blob: 951d416b3c0be0d148548c85029026c2e51c6c0d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.ofbiz.entity;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.Debug;
import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelEntity;
* Generic Entity Value Object - Handles persistence for any defined entity.
public class GenericValue extends GenericEntity {
public static final GenericValue NULL_VALUE = new NullGenericValue();
/** Creates new GenericValue */
public static GenericValue create(ModelEntity modelEntity) {
GenericValue newValue = new GenericValue();
return newValue;
/** Creates new GenericValue from existing Map */
public static GenericValue create(Delegator delegator, ModelEntity modelEntity, Map<String, ? extends Object> fields) {
GenericValue newValue = new GenericValue();
newValue.init(delegator, modelEntity, fields);
return newValue;
/** Creates new GenericValue from existing Map */
public static GenericValue create(Delegator delegator, ModelEntity modelEntity, Object singlePkValue) {
GenericValue newValue = new GenericValue();
newValue.init(delegator, modelEntity, singlePkValue);
return newValue;
/** Creates new GenericValue from existing GenericValue */
public static GenericValue create(GenericValue value) {
GenericValue newValue = new GenericValue();
return newValue;
/** Creates new GenericValue from existing GenericValue */
public static GenericValue create(GenericPK primaryKey) {
GenericValue newValue = new GenericValue();
return newValue;
public GenericValue create() throws GenericEntityException {
return this.getDelegator().create(this);
public void store() throws GenericEntityException {
public void remove() throws GenericEntityException {
public void refresh() throws GenericEntityException {
public void refreshFromCache() throws GenericEntityException {
/** Get the named Related Entity for the GenericValue from the persistent store
*@param relationName String containing the relation name which is the combination of relation.title and relation.rel-entity-name as specified in the entity XML definition file
*@return List of GenericValue instances as specified in the relation definition
*@deprecated use {@link #getRelated(String, Map, List, boolean)}
public List<GenericValue> getRelated(String relationName) throws GenericEntityException {
Debug.logWarning("deprecated method, please replace as suggested in API Java Doc, and link to OFBIZ-6651", getStackTraceAsString());
return this.getDelegator().getRelated(relationName, null, null, this, false);
/** Get the named Related Entity for the GenericValue from the persistent store
*@param relationName String containing the relation name which is the combination of relation.title and relation.rel-entity-name as specified in the entity XML definition file
* @param orderBy The fields of the named entity to order the query by; may be null;
* optionally add a " ASC" for ascending or " DESC" for descending
*@return List of GenericValue instances as specified in the relation definition
*@deprecated use {@link #getRelated(String, Map, List, boolean)}
public List<GenericValue> getRelated(String relationName, List<String> orderBy) throws GenericEntityException {
Debug.logWarning("deprecated method, please replace as suggested in API Java Doc, and link to OFBIZ-6651", getStackTraceAsString());
return this.getDelegator().getRelated(relationName, null, orderBy, this, false);
/** Get the named Related Entity for the GenericValue from the persistent store
*@param relationName String containing the relation name which is the combination of relation.title and relation.rel-entity-name as specified in the entity XML definition file
* @param byAndFields the fields that must equal in order to keep; may be null
* @param orderBy The fields of the named entity to order the query by; may be null;
* optionally add a " ASC" for ascending or " DESC" for descending
*@return List of GenericValue instances as specified in the relation definition
*@deprecated use {@link #getRelated(String, Map, List, boolean)}
public List<GenericValue> getRelated(String relationName, Map<String, ? extends Object> byAndFields, List<String> orderBy) throws GenericEntityException {
Debug.logWarning("deprecated method, please replace as suggested in API Java Doc, and link to OFBIZ-6651", getStackTraceAsString());
return this.getDelegator().getRelated(relationName, byAndFields, orderBy, this, false);
/** Get the named Related Entity for the GenericValue from the persistent store
*@param relationName String containing the relation name which is the combination of relation.title and relation.rel-entity-name as specified in the entity XML definition file
* @param byAndFields the fields that must equal in order to keep; may be null
* @param orderBy The fields of the named entity to order the query by; may be null;
* optionally add a " ASC" for ascending or " DESC" for descending
* @param useCache Whether to cache the results
*@return List of GenericValue instances as specified in the relation definition
public List<GenericValue> getRelated(String relationName, Map<String, ? extends Object> byAndFields, List<String> orderBy, boolean useCache) throws GenericEntityException {
return this.getDelegator().getRelated(relationName, byAndFields, orderBy, this, useCache);
* Get the named Related Entity for the GenericValue from the persistent store across another Relation.
