Improved: Updates DTDs after a lot of errors in log, but not related I guess

Errors are of the type:

|OFBiz-JobQueue-1|MiniLangValidate|W| Invalid element found Method =
acctgFxPermissionCheck, File = file:/C:/projectsASF/Git/ofbiz-framework/
Element = <else>, Line 58

Makes no sense!
2 files changed
tree: 612ccc28acb5b036c419377066194dbb4e955e81
  1. bootstrap/
  2. css/
  3. dtds/
  4. font-icons/
  5. images/
  6. js/
  7. pmc/
  8. svn/
  9. template/
  10. .asf.yaml
  11. .htaccess
  12. 404.html
  13. about-ofbiz.html
  14. business-users.html
  15. developers.html
  16. doap_OFBiz.rdf
  17. download.html
  18. faqs.html
  19. getting-involved.html
  20. index.html
  22. mailing-lists.html
  23. ofbiz-demos.html
  26. release-notes-12.04.06.html
  27. release-notes-13.07.01.html
  28. release-notes-13.07.02.html
  29. release-notes-13.07.03.html
  30. release-notes-16.11.01.html
  31. release-notes-16.11.02.html
  32. release-notes-16.11.03.html
  33. release-notes-16.11.04.html
  34. release-notes-16.11.05.html
  35. release-notes-16.11.06.html
  36. release-notes-16.11.07.html
  37. release-notes-17.12.01.html
  38. release-notes-17.12.03.html
  39. release-notes-17.12.04.html
  40. security.html
  41. service-providers.html
  42. source-repositories.html
  43. user-stories.html

##Update Site If anyone is going to do any fixes - please do not just do any changes or fixes in the html page itself. It needs to be done in the php template, located under template/page, or template/region. Once you are done with changes please compile these file and generate html using following command ./

Changes to the common header or footer need to be done via head.tpl.php, header.tpl.php or footer.tpl under template/region. If change is done to the header or footer then regenerate all the html pages. Use the script to compile all the modified template files in one shoot.