blob: a635abe9433414fd1b1dde80edc4e8bedfc9ba35 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
productId = request.getParameter("productId")
if (!productId) {
productId = session.getAttribute("productId")
if (productId) {
product = from("Product").where("productId", productId).cache(true).queryOne()
context.product = product
facilityId = request.getParameter("facilityId")
resultOutput = runService('getInventoryAvailableByFacility', [productId : productId, facilityId : facilityId])
quantitySummary = [:]
quantitySummary.facilityId = facilityId
quantitySummary.atp_qoh = ((Double)resultOutput.availableToPromiseTotal).intValue() + " / " +
context.quantitySummary = quantitySummary
// For now this just generates a visual list of locations set against the product for this facility.
// todo: Will need to be able to edit and change these values at some point in the future.
productFacilityLocList = from("ProductFacilityLocation").where("productId", productId, "facilityId", facilityId).queryList()
facStr = null
productFacilityLocList.each { facilityLoc ->
if (!facStr) {
facStr = facilityLoc.locationSeqId
} else {
facStr = facStr + ", " + facilityLoc.locationSeqId
context.productFacilityLocations = facStr
// Now we build a list of locations for inventory items against the facility.
// todo: change this to a select from inv_items where productId and facilityId matches distinct (locationSeqId).
invItemList = from("InventoryItem").where("productId", productId, "facilityId", facilityId).queryList()
locations = [:]
boolean negativeQOH = false
invItemList.each { invItem ->
int qoh = ((Double)invItem.quantityOnHandTotal).intValue()
if (qoh < 0) {
negativeQOH = true
locationFound = (String)invItem.locationSeqId
if (!locationFound) {
locationFound = "nullField"
if (!locations.get(locationFound)) {
locations.put(locationFound, locationFound)
// Go through and build the list of atp/qoh against each location
productFacilityLocations = new ArrayList()
locationsIter = locations.keySet().iterator()
while (locationsIter.hasNext()) {
location =
resultOutput = runService('getInventoryAvailableByLocation', [productId : productId, facilityId : facilityId, locationSeqId : location])
quantitySummary = [:]
quantitySummary.productId = productId
quantitySummary.facilityId = facilityId
if ("nullField".equals( location ) == true) {
quantitySummary.locationSeqId = ""
} else {
quantitySummary.locationSeqId = location
quantitySummary.atp_qoh = ((Double)resultOutput.availableToPromiseTotal).intValue() + " / " +
context.productQtyByLocations = productFacilityLocations
if (negativeQOH) {
context.negativeQOH = "true"