| //// |
| Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one |
| or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file |
| distributed with this work for additional information |
| regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file |
| to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the |
| "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance |
| with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| |
| http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| |
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, |
| software distributed under the License is distributed on an |
| KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the |
| specific language governing permissions and limitations |
| under the License. |
| //// |
| = Apache OFBiz Developer Manual |
| The Apache OFBiz Project |
| :imagesdir: ./images |
| ifdef::backend-pdf[] |
| :title-logo-image: image::OFBiz-Logo.svg[Apache OFBiz Logo, pdfwidth=4.25in, align=center] |
| :source-highlighter: rouge |
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| image::https://img.shields.io/badge/License-Apache%202.0-blue.svg[link="http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0"] |
| |
| == Introduction |
| |
| Welcome to the Apache OFBiz developer manual. This manual provides information |
| to help with customizing and developing OFBiz. If you are new to OFBiz and |
| interested in learning how to use it, you may want to start with the "Apache |
| OFBiz User Manual". |
| |
| OFBiz is a large system composed of multiple subsystems. This manual attempts |
| to introduce the overall architecture and high level concepts, followed by a |
| detailed description of each subsystem. In addition, the manual will cover |
| topics necessary for developers including the development environment, APIs, |
| deployment, security, and so on. |
| |
| === Main systems |
| |
| OFBiz at its core is a collection of systems: |
| |
| - A web server (Apache Tomcat) |
| - A web MVC framework for routing and handling requests. |
| - An entity engine to define, load and manipulate data. |
| - A service engine to define and control business logic. |
| - A widget system to draw and interact with a user interface. |
| |
| On top of the above mentioned core systems, OFBiz provides: |
| |
| - A data model shared across most businesses defining things like orders, |
| invoices, general ledgers, customers and so on. |
| - A library of services that operate on the above mentioned data model such as |
| "createBillingAccount" or "updateInvoice" and so on. |
| - A collection of applications that provide a user interface to allow users to |
| interact with the system. These applications usually operate on the existing |
| data model and service library. Examples include the "Accounting Manager" and |
| "Order Manager". |
| - A collection of optional applications called "plugins" that extend basic |
| functionality and is the main way to add custom logic to OFBiz. |
| |
| === Components |
| |
| The basic unit in OFBiz is called "component". A component is at a minimum a |
| folder with a file inside of it called "ofbiz-component.xml" |
| |
| Every application in OFBiz is a component. For example, the order manager is a |
| component, the accounting manager is also a component, and so on. |
| |
| By convention, OFBiz components have the following main directory structure: |
| |
| [source] |
| -- |
| component-name-here/ |
| ├── config/ - Properties and translation labels (i18n) |
| ├── data/ - XML data to load into the database |
| ├── entitydef/ - Defined database entities |
| ├── minilang/ - A collection of scripts written in minilang (deprecated) |
| ├── ofbiz-component.xml - The OFBiz main component configuration file |
| ├── servicedef - Defined services. |
| ├── src/ |
| ├── docs/ - component documentation source |
| └── main/groovy/ - A collection of scripts written in Groovy |
| └── main/java/ - java source code |
| └── test/groovy/ - A collection of scripts written in Groovy |
| └── test/java/ - java unit-tests |
| ├── testdef - Defined integration-tests |
| ├── webapp - One or more Java webapps including the control servlet |
| └── widget - Screens, forms, menus and other widgets |
| -- |
| |
| It is apparent from the above directory structure that each OFBiz component is |
| in fact a full application as it contains entities, data, services, user |
| interface, routing, tests, and business logic. |
| |
| Both core OFBiz applications as well as plugins are nothing more than components. |
| The only difference is that core applications reside in the "applications" folder |
| whereas plugins reside in the "plugins" folder; also OFBiz does not ship with |
| plugins by default. |
| |
| === Example workflow |
| |
| Many basic concepts were explained so far. An example would help in putting |
| all of these concepts together to understand the bigger picture. Let us take |
| an example where a user opens a web browser and enters a certain URL and hits |
| the enter key. What happens? It turns out answering this question is not quite |
| simple because lots of things occur the moment the user hits "enter". |
| |
| To try to explain what happens, take a look at the below diagram. Do not worry |
| if it is not fully understandable, we will go through most of it in our example. |
| |
| image::ofbiz-architecture.png[] |
| |
| ==== User enters URL |
| |
| In the first step in our example, the user enters the following URL: |
