blob: d4fb1a927a115b28e3022cb14fece0e90107c12b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.ofbiz.entity.util;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.InvalidPropertiesFormatException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.Debug;
import org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.UtilMisc;
import org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.UtilProperties;
import org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.UtilValidate;
import org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.collections.ResourceBundleMapWrapper;
import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.Delegator;
import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.DelegatorFactory;
import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException;
import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue;
public final class EntityUtilProperties implements Serializable {
public final static String module = EntityUtilProperties.class.getName();
private EntityUtilProperties () {}
private static Map<String, String> getSystemPropertyValue(String resource, String name, Delegator delegator) {
Map<String, String> results = new HashMap<>();
results.put("isExistInDb", "N");
results.put("value", "");
if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(resource) || UtilValidate.isEmpty(name)) {
results.put("isExistInDb", "N");
results.put("value", "");
return results;
resource = resource.replace(".properties", "");
try {
GenericValue systemProperty = EntityQuery.use(delegator)
.where("systemResourceId", resource, "systemPropertyId", name)
if (systemProperty != null) {
//property exists in database
results.put("isExistInDb", "Y");
results.put("value", (systemProperty.getString("systemPropertyValue") != null) ? systemProperty.getString("systemPropertyValue") : "");
return results;
} else {
//property does not exists in database
results.put("isExistInDb", "N");
results.put("value", "");
return results;
} catch (GenericEntityException e) {
Debug.logInfo("Could not get a system property for " + name + " : " + e.getMessage(), module);
return results;
public static boolean propertyValueEquals(String resource, String name, String compareString) {
return UtilProperties.propertyValueEquals(resource, name, compareString);
public static boolean propertyValueEqualsIgnoreCase(String resource, String name, String compareString, Delegator delegator) {
Map<String, String> propMap = getSystemPropertyValue(resource, name, delegator);
if ("Y".equals(propMap.get("isExistInDb"))) {
compareString = (compareString == null) ? "" : compareString;
return propMap.get("value").equalsIgnoreCase(compareString);
} else {
return UtilProperties.propertyValueEqualsIgnoreCase(resource, name, compareString);
public static String getPropertyValue(String resource, String name, String defaultValue, Delegator delegator) {
Map<String, String> propMap = getSystemPropertyValue(resource, name, delegator);
if ("Y".equals(propMap.get("isExistInDb"))) {
String s = propMap.get("value");
return (UtilValidate.isEmpty(s)) ? defaultValue : s;
} else {
return UtilProperties.getPropertyValue(resource, name, defaultValue);
public static String getPropertyValueFromDelegatorName(String resource, String name, String defaultValue, String delegatorName) {
Delegator delegator = DelegatorFactory.getDelegator(delegatorName);
if (delegator == null) { // This should not happen, but in case...
Debug.logError("Could not get a delegator. Using the 'default' delegator", module);
// this will be the common case for now as the delegator isn't available where we want to do this
// we'll cheat a little here and assume the default delegator
delegator = DelegatorFactory.getDelegator("default");
Debug.logError("Could not get a delegator. Using the 'default' delegator", module);
if (delegator == null) {
Debug.logError("Could not get a system property for " + name + ". Reason: the delegator is null", module);
Map<String, String> propMap = getSystemPropertyValue(resource, name, delegator);
if ("Y".equals(propMap.get("isExistInDb"))) {
String s = propMap.get("value");
return (UtilValidate.isEmpty(s)) ? defaultValue : s;
} else {
return UtilProperties.getPropertyValue(resource, name, defaultValue);
public static double getPropertyNumber(String resource, String name, double defaultValue) {
return UtilProperties.getPropertyNumber(resource, name, defaultValue);
public static double getPropertyNumber(String resource, String name) {
return UtilProperties.getPropertyNumber(resource, name);
public static Boolean getPropertyAsBoolean(String resource, String name, boolean defaultValue) {
return UtilProperties.getPropertyAsBoolean(resource, name, defaultValue);
public static Integer getPropertyAsInteger(String resource, String name, int defaultNumber) {
return UtilProperties.getPropertyAsInteger(resource, name, defaultNumber);
public static Long getPropertyAsLong(String resource, String name, long defaultNumber) {
return UtilProperties.getPropertyAsLong(resource, name, defaultNumber);
public static Float getPropertyAsFloat(String resource, String name, float defaultNumber) {
return UtilProperties.getPropertyAsFloat(resource, name, defaultNumber);
public static Double getPropertyAsDouble(String resource, String name, double defaultNumber) {
return UtilProperties.getPropertyAsDouble(resource, name, defaultNumber);
public static BigInteger getPropertyAsBigInteger(String resource, String name, BigInteger defaultNumber) {
return UtilProperties.getPropertyAsBigInteger(resource, name, defaultNumber);
public static BigDecimal getPropertyAsBigDecimal(String resource, String name, BigDecimal defaultNumber) {
return UtilProperties.getPropertyAsBigDecimal(resource, name, defaultNumber);
public static String getPropertyValue(String resource, String name, Delegator delegator) {
Map<String, String> propMap = getSystemPropertyValue(resource, name, delegator);
if ("Y".equals(propMap.get("isExistInDb"))) {
return propMap.get("value");
} else {
return UtilProperties.getPropertyValue(resource, name);
public static String getPropertyValueFromDelegatorName(String resource, String name, String delegatorName) {
Delegator delegator = DelegatorFactory.getDelegator(delegatorName);
if (delegator == null) { // This should not happen, but in case...