* Helps to get related Values in a multi-to-multi relationship.
* @param relationNameOne String containing the relation name which is the
* combination of relation.title and relation.rel-entity-name as
* specified in the entity XML definition file, for first relation
* @param relationNameTwo String containing the relation name for second relation
* @param orderBy The fields of the named entity to order the query by; may be null;
* optionally add a " ASC" for ascending or " DESC" for descending
* @return List of GenericValue instances as specified in the relation definition
public List<GenericValue> getRelatedMulti(String relationNameOne, String relationNameTwo, List<String> orderBy) throws GenericEntityException {
return this.getDelegator().getMultiRelation(this, relationNameOne, relationNameTwo, orderBy);
* Get the named Related Entity for the GenericValue from the persistent store across another Relation.
* Helps to get related Values in a multi-to-multi relationship.
* @param relationNameOne String containing the relation name which is the
* combination of relation.title and relation.rel-entity-name as
* specified in the entity XML definition file, for first relation
* @param relationNameTwo String containing the relation name for second relation
* @return List of GenericValue instances as specified in the relation definition
public List<GenericValue> getRelatedMulti(String relationNameOne, String relationNameTwo) throws GenericEntityException {
return this.getDelegator().getMultiRelation(this, relationNameOne, relationNameTwo, null);
/** Get the named Related Entity for the GenericValue from the persistent store
*@param relationName String containing the relation name which is the combination of relation.title and relation.rel-entity-name as specified in the entity XML definition file
*@return List of GenericValue instances as specified in the relation definition
*@deprecated use {@link #getRelatedOne(String, boolean)}
public GenericValue getRelatedOne(String relationName) throws GenericEntityException {
Debug.logWarning("deprecated method, please replace as suggested in API Java Doc, and link to OFBIZ-6651", getStackTraceAsString());
return this.getDelegator().getRelatedOne(relationName, this, false);
/** Get the named Related Entity for the GenericValue from the persistent store
*@param relationName String containing the relation name which is the combination of relation.title and relation.rel-entity-name as specified in the entity XML definition file
*@param useCache Whether to cache the results
*@return The single related GenericValue instance
public GenericValue getRelatedOne(String relationName, boolean useCache) throws GenericEntityException {
return this.getDelegator().getRelatedOne(relationName, this, useCache);
/** Remove the named Related Entity for the GenericValue from the persistent store
*@param relationName String containing the relation name which is the combination of relation.title and relation.rel-entity-name as specified in the entity XML definition file
public void removeRelated(String relationName) throws GenericEntityException {
this.getDelegator().removeRelated(relationName, this);
/** Get a dummy primary key for the named Related Entity for the GenericValue
* @param relationName String containing the relation name which is the
* combination of relation.title and relation.rel-entity-name as
* specified in the entity XML definition file
* @return GenericPK containing a possibly incomplete PrimaryKey object representing the related entity or entities
public GenericPK getRelatedDummyPK(String relationName) throws GenericEntityException {
return this.getDelegator().getRelatedDummyPK(relationName, null, this);
/** Get a dummy primary key for the named Related Entity for the GenericValue
* @param relationName String containing the relation name which is the
* combination of relation.title and relation.rel-entity-name as
* specified in the entity XML definition file
* @param byAndFields the fields that must equal in order to keep; may be null
* @return GenericPK containing a possibly incomplete PrimaryKey object representing the related entity or entities
public GenericPK getRelatedDummyPK(String relationName, Map<String, ? extends Object> byAndFields) throws GenericEntityException {
return this.getDelegator().getRelatedDummyPK(relationName, byAndFields, this);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof GenericValue) {
return super.equals(obj);
return false;
/** Clones this GenericValue, this is a shallow clone and uses the default shallow HashMap clone
* @return Object that is a clone of this GenericValue
public Object clone() {
return GenericValue.create(this);
protected static class NullGenericValue extends GenericValue implements NULL {
public String getEntityName() {
return "[null-entity-value]";
public String toString() {
return "[null-entity-value]";
public static String getStackTraceAsString() {
return Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace().toString();