blob: 9207dd8d759484e4d0366139b9ef716216fbade8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.ofbiz.base.util;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.text.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.apache.ofbiz.base.html.SanitizerCustomPolicy;
import org.owasp.esapi.codecs.Codec;
import org.owasp.esapi.codecs.HTMLEntityCodec;
import org.owasp.esapi.codecs.PercentCodec;
import org.owasp.esapi.codecs.XMLEntityCodec;
import org.owasp.html.HtmlPolicyBuilder;
import org.owasp.html.PolicyFactory;
import org.owasp.html.Sanitizers;
public class UtilCodec {
private static final String MODULE = UtilCodec.class.getName();
private static final HtmlEncoder HTML_ENCODER = new HtmlEncoder();
private static final XmlEncoder XML_ENCODER = new XmlEncoder();
private static final StringEncoder STRING_ENCODER = new StringEncoder();
private static final UrlCodec URL_CODEC = new UrlCodec();
private static final List<Codec> CODECS;
// From
private static final List<String> JS_EVENT_LIST = Arrays.asList(new String[] {"onAbort", "onActivate",
"onAfterPrint", "onAfterUpdate", "onBeforeActivate", "onBeforeCopy", "onBeforeCut", "onBeforeDeactivate",
"onBeforeEditFocus", "onBeforePaste", "onBeforePrint", "onBeforeUnload", "onBeforeUpdate", "onBegin",
"onBlur", "onBounce", "onCellChange", "onChange", "onClick", "onContextMenu", "onControlSelect", "onCopy",
"onCut", "onDataAvailable", "onDataSetChanged", "onDataSetComplete", "onDblClick", "onDeactivate", "onDrag",
"onDragEnd", "onDragLeave", "onDragEnter", "onDragOver", "onDragDrop", "onDragStart", "onDrop", "onEnd",
"onError", "onErrorUpdate", "onFilterChange", "onFinish", "onFocus", "onFocusIn", "onFocusOut",
"onHashChange", "onHelp", "onInput", "onKeyDown", "onKeyPress", "onKeyUp", "onLayoutComplete", "onLoad",
"onLoseCapture", "onMediaComplete", "onMediaError", "onMessage", "onMouseDown", "onMouseEnter",
"onMouseLeave", "onMouseMove", "onMouseOut", "onMouseOver", "onMouseUp", "onMouseWheel", "onMove",
"onMoveEnd", "onMoveStart", "onOffline", "onOnline", "onOutOfSync", "onPaste", "onPause", "onPopState",
"onProgress", "onPropertyChange", "onReadyStateChange", "onRedo", "onRepeat", "onReset", "onResize",
"onResizeEnd", "onResizeStart", "onResume", "onReverse", "onRowsEnter", "onRowExit", "onRowDelete",
"onRowInserted", "onScroll", "onSeek", "onSelect", "onSelectionChange", "onSelectStart", "onStart",
"onStop", "onStorage", "onSyncRestored", "onSubmit", "onTimeError", "onTrackChange", "onUndo", "onUnload",
"onURLFlip", "seekSegmentTime" });
static {
List<Codec> tmpCodecs = new ArrayList<>();
tmpCodecs.add(new HTMLEntityCodec());
tmpCodecs.add(new PercentCodec());
CODECS = Collections.unmodifiableList(tmpCodecs);
public static class IntrusionException extends GeneralRuntimeException {
public IntrusionException(String message) {
public interface SimpleEncoder {
String encode(String original);
* @deprecated Use {@link #sanitize(String, String)} instead
String sanitize(String outString); // Only really useful with HTML, else it simply calls encode() method
String sanitize(String outString, String contentTypeId); // Only really useful with HTML, else it simply calls encode() method
public interface SimpleDecoder {
String decode(String original);
public static class HtmlEncoder implements SimpleEncoder {
private static final char[] IMMUNE_HTML = {',', '.', '-', '_', ' ', ':'};
private HTMLEntityCodec htmlCodec = new HTMLEntityCodec();
public String encode(String original) {
if (original == null) {
return null;
return htmlCodec.encode(IMMUNE_HTML, original);
* @deprecated Use {@link #sanitize(String, String)} instead
public String sanitize(String original) {
return sanitize(original, null);
* This method will start a configurable sanitizing process. The sanitizer can
* be turns off through "sanitizer.enable=false", the default value is true. It
* is possible to configure a custom policy using the properties
* "sanitizer.permissive.policy" and "sanitizer.custom.permissive.policy.class".
* The custom policy has to implement
* {@link org.apache.ofbiz.base.html.SanitizerCustomPolicy}.