| |
| https://localhost:8443/accounting/control/findInvoices |
| |
| If we break down this URL, we identify the following parts: |
| |
| - localhost: Name of the server in which OFBiz is running |
| - 8443: Default https port for OFBiz |
| - accounting: web application name. A web application is something |
| which is defined _inside_ a component |
| - control: Tells OFBiz to transfer routing to the control servlet |
| - findInvoices: request name inside the control servlet |
| |
| ==== Control servlet takes over |
| |
| The Java Servlet Container (tomcat) re-routes incoming requests through web.xml |
| to a special OFBiz servlet called the control servlet. The control servlet for |
| each OFBiz component is defined in controller.xml under the webapp folder. |
| |
| The main configuration for routing happens in controller.xml. The purpose of |
| this file is to map requests to responses. |
| |
| ===== Request Map |
| |
| A request in the control servlet might contain the following information: |
| |
| - Define communication protocol (http or https) as well as whether |
| authentication is required. |
| - Fire up an event which could be either a piece of code (like a script) or a |
| service. |
| - Define a response to the request. A response could either be another request |
| or a view map. |
| |
| So in this example, the findInvoices request is mapped to a findInvoices view. |
| |
| ===== View Map |
| |
| A view map maps a view name to a certain view-type and a certain location. |
| |
| View types can be one of: |
| |
| - screen: A screen widget which translates to normal HTML. |
| - screenfop: A PDF screen designed with Apache FOP based constructs. |
| - screencsv: A comma separated value output report. |
| - screenxml: An XML document. |
| - simple-content; A special MIME content type (like binary files). |
| - ftl: An HTML document generated directly from a FreeMarker template. |
| - screenxls: An Excel spreadsheet. |
| |
| In the findInvoices example, the view-map type is a normal screen which is |
| mapped to the screen: |
| component://accounting/widget/InvoiceScreens.xml#FindInvoices |
| |
| ==== Widget rendered |
| |
| Once the screen location is identified and retrieved from the previous step, |
| the OFBiz widget system starts to translate the XML definition of the screen |
| to actual HTML output. |
| |
| A screen is a collection of many different things and can include: |
| |
| - Other screens |
| - Decorator screens |
| - Conditional logic for hiding / showing parts of the screen |
| - data preparation directives in the <action> tag |
| - Forms |
| - Menus |
| - Trees |
| - Platform specific code (like FreeMarker for HTML output) |
| - Others (portals, images labels etc ...) |
| |
| Continuing the example, the FindInvoices screen contains many details including |
| two forms. One form is for entering invoice search fields and the other form |
| displays search results. |
| |
| include::docs/asciidoc/_include/OFBizDocumentationSystem.adoc[leveloffset=+2] |
| |
| == Web Framework |
| |
| include::framework/webapp/src/docs/asciidoc/webapp.adoc[leveloffset=+1] |
| |
| === Control Servlet |
| |
| ==== Requests |
| |
| ==== Views |
| |
| include::framework/entity/src/docs/asciidoc/entity-engine.adoc[leveloffset=+1] |
| |
| === Entities |
| |
| ==== Standard Entities |
| |
| ==== View Entities |
| |
| ==== Extended Entities |
| |
| ==== Dynamic View Entities |
| |
| === XML Data |
| |
| include::framework/datafile/src/docs/asciidoc/datafiles.adoc[leveloffset=+2] |
| |
| === Entity engine configuration |
| |
| === Supported databases |
| |
| include::applications/datamodel/DATAMODEL_CHANGES.adoc[leveloffset=+2] |
| |
| == Service Engine |
| A description of the service engine can be found at the |
| https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBIZ/Service+Engine+Guide[OFBiz wiki Service Engine Guide] |
| |
| === Declaration and Implementation |
| |
| === Supported languages |
| |
| === Transaction management |
| |
| === Web services |
| |
| == Widget System |
| |
| === Screen Widget |
| |
| ==== Decoration Pattern |
| |
| === Form Widget |
| |
| === Menu Widget |
| |
| === Tree Widget |
| |
| === Portal Widget |
| |
| === Platform Specific Code |
| |
| include::themes/docs/themes.adoc[leveloffset=+2] |
| |
| == Core APIs |
| |
| == Development environment |
| |
| === Setup your environment |
| |
| ==== Java SE |
| |
| ==== IDE |
| |
| ===== Eclipse |
| |
| ===== Intellij Idea |
| |
| ==== Database |
| |
| === Web tools |
| The Webtools application is the UI-gateway to all the framework functions. |
| |
| include::framework/webtools/src/docs/asciidoc/_include/webtools-main.adoc[leveloffset=+3] |
| |
| include::framework/minilang/src/docs/asciidoc/minilang-to-groovy-manual.adoc[leveloffset=+1] |
| |
| == Testing |
| |
| include::framework/testtools/src/docs/asciidoc/unit-tests.adoc[leveloffset=+2] |
| |
| === Integration Tests |
| |
| == Deployment |
| |
| For a core configuration guide check |
| https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBIZ/Framework+Configuration+Guide[the OFBiz configuration Guide] |
| (some points are not up to date). |
| |
| |
| include::framework/base/src/docs/asciidoc/email.adoc[leveloffset=+2] |
| |
| include::framework/security/src/docs/asciidoc/security.adoc[leveloffset=+1] |
| |
| == Appendices |
| |
| // Developers Plugins |
| |
| include::plugins/docs/asciidoc/plugins-developer-manual.adoc[leveloffset=+1] |