blob: b2ad1ac70af1cc971ffe6b2d449283eb6dd6b41b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.lang.*
import java.util.*
import java.text.NumberFormat
import org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.*
import org.apache.ofbiz.service.*
import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.*
import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.condition.*
import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.util.*
import org.apache.ofbiz.webapp.taglib.ContentUrlTag
import org.apache.ofbiz.webapp.stats.VisitHandler
import org.apache.ofbiz.order.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartEvents
import org.apache.ofbiz.product.catalog.*
import org.apache.ofbiz.product.category.*
import org.apache.ofbiz.product.product.ProductWorker
import org.apache.ofbiz.product.product.ProductContentWrapper
import org.apache.ofbiz.product.product.ProductSearch
import org.apache.ofbiz.product.product.ProductSearchSession
inlineProductId = request.getAttribute("inlineProductId")
inlineCounter = request.getAttribute("inlineCounter")
context.inlineCounter = inlineCounter
context.inlineProductId = inlineProductId
contentPathPrefix = CatalogWorker.getContentPathPrefix(request)
catalogName = CatalogWorker.getCatalogName(request)
currentCatalogId = CatalogWorker.getCurrentCatalogId(request)
if (inlineProductId) {
inlineProduct = from("Product").where("productId", inlineProductId).cache(true).queryOne()
if (inlineProduct) {
context.product = inlineProduct
contentWrapper = new ProductContentWrapper(inlineProduct, request)
context.put("title", contentWrapper.get("PRODUCT_NAME", "html"))
context.put("metaDescription", contentWrapper.get("DESCRIPTION", "html"))
productTemplate = product.detailScreen
if (productTemplate) {
detailScreen = productTemplate
templatePathPrefix = CatalogWorker.getTemplatePathPrefix(request)
if (templatePathPrefix) {
detailScreen = templatePathPrefix + detailScreen
context.detailScreen = detailScreen
String buildNext(Map map, List order, String current, String prefix, Map featureTypes) {
def ct = 0
def buf = new StringBuffer()
buf.append("function listFT" + inlineCounter + current + prefix + "() { ")
buf.append("document.forms[\"configform\"].elements[\"FT" + inlineCounter + current + "\"].options.length = 1;")
buf.append("document.forms[\"configform\"].elements[\"FT" + inlineCounter + current + "\"].options[0] = new Option(\"" + featureTypes[current] + "\",\"\",true,true);")
map.each { key, value ->
def optValue = null
if (order.indexOf(current) == (order.size()-1)) {
optValue = value.iterator().next()
} else {
optValue = prefix + "_" + ct
buf.append("document.forms[\"configform\"].elements[\"FT" + inlineCounter + current + "\"].options[" + (ct + 1) + "] = new Option(\"" + key + "\",\"" + optValue + "\");")
buf.append(" }")
if (order.indexOf(current) < (order.size()-1)) {
ct = 0
map.each { key, value ->
def nextOrder = order.get(order.indexOf(current)+1)
def newPrefix = prefix + "_" + ct
buf.append(buildNext(value, order, nextOrder, newPrefix, featureTypes))
return buf.toString()
cart = ShoppingCartEvents.getCartObject(request)
// set the content path prefix
contentPathPrefix = CatalogWorker.getContentPathPrefix(request)
context.contentPathPrefix = contentPathPrefix
// get the product detail information
if (inlineProduct) {
inlineProductId = inlineProduct.productId
productTypeId = inlineProduct.productTypeId
featureTypes = [:]
featureOrder = []
// make the productContentWrapper
productContentWrapper = new ProductContentWrapper(inlineProduct, request)
context.productContentWrapper = productContentWrapper
// get the main detail image (virtual or single product)
