blob: fd7a9baf1c6adfe15e9b2f0f368265a8b795d13a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2009, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Use is subject to license terms.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
* of the License at You can also
* obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package schema2template.model;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.AttributeExp;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.DataExp;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.ElementExp;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.Expression;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.NameClassAndExpression;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.ValueExp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* One of the following RelaxNG definitions of an Element, Attribute, Value or Datatype.
* <p>Each PuzzlePiece encapsulates one MSV Expression. Two PuzzlePiece can share
* the same MSV Expression (RelaxNG pattern:
* &lt;element&gt;&lt;choice&gt;&lt;name&gt;aName&lt;/name&gt;&lt;name&gt;anotherName&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/choice&gt;&lt;/element&gt;)
* </p>
* <p>Conventions: <ul>
* <li>hashCode uses the hashCode from the encapsulated Expressions. So two Definitions (rarely) can
* have the same hashCode. Equals uses Name _and_ hashCode.</li>
* <li>Sorting is done by ns:local tag names as first key and hashCode as second key.</li>
* <li>All returned PuzzlePieceSet objects are immutable to protect them against
* naive usage in velocity templates</li></ul></p>
public class PuzzlePiece implements Comparable<PuzzlePiece>, QNamedPuzzleComponent {
private static MSVExpressionVisitorType TYPE_VISITOR = new MSVExpressionVisitorType();
private static MSVNameClassVisitorList NAME_VISITOR = new MSVNameClassVisitorList();
private Expression mExpression;
// all multiples of this tagname (contains only this if there are no multiples)
private PuzzlePieceSet mMultiples = new PuzzlePieceSet();
// definitions of elements which can have this as children
private PuzzlePieceSet mParents = new PuzzlePieceSet();
// ns:local tagname
private String mName;
/* Properties for PuzzlePiece of Type.ELEMENT */
private PuzzlePieceSet mChildElements = new PuzzlePieceSet();
private HashSet<String> mMandatoryChildElementNames = new HashSet<String>();
private PuzzlePieceSet mAttributes = new PuzzlePieceSet();
private HashSet<String> mMandatoryChildAttributeNames = new HashSet<String>();
private boolean mCanHaveText = false;
private Set<Expression> mSingletonChildExpressions;
private Set<Expression> mMultipleChildExpressions;
/* Properties for PuzzlePiece of Type.ATTRIBUTE */
// Values like "left", "centered", "right"
private PuzzlePieceSet mValues = new PuzzlePieceSet();
// generic Data Types like "string", "countryCode", ...
private PuzzlePieceSet mDatatypes = new PuzzlePieceSet();
private PuzzlePiece(Expression exp, String name) {
mExpression = exp;
mName = name;
private PuzzlePiece(Expression exp) {
mExpression = exp;
MSVExpressionType type = (MSVExpressionType) exp.visit(TYPE_VISITOR);
if (type == MSVExpressionType.ATTRIBUTE || type == MSVExpressionType.ELEMENT) {
List<String> names = (List<String>) ((NameClassAndExpression) exp).getNameClass().visit(NAME_VISITOR);
if (names == null || names.size() != 1) {
throw new RuntimeException("Definition: ELEMENT or ATTRIBUTE expression exp with none or more than one name is only allowed in this(exp, name)");
mName = names.get(0);
if (type == MSVExpressionType.VALUE) {
mName = ((ValueExp) exp).value.toString();
if (type == MSVExpressionType.DATA) {
mName = ((DataExp) exp).getName().localName;
* Uses the name and the wrapped MSV Expression to test for equality.
* @param b Another object
* @return Whether both objects equal
public boolean equals(Object b) {
if (b instanceof PuzzlePiece) {
PuzzlePiece d = (PuzzlePiece) b;
if (d.mName.equals(mName) && d.mExpression.equals(mExpression)) {
return true;
return false;
* Uses the wrapped MSV Expression for the hashCode. MSV Expressions are numbered consecutively by a distinct Hash Code.
public int hashCode() {
return mExpression.hashCode();
* Uses the ns:local name of the wrapped MSV Expression as first key and the hashCode as second key.
* If o1.equals(o2) this method will return 0 (since both must share the same Expression and name).
* @param o Other Object
* @return Comparison
public int compareTo(PuzzlePiece o) {
int retval = mName.compareTo(o.mName);
if (retval != 0) {
return retval;
return hashCode() - o.hashCode();
* Return whether the content of this and of another PuzzlePiece are equal.
