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= The Apache OFBiz documentation system
== Overview
there are two supports for OFbiz documentation, the[wiki]
and some mains documents (in pdf and html format)
* user-manual
* developer-manual
* documentation_guidelines
=== Asciidoc
The OFBiz documents are generated from a number of Asciidoc files. In general the files are stored on each component
in the 'src/docs/asciidoc' directories. +
The general main documents include all files from component.
The manuals and guidelines documents are located in docs/asciidoc directories, and REAME.adoc is in root directory.
Help link in the OFBiz user interface, are link to the user-manual generated by buildbot process from Apache OFBiz community.
Its possible to change a property in OFBiz to have link to your own generation.
For details about asciidoc rules used in Apache OFBiz have a look to link:documentation_guidelines.html[Documentation Guidelines]
==== Application components
All main files of each component are included in user-manual.adoc
==== Framework components
All main files of each component are included in developer-manual.adoc except for webtools which is included in user-manual
==== Plugins
For the main files of the plugin components, there are two ways to read them.
On the one hand, the plugin documentation generation process generates one document per plugin, so that you can see
the list of documents in the link:../../pluginsdoc[pluginsdoc directory] and thus read each of them;
On the other hand, each plugin master file is included in the plugin chapter of the user manual or developer manual,
depending on whether the plugin is "technical" or "functional".
=== Wiki
Wiki is the second way to contribute to the documentation.
Detail on how to[Help for providing help content]
is on the wiki icon:smile-o[]
Most of wiki page has been or will be migrated to the asciidoc pages, but, as wiki is more easier to be update
(update existing page or create new one) the two system will continue to exist and live.
== Contributing a new help screen, a few steps.
link:documentation_guidelines.html[Documentation Guidelines] is the first doc to read to be able to contribute to documentation
and/or help.
If you are looking for asciidoc files format examples, please look at the following files:
. An example for a chapter of a component at: applications/humanres/src/docs/asccidoc/_include/hr-intro.adoc
. An example of a help screen: applications/humanres/src/docs/asccidoc/_include/HELP-hr-main.adoc
=== Screens
If you would like to create a new help for a certain screen, you need to do the following:
. Write documentation in a functional point of view and in a process perspective.
. Each title (in all level) generate in html an anchor, so starting point of the help should be a title.
. Take the anchor generated (something like _the_title , with only lowercase), for example by looking in the html file generated.
. In the screen add a `<set field` for `helpAnchor` with anchor generated as value.
== Internationalization of the help system
Currently documentation is only in English (except for 3 or 4 files, not included).
In near future, there will be a solution to be able to have documentation/help in multiple languages,
a[jira (OFBIZ-12030)] is open of that.
The switching between locale will be completely automatic (depending on OFBiz user local)