* @param original
* @param contentTypeId
* @return sanitized HTML-Code if enabled, original HTML-Code when disabled
* @see org.apache.ofbiz.base.html.CustomPermissivePolicy
public String sanitize(String original, String contentTypeId) {
if (original == null) {
return null;
if (UtilProperties.getPropertyAsBoolean("owasp", "sanitizer.enable", true)) {
PolicyFactory sanitizer = Sanitizers.FORMATTING.and(Sanitizers.BLOCKS).and(Sanitizers.IMAGES).and(
// TODO to be improved to use a (or several) contentTypeId/s when necessary.
// Below is an example with BIRT_FLEXIBLE_REPORT_POLICY
if ("FLEXIBLE_REPORT".equals(contentTypeId)) {
sanitizer = sanitizer.and(BIRT_FLEXIBLE_REPORT_POLICY);
// Check if custom policy should be used and if so don't use PERMISSIVE_POLICY
if ("CUSTOM".equals(UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("owasp", "sanitizer.permissive.policy"))) {
PolicyFactory policy = null;
try {
Class<?> customPolicyClass = Class.forName(UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("owasp",
Object obj = customPolicyClass.getConstructor().newInstance();
if (SanitizerCustomPolicy.class.isAssignableFrom(customPolicyClass)) {
Method meth = customPolicyClass.getMethod("getSanitizerPolicy");
policy = (PolicyFactory) meth.invoke(obj);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException
| InvocationTargetException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException
| InstantiationException e) {
// Just logging the error and falling back to default policy
Debug.logError(e, "Could not find custom permissive sanitizer policy. Using default instead", MODULE);
if (policy != null) {
sanitizer = sanitizer.and(policy);
return sanitizer.sanitize(original);
// Fallback should be the default option PERMISSIVE_POLICY
sanitizer = sanitizer.and(PERMISSIVE_POLICY);
return sanitizer.sanitize(original);
return original;
// Given as an example based on rendering cmssite as it was before using the sanitizer.
// To use the PERMISSIVE_POLICY set sanitizer.permissive.policy to true.
// Note that I was unable to render </html> and </body>. I guess because <html> and <body>
// are not sanitized in 1st place (else the sanitizer makes some damages I found)
// You might even want to adapt the PERMISSIVE_POLICY to your needs...
// Be sure to check before...
// And for examples.
// If you want another example:
public static final PolicyFactory PERMISSIVE_POLICY = new HtmlPolicyBuilder()
.allowWithoutAttributes("html", "body")
.allowAttributes("id", "class").globally()
.allowElements("div", "center", "span", "table", "td")
.allowWithoutAttributes("html", "body", "div", "span", "table", "td")
// This is the PolicyFactory used for the Birt Report Builder usage feature. ("FLEXIBLE_REPORT" contentTypeId)
// It allows to use the OOTB Birt Report Builder example.
// You might need to enhance it for your needs (when using a new REPORT_MASTER) but normally you should not.
// See PERMISSIVE_POLICY above for documentation and examples
public static final PolicyFactory BIRT_FLEXIBLE_REPORT_POLICY = new HtmlPolicyBuilder()
.allowWithoutAttributes("html", "body")
.allowElements("form", "div", "span", "table", "tr", "td", "input", "textarea", "label", "select", "option")
.allowAttributes("id", "class", "name", "value", "onclick").globally()
.allowAttributes("width", "cellspacing").onElements("table")
.allowAttributes("type", "size", "maxlength").onElements("input")
.allowAttributes("cols", "rows").onElements("textarea")
.allowAttributes("accept", "action", "accept-charset", "autocomplete", "enctype", "method",
"name", "novalidate", "target").onElements("form")
public static class XmlEncoder implements SimpleEncoder {
private static final char[] IMMUNE_XML = {',', '.', '-', '_', ' '};
private XMLEntityCodec xmlCodec = new XMLEntityCodec();
public String encode(String original) {
if (original == null) {
return null;
return xmlCodec.encode(IMMUNE_XML, original);
* @deprecated Use {@link #sanitize(String, String)} instead
public String sanitize(String original) {
return sanitize(original, null);
public String sanitize(String original, String contentTypeId) {
return encode(original);
public static class UrlCodec implements SimpleEncoder, SimpleDecoder {
public String encode(String original) {
try {
return URLEncoder.encode(original, "UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ee) {
Debug.logError(ee, MODULE);
return null;
* @deprecated Use {@link #sanitize(String, String)} instead
public String sanitize(String original) {
return sanitize(original, null);
public String sanitize(String original, String contentTypeId) {
return encode(original);
public String decode(String original) {
try {
canonicalize(original); // This is only used to show warning/s in log in case of multiple encoding/s. See OFBIZ-12014 for more
return URLDecoder.decode(original, "UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ee) {
Debug.logError(ee, MODULE);
return null;