* Content is everything that's inside a RelaxNG definition block. So child
* elements, attributes, data types, name, definition type are all content.
* Parent elements or multiples are no content information as they're
* outside the RelaxNG definition block.
* This method is useful for reduction of Multiples with identical
* definition content.
* No recursive checking: E.g. the child element DefinitionSets have to be really
* equal to let this.contentEquals(other) be true. So PuzzlePiece reduction
* has to be bottom up (VALUES, DATATYPES -> ATTRIBUTES -> ELEMENTS) and reduction
* of ELEMENT definitions is not really possible (how to go bottom up in
* ELEMENT tree?)
protected boolean contentEquals(PuzzlePiece other) {
if (!mName.equals(other.mName)) {
return false;
if (!getType().equals(other.getType())) {
return false;
if (mCanHaveText != other.mCanHaveText) {
return false;
if (!mChildElements.equals(other.mChildElements)) {
return false;
if (!mAttributes.equals(other.mAttributes)) {
return false;
if (!mMandatoryChildElementNames.equals(other.mMandatoryChildElementNames)) {
return false;
if (!mMandatoryChildAttributeNames.equals(other.mMandatoryChildAttributeNames)) {
return false;
if (!mValues.equals(other.mValues)) {
return false;
if (!mDatatypes.equals(other.mDatatypes)) {
return false;
return true;
* Gets the ns:local tag name of this PuzzlePiece
* @return The tag name
public String getQName() {
return mName;
public String getLocalName() {
return XMLModel.extractLocalname(mName);
public String getNamespace() {
return XMLModel.extractNamespace(mName);
* <p>Returns String representation (convenient method for getQName())</p>
* <p>Template Usage: Just use $aDefinition as you would use a string variable.</p>
public String toString() {
return getQName();
* Gets the type of this (ELEMENT, ATTRIBUTE, DATA, VALUE)
* @return The ExpressionType of this PuzzlePiece
public MSVExpressionType getType() {
return (MSVExpressionType) mExpression.visit(TYPE_VISITOR);
* Gets the wrapped Expression
* @return The Expression wrapped by this.
public Expression getExpression() {
return mExpression;
* Determines whether this Element can have a text node as child
public boolean canHaveText() {
return mCanHaveText;
public boolean isSingleton(PuzzleComponent child) {
for (PuzzlePiece element : child.getCollection()) {
if (mMultipleChildExpressions.contains(element.getExpression())) {
return false;
if (!mSingletonChildExpressions.contains(element.getExpression())) {
throw new RuntimeException("Definition.isSingleton: Unknown child element.");
return true;
public Collection<PuzzlePiece> getCollection() {
return Collections.singletonList(this);
* Gets the List of Definitions which share the same tag name, but are defined multiple times in the schema.
* The list is type specific, i.e. an ATTRIBUTE can never be a multiple of an ELEMENT.
* @return The list of Definitions which share the same tag name.
public PuzzlePieceSet withMultiples() {
return mMultiples;
* Gets the index of 'this' in the List of Definitions returned by withMultiples()
* @return Index of this PuzzlePiece object in the PuzzlePieceSet returned by withMultiples()
public int getMultipleNumber() {
int retval = 0;
Iterator<PuzzlePiece> iter = mMultiples.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
if ( {
return retval;
throw new RuntimeException("aDefinition.getMultipleNumber: Internal error");
* Gets the Parents which can contain this PuzzlePiece as a child
* @return The parent Definitions
public PuzzlePieceSet getParents() {
return mParents;
* Gets the child elements of this PuzzlePiece. Please note that only Definitions of type ELEMENT can have child elements.
* @return The child Definitions of type ELEMENT
public PuzzlePieceSet getChildElements() {
return mChildElements;
public boolean isMandatory(QNamedPuzzleComponent child) {
switch (child.getType()) {
if (mMandatoryChildAttributeNames.contains(child.getQName())) {
return true;
if (mMandatoryChildElementNames.contains(child.getQName())) {
return true;
return false;
* Gets the Attributes of this PuzzlePiece. Please note that only Definitions of type ELEMENT can have attributes.
* @return The child Definitions of type ATTRIBUTE
public PuzzlePieceSet getAttributes() {
return mAttributes;
* Gets the defined constant values. Please note that only Definitions of type ATTRIBUTE can have values.