Debug.logError("Could not get a delegator. Using the 'default' delegator", module);
// this will be the common case for now as the delegator isn't available where we want to do this
// we'll cheat a little here and assume the default delegator
delegator = DelegatorFactory.getDelegator("default");
Debug.logError("Could not get a delegator. Using the 'default' delegator", module);
if (delegator == null) {
Debug.logError("Could not get a system property for " + name + ". Reason: the delegator is null", module);
Map<String, String> propMap = getSystemPropertyValue(resource, name, delegator);
if ("Y".equals(propMap.get("isExistInDb"))) {
return propMap.get("value");
} else {
return UtilProperties.getPropertyValue(resource, name);
public static Properties getProperties(String resource) {
return UtilProperties.getProperties(resource);
public static Properties getProperties(URL url) {
return UtilProperties.getProperties(url);
public static Properties getProperties(Delegator delegator, String resourceName) {
Properties properties = UtilProperties.getProperties(resourceName);
List<GenericValue> gvList;
try {
gvList = EntityQuery.use(delegator)
.where("systemResourceId", resourceName)
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(gvList)) {
for (Iterator<GenericValue> i = gvList.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
GenericValue gv =;
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(gv.getString("systemPropertyValue"))) {
properties.setProperty(gv.getString("systemPropertyId"), gv.getString("systemPropertyValue"));
} catch (GenericEntityException e) {
Debug.logError(e.getMessage(), module);
return properties;
public static boolean propertyValueEquals(URL url, String name, String compareString) {
return UtilProperties.propertyValueEquals(url, name, compareString);
public static boolean propertyValueEqualsIgnoreCase(URL url, String name, String compareString) {
return UtilProperties.propertyValueEqualsIgnoreCase(url, name, compareString);
public static String getPropertyValue(URL url, String name, String defaultValue) {
return UtilProperties.getPropertyValue(url, name, defaultValue);
public static double getPropertyNumber(URL url, String name, double defaultValue) {
return UtilProperties.getPropertyNumber(url, name, defaultValue);
public static double getPropertyNumber(URL url, String name) {
return UtilProperties.getPropertyNumber(url, name);
public static String getPropertyValue(URL url, String name) {
return UtilProperties.getPropertyValue(url, name);
public static String getSplitPropertyValue(URL url, String name) {
return UtilProperties.getSplitPropertyValue(url, name);
public static void setPropertyValue(String resource, String name, String value) {
UtilProperties.setPropertyValue(resource, name, value);
public static void setPropertyValueInMemory(String resource, String name, String value) {
UtilProperties.setPropertyValueInMemory(resource, name, value);
public static String setPropertyValue(Delegator delegator, String resourceName, String name, String value) {
GenericValue gv = null;
String prevValue = null;
try {
gv = EntityQuery.use(delegator)
.where("systemResourceId", resourceName, "systemPropertyId", name)
if (gv != null) {
prevValue = gv.getString("systemPropertyValue");
gv.set("systemPropertyValue", value);
} else {
gv = delegator.makeValue("SystemProperty", UtilMisc.toMap("systemResourceId", resourceName, "systemPropertyId", name, "systemPropertyValue", value, "description", null));
} catch (GenericEntityException e) {
Debug.logError(String.format("tenantId=%s, exception=%s, message=%s", delegator.getDelegatorTenantId(), e.getClass().getName(), e.getMessage()), module);
return prevValue;
public static String getMessage(String resource, String name, Locale locale, Delegator delegator) {
Map<String, String> propMap = getSystemPropertyValue(resource, name, delegator);
if ("Y".equals(propMap.get("isExistInDb"))) {
return propMap.get("value");
} else {
return UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, name, locale);
public static String getMessage(String resource, String name, Object[] arguments, Locale locale) {
return UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, name, arguments, locale);
public static <E> String getMessage(String resource, String name, List<E> arguments, Locale locale) {
return UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, name, arguments, locale);
public static String getMessageList(String resource, String name, Locale locale, Object... arguments) {
return UtilProperties.getMessageList(resource, name, locale, arguments);
public static String getMessage(String resource, String name, Map<String, ? extends Object> context, Locale locale) {
return UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, name, context, locale);
public static String getMessageMap(String resource, String name, Locale locale, Object... context) {
return UtilProperties.getMessageMap(resource, name, locale, context);
public static ResourceBundle getResourceBundle(String resource, Locale locale) {
return UtilProperties.getResourceBundle(resource, locale);
public static ResourceBundleMapWrapper getResourceBundleMap(String resource, Locale locale) {
return UtilProperties.getResourceBundleMap(resource, locale);
public static ResourceBundleMapWrapper getResourceBundleMap(String resource, Locale locale, Map<String, Object> context) {
return UtilProperties.getResourceBundleMap(resource, locale, context);
public static Properties getProperties(String resource, Locale locale) {
return UtilProperties.getProperties(resource, locale);
public static Locale getFallbackLocale() {
return UtilProperties.getFallbackLocale();
public static List<Locale> localeToCandidateList(Locale locale) {
return UtilProperties.localeToCandidateList(locale);
public static Set<Locale> getDefaultCandidateLocales() {
return UtilProperties.getDefaultCandidateLocales();
public static List<Locale> getCandidateLocales(Locale locale) {
return UtilProperties.getCandidateLocales(locale);
public static String createResourceName(String resource, Locale locale, boolean removeExtension) {
return UtilProperties.createResourceName(resource, locale, removeExtension);
public static boolean isPropertiesResourceNotFound(String resource, Locale locale, boolean removeExtension) {
return UtilProperties.isPropertiesResourceNotFound(resource, locale, removeExtension);
public static URL resolvePropertiesUrl(String resource, Locale locale) {
return UtilProperties.resolvePropertiesUrl(resource, locale);
public static Properties xmlToProperties(InputStream in, Locale locale, Properties properties) throws IOException, InvalidPropertiesFormatException {
return UtilProperties.xmlToProperties(in, locale, properties);