public static class StringEncoder implements SimpleEncoder {
public String encode(String original) {
if (original != null) {
original = original.replace("\"", "\\\"");
return original;
* @deprecated Use {@link #sanitize(String, String)} instead
public String sanitize(String original) {
return sanitize(original, null);
public String sanitize(String original, String contentTypeId) {
return encode(original);
// ================== Begin General Functions ==================
public static SimpleEncoder getEncoder(String type) {
if ("url".equals(type)) {
return URL_CODEC;
} else if ("xml".equals(type)) {
} else if ("html".equals(type)) {
} else if ("string".equals(type)) {
} else {
return null;
public static SimpleDecoder getDecoder(String type) {
if ("url".equals(type)) {
return URL_CODEC;
return null;
public static String canonicalize(String value) throws IntrusionException {
return canonicalize(value, false, false);
public static String canonicalize(String value, boolean strict) throws IntrusionException {
return canonicalize(value, strict, strict);
public static String canonicalize(String input, boolean restrictMultiple, boolean restrictMixed) {
if (input == null) {
return null;
String working = input;
Codec codecFound = null;
int mixedCount = 1;
int foundCount = 0;
boolean clean = false;
while (!clean) {
clean = true;
// try each codec and keep track of which ones work
Iterator<Codec> i = CODECS.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
Codec codec =;
String old = working;
working = codec.decode(working);
if (!old.equals(working)) {
if (codecFound != null && codecFound != codec) {
codecFound = codec;
if (clean) {
clean = false;
// do strict tests and handle if any mixed, multiple, nested encoding were found
if (foundCount >= 2 && mixedCount > 1) {
if (restrictMultiple || restrictMixed) {
throw new IntrusionException("Input validation failure");
Debug.logWarning("Multiple (" + foundCount + "x) and mixed encoding (" + mixedCount + "x) detected in " + input, MODULE);
} else if (foundCount >= 2) {
if (restrictMultiple) {
throw new IntrusionException("Input validation failure");
Debug.logWarning("Multiple (" + foundCount + "x) encoding detected in " + input, MODULE);
} else if (mixedCount > 1) {
if (restrictMixed) {
throw new IntrusionException("Input validation failure");
Debug.logWarning("Mixed encoding (" + mixedCount + "x) detected in " + input, MODULE);
return working;
* Uses a black-list approach for necessary characters for HTML.
* Does not allow various characters (after canonicalization), including
* "&lt;", "&gt;", "&amp;" and "%" (if not followed by a space).
* Also does not allow js events as in OFBIZ-10054
* @param valueName field name checked
* @param value value checked
* @param errorMessageList an empty list passed by and modified in case of issues
* @param locale
public static String checkStringForHtmlStrictNone(String valueName, String value, List<String> errorMessageList,
Locale locale) {
if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(value)) {
return value;
// canonicalize, strict (error on double-encoding)
try {
value = canonicalize(value, true);
} catch (IntrusionException e) {
// NOTE: using different log and user targeted error messages to allow the end-user message to be less technical
Debug.logError("Canonicalization (format consistency, character escaping that is mixed or double, etc) "
+ "error for attribute named [" + valueName + "], String [" + value + "]: " + e.toString(), MODULE);
String issueMsg = null;
if (locale.equals(new Locale("test"))) { // labels are not available in testClasses Gradle task
issueMsg = "In field [" + valueName + "] found character escaping (mixed or double) "
+ "that is not allowed or other format consistency error: ";
} else {
issueMsg = UtilProperties.getMessage("SecurityUiLabels", "PolicyNoneMixedOrDouble",
UtilMisc.toMap("valueName", valueName), locale);
errorMessageList.add(issueMsg + e.toString());
// check for "<", ">"
if (value.indexOf("<") >= 0 || value.indexOf(">") >= 0) {
String issueMsg = null;
if (locale.equals(new Locale("test"))) {
issueMsg = "In field [" + valueName + "] less-than (<) and greater-than (>) symbols are not allowed.";
} else {
issueMsg = UtilProperties.getMessage("SecurityUiLabels", "PolicyNoneLess-thanGreater-than",
UtilMisc.toMap("valueName", valueName), locale);
// check for js events
String onEvent = "on" + StringUtils.substringBetween(value, " on", "=");
if ( -> StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(str, onEvent))
|| value.contains("seekSegmentTime")) {
String issueMsg = null;
if (locale.equals(new Locale("test"))) {
issueMsg = "In field [" + valueName + "] Javascript events are not allowed.";
} else {
issueMsg = UtilProperties.getMessage("SecurityUiLabels", "PolicyNoneJsEvents",
UtilMisc.toMap("valueName", valueName), locale);
// TODO: anything else to check for that can be used to get HTML or JavaScript going without these characters?