* @return The constant values
public PuzzlePieceSet getValues() {
return mValues;
* Gets the defined datatypes. Please note that only Definitions of type ATTRIBUTE can have datatypes.
* @return The datatypes
public PuzzlePieceSet getDatatypes() {
return mDatatypes;
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* PuzzlePiece Factory
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Creates all PuzzlePiece objects from MSV root tree.
* The PuzzlePiece objects are all made immutable to protect them
* against changes by naive template usage. Note that the Sets of all elements/attributes
* can only be made immutable by the caller after this method run.
* @param root MSV root Expression
* @param newElementSet empty Set. Will be filled with Definitions of Type.ELEMENT
* @param newAttributeSet empty Set. Will be filled with Definitions of Type.ATTRIBUTE
public static void extractPuzzlePieces(Expression root, PuzzlePieceSet newElementSet, PuzzlePieceSet newAttributeSet) {
// e.g. the newElementSet is the set to iterate later in the template
extractTypedPuzzlePieces(root, newElementSet, ElementExp.class);
extractTypedPuzzlePieces(root, newAttributeSet, AttributeExp.class);
configureProperties(newElementSet, newAttributeSet);
reduceAttributes(newElementSet, newAttributeSet);
// Extracts all Definitions of Type [ATTRIBUTE, ELEMENT] from MSV tree.
private static <T extends Expression> void extractTypedPuzzlePieces(Expression root, PuzzlePieceSet setToBeFilled, Class<T> superclass) {
MSVExpressionIterator iter = new MSVExpressionIterator(root, superclass);
HashMap<String, List<PuzzlePiece>> multipleMap = new HashMap<String, List<PuzzlePiece>>();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Expression exp =;
// If there is more than one name for this expression, create more than one PuzzlePiece
List<String> names = (List<String>) ((NameClassAndExpression) exp).getNameClass().visit(NAME_VISITOR);
for (String name : names) {
if (name.length() == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unnamed ELEMENT or ATTRIBUTE expression.");
// Create and store new definition
PuzzlePiece newDefinition = new PuzzlePiece(exp, name);
// Check for multiples
List<PuzzlePiece> multiples = multipleMap.get(name);
if (multiples != null) {
} else {
multiples = new ArrayList<PuzzlePiece>(1);
multipleMap.put(name, multiples);
// Fills multiple information
Iterator<PuzzlePiece> defIter = setToBeFilled.iterator();
while (defIter.hasNext()) {
PuzzlePiece def =;
def.mMultiples = new PuzzlePieceSet(multipleMap.get(def.getQName()));
// Builds Map Expression->List<PuzzlePiece>
private static Map<Expression, List<PuzzlePiece>> buildReverseMap(PuzzlePieceSet defs) {
Map<Expression, List<PuzzlePiece>> retval = new HashMap<Expression, List<PuzzlePiece>>();
Iterator<PuzzlePiece> iter = defs.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
PuzzlePiece def =;
List<PuzzlePiece> list = retval.get(def.getExpression());
if (list == null) {
list = new ArrayList<PuzzlePiece>();
retval.put(def.getExpression(), list);
return retval;
// Builds Map Name->List<Expression>
private static Map<String, List<Expression>> buildNameExpressionsMap(PuzzlePieceSet defs) {
Map<String, List<Expression>> retval = new HashMap<String, List<Expression>>();
Iterator<PuzzlePiece> iter = defs.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
PuzzlePiece def =;
List<Expression> list = retval.get(def.getQName());
if (list == null) {
list = new ArrayList<Expression>();
retval.put(def.getQName(), list);
return retval;
// Unite Value Definitions with equal content. Has to be last step (after Value Definitions have been assigned to Attributes)
private static void reduceValues(PuzzlePieceSet attributes) {
PuzzlePieceSet values = new PuzzlePieceSet();
for (PuzzlePiece attr : attributes) {
Map<PuzzlePiece, PuzzlePiece> lostToSurvived = values.uniteDefinitionsWithEqualContent();
for (PuzzlePiece attr : attributes) {
PuzzlePieceSet attributeValues = attr.getValues();
PuzzlePieceSet immutable = new PuzzlePieceSet(attributeValues);
for (PuzzlePiece value : immutable) {
if (lostToSurvived.containsKey(value)) {
// Replace lost with survived
// Unite Datatype Definitions with equal content. Has to be last step (after Datatype Definitions have been assigned to Attributes).