mainDetailImage = productContentWrapper.get("DETAIL_IMAGE_URL", "url")
if (mainDetailImage) {
mainDetailImageUrl = ContentUrlTag.getContentPrefix(request) + mainDetailImage
context.mainDetailImageUrl = mainDetailImageUrl.toString()
// get the product price
webSiteId = WebSiteWorker.getWebSiteId(request)
autoUserLogin = request.getSession().getAttribute("autoUserLogin")
if (cart.isSalesOrder()) {
// sales order: run the "calculateProductPrice" service
priceContext = [product : inlineProduct, prodCatalogId : currentCatalogId,
currencyUomId : cart.getCurrency(), autoUserLogin : autoUserLogin]
priceContext.webSiteId = webSiteId
priceContext.productStoreId = productStoreId
priceContext.checkIncludeVat = "Y"
priceContext.agreementId = cart.getAgreementId()
priceContext.partyId = cart.getPartyId() // IMPORTANT: must put this in, or price will be calculated for the CSR instead of the customer
priceMap = runService('calculateProductPrice', priceContext)
context.priceMap = priceMap
} else {
// purchase order: run the "calculatePurchasePrice" service
priceContext = [product : inlineProduct, currencyUomId : cart.getCurrency(),
partyId : cart.getPartyId(), userLogin : userLogin]
priceMap = runService('calculatePurchasePrice', priceContext)
context.priceMap = priceMap
context.variantTree = null
context.variantTreeSize = null
context.variantSample = null
context.variantSampleKeys = null
context.variantSampleSize = null
if ("Y".equals(inlineProduct.isVirtual)) {
if ("VV_FEATURETREE".equals(ProductWorker.getProductVirtualVariantMethod(delegator, inlineProductId))) {
context.featureLists = ProductWorker.getSelectableProductFeaturesByTypesAndSeq(inlineProduct)
} else {
featureMap = runService("getProductFeatureSet", [productId : inlineProductId])
featureSet = featureMap.featureSet
if (featureSet) {
variantTreeMap = runService('getProductVariantTree', [productId : inlineProductId, featureOrder : featureSet, productStoreId : productStoreId])
variantTree = variantTreeMap.variantTree
imageMap = variantTreeMap.variantSample
virtualVariant = variantTreeMap.virtualVariant
context.virtualVariant = virtualVariant
if (variantTree) {
context.variantTree = variantTree
context.variantTreeSize = variantTree.size()
if (imageMap) {
context.variantSample = imageMap
context.variantSampleKeys = imageMap.keySet()
context.variantSampleSize = imageMap.size()
context.featureSet = featureSet
if (variantTree) {
featureOrder = new LinkedList(featureSet)
featureOrder.each { featureKey ->
featureValue = from("ProductFeatureType").where("productFeatureTypeId", featureKey).cache(true).queryOne()
fValue = featureValue.get("description") ?: featureValue.productFeatureTypeId
featureTypes[featureKey] = fValue
context.featureTypes = featureTypes
context.featureOrder = featureOrder
if (featureOrder) {
context.featureOrderFirst = featureOrder[0]
if (variantTree && imageMap) {
jsBuf = new StringBuffer()
jsBuf.append("<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\">")
jsBuf.append("var DET" + inlineCounter + "= new Array(" + variantTree.size() + ");")
jsBuf.append("var IMG" + inlineCounter + " = new Array(" + variantTree.size() + ");")
jsBuf.append("var OPT" + inlineCounter + " = new Array(" + featureOrder.size() + ");")
jsBuf.append("var VIR" + inlineCounter + " = new Array(" + virtualVariant.size() + ");")
jsBuf.append("var detailImageUrl" + inlineCounter + " = null;")
featureOrder.eachWithIndex { feature, i ->
jsBuf.append("OPT" + inlineCounter + "[" + i + "] = \"FT" + inlineCounter + feature + "\";")
virtualVariant.eachWithIndex { variant, i ->
jsBuf.append("VIR" + inlineCounter + "[" + i + "] = \"" + variant + "\";")
// build the top level
topLevelName = featureOrder[0]
