM_PENDING"), null, false));
} else {
picklistBinId = null;
// make sure we always re-set the infos
if (invoiceIds) {
orderId = null;
shipment = EntityUtil.getFirst(delegator.findByAnd("Shipment", [primaryOrderId : orderId, statusId : "SHIPMENT_PICKED"], null, false));
context.shipment = shipment;
context.packingSession = packSession;
context.orderId = orderId;
context.shipGroupSeqId = shipGroupSeqId;
context.picklistBinId = picklistBinId;
// grab the order information
if (orderId) {
orderHeader = delegator.findOne("OrderHeader", [orderId : orderId], false);
if (orderHeader) {
OrderReadHelper orh = new OrderReadHelper(orderHeader);
context.orderId = orderId;
context.orderHeader = orderHeader;
context.orderReadHelper = orh;
orderItemShipGroup = orh.getOrderItemShipGroup(shipGroupSeqId);
context.orderItemShipGroup = orderItemShipGroup;
carrierPartyId = orderItemShipGroup.carrierPartyId;
carrierShipmentBoxTypes = delegator.findList("CarrierShipmentBoxType", EntityCondition.makeCondition([partyId : carrierPartyId]), null, null, null, false);
if (carrierShipmentBoxTypes) {
context.carrierShipmentBoxTypes = carrierShipmentBoxTypes;
if ("ORDER_APPROVED".equals(orderHeader.statusId)) {
if (shipGroupSeqId) {
if (!shipment) {
// Generate the shipment cost estimate for the ship group
productStoreId = orh.getProductStoreId();
shippableItemInfo = orh.getOrderItemAndShipGroupAssoc(shipGroupSeqId);
shippableItems = delegator.findList("OrderItemAndShipGrpInvResAndItemSum", EntityCondition.makeCondition([orderId : orderId, shipGroupSeqId : shipGroupSeqId]), null, null, null, false);
shippableTotal = new Double(orh.getShippableTotal(shipGroupSeqId).doubleValue());
shippableWeight = new Double(orh.getShippableWeight(shipGroupSeqId).doubleValue());
shippableQuantity = new Double(orh.getShippableQuantity(shipGroupSeqId).doubleValue());
if (orderItemShipGroup.contactMechId && orderItemShipGroup.shipmentMethodTypeId && orderItemShipGroup.carrierPartyId && orderItemShipGroup.carrierRoleTypeId) {
shipmentCostEstimate = packSession.getShipmentCostEstimate(orderItemShipGroup, productStoreId, shippableItemInfo, shippableTotal, shippableWeight, shippableQuantity);
context.shipmentCostEstimateForShipGroup = shipmentCostEstimate;
context.productStoreId = productStoreId;
if (!picklistBinId) {
//context.put("itemInfos", shippableItemInfo);
} else {
request.setAttribute("_ERROR_MESSAGE_", UtilProperties.getMessage("OrderErrorUiLabels", "OrderErrorOrderHasBeenAlreadyVerified", [orderId : orderId], locale));
} else {
request.setAttribute("errorMessageList", ['No ship group sequence ID. Cannot process.']);
} else {
request.setAttribute("errorMessageList", ["Order #" + orderId + " is not approved for packing."]);
} else {
request.setAttribute("errorMessageList", ["Order #" + orderId + " cannot be found."]);
// Try to get the defaultWeightUomId first from the facility, then from the shipment properties, and finally defaulting to kilos
defaultWeightUomId = null;
if (facility) {
defaultWeightUomId = facility.defaultWeightUomId;
if (!defaultWeightUomId) {
defaultWeightUomId = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("", "shipment.default.weight.uom", "WT_kg");
context.defaultWeightUomId = defaultWeightUomId;