Because of INFRA-23637: Renew OFBiz demos certificate at ofbiz-vm1
I checked that I did not miss anything in this document.

I then preferred to change memory to space about df results

BTW, currently even the VM is not accessible with SSH. It looks like down.
diff --git a/demo-backup/ b/demo-backup/
index 29619c9..d7a457c 100644
--- a/demo-backup/
+++ b/demo-backup/
@@ -89,6 +89,6 @@
 # Keep the VM clean
 From time to time (I'd say when it's hundreds of MB) we need to delete the nohup.out file. It's used when you manually start the demos and acts as an issues history. Then simply sign in as ofbizDemo user and delete the file.
-Also, it's OK for months but at some point I had to clean the Gradle cache. For now just verify with "df" command that we are not graping too much memory, around 50% on /dev/xvda1 is OK
+Also, it's OK for months but at some point I had to clean the Gradle cache. For now just verify with "df" command that we are not graping too much space, around 50% on /dev/xvda1 is OK