jsBuf.append("function list" + inlineCounter + topLevelName + "() {")
jsBuf.append("document.forms[\"configform\"].elements[\"FT" + inlineCounter + topLevelName + "\"].options.length = 1;")
jsBuf.append("document.forms[\"configform\"].elements[\"FT" + inlineCounter + topLevelName + "\"].options[0] = new Option(\"" + featureTypes[topLevelName] + "\",\"\",true,true);")
if (variantTree) {
featureOrder.each { featureKey ->
jsBuf.append("document.forms[\"configform\"].elements[\"FT" + inlineCounter + featureKey + "\"].options.length = 1;")
firstDetailImage = null
firstLargeImage = null
counter = 0
variantTree.each { key, value ->
opt = null
if (featureOrder.size() == 1) {
opt = value.iterator().next()
} else {
opt = counter as String
// create the variant content wrapper
contentWrapper = new ProductContentWrapper(imageMap[key], request)
// initial image paths
detailImage = contentWrapper.get("DETAIL_IMAGE_URL", "url") ?: productContentWrapper.get("DETAIL_IMAGE_URL", "url")
largeImage = contentWrapper.get("LARGE_IMAGE_URL", "url") ?: productContentWrapper.get("LARGE_IMAGE_URL", "url")
// full image URLs
detailImageUrl = null
largeImageUrl = null
// append the content prefix
if (detailImage) {
detailImageUrl = ContentUrlTag.getContentPrefix(request) + detailImage
if (largeImage) {
largeImageUrl = ContentUrlTag.getContentPrefix(request) + largeImage
jsBuf.append("document.forms[\"configform\"].elements[\"FT" + inlineCounter + topLevelName + "\"].options[" + (counter+1) + "] = new Option(\"" + key + "\",\"" + opt + "\");")
jsBuf.append("DET" + inlineCounter + "[" + counter + "] = \"" + detailImageUrl +"\";")
jsBuf.append("IMG" + inlineCounter + "[" + counter + "] = \"" + largeImageUrl +"\";")
if (!firstDetailImage) {
firstDetailImage = detailImageUrl
if (!firstLargeImage) {
firstLargeImage = largeImage
context.firstDetailImage = firstDetailImage
context.firstLargeImage = firstLargeImage
// build dynamic lists
if (variantTree) {
variantTree.values().eachWithIndex { varTree, topLevelKeysCt ->
cnt = "" + topLevelKeysCt
if (varTree instanceof Map) {
jsBuf.append(buildNext(varTree, featureOrder, featureOrder[1], cnt, featureTypes))
// make a list of variant sku with requireAmount
variantsRes = runService('getAssociatedProducts', [productId : inlineProductId, type : "PRODUCT_VARIANT", checkViewAllow : true, prodCatalogId : currentCatalogId])
variants = variantsRes.assocProducts
if (variants) {
amt = new StringBuffer()
amt.append("function checkAmtReq" + inlineCounter + "(sku) { ")
// Create the javascript to return the price for each variant
variantPriceJS = new StringBuffer()
variantPriceJS.append("function getVariantPrice" + inlineCounter + "(sku) { ")
// Format to apply the currency code to the variant price in the javascript
productStore = ProductStoreWorker.getProductStore(request)
localeString = productStore.defaultLocaleString
if (localeString) {
locale = UtilMisc.parseLocale(localeString)
numberFormat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(locale)
variants.each { variantAssoc ->
variant = variantAssoc.getRelatedOne("AssocProduct", false)
// Get the price for each variant. Reuse the priceContext already setup for virtual product above and replace the product
if (cart.isSalesOrder()) {
// sales order: run the "calculateProductPrice" service
priceContext.product = variant
variantPriceMap = runService('calculateProductPrice', priceContext)
amt.append(" if (sku == \"" + variant.productId + "\") return \"" + (variant.requireAmount ?: "N") + "\"; ")
variantPriceJS.append(" if (sku == \"" + variant.productId + "\") return \"" + numberFormat.format(variantPriceMap.basePrice) + "\"; ")
amt.append(" } ")
variantPriceJS.append(" } ")
context.virtualJavaScript = jsBuf