// Has to be even after reduceValues and reduceDatatypes, otherwise some attributes do not seem to have equal content
private static void reduceDatatypes(PuzzlePieceSet attributes) {
PuzzlePieceSet datatypes = new PuzzlePieceSet();
for (PuzzlePiece attr : attributes) {
Map<PuzzlePiece, PuzzlePiece> lostToSurvived = datatypes.uniteDefinitionsWithEqualContent();
for (PuzzlePiece attr : attributes) {
PuzzlePieceSet attributeDatatypes = attr.getValues();
PuzzlePieceSet immutable = new PuzzlePieceSet(attributeDatatypes);
for (PuzzlePiece datatype : immutable) {
if (lostToSurvived.containsKey(datatype)) {
// Replace lost with survived
// Unite Attribute Definitions with equal content. Has to be last step (after Attribute Definitions have been assigned to Elements)
private static void reduceAttributes(PuzzlePieceSet elements, PuzzlePieceSet attributes) {
Map<PuzzlePiece, PuzzlePiece> lostToSurvived = attributes.uniteDefinitionsWithEqualContent();
for (PuzzlePiece el : elements) {
PuzzlePieceSet elementAttributes = el.getAttributes();
PuzzlePieceSet immutable = new PuzzlePieceSet(elementAttributes);
for (PuzzlePiece attribute : immutable) {
if (lostToSurvived.containsKey(attribute)) {
// Replace lost with survived
// Sets Children, Attributes and Parents.
private static void configureProperties(PuzzlePieceSet elements, PuzzlePieceSet attributes) {
Map<Expression, List<PuzzlePiece>> reverseElementMap = buildReverseMap(elements);
Map<Expression, List<PuzzlePiece>> reverseAttributeMap = buildReverseMap(attributes);
// Handle Element Definitions
Iterator<PuzzlePiece> iter = elements.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
PuzzlePiece def =;
MSVExpressionIterator childFinder = new MSVExpressionIterator(def.getExpression(), NameClassAndExpression.class, MSVExpressionIterator.DIRECT_CHILDREN_ONLY);
while (childFinder.hasNext()) {
Expression child_exp =;
List<PuzzlePiece> child_defs = null;
PuzzlePieceSet whereToAdd = null;
if (child_exp instanceof ElementExp) {
child_defs = reverseElementMap.get(child_exp);
whereToAdd = def.mChildElements;
} else if (child_exp instanceof AttributeExp) {
child_defs = reverseAttributeMap.get(child_exp);
whereToAdd = def.mAttributes;
if (child_defs != null) {
for (PuzzlePiece child_def : child_defs) {
MSVExpressionInformation elementInfo = new MSVExpressionInformation(def.getExpression());
def.mCanHaveText = elementInfo.canHaveText();
Map<String, List<Expression>> atnameToDefs = buildNameExpressionsMap(def.mAttributes);
for (String name : atnameToDefs.keySet()) {
if (elementInfo.isMandatory(atnameToDefs.get(name))) {
Map<String, List<Expression>> elnameToDefs = buildNameExpressionsMap(def.mChildElements);
for (String name : elnameToDefs.keySet()) {
if (elementInfo.isMandatory(elnameToDefs.get(name))) {
def.mSingletonChildExpressions = elementInfo.getSingletons();
def.mMultipleChildExpressions = elementInfo.getMultiples();
// Handle Attribute Definitions
Iterator<PuzzlePiece> aiter = attributes.iterator();
while (aiter.hasNext()) {
PuzzlePiece def =;
MSVExpressionIterator datatypeFinder = new MSVExpressionIterator(def.getExpression(), DataExp.class, MSVExpressionIterator.DIRECT_CHILDREN_ONLY);
while (datatypeFinder.hasNext()) {
DataExp data_exp = (DataExp);
def.mDatatypes.add(new PuzzlePiece(data_exp));
MSVExpressionIterator valueFinder = new MSVExpressionIterator(def.getExpression(), ValueExp.class, MSVExpressionIterator.DIRECT_CHILDREN_ONLY);
while (valueFinder.hasNext()) {
ValueExp value_exp = (ValueExp);
if (value_exp.getName().localName.equals("token")) {
def.mValues.add(new PuzzlePiece(value_exp));
// Makes all Definitions unmodifiable
private static void makePuzzlePiecesImmutable(PuzzlePieceSet defs) {
Iterator<PuzzlePiece> iter = defs.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
PuzzlePiece def =;