Add a README with a list of issues from jira that it might be nice
to have implemented in this branch.

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/README-improved-entityengine-features.txt b/README-improved-entityengine-features.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de00aa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README-improved-entityengine-features.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+Below is a list of issues filed in jira that might be nice to have
+implemented in this branch.  This list is not absolute.  What is below
+is just a quick run-through of items I saw that seem to be filed
+against the entityengine.  Inclusion below does not imply that the
+request will be implemented.
+Other items could be added in the future; it would be nice to keep
+list uptodate as work progresses.
+	Check in GenericEntity.set whether the new value is different from the current one
+	Fields in extended entity do not override attribute enable-audit-log
+	Improving view-entity creation in both XML and DynamicViewEntity to exclude fields declared as Alias from the SQL Select strings
+	entitymodel - entity-condition inside view-link does not work
+	Support MySQL and Postgres's LIMIT and OFFSET options
+	Conversion for complex-alias needs to be implemented
+	Performance : In TransactionUtil StackTrace begining tracing should not be enabled by default
+	Override UiLabels / Properties through tenant specific database
+	Make entity engine a standalone database access tool/API
+	Implement an Entity Query Builder
+	Introduce a ModelEntityReaderBuilder to decouple ModelEntity and ModelReader
+	add an SQL query manager
+	EntityDateFilterCondition causes the entity cache to return false matches
+	Remove test specific code in the GenericDelegator
+	Delegator removeByXXX do not trigger remove ECA
+	webtools ViewGeneric does not work with entities that have BigDecimal fields
+	revision 897605 breaks certain delegator.find() EntityListIterator calls
+	Allow data load to support explicit "null" values for entity update 
+	Allow entity-data-reader to indicate if it should insert, update, or upsert records
+	delegator.getNextSubSeqId does not guarantee primary key uniqueness
+	let the ofbiz work with db2
+	XML Data Export All does not include data present in blob fields
+	Data filtering in entity views
+	Ofbiz SQL Integration Features
+	EntitySaxReader mostly-insert (store after create-error) Fix
+	GenericDelegator improvements
+	Ofbiz SQL-Logging Extension
+	TransactionUtil Refactoring
+	EntityOperator IN_SUBQUERY enhancement
+	Bug in regarding outer join in oracle theta join mode
+	Improve export/import services
+	Entity Model Reader needs reserved word check
+	data import - nulling fields impossible