// Another would be
// But all our Tomcat connectors use UTF-8
// We don't care about Flash now rather deprecated
// AFAIK all others need less-than (<) and greater-than (>) symbols
return value;
* This method check if the input is safe HTML.
* It is possible to configure a safe policy using the properties
* "" and "".
* The safe policy has to implement
* {@link org.apache.ofbiz.base.html.SanitizerCustomPolicy}.
* @param valueName field name checked
* @param value value checked
* @param errorMessageList an empty list passed by and modified in case of issues
* @param locale
public static String checkStringForHtmlSafe(String valueName, String value, List<String> errorMessageList,
Locale locale, boolean enableSanitizer) {
if (!enableSanitizer) {
return value;
PolicyFactory policy = null;
try {
Class<?> customPolicyClass = null;
if (locale.equals(new Locale("test"))) {
customPolicyClass = Class.forName("org.apache.ofbiz.base.html.CustomSafePolicy");
} else {
customPolicyClass = Class.forName(UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("owasp", ""));
Object obj = customPolicyClass.getConstructor().newInstance();
if (SanitizerCustomPolicy.class.isAssignableFrom(customPolicyClass)) {
Method meth = customPolicyClass.getMethod("getSanitizerPolicy");
policy = (PolicyFactory) meth.invoke(obj);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException
| InvocationTargetException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException
| InstantiationException e) {
Debug.logError(e, "Could not find custom safe sanitizer policy. Using default instead."
+ "Beware: the result is not rightly checked!", MODULE);
if (value != null) {
String filtered = policy.sanitize(value);
if (filtered != null && !value.equals(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeEcmaScript(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(filtered)))) {
String issueMsg = null;
if (locale.equals(new Locale("test"))) {
issueMsg = "In field [" + valueName + "] by our input policy, your input has not been accepted "
+ "for security reason. Please check and modify accordingly, thanks.";
} else {
issueMsg = UtilProperties.getMessage("SecurityUiLabels", "PolicySafe",
UtilMisc.toMap("valueName", valueName), locale);
return value;
* A simple Map wrapper class that will do HTML encoding.
* To be used for passing a Map to something that will expand Strings with it as a context, etc.
public static class HtmlEncodingMapWrapper<K> implements Map<K, Object> {
public static <K> HtmlEncodingMapWrapper<K> getHtmlEncodingMapWrapper(Map<K, Object> mapToWrap, SimpleEncoder encoder) {
if (mapToWrap == null) {
return null;
HtmlEncodingMapWrapper<K> mapWrapper = new HtmlEncodingMapWrapper<>();
mapWrapper.setup(mapToWrap, encoder);
return mapWrapper;
private Map<K, Object> internalMap = null;
private SimpleEncoder encoder = null;
protected HtmlEncodingMapWrapper() { }
* Sets .
* @param mapToWrap the map to wrap
* @param encoder the encoder
public void setup(Map<K, Object> mapToWrap, SimpleEncoder encoder) {
this.internalMap = mapToWrap;
this.encoder = encoder;
* Reset.
public void reset() {
this.internalMap = null;
this.encoder = null;
public int size() {
return this.internalMap.size();
public boolean isEmpty() {
return this.internalMap.isEmpty();
public boolean containsKey(Object key) {
return this.internalMap.containsKey(key);
public boolean containsValue(Object value) {
return this.internalMap.containsValue(value);
public Object get(Object key) {
Object theObject = this.internalMap.get(key);
if (theObject instanceof String) {
if (this.encoder != null) {
return encoder.encode((String) theObject);
return UtilCodec.getEncoder("html").encode((String) theObject);
} else if (theObject instanceof Map<?, ?>) {
return HtmlEncodingMapWrapper.getHtmlEncodingMapWrapper(UtilGenerics.cast(theObject), this.encoder);
return theObject;
public Object put(K key, Object value) {
return this.internalMap.put(key, value);
public Object remove(Object key) {
return this.internalMap.remove(key);
public void putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends Object> arg0) {
public void clear() {
public Set<K> keySet() {
return this.internalMap.keySet();
public Collection<Object> values() {
return this.internalMap.values();
public Set<Map.Entry<K, Object>> entrySet() {
return this.internalMap.entrySet();
public String toString() {
return this.internalMap.toString();