blob: 099ed304e042de89baaf58e0a0375badd33eb4fb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.ofbiz.entity.condition;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.UtilGenerics;
import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.Delegator;
import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericModelException;
import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.config.model.Datasource;
import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelEntity;
import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelField;
* Base class for entity functions.
public abstract class EntityFunction<T extends Comparable<?>> extends EntityConditionValue {
public static interface Fetcher<T> {
T getValue(Object value);
public static enum SQLFunction {
public static final int ID_LENGTH = SQLFunction.LENGTH.ordinal();
public static final int ID_TRIM = SQLFunction.TRIM.ordinal();
public static final int ID_UPPER = SQLFunction.UPPER.ordinal();
public static final int ID_LOWER = SQLFunction.LOWER.ordinal();
public static EntityFunction<Integer> LENGTH(EntityConditionValue nested) { return new LENGTH(nested); }
public static EntityFunction<Integer> LENGTH(Object value) { return new LENGTH(value); }
public static EntityFunction<String> TRIM(EntityConditionValue nested) { return new TRIM(nested); }
public static EntityFunction<String> TRIM(Object value) { return new TRIM(value); }
public static EntityFunction<String> UPPER(EntityConditionValue nested) { return new UPPER(nested); }
public static EntityFunction<String> UPPER(Object value) { return new UPPER(value); }
public static EntityFunction<String> UPPER_FIELD(String fieldName) { return new UPPER(EntityFieldValue.makeFieldValue(fieldName)); }
public static EntityFunction<String> LOWER(EntityConditionValue nested) { return new LOWER(nested); }
public static EntityFunction<String> LOWER(Object value) { return new LOWER(value); }
* Length() entity function.
public static class LENGTH extends EntityFunctionSingle<Integer> {
public static Fetcher<Integer> FETCHER = new Fetcher<Integer>() {
public Integer getValue(Object value) { return value.toString().length(); }
private LENGTH(Object value) {
super(FETCHER, SQLFunction.LENGTH, value);
* Trim() entity function.
public static class TRIM extends EntityFunctionSingle<String> {
public static Fetcher<String> FETCHER = new Fetcher<String>() {
public String getValue(Object value) { return value.toString().trim(); }
private TRIM(Object value) {
super(FETCHER, SQLFunction.TRIM, value);
* Upper() entity function.
public static class UPPER extends EntityFunctionSingle<String> {
public static Fetcher<String> FETCHER = new Fetcher<String>() {
public String getValue(Object value) { return value.toString().toUpperCase(); }
private UPPER(Object value) {
super(FETCHER, SQLFunction.UPPER, value);
* Lower() entity function.
public static class LOWER extends EntityFunctionSingle<String> {
public static Fetcher<String> FETCHER = new Fetcher<String>() {
public String getValue(Object value) { return value.toString().toLowerCase(); }
private LOWER(Object value) {
super(FETCHER, SQLFunction.LOWER, value);
public static abstract class EntityFunctionSingle<T extends Comparable<?>> extends EntityFunction<T> {
protected EntityFunctionSingle(Fetcher<T> fetcher, SQLFunction function, Object value) {
super(fetcher, function, value);
public static abstract class EntityFunctionNested<T extends Comparable<?>> extends EntityFunction<T> {
protected EntityFunctionNested(Fetcher<T> fetcher, SQLFunction function, EntityConditionValue nested) {
super(fetcher, function, nested);
protected final SQLFunction function;
protected final EntityConditionValue nested;
protected final Object value;
protected final Fetcher<T> fetcher;
protected ModelField field;
protected EntityFunction(Fetcher<T> fetcher, SQLFunction function, EntityConditionValue nested) {
this.fetcher = fetcher;
this.function = function;
this.nested = nested;
this.value = null;
protected EntityFunction(Fetcher<T> fetcher, SQLFunction function, Object value) {
this.fetcher = fetcher;
this.function = function;
if (value instanceof EntityConditionValue) {
this.nested = (EntityConditionValue) value;
this.value = null;
} else {
this.nested = null;
this.value = value;
public EntityConditionValue freeze() {
if (nested != null) {
return new EntityFunctionNested<T>(fetcher, function, nested.freeze()) {};
} else {
return new EntityFunctionSingle<T>(fetcher, function, value) {};
public String getCode() {
public Object getOriginalValue() {
return this.value;
public int getId() {
return function.ordinal();
public int hashCode() {
return function.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof EntityFunction<?>)) return false;
EntityFunction<?> otherFunc = UtilGenerics.cast(obj);
return (this.function == otherFunc.function &&
(this.nested != null ? nested.equals(otherFunc.nested) : otherFunc.nested == null) &&
(this.value != null ? value.equals(otherFunc.value) : otherFunc.value == null));
public void addSqlValue(StringBuilder sql, Map<String, String> tableAliases, ModelEntity modelEntity, List<EntityConditionParam> entityConditionParams, boolean includeTableNamePrefix, Datasource datasourceinfo) {
if (nested != null) {
nested.addSqlValue(sql, tableAliases, modelEntity, entityConditionParams, includeTableNamePrefix, datasourceinfo);
} else {
addValue(sql, null, value, entityConditionParams);
public void visit(EntityConditionVisitor visitor) {
if (nested != null) {
} else {
public void accept(EntityConditionVisitor visitor) {
public ModelField getModelField(ModelEntity modelEntity) {
if (nested != null) {
return nested.getModelField(modelEntity);
return field;
public void setModelField(ModelField field) {
this.field = field;
public void validateSql(ModelEntity modelEntity) throws GenericModelException {
if (nested != null) {
public Object getValue(Delegator delegator, Map<String, ? extends Object> map) {
Object value = nested != null ? nested.getValue(delegator, map) : this.value;
return value != null ? fetcher.getValue(value) : null;