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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.ofbiz.base.util;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
* Timer handling utility
* Utility class for simple reporting of the progress of a process.
* Steps are labelled, and the time between each label (or message)
* and the time since the start are reported in each call to timerString.
public class UtilTimer {
private static final String MODULE = UtilTimer.class.getName();
private static final ConcurrentHashMap<String, UtilTimer> STATIC_TIMERS = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private String timerName = null;
private String lastMessage = null;
private long realStartTime;
private long startTime;
private long lastMessageTime;
private boolean running = false;
private boolean log = false;
public static UtilTimer makeTimer() {
return new UtilTimer();
/** Default constructor. Starts the timer. */
public UtilTimer() {
this("", true);
public UtilTimer(String timerName, boolean start) {
this(timerName, start, false);
public UtilTimer(String timerName, boolean start, boolean log) {
this.timerName = timerName;
if (start) {
* Start timer.
public void startTimer() {
this.lastMessageTime = realStartTime = startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
this.lastMessage = "Begin";
this.running = true;
* Gets name.
* @return the name
public String getName() {
return this.timerName;
* Is running boolean.
* @return the boolean
public boolean isRunning() {
return this.running;
/** Creates a string with information including the passed message, the last passed message and the time since the last call,
* and the time since the beginning
* @param message A message to put into the timer String
* @return A String with the timing information, the timer String
public String timerString(String message) {
return timerString(message, this.getClass().getName());
* Creates a string with information including the passed message, the last passed message and the time since the last call, and the time since
* the beginning
* @param message
* A message to put into the timer String
* @param className
* The debug/log className/thread to use, can be null for root className
* @return A String with the timing information, the timer String
public String timerString(String message, String className) {
// time this call to avoid it interfering with the main timer
long tsStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
StringBuilder retBuf = new StringBuilder();
retBuf.append("[[").append(message).append("- total:").append(secondsSinceStart());
if (lastMessage != null) {
retBuf.append(",since last(").append(((lastMessage.length() > 20) ? (lastMessage.substring(0, 17) + "...")
: lastMessage)).append("):").append(secondsSinceLast());
// append the timer name
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(timerName)) {
retBuf.append(" - '").append(timerName).append("'");
lastMessage = message;
String retString = retBuf.toString();
if (log) {
Debug.log(Debug.TIMING, null, retString, className, MODULE);
// have lastMessageTime come as late as possible to just time what happens between calls
lastMessageTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// update startTime to disclude the time this call took
startTime += (lastMessageTime - tsStart);
return retString;
/** Returns the number of seconds since the timer started
* @return The number of seconds since the timer started
public double secondsSinceStart() {
return (timeSinceStart()) / 1000.0;
/** Returns the number of seconds since the last time timerString was called
* @return The number of seconds since the last time timerString was called
public double secondsSinceLast() {
return (timeSinceLast()) / 1000.0;
/** Returns the number of milliseconds since the timer started
* @return The number of milliseconds since the timer started
public long timeSinceStart() {
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
return currentTime - startTime;
/** Returns the number of milliseconds since the last time timerString was called
* @return The number of milliseconds since the last time timerString was called
public long timeSinceLast() {
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
return currentTime - lastMessageTime;
/** Sets the value of the log member, denoting whether log output is off or not
* @param log The new value of log
public void setLog(boolean log) {
this.log = log;
/** Gets the value of the log member, denoting whether log output is off or not
* @return The value of log
public boolean getLog() {
return log;
/** Creates a string with information including the passed message, the time since the last call,
* and the time since the beginning. This version allows an integer level to be specified to
* improve readability of the output.
* @param level Integer specifying how many levels to indent the timer string so the output can be more easily read through nested method calls.
* @param message A message to put into the timer String
* @return A String with the timing information, the timer String
public String timerString(int level, String message) {
// String retString = "[[" + message + ": seconds since start: " + secondsSinceStart() + ",since last(" + lastMessage + "):"
// + secondsSinceLast() + "]]";
StringBuilder retStringBuf = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) {
retStringBuf.append("| ");
String timeSinceStartStr = String.valueOf(timeSinceStart());
retStringBuf.append(timeSinceStartStr + ",");
String timeSinceLastStr = String.valueOf(timeSinceLast());
int spacecount = 12 + (2 * level) - retStringBuf.length();
for (int i = 0; i < spacecount; i++) {
retStringBuf.append(' ');
lastMessageTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
String retString = retStringBuf.toString();
if (log && Debug.timingOn()) {
Debug.logTiming(retString, MODULE);
return retString;
// static logging timer - be sure to close the timer when finished!
public static UtilTimer getTimer(String timerName) {
return getTimer(timerName, true);
public static UtilTimer getTimer(String timerName, boolean log) {
UtilTimer timer = STATIC_TIMERS.get(timerName);
if (timer == null) {
timer = new UtilTimer(timerName, false);
STATIC_TIMERS.putIfAbsent(timerName, timer);
timer = STATIC_TIMERS.get(timerName);
return timer;
public static void timerLog(String timerName, String message, String className) {
UtilTimer timer = UtilTimer.getTimer(timerName);
if (!timer.isRunning()) {
if (timer.getLog()) {
if (className == null) {
className = timer.getClass().getName();
timer.timerString(message, className);
public static void closeTimer(String timerName) {
UtilTimer.closeTimer(timerName, null, null);
public static void closeTimer(String timerName, String message) {
UtilTimer.closeTimer(timerName, message, null);
public static void closeTimer(String timerName, String message, String className) {
if (message != null) {
UtilTimer.timerLog(timerName, message, className);